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568250 No.568250 [Reply] [Original]

Which version has a better soundtrack? US or JP

>> No.568268

The NA version is trash except for Tidal Tempest

Sadly, there's no way you can mix the two.

>> No.568295
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>Sonic CD

>> No.568319

US by a mile.

When I got the XBLA version, and it had the JP soundtrack by default, I was horrified until I found the option to change it.

I had the PC version back in the 90s, and it made a kickass soundtrack for Civ2 and Interstate `76

>> No.568337

What this guy said.

JP soundtrack is miles better, except for Tidal Tempest.

>> No.568348

They both have their good and bad points. Personally, I prefer the NA intro and JP everything else.

>> No.568641

Eh? If the tracks are stored as redbook, then you can. I'd investigate more, but I really dislike Sonic CD. I won't say it's a bad game, but it doesn't have quite the level of GAMEPLAY that the straight-up Genesis/MD Sonic games have.

>> No.568678

I'm pretty sure everyone knows that Sonic CD is a mediocre sonic game.

It's not a bad game or even a bad platformer, but it's like the developers did everything they could in the level design to keep you from going fast.

>> No.568698

most us fans don't even know theres no us past tracks.
it reverts to jp.

>> No.568706


It's a mix. Some US tracks are better for the stages they are in and most Jap tracks rule the night.

>> No.568707

You'll get troll rated but I'm with you. I honestly can't stand the Japanese Game Show sound of the original.
I find guitar far more enjoyable than Engrish rapping, Amen Break and cheesy gay club beats

>> No.568709

I like JP better except for Wacky Workbench


>> No.568719

Uh, no. Most US fans realize the Past music is the same in both. That's actually one of the reasons I prefer the US soundtrack. The past music is so novel and different then other time periods.
In the Jap soundtrack, the remixes get repetitive as fuck

>> No.568721


This post sums it up perfectly. You gotta go fast to activate time travel, and yet the level design is built to make that not happen

>> No.568732
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Both regions had great soundtracks and created a wonderful mixture of sound style that most games don't get to enjoy.

>> No.568737

You realize that's because the.past tracks were in the soundchip format not cd audio

>> No.568740

Sonic Boom/Little Planet > Toot Toot Sonikku Wahyah
Maybe only one or two JAP tracks are better but the rest is either too stupid, like the Metal Sonic race music, or too goofy like EVERY TRACK WITH VOCALS

>> No.568749

They almost always give you a place immediately after a Past sign to get you there.

>> No.568795

Not really, no. People complain about the level design in CD way too much. Most of the levels are great, pretty mucha ll of them have several places where it's really easy to build enough speed to time warp, even in some of the crazier places like Wacky Workbench. Once you've played through the game once or twice you can run through the whole thing in like 30 minutes. Jesus fuck, it's not that hard.

>> No.569026

You actually CAN build up speed to time travel, but that's about it. The Time travel hardly adds anything to the gameplay and the rest of the game is slow and sluggish.

and >>568795
A game isn't usually about your second or third run. anyone can beat a game if they play it enough. Sonic CD is a good platformer but a horrible sonic game, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.569047

The US boss/game over music is horrifying. The only tracks that I don't prefer the US version.

>> No.569071

Both have the better music.

>> No.569085

Holy fuck, you didn't play the same game I played.

Sonic CD is easily the best Sonic game, period. Time travel adds a ton to the gameplay and it's just a great game anyway.

>> No.569109


>few years ago
>be around 17
>listening to this song
>don't get spooked too easily, but this song is fucking demonic
>mom walks into my room, get scared
>scream and jump a little
>"What's the matter Anon?"
>"Y-y-you too..."

>> No.569116
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"Both soundtracks are good" Master Race.

Each version has it's own perk. The US's soundtrack is very subtle, very hardcore, very 90's.
The Japanese soundtrack is a lot more varied and mostly house-ish and techno. It feels more Sonic.

Both are beautiful and excellent.

>> No.569125

US soundtrack has a few good tunes, JP soundtrack is wall-to-wall good tunes.

>> No.569134

I don't know why but the JP soundtrack never sounded like it really fit the game (with the exception of the PCM "past" songs, which were the same and hit and miss for both versions).

And really? A silly rap song for the opening? Horrible.

>> No.569140
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Suggestion to make things interesting: in addition to naming which soundtrack you think is better, rank the 2D era Sonic games.



>> No.569142
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Japan definitely

Why is this even a discussion??

how can you prefer this


to this


seriously you all must be deaf

>> No.569146


>> No.569152

The US Collision chaos sounds like it's trying to be 2edgy4me

Everybody knows the Japan music is the only one that fits perfectly with a sonic game

>> No.569156

Sorry, I prefer the US one. The JP one you linked just sounds bizarre and doesn't flow well with the level.

>> No.569159


I don't disagree that there are instances where the JP soundtrack is superior to the US one, but that is not one of them.

>> No.569167

I prefer the JP one. A lot of the tracks had such a bounce to them that I love.

>> No.569170

>The JP one you linked just sounds bizarre

That just sounds like you've got nostalgia clouding you or it's the one you're used to

I played it when I was 10 and still like the Japan Collision Chaos more

It sounds more fun, faster, inciting you to run through this world full of lights and bumpers that throw you everywhere

The US soundtrack sounds like sonic taking itself waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously

>> No.569178


Go back to /v/, friend.

>> No.569182

I dunno, I really have tried giving the JP soundtrack a chance by playing the game with it. I can't get past it.

Something tells me it might be people who grew up liking rap/hip-hop/techno might be inclined to like the JP soundtrack. I'm just not a fan so it doesn't sit well with me and the traditional videogame-style music of the US version seems to work better.

>> No.569195


>> No.569207

that's a cunning counter-argument you have there, friend

>> No.569218

Idort here. They're both good. Most of the time, both versions of songs are excellent, sometimes the US version is way better, sometimes the JAP version is way better.

>> No.569224

>accusing someone of wearing nostalgia goggles for not sharing your taste in music

If the boot fits, return to the putrid sludge from whence you came.

>> No.569235

no good sir, please stop being an idiot, go back and reread my post

I made an argument, I said

>It sounds more fun, faster, inciting you to run through this world full of lights and bumpers that throw you everywhere

>The US soundtrack sounds like sonic taking itself waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously

and your counter argument is


If I may be so bold as to point it out to you, your counter argument is horrendous and makes you look like you're 12 years old

>> No.569243

>sounds like you've got nostalgia clouding you

Your words, not mine.

>> No.569258
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Should I drive you there, or do you want an ambulance?

>> No.569318

US has better bad future, but both have really good songs.

>> No.569337

Opinions and varying tastes in what we value audibly.

But I do prefer the Japanese in this case.

>> No.569441
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Best thing about the HD re-release was that it included both soundtracks and let you switch between them.

>> No.569650
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>guaranteed replies: the thread

people will ALWAYS argue about US vs JP ost, and people will ALWAYS argue about the level design and "not enough fast"
I don't think Sonic CD threads evolve further than that, I have rarely or never saw anyone share gameplay strategies, remember anecdotes with the game as kids, or dump art or screenshots... it's always the same 2 topics... why don't you guys have a fixed sonicCDargue.txt file on your drive and just paste it? Must be tiring to write the same shit over and over.

>> No.569673


Did you know the HD remake omited the timer reset mechanic when you time-travel?
In the original game, if the timer is past 5'00'' and you get to travel to either past or future, the timer goes back to 5'00 immediately, this can be helptful if you're about to run out of time. For some reason this was removed in the remake.
Not all that important and probably not many people is aware of that, but I found it annoying, there was no need to remove something that was originally in the game.

>> No.569749

Sonic CD is the very worst game in the franchise except that GBA abomination because it introduced Amy and brought about the fanboy cancer.

>> No.569764

>the level design and "not enough fast"
It's nothing to do with "not enough fast" and everything to do with the fact that the levels look like they were made by a spastic mashing the pad in Sonic 1's debug mode.

>> No.569765
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Basically this. They're both good for different reasons.

>> No.569801


If this was true, people who like Sonic CD wouldn't praise it for having intricate design that encourages platforming exploration.
Honestly I wouldn't call it the best Sonic, but it's far from all the bullshit some of you guys like to say about its design. If it really was a horrible game, it wouldn't have been successful, not everything with the Sonic name was acclaimed by critics and fans, even back then.

>> No.571118

JP by far

If it played like 2 and 3&k, and it would've been the perfect 2D sonic with the music JP CD had.

>> No.571130


JP soundtrack sounds nothing like any of these.

>> No.571152

Maybe it's relative. Anyone think of that?

>> No.571154
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People reviewing the Japanese version of Sonic CD for press purposes.

>> No.571158
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The same people reviewing the American version when it came out.

>> No.571184

JP hands down for the following.


>> No.571194

IMO the US Collision Chaos sounds almost like Green Brinstar from Super Metroid; just think about it while listening.

>> No.571339

Yeah I noticed that too, It suits Metroid really well but I don't believe it suits a sonic game at all.

Also, to me, this is a world of difference:

This sounds beautiful, the sounds of dripping water give it a certain depth

This just sounds generic and shitty

>> No.571353

CHEERY! Upbeat! Get going! You're embarking on a grand adventure!

Carnival cruise line commercial

>> No.571361
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WHY did they change the soundtrack?

Why would you do that to a poor innocent game?

Why would you deny US gamers of such genius?

>> No.571431

The first one sounds generic and shitty, the US version has a style that actually fits a videogame.

Seriously? Ugh.

Because the JP soundtrack sounds like some fucking generic club dance mix and the US one sounds like videogame music.

>> No.571462
File: 67 KB, 400x309, sega_rally_championship-182710-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US version has a style that actually fits a videogame.
>Because the JP soundtrack sounds like some fucking generic club dance mix and the US one sounds like videogame music.
>fucking generic club dance mix
>fucking generic club dance mix
>fucking generic club dance mix
>fucking generic club dance mix



>> No.571513

The past music is the same in both because the SoA guys didn't bother changing the past themes to match the music they made for the actual redbook audio.

The past is just a version of the present theme from the JP version, done through the megadrive because it's a relic of the past.

>> No.571554

that's horrible music for a racing game

it sounds like some from a sub-par menu software for a shareware cd from the mid-90's

>> No.571584

These people will never agree with you but I do. Preferring the US music is our burden

>> No.571589

What's genius about sub-par club music and silly Nip-nong rapping??

>> No.571594
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>sub-par menu software for a shareware cd from the mid-90's

You're trolling us now right?

>> No.571613

There was a big techno/dance music backlash in the US in the 80s and 90s that never happened in Europe or Asia, so I guess that's why it was changed.
To this day I can't stand the Jap music though and yes it's because I grew up with the US music. Those tunes are too ingrained into how I perceive the game and the Jap music is offensive and not at all catchy to me in the slightest.
I've never been able to see the "more like Sonic music" argument for the dancey Jap music considering MOST classic Sonic tunes are more melodic if not full on chill.

>> No.571620

You seem really upset about videogames not having videogame music. May I ask what is videogame music? Is there a videogame beat, rhythm? Try and say "videogame music" to a composer, he'll laugh you off.

>> No.571627

Jap - silly pointless vocals, spastic melody that sounds like a Japanese Price Is Right

Us - Tropical, sunny, filled with actual compositional structure and fun riffs

>> No.571647

Meanwhile the same argument is being made in FAVOR of the Jap soundtrack "US music is boring and Jap music fits a video game"

>> No.571659
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>actual compositional structure

No, it's not even about US PP not having an actual compositional structure (albeit a very repetitive one), but your denial on the Japanese version is ridicolous. Are you saying it doesn't have a compositional structure? Do you even know what you're talking about?

captcha: SEGAted patient

>> No.571674

JP music fits a fast-paced game. Sonic is fast-paced, that's it.

US music fits a slower game. It's not about videogame type of music.

>> No.571682
File: 54 KB, 276x279, 1364550890961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both for different reasons but overall the JP soundtrack is my favorite. Then again, I like Electronic in general.

U.S.'s Sonic boom is way better than the other opening though.

>> No.571690

Except for the stupid cheering at the start, Jap PP maybe is the LEAST offensive of the Jap soundtrack as far as non-Past tracks go. Even in comparison with the Jap soundtrack as a whole, the Past mixes are better put together.
Most of the others rely too much on lame vocal samples and Amen Break. The ENTIRE Jap soundtrack is like a course on how to make the most generic "up-beat" videogame music possible.

>> No.571694

Except most people except that Sonic CD is NOT A FAST GMAE

>> No.571728

The Japanese opening has a more animey feel to it and that's why I like it more (other than being a fucking great song, although I didn't like the rap stuff at the beginning but it ultimately grew on me).

Sonic Boom's lyrics are as average as they get (classic saturday cartoon opening), but the music is very well done. Still, I like You Can Do Anything a lot more, but I always get told off as a weeaboo. Fuck those guys.

>> No.571750


>> No.571751

I hated Sanic Wahyah because the singer sounded like that fat thing that sang in Jabba the Hutt's palace...

>> No.571768

>the Past mixes are better put together.

Accidentally, those past mixes are in the US version. This really works against your natural nostalgia bias. Try again when you know how to argue a composer's sensibility. Or maybe music taste while you're at it. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.571787

Oh wait, I already explained that I was fully aware of my nostalgic bias. But even listening to them now I still feel the Past mixes are FAR less annoying. Stardust Speedway as an example. the Presant and future mixes just make me want to die. That obnoxious HURHURHURHRURHRURHURHUR loop and siren wail...Jesus fuck

But the Past mix tones that down and is a lot less cluttered in general.

>> No.571791

That's what you think. Have you tried speedrunning it? You don't need to make the good acts to get the better ending.

>> No.571808

Speedrunners are in the same class of autists as Brawl tourny players and are not valid.

>> No.571813

Sorry, I thought you were another guy. But yeah, I think there's a perfect balance in all the obnoxiousness you perceive, so I guess we're arguing subjective obnoxiousness, we can stop now.

>> No.571835

>Sonic isn't meant to go fast.
>I must only play a level when I don't know anything about it, not knowing the shortcuts and how to complete it faster keeping momentum, because that would be cheating

You're actually going there.

>> No.571847

I'm not going there. But the whole structure of the game was to EXPLORE not blast through. Sorry speedfag, but its the truth.

>> No.571846

I feel like everytime someone talks about Sonic CD, they're talking about a different game.
I always hear the level designs being confusing and fucked up. What the hell? Of all the 16-bit Sonic games, this is the easiest one and you can reach the exits incredibly easy. Bosses are a joke.

>> No.571874

You can choose the attitude in which you want to play the game, it's called replay value. And why you think power sneakers are there? For showoff?

>> No.571880

>Implying you can't do both
I do a fast run, then a explore run everytime I boot this up. I love it for having more re playability than most Sonic games.

>> No.571896

Speed was a single element. I'm not saying the whole game is in slow mode but over all the game is far more deliberate in pacing than, say Rush or something. YES if you want to obsess over finding the fastest route through, by all means do it, that doesn't change how the majority of the game was set up.

>> No.571916

AH HA! You just touched on a big difference that separate the classics from the new ones. "Sonic is ALL ABOUT SPEED" kiddies don't realize that Sonic being fast was a feature, not the singular solitary point.

>> No.571930

Speed is the defining element of Sonic the Hedgehog. Hence the fast-paced soundtrack. Sonic was known for other stuff in America other than being fast, hence they got a slower-paced soundtrack. That's their problem. Doesn't mean one must suck/is wrong.

>> No.571971


Yugi Naka revealed his idea for Sonic came by speedrunning the first level of Super Mario Bros with constant b-dash. That doesn't mean it MUST be Mario. It's not Mario. Sonic doesn't need b-dashing to go fast, Sonic does it on its own, Sonic ENCOURAGES you to go fast. It's literally his own defining essence. His original theme had a rocket in the background to symbolize he was as fast as a rocket. Springs, power sneakers, loops and momentum ARE features, aiding you going fast. You get more points when you go fast and commit next to no errors.

>> No.571969

Are you saying games' mechanics were totally overhauled for US audiences? Speed was ONE trait displayed in each act a few times and then it was time for platforming.
Have a tube that zips you around! Ok time to hop on moving platforms over spikes.
Have a tunnel that blasts you into the air! Ok now it's time to carefully use these see-saws.
As for "fast" music, SonicCD is the ONLY one to be filled to the brim with shitty club music. It's not the norm for the series.

>> No.571992

Disregarding your projections, Sonic 3 would like to have a talk with you.

>> No.571997

And yet you get twice the time limit as Mario and levels that are vertically aligned.
>You get more points when you go fast and commit next to no errors.
No shit! Just like every video game ever!

>> No.572026

I'm sure it would and we would agree. Nothing about Angel Island is dancey. Hydrocity is upbeat but still not loop filled club shit. Marble Garden? That's about as groovy as it gets
Carnival Night is CIRCUS MUSIC!
Ice Cap? NOPE
Launch Base has vocal samples but it still far from generic club beats.

Which music were you thinking sounded ANYTHING like SonicCD? The steel drum from the file select? Azure Lake? Endless Mine? Chrome Gadget? I'm not seeing your point of reference.

>> No.572043

Yeah, the point was kind of moot, sorry for that, but the time limit isn't a concern since you can choose the way you play it, actively racking up rings if that's what you want. It has been said. Still doesn't change that the defining trait of Sonic is going fast. In later games Sonic is the one who can go faster and jump higher, the later games emphasize this, and so does Sonic X, if we can even take it into consideration.

Sonic was also one of the main games that promoted blast processing in America, just saying.

>> No.572083

I think we just have different notions and perceiving of music. And even if I chose Sonic 3 as comparison basis (and I love the music), I still think Sonic CD music is better than most of the tracks, at least personally. It gets stuck on my head.

>> No.572106

It was his defining trait in marketing not gameplay.
Mario actually runs faster than Sonic

>> No.572132

Well sure, if by marketing you also mean the very same opening movie in Sonic CD.

>> No.572142
File: 28 KB, 302x399, Hispanic Grim Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening: US

Everything else: JP

Mind you, I like the US soundtrack but the beats in the JP soundtrack are way better in my opinion.


>> No.572145

Someone needs to post that comparison of Mario and Sonic levels.

>> No.572262

person likes thing I don't like better post reaction image!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.572402
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Well I'm not here to hate on your opinion but at least Sonic Boom's lyrics can be heard. The other version sounds like a mess to me especially with that rap like you said. I think part of it is just nostalgia to me so I'm not going to complain your taste is bad or something. It's all opinion.


Here's the original magazine its from. It's originally a Kornheiser thing if you meant the actual meme.

>> No.572465
File: 326 KB, 527x693, sonicshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean the full sonic the hedgehog boom ost music then yes US is better by miles. If not then they're about even. There both great soundtracks. Except Metallic Madness Present and Bad Future JP. That shit sucks

>> No.572516

I played Sonic CD as a kid but replaying it on android and pc, I gotta say I like the JP soundtrack better.

The music just fits and has a certain 90's atmosphere to it.

Turns out amazon has the full jp set for 10 bucks, I just bought it to support it

>> No.572519

>Except Metallic Madness Present and Bad Future JP

You mean the most convoluted (and awesome, by extension) tracks? I don't know what we're using to rate music, but since this works out best if we just keep our opinions subjective, be at your leisure.

>> No.572546

The retarded vocal samples are absurd. I can't understand how people can like it unironically. It's fine in a "lol it's so cheesy and shitty how fun" kind of way but as for actual MUSIC? Nah,

>> No.572568

Given how much the US soundtrack sounds like the rest of the games, even the modern ones, I'm surprised at all the preference for the Jap/Euro version.
Lot of non-Americans in here I guess.

>> No.572571
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>encourages platforming exploration
>10 minute time limit
>it was popular so it can't be bad

>> No.572576

I'm American and I like the jp soundtrack.

>> No.572582

There are chords, the notes are fast but not off chords, and those Instrument Hits are Naofumi's personal Eggman theme (it was in Sonic 2 GG).
And those synth solos in the Bad future are amazing, so it's Eggman's syntethic robot voice trying to make you feel bad (Sonic, dead or alive, is mine).

>don't know what we're using to rate music, but since this works out best if we just keep our opinions subjective, be at your leisure.

>> No.572590

>Given how much the US soundtrack sounds like the rest of the games


>> No.572615

If you heard that shit on the radio you would laugh your ass off and change the station. It's too goofy.

>> No.572628

None of the other games have such a club-mix sound to them. You've got this tradition of chill, groovy and even ethnic sounding music all through he Genesis era and into the new ones.
The Jap OST is just all dance all the time. It gets tiresome.

>> No.572640

As a matter of fact I usually listen RadioSEGA on the webradio, so I keep hearing lots of that. And I don't change it because it sounds wacky to me and that's how I like it, and I don't let people decide what it's best for me to listen. That's how it's like having a life of power.

>> No.572646

>it's Eggman's syntethic robot voice trying to make you feel bad
That is the worst part and exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about ironic enjoyment. Yeah, it weird and kind of kitsch but I just can't see how one can compare it to the US version of that same level and see how much better the US one is. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and I honestly HONESTLY wish I could see it your way.

>> No.572651

Ok wow...

>> No.572672

how one can compare it to the US version of that same level and *NOT* see how much better the US one is

But its not so much that other people prefer one over the other. It's when they make statements like "it sounds more like a Sonic game" that is annoying. The Sonic games are crazy varied in style so just saying this generic fast pumping club music fits better, ESPECIALLY when SonicCD isn't even that kind of game, is insane.
Plus Engrish is just stupid and made even worse in rap, chanting or singing form.

>> No.572674

It's creative, so I'm ok with it.

>That is the worst part and exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about ironic enjoyment.

For me, it's just another layer enhancing the overall musical experience. It's like an instrument of its own that adds to the song and keeps the balance along with it. Do you hate instruments? Or musical richness?

>> No.572792

> Do you hate instruments? Or musical richness?
No I prefer those things, which is why those shitty voices superimposed on top of tired orchestra hits isn't very interesting.

>> No.572798
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So which redone version of JP's Stardust Speedway do y'all prefer?

Sonic 4 Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NglF07tfWc


Sonic Generations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6a6su4Do9c

>> No.572810

The orchestra hits are the only part of of the song that feel "tiring", and even then they don't last much. And I find those voices to be pretty cool. Again, opinions.

>> No.572818
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>> No.572823

Sonic 4's. I just can't stand that garbled YO YO YO DJ TURN IT UP shit from the original and Generations

>> No.572850

Generations for keeping the precious "HUEHUEHUEHUE" part intact.

>> No.572860


>> No.572889

I think that's what irks me the most about it. Japs trying to act hip hop is too funny for me to actually enjoy. It's so forced.
Record scratches, check. Dj's voice interjecting, check. Late 80's rap, check. MIDI orchestra hits and random, unrelated audio samples, CHECK.

>> No.572898

>liking serious hip hop


>> No.572914

And we go AGAIN to liking it in an ironic "lel Japs is so quirky" way rather than because the music is actually good.

>> No.572947

The music IS good, but your point was that the so called "funny" hip hop negated the rest of the song being good which it is. Or at least you say you don't like it because of that, it irks you. That doesn't mean the music isn't well put together.

>> No.573041

>If these cookies weren't dipped in shit, they'd be pretty good

>> No.573143
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They are both good, and I pity those who can't enjoy both.

I still prefer the U.S. one. But hey, to each his own.

>> No.573182

The JP music is more "Sonic", and fits better with the tone of the series.

That said, anyone who says that the Japanese Bad Future Stardust Speedway is better than the American can never be my friend.

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPBXgazmhg4

>> No.573187

You finally shown yourself for who you are. We like opinions here. What we don't like is people bashing things for the sake of meddling with facts. Stop trolling and get back to /v/.

>> No.573239

>The JP music is more "Sonic", and fits better with the tone of the series.
You people keep saying that and it is patently untrue. It's not even an opinion thing. Sonic music is not generally so dance-centric.

>> No.573346

It fits the surreal style well enough, and you're not the guy who gets to decide what the music style should be. The Sonic CD crew chose dance. Get over it.

>> No.573367

JP by a mile.

When I got the GC version, and it had the US soundtrack by default, I was horrified until I found the option to kill myself.

>> No.573782

Why do people like Sonic Boom better than Sonic - You Can Do Anything? It sounds so much better than whiny "Follow the rainbow!" crap.
SYCDA actually had more to do with the game too.

>> No.573820

You're so busy trying to "live a life of power" that you miss the point.
Sonic Boom directly tells the story of Robotnik taking over Little Planet and Sonic arriving on the scene. SYCDA is just random Engrish being shouted out some dude and a screechy lady

>> No.573826

I must agree here.

>> No.573883

>dat Metallic Madness GF theme
i get chills

>> No.573907

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!

>> No.574226

>SYCDA actually had more to do with the game too
It's gibberish. And even if it did have more to do with the game, so what? A theme is supposed to establish a tone, not recount a story's premise.

I think You Can Do Anything is the better tune, but don't even try to trash Sonic Boom on lyrical grounds when YCDA is comprised of garbage like "What do y' get? Say, fast jet! Doom room, cosmic zoom!"

>> No.574260

That garbage establishes the tone, though.

>> No.574367
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>>10 minute time limit


as for the popular thing, what I actually meant is that not all Sonic games were liked just for the sake of being Sonic games, Sonic 3D Blast or Sonic R were never regarded as top notch Sonic games. Sonic CD was always considered on par with the classic Megadrive titles.

>> No.574561

Aren't the lyrics for both songs just basically "You can do it Sonic! Yeah!" 50 thousand times?

>> No.575852
File: 40 KB, 316x316, 1363987857656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for hearsay. Compare them yourself:

If you're strong
You can fly
You can reach the other side
Of the rainbow
It's all right
Take a chance
Cause there is no circumstance
That you can't handle
When you use your mind
Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Trouble keeps you running faster)
Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Save the planet from disaster)
Through the dark
To the light
It's a supersonic fight
Got to keep it goin'
Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Trouble keeps you running faster)
Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Save the planet from disaster)
Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom (Spinning through a world in motion)

10 - 10 Here we go again!
9 - 9 Don't fall behind!
8 - 8 Say, don't be late!
7 - 7 Destination heaven!
6 - 5 Stay alive!
4 - 3 Now it's you and me!
2 - 1 We're gonna have fun
Say, blast off! Hey!
Excalibar - It's not that far
What do ya make? - Give & Take
Goin' home - Time Zone
Check out Egg - He's never alone
Leather'n Lace - Get in place!
What do y' get? - Say, fast jet!
Doom Room - Cosmic zoom
Heads up, Jake - It's Sonic boom!
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior - Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
Your hour is near at hand,
You've got the power to save the land!
Take a little chance - Slip on through
Y' gotta survive no matter what you do
You gotta do for you
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior - Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
The power is in your mind
To save the planet and conquer time!
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
Deep in space and time
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
Forever in your mind!
Nothing can survive, the will to stay alive
'Cause if you try, you can do anything!
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
Always takes a chance
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior
Never says he can't!
Nothing can survive, the will to stay alive
'Cause if you try, you can do anything!

The takeaway for me is that the message is largely the same for both songs, but that YCDA was written by someone who at some point suffered severe head trauma.

>> No.575906

If head trauma causes a song's lyrics to be twice as much as te other, and to be even more dramatic in the song's ending (nothing can survive the will to stay alive; that's pretty deep for a kid's game), then it's the kind of head trauma we need.

>> No.575945

>Excalibar - It's not that far
>Heads up, Jake - It's Sonic boom!
>You gotta do for you

>Check out Egg - He's never alone
That's not even accurate.

>> No.575997

>Heads up, Jake - It's Sonic boom!
...who the fuck is Jake?

>> No.576041

You're just trying to hard to discount the US one. Th Jap one sounds like the writer didn't even understand his own words.

>> No.576063

When in my post did I say I'm discounting the US one? You on the other hand, together with >>575852 are striving for strawman implications the likes of "I don't get something = Bad". You need to stop.

>> No.576064

It's twice as long because the singers pee their pants if they have to keep their mouths shut for half a bar.

>> No.576070


I'm >>575852. >>576041 is someone else, guy.

>> No.576082

That's what I meant, how can you be together with your own.

>> No.576097

Metallic Madness and Stardust Speedway are better in the JP version. Everything else is better in the US version.

That's my opinion.

>> No.576113


Whoops. I misread your post. Carry on having bad taste in music.

>> No.576118
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On Gems Collection, they have this remix of Sonic Boom that I like for some reason. It's a bit of a mess, but I like it.

>> No.576125

>arguing about both Sonic Boom and YCDA lyrics which are both just average kids cartoon intro lyrics

Sonic CD always finds a new way to get people to argue and fight each other. It's kind of a cursed game.

>> No.576128

I only like it because it was the last Sonic console game, unless you count Sonic R or Jam.

>> No.576150
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>last Sonic console game

Son, I have some fantastic news for you.

>> No.576169

I will, thank you for your lack of tolerance towards other people musical tastes, it's very mature behaving.

>> No.576196

You know somebody's gonna call that shit.

I really liked it, though.

>> No.576195

Nothing about that game is fantastic...

>> No.576217


Except everything. It's more than the sum of its parts, and I love it. I bought the HD rerelease on PSN expecting just a shallow nostalgia trip, but I was blown away by how fun it was.

>> No.576247

I honestly don't understand how you managed to enjoy it but I'm glad you did, I guess...

>> No.576273

Didn't like Colors?

>> No.576284

>adventure 2


>> No.576286

>escaping from the city
>chasing a fox chasing the president
>literally fighting the king of ghosts

The game is 9 kinds of crazy and I eat it up. Where Sonic Adventure 1 has become unplayable at times, Sonic Adventure 2 has only improved with age.

>> No.576310
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>Sonic Adventure 2 has only improved with age.

>> No.576316

/v/ pls go

>> No.576338

Realizing that game is crap is not an exclusively /v/ thing. Going as far as saying it's actually improved is full Chris Chan level.

>> No.576343


Considering this gen has been largely nothing but brown n bloom first person military shooters, Sonic Adventure 2's ridiculous, colorful 3D platforming and extreme 90s 'tude (which was quite impressive since the 90s were already over at the time of its release) make for a glorious breath of fresh air.

>> No.576353

>Realizing that game is crap is not an exclusively /v/ thing.
Being a two year old about it is