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File: 69 KB, 640x440, cv64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5684606 No.5684606 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that this is actually the best 5th gen Castlevania game.

SotNiggers will never understand.

>> No.5684610

Even if this is just a console war thread, I'll say that cv64 has a lot of redeeming qualities, and a lot of the hate it gets comes from people having second hand opinions of it.

>> No.5684616

2/10 almost got baited

>> No.5684621

legacy of darkness is better and you're wrong

>> No.5684640

nope, lod has shittier redesigned levels, worse intro, no voice acting and you can't play as reinhardt on new saves

>> No.5684656

Smells more like anti-JRPGvaniaposting than console warring to me.

>> No.5684719

The platforming is kinda rough (which is a cardinal sin for a Castlevania game), but honestly I dig the overall experience. Not one of the great vanias, but far, far from the worst.

>> No.5684721

>Stop liking things I don't like!
So am I missing something or is /vr/ culture just "hate on whatever they like"

>> No.5684758

Seething iganiggers. Sotn will never be respected on /vr/.

>> No.5684882

This, OP is massively overcorrecting. CV64 is incredibly flawed but its still a great game with excellent atmosphere and art design.

>> No.5684883

>shitty fucking goddamn 3d platformer game
Holy fuck, kids. Stop sucking the goddamn N64's dick just because it was your first console when you were a dumb kid and didn't know its games were fucking horrible.

>> No.5684890

At least it has actual platforming elements.
Also, kids who had the PS1 as first console are also a factor, so.

>> No.5684916

Spotted the Sonyscum that never even played the game.

>> No.5684923
File: 100 KB, 613x238, 03-SM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first console was a Pong console in the 70s, kid. Meanwhile, you're just blind to fucking terrible games.

Bet you think goddamn Mario 64 was LOLBESTGAMEEVER, too. And hell, I'm sure you're a fucking MGS fan, also, and that is goddamn garbage.

Gaming went to shit in the mid-90s.

>> No.5684924

I don't really care about Castlevania after it starts trying to be Metroid.
I just find it funny that this is the state of the board. It's just you guys flinging shit at each other because everywhere else has shoved shitflinging as far away as they can.

>> No.5684930

Does the 64 sequel improve on it significantly enough to be worth playing?

>> No.5684948

My recommendation is to beat CV64 with Reinhardt and Carrie, then move onto LoD and play the furry's campaign, and Henry's too I guess.

>> No.5686828

I liked the amount of content it gave us. especially the colloseum tower or whatever that stage was called. first you fight all the were-minibosses and then the ceiling collapses above the arena. it was actually quite based and I really liked it. I also liked how different protags had different stages and encounters. maybe I'll give it a replay but I do find the hitboxes and actual fighting floaty and wonky as fuck.
then again, SotN also had a fuckload of content.

>> No.5686830

Both games are garbage and this game is even worse

>> No.5686835

>the furry

Cornell really isn't as uncool as you try to make it seem.

>> No.5686846

Legacy of darkness is where is at. I feel like Sotn is a beta testing for the better castlevania games on the ds.

>> No.5686880

Shove an Atari Joystick up your ass you old pretentious prick. I played C64 as a kid too, and I knew it was shit back then, but you don't have to get your Boomer boxers in a wad when someone has a different opinion than you. Jesus.

>> No.5686889

castlevania died when it turned homo with androgynous characters.

>> No.5687145

Elaborate. CV64 is janky but fun, SotN gets boring too fast. I still wouldn't call either garbage though.

>> No.5687910

>second hand opinions of it.
I played and beat it last year and thought it was middling at best

>> No.5687923

Then I wasn't talking about you. I'm talking about people that go "omg the nitro level"

>> No.5687979

To be fair, that part is shit. I'd rather Konami have left out Castle Center and the Villa levels and made the game pure action/platforming with no adventure elements.

>> No.5688009
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, big_1496148706_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario is apparently incapable of walking in a straight line (no really-try it!)

>> No.5688020

this gotta be bait

>> No.5688042

AVGN said it's bad and he got no reason to lie.

>> No.5688053

when's James gonna revisit CV64 like he did Superman 64 and give it a proper review this time? Last one he ragequit at the mandragora part and missed a good chunk of the rest of the game.

>> No.5688061

As much as I enjoyed the pure action-platforming levels (even though Tower of Sorcery is sadistic), I liked the adventure/survival horror-ish elements in Villa and Castle hall.
The Nitro part isn't even hard, the level has a very clear layout for a route you can take to avoid having to jump while you carry the nitro. It's not really as bad as it seems at first.
Anyway, AVGN made that part very infamous. The problem isn't AVGN though, AVGN is a character that's not meant to be taken seriously. The problem is people who take the Nerd seriously and parrot his gags and catch phrases.

>> No.5688092
File: 36 KB, 467x217, 1559470777931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP knows what's up.

>> No.5688331
File: 38 KB, 640x480, Castlevania (U) (V1.2) snap0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big, cheesy monsters
lol that image didn't age well

>> No.5688472

the level of cope in this post is too damn high

>> No.5688473

Looks badass

>> No.5688526

Why not just play Legacy of Darkness?

>> No.5688537

>ugly low-poly models and tiny vaseline-filtered textures good
>beautiful, hand-crafted pixel art bad

>> No.5688549

can't unlock Simon's clothers for Reinhardt or Maria's dress for Carrie.

>> No.5689324

Personally I like the original more. The fact that LoD added an escort mission to the hedge maze section never sat right with me. Even though it unquestionably made improvements to things like the camera, combat and platforming, I feel the overall structure of the game is worse off your first time through as Cornell compared to Reinhardt's campaign in the original release. Some of the changes just weren't for the better, but it sure seems like everyone else thinks they were. Maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea but I definitely enjoyed the original more.

>> No.5689434

I think I played this game once when I was a kid and instantly knew it was trash. Went right back to SM64.

>> No.5689446

I felt the same way as a kid and for a long time after that as well, but I honestly think Castlevania 64 has held up surprisingly well. Playing it for the first time since childhood not too long ago I was surprised that everything about it still felt pretty good, much better than I remember it feeling as a kid that kept falling in the fucking water.

>> No.5691249

Cv64 > Lod > Sotn saturn > Sotn ps1

>> No.5691252

I like your style

>> No.5691259

Video game journalists have always been drooling subhumans. Just in the 90s they didn't actually hate the medium of video games and the people who play them.

>> No.5691264

it's not surprising that games journalism is on it's way out with their garbage tier websites. When you attack the customer base the end isn't too long off

>> No.5692286
File: 7 KB, 319x181, castlevania anniversary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which of these are actually worth playing?

>> No.5692296

>no msx cv
>no x68000 cv
>no haunted castle
>including a megaman clone in a castlevania collection

what the fuck konami

>> No.5692324
File: 96 KB, 500x443, 598373FC-505B-439C-84FE-5334AAB39C54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5692340

Thats a port/remake of a 4th gen game, my dude. Doesnt count.

>> No.5693179

>Sotn saturn > Sotn ps1

>> No.5693186

PSP SOTN > Saturn SOTN > Japanese PS SOTN > localized PS SOTN

>> No.5693206

Still jelly of my Saturn-exclusive content, bruh?

>> No.5693242

Yeah, especially the lag

>> No.5693282

What lag? Did you play it in some shit emulator? Played it on a real Saturn and it runs fucking fine.

>> No.5693306

PSX version has cases of slowdowns too. Your point?

>> No.5693837

Why would that be a negative in a castlevania game anyway? That's how you know they were just grasping for something bad to say about it

>> No.5693841

All of them. Form your own opinions. What's with all the "worth playing" posts? Try lots of games, spend more time on the ones you like.

>> No.5693904

Back in elementary school my friend and I would play this believing the mansion + hedge maze was one of the most intense levels ever created. Despite its flaws there aren't many other games that make me feel as nostalgic as this one

>> No.5693946

You’re a fucking moron. It doesn’t “run fucking fine” at all.

Far, far less. Dolt.

>> No.5693949

It’s a botched port, guy. Uneven pixel scaling, lack of transparencies, copious amounts of slowdown, load times where there aren’t any in the PSX version. The added content clashes with the rest of the castle and is ultimately forgettable.

Even Iga is ashamed of the Saturn port.

>> No.5693969

>cucking to iga
>exaggerating technical issues
sonyfag cope

>> No.5694004

Saturn cultist seething. I don’t even care much for SotN; favorite Metroidvanias are CotM and OoE.
That being said, seeing you lot defend shitty Saturn ports always gives me a good laugh.

>> No.5694053 [DELETED] 

Atariniggers have no shame
even then, i know you are lying because Sonytards likes to play the "im a bigger than all of ya'll" card

>> No.5694054

Atariniggers have no shame
even then, i know you are lying because Sonytards likes to play the "im a bigger grandpa than all of ya'll" card when losing the argument

>> No.5694221

lol are you serious right now?

>> No.5694254

It’s got a lot of slowdown and I have the physical Saturn copy running on the Saturn. Anytime there’s dust or mesh effects, it’s a massive frame drop. You can tell right from the part you start out as richter

>> No.5694317

Which are the worst?

>> No.5694782

You may not be a Sonyfag, but you still have an anti-Sega bias. How the fuck does a spooky prison or a spooky garden clash with the rest of the castle? Why should anyone care what IGA's opinion is when he didn't even direct SotN and is just an overrated hack like Keiji Inafune and Hideo Kojima? The Saturn version's not complete shit like you claim, you sound like you're butthurt you can't play it.

>> No.5694975

>The Saturn version's not complete shit like you claim
Not him but it is pretty shit. It's objectively a bad port.

>> No.5694983


I'm not a huge fan of mario 64. It was amazing at the time, but dons't have much replay value.

That being said i fucking love proper platformers. Katana Zero is my favorite new game