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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 114 KB, 636x599, snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5659226 No.5659226 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5659238

byuu is a faggot

>> No.5659249

give me a quick rundown I dont meddle that much in e-drama

>> No.5659262

>byuu is a faggot
That's unnecessary. When he hoards games, it's for the good of mankind.

>> No.5659278
File: 592 KB, 633x902, 1524112835282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really follow weebshit games but I know that byuu is the guy who develops bsnes and he got angry recently because there was a weebshit game which was hoarded, but he himself hoards games.
Pic related and https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/5610424/ for more info.

>> No.5659295

What do you get in return for defending yourself, bew?

>> No.5659303

no one wants to play these unfinished games by shitty companies

>> No.5659306

Fuck you and fuck byuu in the ass with a game genie.

>> No.5659313

he really does make it sound that way, huh? never liked his attitude towards this though I respect his efforts in the emulation scene

>> No.5659407
File: 893 KB, 2275x1355, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still lying about this, anon? byuu doesn't hoard anything.

>> No.5659426

friendly reminder that byuu is a furry

how many animals has he raped

>> No.5659427

This kills the incelicon.

>> No.5659471

I mean I suppose this clears it up for people who care (i.e. not me).

>> No.5659504

>friendly reminder that byuu is a furry
Can't argue with that one. He's openly degenerate.
>how many animals has he raped
As many as the number of women you've raped.

>> No.5659509

Its a good game. Its already been out as a Satelliview game forever tho

>> No.5659616

It's false controversy because he claims he'll "never dump games" on Twitter so the suits can't come after him. Every unreleased game he gets his hands on "mysteriously" appears on file sharing sites a week later.

>> No.5659626
File: 33 KB, 512x446, rom hoarder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5659638

It's kind of like how every celeb donates to charity
We all know, and they all know, most of it is bullshit, smoke and mirrors
But everyone joins the choir because the alternative is drawing a lot of attention to yourself

You can't just go on twitter like, "I just drop vidya info into the aether" because people are going to give that a very stinky eye

That's why it's 'wetworks,' not 'the business of killing people and disposing of the evidence'

>> No.5660134

Doesn't SNES Central have a link to the dump in their Special Tee Shot article? I'm pretty sure it's the proto, if the date is anything to go by.

>> No.5660197

I thought it was already dumped
whats different about this?

>> No.5660234

That was the Satellaview game. The prototype has more courses. Oh, and Snes Central does indeed have a link the the ROM.

>> No.5660809


>> No.5660825
File: 46 KB, 600x814, chadee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do hoard all the prototypes.

>> No.5661604
File: 432 KB, 583x515, dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5662103

>every thread /v/irgins scream about byuu being a hoarder
>one or two people point out that everything byuu touches gets dumped
>the /v/irgins never respond to it, just continue to scream byuu is a hoarder
Every time.

>> No.5662165

I too like to collect checksums of ROM images that will never be released to anyone.

>> No.5662172

>publicly available

>> No.5662297

Just because you're too stupid to find the no-intro set on internet archive doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.5662764

How many commercial games still haven't been dumped? How would someone even know to check? People don't just buy lots of SFC carts and then unscrew and cross-reference each and every one's revision code against a central database, do they?

>> No.5662776
File: 17 KB, 791x251, potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unscrew and cross-reference each and every one's revision code

>> No.5662807

I believe some have a revision code stamped on the sticker on the back of the cartridge. If you dump it, and the dump is good, and the checksum doesn't match any known dump, then chances are you have an undumped revision. Are there undumped, unknown revisions out there still? Probably. Will they necessarily be easy to find? No, probably not.

>> No.5662832


>> No.5662961

>the /v/irgins never respond to it, just continue to scream byuu is a hoarder
Nah, he shifts to accusations of every sexual perversion imaginable without a shred of evidence to back it up. He waits for new topics to start shitting them up with hoarding accusations again.
The link's in the picture, brainlet.

>> No.5663052

The archive.org uploads are by no means complete, brainlets.

>> No.5663126

Whatever happened to that almost release-SMW beta?

>> No.5663135

>itt: buttmad ZSNES boomers

>> No.5663187

>encouraging cancer collectors

>> No.5663252
File: 28 KB, 499x322, 1553905934883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, you know that unreleased game that was already released?
>well, it's back, but with all those annoying Kirby asset's stripped out!

>> No.5663364

>hey guys, do you know fun?
>well, imagine having any

>> No.5663470

>hey guys im 12
we know

>> No.5663643

Isn't the reason he doesn't dump games is because he lives in Japan, and they have very strict piracy laws there? I think that's reasonable.

>> No.5663768

He does dump games, he just lies and says he doesn't on Twitter.

>> No.5663820

Byuu is a massive fucking faggot. Litterally human garbage.

>> No.5663831

byuu phantasizes about fucking dogs in the ass (consensually)

>> No.5663874

what did byuu do? I follow him on twitter and heard him bitch about hoarder too so im kind of confused because im a retard

>> No.5663893

He dumps games, then lies on Twitter and says he doesn't, so brainlets get mad because they don't see through his lies.

>> No.5664102

>still can't see the fucking link to the dumped rom
Come on retarded brainlet, show us a single game byuufaggot has "hoarded" that you can't download if you have half a brain. I wanna laugh at all the games you can't find due to retardation.

>> No.5664173

And you're a massive fucking autist with a batshit crazy obsession with him.

>> No.5664184
File: 254 KB, 592x519, Screenshot_20190614_145318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what he wanted to mean with this

>> No.5664189

Well yeah, but he says that shit on Twitter to give himself plausible deniability, right?

>> No.5664214

that the rightful IP owners can download and use the tools he made

>> No.5664235
File: 36 KB, 561x110, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this in like two seconds.
byuu lives rent free in your head.

>> No.5664259

Every Konami rhythm game on there with a few exceptions (DDR Kids and Karaoke) have been dumped. They're just kept on a need-to-know basis, so you can't find them just by googling it. I know quite a few other recent-ish games on there are in a similar situation (the arcade version of Pokken, for example).

>> No.5664264

The guy who translated Mother 3 has been offering Nintendo his translation for free since forever, too. Big companies just don't like to acknowledge fan translations like that. (except Visual Novels, where they'll often just buy a fan translation because actually translating that much text isn't reasonable)

>> No.5664280

if anything, Byuu-san is a coward who samefags on threads like this one


>> No.5664343

Speak for yourself you homo

>> No.5664517

We all know you're 12

>> No.5664696

Also, VN companies are generally small as shit and they know they're selling niche products.

>> No.5664732

Isn't that the furry who hoarded an SNES collection to be used as his autistic personal dump?

>> No.5665091

He was also “””trans””” for a year and then realised he is just autistic

>> No.5665190

Did he finally admit to that? Better late than never I guess.