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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5681431 No.5681431 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games where the console version is better than the arcades?

>> No.5681436


>> No.5681445

Sunset Riders (Genesis)
Galaga (NES)
Mercs (Genesis), thanks to the Original Mode.

>> No.5681448

Bionic Commando

>> No.5681451

U.N. Squadron

>> No.5681470

Super C as well.

>> No.5681474

These are all bullshit.

Because it's a sequel and not a port.

>> No.5681475


This was a completely different game on NES compared to the arcade game. Same goes for Bucky O'Hare, to give another example.

>> No.5681478

Jackal (NES)
Bust-A-Move (SNES)

>> No.5681480

Shadow Dancer is so much better it's not even funny. The arcade version is an utter mess, while the MD version is literally one of the tightest (yet most intense) action games I've ever played.

>> No.5681483

I know and I prefer the Zelda-like NES version.

>> No.5681489

You're a retard, the only problem with the arcade is the overlap between crouch shooting and siccing your dog, and I guess the slightly off melee hitboxes but the MD version goes the other way and makes the melee hitboxes so stupidly big that they hit targets dropping from above. Bosses are also infinitely better in arcade.

>> No.5681492

>These are all bullshit.
Sunset Riders (Genesis) - longer levels, better level design, more enemies, faster bullets, improved 'slide' move (easier to dodge bullets), darker color palette.

Galaga (NES) - improved enemy AI for slightly more challenging game play.

Mercs (Genesis (Original Mode) - longer levels, more enemies, RPG upgrade system, multiple playable characters with unique weapons.

>> No.5681692

>These are all bullshit.
No, they're right about Mercs, they just didn't go far enough; the Genesis version of it has much better music too.

>> No.5681694

>Galaga (NES) - improved enemy AI for slightly more challenging game play.
Technically that's not the original Galaga, it's a sequel called Demons of Death.

>> No.5681703

Contra is better on arcade. The levels are too padded out on NES, the music and visuals obviously aren't as good either.

Stupid Nintendildos.

>> No.5681716

>Contra is better on arcade
First time I've ever seen that opinion. The arcade original deserves respect for starting it all, has more color, and more sprites on the bosses, especially the waterfall boss. I still prefer the NES version.

>> No.5681721

You must got me responding seriously then you added that part at the end revealing you're just here to stir shit. Your posting style is very familiar, you've shit up about six threads on the catalogue.

>> No.5681728

The colors are washed out and kind of mush together on the arcade, the NES color scheme for the game is just better and the clear contrast between backgrounds and sprites is more pleasing. There's a host of other issues with the arcade version, but just talking about how they look the nes game looks better.

>> No.5681736

>The colors are washed out and kind of mush together on the arcade
That's demonstrably wrong.

>> No.5681792

Why does /VR/ have such an anti-arcade bias? Just download MAME already.
>inb4 but i'm too retarded to get mame to run

>> No.5681806

too expensive to collect for which makes hardware-purist dadshits seethe

>> No.5681930

NES game could use a real hard mode like the arcade version where it gets really busy but obviously the shitty hardware couldn't handle that many enemies at once so it's a snoozefest in comparison.

>> No.5681938

>NES game could use a real hard mode
Just don't collect power ups and finish the game without dying.

>> No.5681942

That's not a replacement for a real hard mode that adds new enemies into levels and increases spawn rates, which the arcade has, nor is it much harder than playing normally if you already know the levels.

>> No.5681947

>imposing challenge runs to cope with playing the inferior version
sad desu

>> No.5681949

the guy you're replying to is australia-kun, don't mind him, he's just a chronic nintendo hater. He will say stupid things as long as he can show anonymous people on the internet how much of a nintendo hater he is.

>> No.5681953

It was a port with a stupid name slapped on the box. Same title screen and game. Its a port

>> No.5681957


>>imposing challenge runs to cope with playing the inferior version
>sad desu
Imposing my own challenges is one of the ways I keep retro gaming fresh and daunting. Not being able to do anything new in a game is sad.

t. guy who is about halfway through Castlevania 1 (NES) without using the whip.

>> No.5681961

because home versions were designed to be played longer and have more content.

>> No.5681963

It's a wholly different version, it's nothing like the original, which I own, and there's no comparison. The arcade version is harder and more colorful. Yes, the patterns are similar, but you can say the same for Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat.

>> No.5681967

Guerilla War and Sky Shark for NES had both better graphics and much, much better sound

>> No.5681969

are you saying Street Fighter II on SNES is a sequel to the arcade one?

>> No.5681972

>Guerilla War and Sky Shark for NES had both better graphics and much, much better sound
LOL! I legit laughed pretty hard with a big smile.

>> No.5681973

Bloody Wolf

>Sunset Riders (Genesis)

>> No.5681975


>> No.5681979

No, but still another version. Porting rarely happened if you're using the word literally. AES Neo Geo carts are ports; NES carts are not ports of arcade games because they technologically cannot carry as much information.

>> No.5681982

>Imposing my own challenges is one of the ways I keep retro gaming fresh and daunting.
No, it's just autism, like speedtranning.

>Not being able to do anything new in a game is sad.
So you're saying you'll be sad after you complete all your challenge runs? Because there's nothing left the game will offer. Stop making excuses and just man up to the arcade game already, silly consolecuck.

>> No.5681986

But you can do that in arcade Contra too, its harder there and thats in addition to an actual hard mode that makes everything more intense and fun not slower, hows this an argument

>> No.5681989

>No, it's just autism, like speedtranning
How is playing through an entire game using no cheats, shortcuts, glitches, codes, back alley chicken sacrifices, "speedtraining"? When did I ever mention rushing through a game?

>> No.5681996

Your argument isn't rooted in reality since unless one owns Contra or emulates it, it does not have a way for the average player to change difficulty modes, an operator thing. The difficulty on arcade machines is inherent and the higher settings are merely to steal quarters, at least for the ones before the late 90s. Star Wars Trilogy is way too easy on "Normal", but is just right on "Hard", and who knows why it's got a easy mode, mean...operators don't want that and collectors don't want it, so?

>> No.5682002

Hows it not based in reality when you can easily emulate it or play one of the many ports on different systems if youre a retard who cant work MAME?

>> No.5682004

Show me on the Contra arcade title screen where the difficulty settings are, please. I'm pointing out that naturally, arcade games are harder and do not need further tinkering.

>> No.5682006

Its either in the dip switch settings or the service mode menu so bind it to a key and press it, then play. The game isnt any harder than the NES version on defaults

>> No.5682008

U gotta lurk more

>> No.5682009

No, it's true, maybe washed out isn't the correct word but not as sharp as nes and backgrounds and foreground objects mesh together

>> No.5682010

Do ya'll play with autofire on or off? Seems like the game is too easy with it enabled, but I hate button mashing.

>> No.5682013

>anti-arcade bias
Are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.5682015

hahaha no, I knew that, fren, but the point is that the game is by default harder than the NES version.

>maybe washed out isn't the correct word but not as sharp as nes and backgrounds and foreground objects mesh together
Ok, I can accept that.

>> No.5682016

Off. For one, if you have auto-fire and collect the laser, it won't ever complete and just gets a boomer hard-on over and over.

>> No.5682021

Never used autofire for Contra since it doesn't require any kind of hard mashing outside of faster boss kills. You can just set the frequency to something that matches your normal mashing speed and use that, otherwise the point blank damage gets insane.

>> No.5682037

What does that have to do with my point? The hard mode exists, you can play it easily RIGHT NOW, how is what I'm saying "not rooted in reality"

>> No.5682062

OK, I'm just telling myself that you're just some kike in a large room with other kikes and your goal is to raise my goy blood pressure. Good try. Have a nice day, Jacob.

>> No.5682091

Yes goyim, I've got "rile up some old fat loser by shit talking NES Contra" right next to "promote miscegenation and communism" on my list

>> No.5682127

The first Sonic game.

>> No.5682131

^when NPCs break down

>> No.5682140

lmfao you're an absolute dork

>> No.5682142

Contra was an arcade game? I had no idea.

>> No.5682147

Says the guy who intentionally plays dumb for no reason other than? I encourage you to end it all.

>> No.5682150

You are literally the only person that believes that. Wider screen and better controls make the NES version flat out superior.

>> No.5682164

Don't assume everyone can follow the train of thought your incoherent tiny brain cooks up. The fuck does anything you said have to do with my point, which is that the NES game needs a hard mode like the arcade version? You (should) know damn well that self imposed challenges (that can be done in the arcade version) aren't a replacement for a mode that increases spawn rates and adds new enemies into levels, nobody cares about your perception of hard modes being "quarter stealers", or your argument about dips/service mode being limited.

>> No.5682175

Midnight Resistance
Atomic Runner Chelnov

>> No.5682192
File: 3 KB, 256x224, GhostsGoblinsArcTitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about games where the arcade version is still the best?

>> No.5682195

No, it's just that you can't read for shit. Fucking leave this board. You already slipped and admitted being a shill in a way that you thought was slick.

>> No.5682201

True, the first game, especially its Revision G version (the Western/World versions had broken boss health and completely broken AI patterns), is by far the best version of the game. The NES port is not unplayable, but it's mostly worthless now that the arcade version is fully playable.

>> No.5682236

i love how some literal nazi spergs out in every thread no matter the topic

>> No.5682264

Because they're sheltered zoomer shut-ins.

>> No.5682268

This site is so fucking dead.

>> No.5682312

>Galaga (NES)
wtf? Galaga, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong are all significantly worse on the NES

>> No.5682319

>literal nazi
/vr/ has time travelers now?

>> No.5682323

They're mentally unsound, leave them alone.

>> No.5682352


>> No.5682356

Gradius 3 I suppose

>> No.5682375

That's most games, hence why the question in op was asked in the first place. The default is that the arcade versions are almost always better, even the best ports are praised for matching or coming close to the arcade. That's why this thread exists in the first place, for those rare expections where the reverse is true.

>> No.5682385

>Sunset Riders (Genesis)
Not even the best console version

>> No.5682421

Granted MD Sunset is missing levels of the other versions, but it expands the best levels from the original, and is also the hardest of the 3 versions. Not to mention, no censorship like SNES.
Only objectively worse thing about it is the palette, but you can hack the game to fix that:

>> No.5682440

Hold up, aren't you that retard who claimed to have a Pole Position world record time that you pulled outta your ass and proceeded to defend Todd Rogers?

>> No.5682453

Apparently. Some guy is obsessed with hating "the jews" in every thread as if we're in 1935 Europe

>> No.5682476

But really, who doesn't hate the jews besides other jews?

>> No.5682614
File: 22 KB, 220x309, 220px-E-Swat_box_usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5682620

turtles in time

>> No.5682880

Who hates them except hicks and nazis? I’m not a jew and I don’t care about them one way or another the same way I don’t care about gays or mormons. Who gives a shit?

>> No.5682968

In other words hicks and nazis are the only people with any common sense left

>> No.5682972
File: 101 KB, 640x879, hellfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5683068

ITT: mental illness

>> No.5683089

Contra in the arcade controls a worse. It's also uglier in a lot of ways despite the more powerful hardware, which is really embarrassing. In particular, the animation sucks.
There's some really poor color choices too.

>> No.5683091

rush 2049

>> No.5683092

>i'm so edgy guys

>> No.5683108

all of them since i don't have to leave my house or spend quarters

>> No.5683134

Double Dragon

>arcade Bucky O'Hare
>beat-'em-up with sci-fi fantasy elements
>NES Bucky O'Hare
>Megaman-style platformer
I have a soft spot for the NES version since I grew up with it but it's really hard to say which is better

Do you have a route planned out to avoid running out of hearts before the end of each stage? Does one weapon get a lot more use than any others?

>> No.5683139

i think it says a lot that i've known about contra on NES for years, but this is the first i've ever heard of there being an arcade version

>> No.5683171

Ninja Gaiden

>> No.5683254

arcade version didn't have the lives code so it's automatically better.

>> No.5683324 [DELETED] 

>Do you have a route planned out to avoid running out of hearts before the end of each stage? Does one weapon get a lot more use than any others?
Ok, first off, the rule is to use the whip only for the bosses, yeah I know, but the "no whip" part is just for the levels. So on the levels you just gut gud and get past things as quickly as possible because it's no whip. Collect nothing, just memorize enemies and suck it up. One strategy that I use is to manage the jumps in such a way as to anticipate how the jumps and enemy hits will knock you back, hopefully onto something useful like a ledge or at least further into the game. I'm not sure it's possible to beet the whole game that way, but supposedly some have.

>> No.5683325

>Do you have a route planned out to avoid running out of hearts before the end of each stage? Does one weapon get a lot more use than any others?
Ok, first off, the rule is to use the whip only for the bosses, yeah I know, but the "no whip" part is just for the levels. So on the levels you just gut gud and get past things as quickly as possible because it's no whip. Collect nothing, just memorize enemies and suck it up. One strategy that I use is to manage the jumps in such a way as to anticipate how the jumps and enemy hits will knock you back, hopefully onto something useful like a ledge or at least further into the game. I'm not sure it's possible to beat the whole game that way, but supposedly some have.