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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5659571 No.5659571 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most bizarre or horrific retro video game that you have played or seen?

>> No.5659572
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>> No.5659578
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>> No.5659580
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>> No.5659591

i'm guessing this is British

>> No.5659629

and on the ZX spectrum (disgusting by default)

>> No.5659634 [DELETED] 

Harvester is pretty whack right? Strange Dreams. Bad Mojo. There's no shortage of games going out of their way to be weirder than one another.

>> No.5659648

What the actual fuck.

I was pretty impressed that shit like Deja Vu and Uninvited got to hang around on ye classic consoles, but what the sweet minty hell is this horrifying shit?

>> No.5659825

>When interviewed by Sinclair User, in the October 1987 issue, the programmer was asked "Whatever possessed you to write a game like Soft and Cuddly...". To this Jones responded, "I didn't write the game because I'm a horrible person, I wrote it to amuse myself." Jones also stated "I love the reaction people give, I can't stand 'nice' inoffensive things...". The original version of the game was more gruesome; the babies were being torn apart rather than stretched and "...the sheep was bouncing up and down on a corpse."

>> No.5659873


It sounds just as revolting as it looks. Typical ZX Spectrum desu.

>> No.5659920

I guess my immediate answer would be that Aum Shinrikyo game. The game doesn't contain any thing necessarily disturbing, though the context of the game still makes it feel like something from an urban legend.

As for the most bizarre regular game I can think of it's a old Japanese pc game that's name I've forgotten, I believe it was for the PC-88. It was a small minigame collection but all the minigames were the player torturing little girls in different ways, ranging from stabbing one repeatedly to setting one on fire and watching her burn. It was really bizarre to watch. If anyone knows the game I'm referring to please let me know.
Harvester is weird, but it seems a bit more "on the nose" with it rather then just "what the fuck were they thinking".
I would say it's much stranger seeing games like this on consoles. With home computers any chucklefuck could develop a game.

>> No.5659942
File: 4 KB, 640x400, 4fs6DpW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried looking it up and I was correct, it was a PC-88 game called "Lolita Syndrome". I couldn't find any footage of it online but I found a small imagur gallery with a few screenshots. Weirdly enough fucking Enix made this game.


>> No.5659948

What did Enix mean by this?

>> No.5659954

Meant they were based

>> No.5659971

Is this a Zniggy x Space Funeral crossover?

>> No.5660035

Published according to comments, was submitted as a contest entry by someone?
Japan though

>> No.5660038
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, Chiller-Arcade-game-gameplay-screenshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a work of art.

as for me...maybe chiller?

>> No.5660069

Chiller is pretty interesting as an artsy thing, actually.
Like, for the first couple levels you have a graveyard and a corridor and shit, there's ghosts and monsters moving, and the game obviously wants you to shoot them. So you shoot them and get points.

And then we get this torture chamber, and the game goes "See these innocent people hooked up to these torture devices? Shoot their fucking limbs off. Why? Because they're there. I'll give you points if you do it. Go ahead". And if you do it, the game congratulates you and lets you continue, if you don't it's a game over.

It's something.

>> No.5660187
File: 172 KB, 800x1043, 51628-monster-trivia-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fucking trivia monster

go to 10:42

>> No.5660224

Nice pick. I had never seen this before, real interesting game. That scream is still pretty bone chilling. the comical nature of the cover didn't make it look so bad but the build up is pretty tense.

>> No.5660331

Really underwhelming. I was expecting some really freaky shit old-school shit. Instead, it's just level design that was made by someone who just said "Who gives a shit?" and you already see all the graphics about 2 minutes in.
Shit, like every other Spectrum game.

>> No.5660464
File: 14 KB, 724x375, sailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alright guys we need someone to produce a fighting game for little girls
>how about this guy he used to make snuff loli porn games

>> No.5660484



The funny thing is that is no porn. I bet if instead of torturing and murdering her you could have sex with her they would not have published it.
Remember, torturing and killing them is maybe a bit disturbing but otherwise fine, but fucking them, now that would be REALLY evil and unspeakable, yup.

>> No.5661054

According the wikipedia they survive and it shows them naked if you succeed (and the last room is just a series of "pornographic" images, whatever you want to call that PC-88 shit). So it is a "porn" game.

Anyhow this common argument about sexual content vs violence in vidya is usually pretty dumb. That being said, a game about torturing naked children would fall under the exact same category for most people, so I'll give you that. But when used to compare something like Call of Duty to Rapelay it's just dim and even if this comes shockingly (to nobody) a video game featuring war and battle isn't as aversive or in the same category as a porn 'game' about raping women or torturing naked girls is.

>> No.5661092

this one is pretty unnerving too


>> No.5661364

I can't stop watching this

>> No.5661440

Your Mom's Clunge 64

>> No.5661463


>> No.5661465

not just the scream, but the entire fucking sequence dude. the seizure inducing screen flickering, the fucking lovecraft monster that comes out of the fucking door waiting to fucking harvest your body and spit the bones out one by one, its fucking ridiculous. i hate that the cover says "monster trivia" making you think its like "oh yeah, i know a thing or two about monsters!" but no, its the fucking trivia monster. they knew what they were doing. that scream though is absurd. i watched it when i was high once and it completely fucked my shit up.

>> No.5661507

Chu Teng

>> No.5661695
File: 46 KB, 916x642, peSPD0k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Worlds.com is pretty up there

>> No.5661778

fact: games cannot be bizarre or obscure if they're not japanese

>> No.5661798

Captain Blood 2

>> No.5661850

Shut the fuck up weeb. I'm sure some westaboo somewhere would say the se thing about western games.

>> No.5661932

yeah, it is pretty disturbing seeing a race of soulless human-shaped insectoids trying to make entertainment

>> No.5662042

They have:
>one of the most advanced cultures
>amazing economy, basically no one is unemployed
>among the highest IQ's
>essentially no crime
>amazing art, music, movies and games
What does your country have?

>> No.5662051

simply lol

>> No.5662907

How the fuck is this game not banned?
This should be some dark web shit not on fucking google.
You're literally playing as a pedophile torturing children

>> No.5662935

You prefer Muslims sexually torturing real children, we know.

>> No.5662953

Whys it feel like space funeral aped this?

>> No.5662983


I live and work in Tokyo, they use fucking fax machines. Fuck off.

>> No.5662995

>one of the most advanced cultures
they're actually falling a bit behind, they were the technological powerhouse but not anymore
>amazing economy, basically no one is unemployed
that's not true, the hikikomoris are raising by an alarming rate and they don't know how to stop it from happening
>among the highest IQ's
That's actually true
>essentially no crime
True to some degree but keep in mind that many sexual crimes are never reported, it happens especially in trains where young girls get grabbed by some perverts
Nearly everyone knows someone close to them that got molested on a train
>amazing art, music, movies and games
Their live action movies aren't really good, art is almost always just the generic anime style but hey, at least they make it good looking. There's just little variety. They're horrible with animations though, your average anime has a total of 3 frames of mouth movement everytime someone speaks. They do make the best games though, no doubt.

Stop romanticising japan. It's an interesting country with a cool culture but they probably wouldn't welcome you with that kind of attitude.

>> No.5663007

>>amazing economy,
You know jack shit about this country.

>> No.5663173
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>produced by Enix

>> No.5663304
File: 40 KB, 500x375, FLGIMGS1000000615_-00_Glorious-Banner-Wallpaper-1024x768-Downloadable-Image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does your country have?

>> No.5663384

>What does your country have?
Niggers, rape and SOPA DE MACACO. Uma delícia!

>> No.5663417

space funeral is a hack job, an epic shock game.

>> No.5663425

>they're falling behind
they have some weird stuff like using outdated cellphones or fax machines, but they still have top of the line robotics, bullet trains, computer and software and more
that's one very small part of the population, and doesn't affect the economy. They can easily get jobs if they wanted.
>sexual crimes
Would you rather be groped or live in fear of being murdered by a nigger every day?
>amazing art
yes, there's some bad anime and live action movies, but anime also currently produces some of the best telivision out there, they put out some of the greatest music, they're one of the few places that still makes actual traditional art instead of that disgusting american """modern art""" and more

>> No.5663673

>but anime also currently produces some of the best telivision out there
Are you 14? You realize weebs are made fun of, right? Being a weeb isn't a good thing you retarded teenager.

>> No.5663704

Is that Summer Solstice Baby and Ratboygenius?
It must be.

>> No.5663728

They're also corporate slaves. In Murica, we have the added bonus of extreme left and extreme right wanting corporate punished in some way. Jap corporate are a different type of politically correct wagies without any thoughts besides following the cultural image and not diverting itself from it. They have nothing to truly worry themselves about, since their virgins don't carry the same mindset as incels.

>> No.5663771

>"""modern art"""
it's parentheses, not quotation marks

>> No.5663808

Why are people into torture? It’s just meaningless cruelty

>> No.5663818

The average materialist everyone. Ignore suicide rates, unhappiness, child abuse, the mafia running rampant, look at their economy! Isn’t it great!
This is what he meant by soulless bugmen

>> No.5663861 [DELETED] 
File: 583 KB, 674x714, 1551604739229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in your post in a grass exaggeration

children are also safer in japan than most in western europe at this point

>> No.5663863

Yeah, it is. Weird.

>> No.5663867
File: 583 KB, 674x714, 1559740045284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in your post is a gross exaggeration

children are also safer in japan than most in western europe at this point

>> No.5663881

>gross exaggeration
Nice way to hand wave facts. Suicide rates and birth rates are horrendous in japan. You are fetishing a state, it’s just fucking retarded

>> No.5663884

Also, I never said Europe was perfect, but pseuds always do fall back to whataboutism, you utilitarian bugman

>> No.5663885

Japan is only 30 on highest suicide rates scale. USA is 34. South Korea is 10.

>> No.5663886

>meaningless number on made up scale

>> No.5663889

I bet you think fbi statistics are false too

>> No.5664010


>> No.5664045

>top of the line robotics

Just a meme spread by robot anime fans. During the Fukushima disaster, they had to import robots from Europe to do the cleanup.

>> No.5664082
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uh oh

>> No.5664092
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That's a big-brained leap in logic there, pally.

>> No.5664095
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>homeless people
yeah usa doesn't make africa look good in places or anything

>> No.5664162

Holy shet dawg, look at these graphics

>> No.5664172
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>> No.5664205

Some of the music in NES Double Dragon put me on edge as a kid.

>> No.5664294

Please, fuck off.

>> No.5664326

and bossa anon
no need to be so self-hating

>> No.5664461
File: 442 KB, 1632x1224, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending that shit in any way

>> No.5664476

It's legal. Laws (or the lack thereof) don't care about your feelings.

>> No.5664618

>muh laws
best way to spot an absolute drone who can’t think for themselves

>> No.5664620

also funny how I never mentioned banning it, just that torture is cruel, and that instantly set your incel mind into defensive seething mode

>> No.5665257

If that's not you, just do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up already.

>> No.5665284
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>"Hello, it's me: Anon. I enjoy sucking cocks and complaining about things I don't like on Internet forums. If I find something I don't like I will make sure you know it by writing a dumb comment about how I don't like the subject matter, but please do not reply to me. I absolutely can't fathom people not caring about my shitty opinion. If you do so I will call you names, you were warned!"
Absolutely nobody cares, faggot.
>"What? I don't understand! Y-You're an incel, and you're... you're seething! That was close, but I sure showed them who's boss!"
I know you're not aware of the fact you act like a child, so I'm going to spell it out for you: You act like a child. Here's what you can do to make things better: Stop reading 4chan and go read a fucking book. I know people like you find it "boring", but I swear that if you keep at it you'll eventually find something you like or, at the very least, you'll learn new words and will avoid embarrassing yourself both in real life and on the Internet.

>> No.5665287

>game where you murder and slaughter people
this is awesome

>game where you murder and slaughter kids
omg this is disgusting ban this shit

>> No.5665769
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had a gif of this but didn't know what it was from.

>> No.5665891

You replied to me you seething little faggot, so I’m replying back

>> No.5665893

>no response to anything I said, just a paragraph of incel rage that I made fun of his favourite loli game
m-muh law! muh law makes right! must obey!

>> No.5665896

Nice strawman samefag

>> No.5665932

Holy shit people, talk about fucking video games.
You are agenda-posting on a retro video game board

>> No.5665982

This is by the same author.

Seems his games maybe aren't very fun, but have these fucked up visuals in them instead.

>> No.5666247
File: 33 KB, 600x600, Screenshot_82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this defensive over people not approving of a little girl torture simulator

>> No.5666262

I somehow get the impression that the author of Soft & Cuddly and Go To Hell had maybe some mental problems.

>> No.5666281

I think it was made by a single person, though Enix did publish it.

Maybe he somehow made friends with someone, or was just really good at something?

Because it's just a bunch of shitty drawings and 1s and 0s?
It's not like the the guy submitted a home video tape with actual kiddie snuff, and then Enix published that.
I don't get why Enix would choose to publish it, it's weird, creepy, and gross, but if nobody is a victim it doesn't matter and we can all ignore it.

>> No.5666283

What in tarnation.

>> No.5666289

Tbh, if it was a game about having sex with a loli, I think that would be far less objectionable than putting a loli in a fucking circlesaw.
I mean, either scenario would be objectionable and immoral IRL, but one is about lust for sadistic torture/murder, which I feel is a lot uglier than just pedo lust.

>> No.5666296

>Police are basically an organized crime group and lie about all their crime statistics
>"no crime"
If you don't find their 99% conviction rate suspect as fuck, you're a retard.

>> No.5666339

I tried to point this out and some guy got really mad at me

>> No.5666369

Why are people into scat or bestiality?
The brain just happens.

>> No.5666375

It's stupid edgy cartoon scribbles, why get worked up about it?
Save your fury for actual predators who harm actual people.

>> No.5666558

no one actually got 'worked up' aside from the autist defending it

>> No.5666642

This is so stupidly edgy I can't even be mad.

>> No.5666650

because poop is sexy when it comes out a butt

>> No.5666718

Aren't those still used because they're "secure" or some shit like that?

>> No.5666736

>and they don't know how to stop it from happening
Employee rights that are enforced with an iron fist would be a good start.

>> No.5667286

>retro board
>mad about retro communications

>> No.5667315

>ignoring the context of the conversation and focusing on the fucking detail like a sperg
Just to spite you: VCRs are dogshit and I'm glad the format is dead.

>> No.5668064

That's certainly not what it looks like, buddy.

>> No.5668068

Are you going to cry?

>> No.5668517

>there can be no actual context to violence, all violence is actually equally bad because I was raised by public school teachers

>> No.5668524

Wouldn't trust the Jap state to have a good judgment or enforcement of that, nor that people wouldn't just willingly be subjected to it and not report it.

The idea of working yourself to death for the sake of the company is very heavily entrenched into Japanese culture and society, it's seen as the responsible thing to do, there would need to be some kind of societal revolution for that to change, to make people think abour it differently, a law or two won't work.
I can promise you that it will still happen if you make it illegal.

>> No.5668530

Same guys made that Forbidden Forest game, which is less shocking, but it has seriously good graphics for its system, and some sweet horror jams.

>> No.5668536

>two (2) people remarked that they think the game is messed up
>autist goes on a tirade spewing expletives and cringe-posting over it
yeah ok 'buddy'

>> No.5668564

In a sense. The gameplay is fucking garbage, as typical for the ZX Spectrum, but the author put a lot of effort into the demented artwork in the game.

Reading around a bit about the games he made, and how he interacted with people, it makes me think maybe he was a slightly disturbed person who wasn't quite mentally healthy.

>> No.5668565

>it's made fun of so it's bad
It couldn't possibly because bullies are faggots; they must be right.

>> No.5668586


Learn the difference between quality and quantity you fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.5668617

Human nature. Everyone are fascinated over the medieval torture devices or crime report details.

>> No.5668618

Sounds about right.

>> No.5668625

>Reading around a bit about the games he made, and how he interacted with people
Links, please.

>> No.5670479

I mean, Britain seemed to have been into the ZX Spectrum the most, most of the software must have been British.

>> No.5670584

I get the feeling it was made by a supreme edgelord who sent Enix the most offensive thing he could think of as some kind of joke. I'm not getting any hentai vibes from it.

>> No.5670775

Feelings, which are an actual thing humans have, don't care about your stupid "laws" that apply to your degenerate country that allows this game. Thank fuck it's illegal here.

>> No.5670819

While not sexual it does seem fetishy to me. It very well could just be classic edge though.

>> No.5670861

Could the NES do visuals like this? While it's an overall weaker machine, the Speccy's two colors per tile limit, in addition to being free to use any two colors in any 8*8 square, seems like it's more lenient than the NES' four colors per 16*16 metatile.

>> No.5670918

NES can't do yellow.

>> No.5671185

>he lives in a shithole country with no free speech or right to expression

>> No.5671191

With palette trickery you can do a lot. The NES is far more powerful than the hunk of shit that is the ZX Spectrum.

I beg your pardon?

>> No.5671231

Did I stutter?

>> No.5671695
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1560800372501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire thread worked up for this shit

lmao you should all stay away from mortal kombat and carmageddon if that upsets you

>> No.5671720

The NES can display up to 25 unique colors on screen, 13 for background and 12 for sprites, from a palette of 53. The Zx spectrum only has 16 colors in its palette, but it can display every single one of them, in any combination, whereas the NES' palettes are hard coded, and can only plot colors down in 16*16 areas, versus the 8*8 for spectrum. The MMC5 allows you for 8*8 attributes which greatly alleviates the limitation. It also appears to use lots of BG tile swapping, which the NES must do by bankswitching with at least UNROM.

>> No.5671749
File: 409 KB, 256x224, final_5d0914e90cc35f0012cd9574_272556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, but nobody ever watched the opening cutscene, so it never gets talked about

>> No.5671779

There was Nes game made by Sachen in which intro was featuring man that was getting older and older, looked insanely creepy

>> No.5671803
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>> No.5671804

You need to go back zoomers.

>> No.5672035

I guess it's more about the fact that's children involved. Obviously the violence is far more primative due to the hardware but the fact it exists, and was published by a name as big as Enix, is pretty astounding.

When I posted the game originally I didn't expect it to basically become the main discussion piece of the thread, I never meant to derail the thread like this.

>> No.5672056 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1124x1102, a24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's not like a gif of little girl being eviscerated would ever become a meme or anything

people don't give a fuck about dying kids, they only freak out when dick and cunny is involved

>> No.5672058
File: 137 KB, 800x1003, harvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird that Harvester has not been mentioned, not only is it horrific but its bizarre to the max, too bad once the bizarre ends and the horrific starts the game starts to go downhill. It is also pretty funny game and was made to piss off moral guardians, which it successfully did.

>> No.5672063


I'm not surprised considering it's from The Power House. Everything they published was mediocre to bad.

>> No.5672139

Ignoring all the stuff about Enix's game above, the PC-8801 was just home to horrifying games in general. Someone named catface recently dug up a game called "Goumon Master", allegedly made by the guy that made Hong Kong 97, and the art in the game is just downright freaky to look at.

>> No.5672217

it's a well known game at least in /vr/, that's why it's not being mentioned I think

>> No.5672402

I can't get the game running on my emulator, got some pics for us?

>> No.5672448
File: 102 KB, 639x398, goumon_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the title screen, for one thing.

>> No.5672461
File: 19 KB, 637x398, goumon_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting space takes you to this option screen. I know just enough Japanese to know that the first option is "start" and the third option says something about "online information". I'm assuming by "online" it means a BBS of some kind, considering the time this game came out.

>> No.5672470
File: 92 KB, 640x400, goumon_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this, we get our intro cutscene.

>> No.5672474
File: 83 KB, 639x398, goumon_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... yeah, no kidding this was by the guy that did HK97.

>> No.5672479
File: 99 KB, 637x392, goumon_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually a message pops up that says "LEVEL 1 START!" This guy gives you commands or something, and then you're tasked with interrogating a guy.

>> No.5672481
File: 91 KB, 637x400, goumon_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly telling me to press F10, but F10 does nothing. There's a timer ticking down from 30, which then goes on to the fail cutscene.

>> No.5672484
File: 77 KB, 637x392, goumon_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this, the soldier guy presumably kills the guy from the intro, game over, reset to title. That's about all there is I could get out of this.

>> No.5672563

Huh. Thanks anon, wish I could read moon

>> No.5672564

Cry more about it Britbong, the ZX Spectrum didn't have shit on the Commodore 64 or Apple II

>> No.5672819

Maybe manually typing out "F10" will work

>> No.5672837

Big Bang creeps the shit out of me

>> No.5672843
File: 127 KB, 700x933, paper door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting game, but yeah, after a lot of good buildup and suspense, and a lot of funny horror, it kind of shits the bed.

>> No.5672846

Was this by the guys who made Top Banana?

>> No.5672853

Just checked, looks like it was

>> No.5672857

Psycore is the name of the devs

>> No.5672893
File: 12 KB, 375x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the ZX Spectrum shit, like it rightfully is
>"Y-You're just a zoomer!"
I bet you're pic related.

>> No.5673106

As if cops are responsible for the disposal of used needles. Literally all they have to do is ask dispatch to send a hazmat team.

>> No.5673174

Every minority at the very least. Oh also zionists, israel's guardian dog lol.
The amount of murricans that died for israel smfh

>> No.5673174,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol I rarely trigger jannies, but I don't think this was that bad. I guess this one was an american/jewish janny. Not my fault. Didn't broke any rules other than offtopic (which half the thread was anyway)

>> No.5673658

>anglo poorfags seething

>> No.5673846

>muh children
Who gives an f? It's fiction get over it bible thumper.