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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5664097 No.5664097 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst game you've ever played?

>> No.5664137

Your favorite game

>> No.5664143 [DELETED] 

Basically everything that wasn't a Sega System game.

>> No.5664147


>> No.5664150

This game always looked kind of comfy but I'm a sucker for pre-rendered backgrounds and I'm a fan of the movie

>> No.5664153
File: 277 KB, 640x903, ps2_final_fantasy_xii-110214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not retro, but it's definitely the worst game of all time.

Also, screenshots of OP's game look pretty badass. You sure you're not just a dumb pleb?

>> No.5664248

I actually really enjoyed that game. The sidequests were dope, the story was cool, the monsters were nice, the bosses were nice, the fights were fun and the mechanics were good. Only really bad part was the useless limit breaks and summons being shit. I played with 1 tank, 1 dps and 1 healer and it was fun as fuck.

>> No.5664251

Also, ff13 is WAY worse.

>> No.5664274

hated this one and I played it when it came out. 250 hours down the shitter and I barely remember anything about it, except it had a whole lot of walking while watching the game play itself
it was the last FF I played and it destroyed my faith in the franchise along with X-2, the magic was gone

>> No.5664291

>while watching the game play itself
Don't use gambits lol. At least you could choose to automate the game, whereas in ff13 it was mandatory.

>> No.5664317

>Don't use the only unique mechanic in the game lol
Sorry, I didn't have to do this with any other FF before this one to have fun, I'll just play a different game
>At least you could choose to automate the game
Yeah I guess that's nice

>> No.5664325

>tfw the only part of FF you ever olayed was FF13.
...I actually thought it's not as bad as some claim. I liked it. Still, I don't have a reference point.

>> No.5664368

Not retro: assasins creed revelations
Not retro but retro related since its more of a shitty remake than an new game: Stronghold Crusader 2. That thing is a fucking travesty and a crime against mankind.

>> No.5664376

I probably wouldn't remember the actual worst game I have ever played.
But as far as ones I remember, quake 2 is the most stand out.

>> No.5664405
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>> No.5664695
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>> No.5664815
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>> No.5664830
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>> No.5664878

AVGN fanboy detected.

>> No.5664907

Raid 2020 for the NES was pretty fucking awful.

>> No.5664982
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Not gonna lie I enjoyed this game as a kid but in retospect its pretty shitty but when your 10 and its your only game it serves its purpose.

>> No.5664998

I was excited for Superman 64 before it came out because I thought it would be cool that you could have unlimited flying hahaha.

>> No.5665059
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Heavy nova more like heavy shit

>> No.5665201
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>you can literally break the entire game damn near instantly due to the atrociously balanced junction system
>the characters personalities range from lifeless brick to actual autistic retard girl
>magic is just an item and has uses, leading to having to play that shitty card game minigame to refine or sit around stealing ("drawing") magic from enemies
>plot was just shit, like most time shenanigans related plots
>also a giant jew lizard frog fishman bug whatever the fuck controls your school
It had some good visuals for it's time and about two good music tracks, but thats about it. This game is an absolute shit show on every possible level, and I rank it lower than any FF game. Even NES 2 and 3 are better than this piece of shit. Even 13 and 15 are better.

>> No.5665210

it's good game dude fuck off

>> No.5665219

>limits are shit
>summons are shit
>magic is shit

FFXII has the absolute worst reward system of any game I've ever played. As if the amount of time and grinding that it takes to get practically anything of value in the game isn't absurd enough, 90% of the shit you find is absolutely useless compared to the Fomalhaut and the Zodiac Spear.

I really made a huge mistake by trying to 100% the side quests. If I had known that the rewards for doing so would basically end up being ignored entirely, that would've saved me at least 100 fucking hours of running back and forth between each of the boring locales.

Fuck FFXII and fuck you for enjoying it.

>> No.5665503

Hellboy for ps1

>> No.5665558

I'll admit the story is garbage, but the gameplay is pretty good, the dungeons are massive, and the amount of content is staggering. If every part of the game was as aggressive as the subterra it would be 10/10 for me.

>> No.5665589

Why the Fuck is Donald Trumpf on the cover of that game? I"M SCARED

>> No.5665624

looks more like Soros honestly.

>> No.5665651

Rise of the robots.

>> No.5665679

this is one of those games that took up a whole fucken memory card for 1 save

>> No.5665685

the hunters side quests kind of made the game. the story itself was linear and unsatisfying as fuck tho. i also like how you could encounter a super powerful creature right at the beginning that could be killed with a phoenix down so you could level up your party to an insane degree really fast

>> No.5665708
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, FFXIITZA_Jun182017_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking girugamesh

>> No.5665786

Bubsy 3D hands down

>> No.5665842
File: 33 KB, 300x301, 1549743909265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the worst but the only one that counts as retro. Terrible impossible game. I had a few even worse games on the GBA.

>> No.5665890

Not retro according to this board, but the worst game I ever played was Megaman Battle Network Battle Chip Challenge. The ability to choose to play as characters other than Lan was completely negated by the fact that you have no real agency in-battle aside from the two slot-in chips, and if you're not playing it on an emulator with rapid-fire capabilities, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.5665916

**shinning the w whatever on ps2 cant member which one but me couldnt leave the house where it started

>> No.5665941
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it was really that bad

>> No.5665996

>that Chadjaw doggo

>> No.5666010

I played this way before youtube and youtube gamers existed, and I honestly thought I was playing some unreleased prototype that was accidentally put on my cart, and everyone else was playingthe real Superman 64.

>> No.5666173

I remember a friend of mine got this game as a present during his birthday party and he was fucking hyped as hell. It wasn't until several years later that I found out it was infamous for being one of the worst games ever released.

>> No.5666183


Am I the only one seeing Donald Trump with an eye gizmo?

>> No.5666195

There are no bad games. Only bad gamers.

>> No.5666294

Sounds like something someone who has never played videogames before would say.

>> No.5666308

Where was that? Was it that t-rex in the opening area?

>> No.5666421
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>worst game you've ever played
>and finished

>> No.5666452
File: 57 KB, 640x443, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit, boring as funk and with horrible controls. Really dont know what were they thinking when they made this.

>> No.5666459

Mini review by avgn, thanks James.

>> No.5666559

Mission Impossible on NES sucks

>> No.5666591
File: 23 KB, 256x224, Bubsy_in_Claws_Encounters_of_the_Furred_Kind_titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is like if someone took the design documents for every mascot platformer, ran them through a Markov chain generator, and replaced one word in every sentence with a cat pun. There's no element of the game design that doesn't work against the others.

>> No.5666648

The movie is wonderful but the game is a total mess despite looking good.

It does indeed.

This is a pretty bad game. It's a standard adventure where you go around talking to people and collecting key items that will help you with puzzles and shit. But the way the graphics are, the things you're looking for are almost never visible on screen. For example you find a pair of scissors clicking on a collection of trash cans in an alley. So basically just to find the items required you have to search every inch of every screen on the off chance of finding something. But every time you look and there isn't an item there it plays one of two voice clips "I can't do that!" or " I can't do anything!" Over and over and over.

And then yeah, if you for some reason want to save your game so you can resume playing where you left off, just one file requires an entire empty PS1 memory card.

That game was pretty darn bad. Dark Void Zero is legit kind of fantastic though.

>> No.5666695

Shit opinion there dude

>> No.5666728
File: 36 KB, 300x300, gb_small_soldiers_p_o8v7x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even use your fucking weapon and the game lags like shit

i'm pretty sure it was released unfinished but can't find any info on the net about it

>> No.5666737

It was a movie liscence game released on the GBA. You don't need any more proof that it was rushed and unfinished.

>> No.5666739

Not even. Not even a fucking GBC exclusive title, but a Game Boy game.

>> No.5666742


>> No.5666750
File: 29 KB, 400x366, 1560700653495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really retro, but Shadow the Hedgehog is the worse game I've ever played. The game is just boring. The only fun I get out of it is making fun of it and the fact that I completed it as a kid.

>> No.5666758
File: 88 KB, 500x503, gb_ren_and_stimpy_space_cadets_p_egascx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as bad as it looks. But, it has digitized voice!

>> No.5666761

What is with all the non retro posts? This is /vr/, not /v/ nor /vg/.

>> No.5666861
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>> No.5666886

I haven't played any of them but would bet money the GBA version is it's own thing and that they all suck hard. Am I wrong?

>> No.5666896
File: 50 KB, 474x647, 345345435323432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now and days I just avoid shitty games, because, I mean, why would I waste my game time with shit? so I thought about shit I played when I was a dumb kid and figured this was definitely the trashiest one.

>> No.5666897

Where's Waldo on NES, and Oblivion

>> No.5666910
File: 102 KB, 800x536, 296237-atlantis-no-nazo-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of shitposts it seems, though I guess a topic like that encourages it.

My pick is Atlantis No Nazo. You're means of attack is incredibly difficult to use, ridiculous difficulty with one hit deaths and no continues, cryptic as fuck with no indication of what you should do, and the worst jump physics I have ever seen in a video game.

It was one of the earliest metroidvania style video games though, so it's interesting for that at least.

>> No.5666936

There is no GBA version as the GBA did not exist in 1998.

>> No.5667037


a bad sunsoft title? interesting

>> No.5667047

It was one of their very early works, it's absolutely abysmal. Thankfully they obviously became a lot better down the line and started producing quality stuff like Batman, Blaster Master, and Gimmick.

>> No.5667093

>Dumb Nintendo drone plays PC game on his console
>Surprised it doesn't work all that well
Checks out.
I always find it ironic they've only made an Indy game after Tomb Raider proven the formula can work and set path for entire genre, while Core guys being constantly paranoid about lawsuit from LucasArt.

>> No.5667210
File: 74 KB, 834x650, athena awakening from the ordinary life ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want the resident evil audience without knowing what made resident evil great

>> No.5667231

The worst game I have ever played AND completed is Mortalus, no contest.

>> No.5667248

Why would you subject yourself to 250 hours of something you hate? Did you really not have anything better to do?

>> No.5667279
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>french """humour"""

>> No.5667349

I think this is for a different kind of audience.
It's a shame that the nakoruru sound novel never received a console port.

>> No.5667835

it's some kind of ghostly creature right outside the first town that only appears if you have low health. so just buy a bunch of phoenix downs, beat yourself up, walk onto the screen it appears, gank it, run two screens away, come back, rinse, repeat.

>> No.5667867
File: 236 KB, 800x1152, 199280-the-uncanny-x-men-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad was a huge comic book fan so he bought or rented most licensed comic book games on NES, which happened to have mostly come from LJN. X-Men has already been done to death, but it's hard to convey how disappointing that game was to me as a kid. At least it was "okay" playing 2 players with my little brother.

Wolverine wasn't horrible though.

>> No.5667871

The 16 year olds on here no longer are old enough to have nostalgia for pre-2000 games.

>> No.5667923

Ffffuuuuuck. I had that as a kid. That game was fucking atrocious. Even as a little kid I knew it was shit. I feel bad someone wasted their money on that, on me, now that you've reminded me of it, because I was a total poorfag family and Nintendo games back then cost a fucking load of dosh.

>> No.5667928

A scarier thought is as time marches steadily on, so too will the notion of what becomes "retro". I'm surprised they let anything past the SNES/Genesis on this board, but the reality is in a few more years PS3/360 is probably going to end up here. And thats horrifying.

>> No.5667935

I hate when niggers act surprised that time won't stop or something, that's basic common sense

>> No.5667937

I think my dad realized we hated it so he exchanged it a week later for something else. It was nice to have a return policy like that.

>> No.5667939

It's so they can pat each others back saying HURR WE'RE OLD GEEZERS NOW as if the act of physically aging warranted any merit on its own.

>> No.5667942

There'll be "eras" of retro, or decade-specific categories I think. No big deal. If you care this much about "muh seekrit /vr/ club" you need to take a break and just enjoy life a little bit.

>> No.5667949

Banjoo kazooie

>> No.5667951

it's nothing to do with time, it has to do with the label of "retro".
retro should just be a set time period, not just "old games"

>> No.5667952

Stone Age, Golden Age, 3D Stone Age, 3D Golden Age?

>> No.5668004
File: 35 KB, 300x413, 1524632506433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My jolly African American

>> No.5668037

I had the Windows version of Small Soldiers and enjoyed it a lot as a kid.

>> No.5668038

Lol Bebe's Kids on Snes.. Negro game

>> No.5668260

Set periods of time are why we have generations...retro is literally just anything old...90s clothes are retro now along with 60's, 70's and 80's or anything else that's older than current fashion trends. Same with games or anything...once enough time passes everything will fall into the retro category.

>> No.5668264

Hey hey hey don't lump us with that shit. Real niggas play Marvel vs Capcom 2.

>> No.5668343

Same for me. Bought it for the Master System at a second-hand shop and went back the next day to trade it.

This game has no redeeming point.

>> No.5668363


>> No.5668383

Cant wait to check out the FF8 remastered and how they were able to rebuild it without a source code. Also anon is a faggot

>> No.5668435

As a programmer gambits were fucking awesome. I wish more RPG games would allow similar automation.

>> No.5668773

I remember a game magazine I used to read gave FFXII a perfect 20/20 score, one of maybe 4 games that received a 20.

>> No.5668817
File: 174 KB, 1024x768, 735879-shovel-knight-windows-screenshot-griffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also bear in mind that the way "retro" is used on this board is completely different from the actual meaning and normal use of the word. The games we're allowed to talk about here aren't retro in any real sense of the word, they're just old. "Retro" isn't "old" it's appropriating styles and aspects of an earlier age in a new context. Super Mario 3 is old, Shovel Knight is retro.

>> No.5668859

I booted up an iso of bubsy 3D as a joke thinking it couldn't possibly be that bad
oh my god it was

>> No.5668871

RoboCop 2 on nes.

>> No.5668874

Again, why the fuck Shovel Knight is retro? If pixel art makes a game retro, so do realistic graphics, as in the past we had both.

If Shovel Knight is retro, Tekken 7 is retro too. If everything is retro, then nothing is retro.

>> No.5668919

Try looking up what the word retro actually means lol.

>> No.5668952

we clearly need a new board called 'classic gaming' ' and 2000-2010 will be 'retro gaming'

>> No.5668972

You said that

>"Retro" isn't "old" it's appropriating styles and aspects of an earlier age in a new context
But literally every single game does this. What makes Shovel Knight retro and Skyrim not? Why some pixel crap indie game is retro but Street Fighter V is not if Street Fighter V have the same gameplay that Street Fighter always had, therefore appropriating styles and aspects from an earlier age?

If everything is retro, then nothing is retro.

>> No.5668976

Enjoy your bad port of a terrible game thats probably just a swiped iso on a garbage emulator ran through that touchup AI program.

>> No.5669009

In the time it took you to write that you could have looked up the word and gained a little more understanding. Instead you dug your heels in and doubled down hoping you can turn it into a fight. Congrats on being the epitome of why everyone mocks the travesty that today's youth have turned into.

>> No.5669034

nah fag, this game is tight. bet you didnt even get to the raft riding

>> No.5669043
File: 204 KB, 648x960, sd3419-nintendo-the-simpsons-bart-vs-the-space-mutants-fridge-magnet-video-game-box-classic-nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this used so no manual and boy did it suck. fucking difficult and bizarrely they dried to mimic the simpson's theme song for the music but did it wrong. normally i'd assume it was the limitations of the game gear's chipset but sonic the hedgehog games always had top notch soundtracks with pretty elaborate compositions. i think the designers just threw some shit together and went eh good enough

>> No.5669780
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Everything about this game is garbage and i don’t understand the fan base for it.

>> No.5669781

sup /v/

>> No.5669906

>What's the worst game you've ever played?

The worst how?

>> No.5669913

Is there anyone that can't see Donald Trump on that cover?

>> No.5669916

Nah, Tenchu 2 was pretty good. I would be happy just to have more Tenchu content tbqh w/u senpai. I played the shit out of Tenchu Z for a bit but I would love to have a new one even if it was just a reskin of the Fox engine.

>> No.5670043

Probably one of those NES versions of Resident Evil or FF7 made by China-men.

>> No.5672006
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not even close