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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5653130 No.5653130 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5653131

Wasn't there a Zwei remake coming too? Now they're announcing another remake, of the first one?
IIRC, the Zwei remake was going to be done by some European developer. Who's making this PD1 remake?

>> No.5653139

Looks too messy and full of bloom. Looks like an Unreal Engine game.

>> No.5653145
File: 61 KB, 240x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as the Unreal Engine, is in fact, the Fortnite Engine, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Unreal Engine 4tnite.

>> No.5653147

it reminds of that HIRE THIS MAN OoT remake. The colors seem so wrong.

>> No.5653156

i really really want this to be good, i want to be excited. but what they showed has none of the charm of the original, except for the jerky aim control. it feels like whatever team is working on this does not "get it"

>> No.5653158


>> No.5653159

I'm afraid we are going to get another example of the soul / souless meme.

>> No.5653163

Panzer Dragoon isn't popular enough. Rail shooters are niche as fuck.

>> No.5653217
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Not enough shown to really cement my opinion, but I like it so far. Definitely psyched to see more.

>> No.5653223
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All they showed was the first level, which for the most party is just a plane of blue water.
That's the PS2 version.

>> No.5653272

Oh great, another awful nuRemake of a great game. Also what the above anon said it looks almost like unreal engine.

>> No.5653304

PS2 version has an option to run more like Saturn

>> No.5653335
File: 125 KB, 823x1000, 1e6b6f549eb95897606893c44044322a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much detail and hyperrealistic lighting kills the soul and the atmosphere of the original games, which were inspired by Moebius artwork (surreal landscapes, not overdetailed, very elegant shapes, etc)

>> No.5653353

Why every Switch game is using cell shading? It's because Nintendo isn't even trying anymore and all effeminate fanboys eat every shit this company releases?

>> No.5653364 [DELETED] 

The art wasn’t inspired by Moebius, it was drawn by Moebius.

>> No.5653406

Just the cover art, as far a I know.

>> No.5653459

looks painfully generic. why can't modern games properly into gloom?

>> No.5653481

>western studios
It will suck.

>> No.5653591

>Why every Switch game is using cell shading?
Why can't anyone write a grammatically correct sentence on this entire board?

>> No.5653594

But you just did?

>> No.5653626

The whole box art actually and some concept art too I think. But it's also inspired by Moebius inspired anime.like Nausicaa.

>> No.5653897
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>> No.5654065

Same guys

>> No.5654209

Original looks better and, if the trailer music in any indication, sounds better. No reason for this to exist.

>> No.5654220

Because no-taste mongoloids love it. It reminds them of their favourite anime of all time, DBZ.

>> No.5654231

This game is so hyped for how supposedly great the graphics are to the point where I have to wonder if anyone ever even played it for more than 5 minutes. This is one of the games I actually played on the Saturn back in the 90s and led to my negative reaction to the system. The first level looks passable, but as soon as you get to level 2 you see what is more typical, more brown than fucking Quake. Its fucking hideous.

>> No.5654240

fuck that looks terrible compared to the original

>> No.5654279

Yeah, I wanted to see some walking around bits.

>> No.5654458

I wonder about that too, but about the music. Everyone gushes over the first track, but literally nothing else. It's like nobody made it to level 2, let alone beyond that.
I still think it's a good game, but Zwei is just better in every conceivable way.

>> No.5654487 [DELETED] 

>All these spergs ITT claiming the original looks better
You never cease to amaze me, /vr/. The only shithole on the net that things a 240p 3D game with wobbly polygons and LEGO block aliasing looks good.

>> No.5654497

>All these spergs ITT claiming the original looks better
You never cease to amaze me, /vr/. The only shithole on the net that thinks a 240p 3D game with wobbly polygons and LEGO block aliasing looks good.

>> No.5654527

1080p 60fps, 8x AA and stable polygons still won't bring back the soul, stupid zoomer.

>> No.5654530

Soul doesn’t exist, you LARPing 20 year old.

>> No.5654537
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>> No.5654542


>> No.5654549

It’ll make it a hell of a lot more fun to play, though. Can you even see the soul at that resolution?

>> No.5654554

t. paid half a grand for a physical copy of inferior software and is now viciously fighting off the buyer’s remorse

>> No.5654556
File: 152 KB, 1084x1648, 88c96cc2b278f831942b8a09482e683f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really though? The original has such a unique look to it. The new version looks like every cheap unreal engine game under the sun. If you took a screenshot of PD1 without any characters on screen, you'd go 'that's PD1'. If you look at a shot from this trailer without the dragon, you'd say 'that's unreal engine', because there's basically nothing there to distinguish it from all the other shlock.
Technical improvements don't automatically make a game more aesthetically interesting, and it's fair to say the opposite happened here.
Since when did people on /vr/ care about 'better graphics' anyway?

That being said, ideally I'd like a remaster of the game to fix the polygon glitches and godawful framerate.

>> No.5654568

>wow drag cursor over enemy so auto aiming laser can kill it, repeat ad infinitum
panzer dragoon has always been a shit series
go play a good 3d shump like sin & punishment or omega boost

>> No.5654587

>wow spam fire button under enemy to kill it, repeat ad infinitum
I guess all shmups are bad, guys.

>> No.5654592

I miss Mobius

>> No.5654595

The sound effects are really messy and the dragon's animation and laser especially needs more attention.

>> No.5654596

You're thinking of Saga, you can get PD1 for about $30-40 depending on country.

>> No.5654603

Purists will cry foul over the graphics changes, though I personally think it just needs more polish, but goddamn is PD1 a barebones tech demo of a game.

>> No.5654606

Its mechanics aren't what makes PD good, and a higher frame rate isn't going to change that.

>> No.5654612

>The new version looks like every cheap unreal engine game under the sun.
No, it doesn’t. And you using loaded language and buzzwords doesn’t make it so.
>Since when did people on /vr/ care about 'better graphics' anyway?
I don’t know, really. Maybe in every N64 vs PS1 thread? How about SNES vs Genesis threads? Mario All-Stars threads? Basically all the time. Unless modern games are brought up. Because when they are, graphics totally don’t matter! And low fidelity is soul!

>> No.5654630

>No, it doesn’t. And you using loaded language and buzzwords doesn’t make it so.
He described it accurately and concisely. You can't see it because you have no aesthetic taste, But since you lack self-awareness it's natural for you to think that people with taste are just nostalgic or making things up. Some people are born tone deaf. You're the visual equivalent.

>> No.5654636

PD1 on Saturn looks like a borderline sprite scaler game.

>> No.5654639

Another fluff response which reasserts but proves nothing. Sad.

>> No.5654640

>that bloom
>those beam effects and explosions
>the color palette (at least it's a little more colorful)
literally what the fuck are they doing
It's like something you'd make if you'd never seen the original game and were given a vague description.

The weirdest bit is just how much stuff is even present in the first stage above water.
It really makes it look a lot less flooded and ruined.

The game is set on a shitty, barely livable mudball planet, but yeah, it's too brown overall, even given the setting. It is literally brown like Quake.
That's my biggest complaint though, and it primarily affects the second and third stages. 4 looks cool, 5 is over a massive forest, and 6... it's brown, but you're in their shitty polluted town with the green water, hazy skies, and crumbling buildings.

The game is a damn sight better looking than any of the other launch releases though, and it's still got decent visuals for a 1995 console release.

Yeah. Regarding the music alone, I'm pretty sure no one who mentions it has heard the rest of the soundtrack, which is forgettable as fuck.

>> No.5654645

probably why it looks so good

>> No.5654649

I rewatched the trailer and maybe my initial impression was unfair, but that bloom definitely needs to go. I get that 'modernizing' right now means adding bloom and particle effects everywhere, but I don't think it's a good representation of the original. They could have TRIED to maintain the same style with more flat/distinct colours, less intense colour grading over the whole scene, and no goddamn bloom.

I don't read console war threads because I'm not interested in playground politics.

>> No.5654652

>which is forgettable as fuck.
You've got some really shit taste.

>> No.5654656

That's a fair call. The graphics are pretty 'bad' on Saturn, but the remake devs had a lot of distinctive and memorable scenes/concept art to work with - and it looks like they ignored all of it. Nothing I've seen from the original games or the concept art called for intense colour grading or bloom. It clearly wasn't the original vision.

>> No.5654660

Did it really get that expensive? Bloody fuck.

During gameplay, apart from the first stage, you mostly just hear the drums and a some synth stabs that you can barely make out. The first song cuts through the SFX, the rest largely blend into them.

>> No.5654663

If you're waiting for someone to explain to you why beautiful art is beautiful then you're going to be waiting for a long time. You could try taking some psychedelics, watching Lynch, inciting a traumatic event to occur in your life, or prolonged sleep deprivation, but you're most likely permanently dim. Sorry. Better that you just be happy playing the Witcher or Skyrim and never post about aesthetics again.

>> No.5654667

If you're having difficulty hearing the superb OST adjust the sound balancing in the game settings. If you have any actual criticisms about the soundtrack you're free to share them. As for it being forgettable? No other game sounds like it, what are you even talking about?

>> No.5654670
File: 8 KB, 220x229, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be wrong elsewhere, but that's definitely the case here in 'straya. I think I paid $50 (about $35US) for my copy in really nice condition 2 years ago. Could get it cheaper but those PAL cardboard cases look like hell most of the time.

>> No.5654689

I just gave you the criticism. I'll spell it out: the other songs don't do anything interesting melodically and just fade into the background. None of the other themes are memorable.
They set the mood decently enough, but that's it.

Adjusting the sound balance will let you hear it, but that speaks pretty poorly of the game's sound design as a whole, especially after the first stage nails the mix.

>> No.5654703

> the other songs don't do anything interesting melodically
they do, they're composed in tandem with the pace of the levels, as the music flourishes so do the oncoming waves of enemies. You must not have been paying attention or playing with the sound off, this wouldn't be surprising considering your inability to hear the music.
>None of the other themes are memorable
They're plenty memorable, perhaps you've got brain problems preventing this?
>but that speaks pretty poorly of the game's sound design as a whole
Strange, the game features a few mix modes, one focusing on game audio, one being balanced, one focusing on the music. Perhaps you messed with the settings and didn't realize it. I'm not convinced at all you played the game, maybe watched some youtube video or something.

>> No.5654704 [DELETED] 

>Shitting on Skyrim’s aesthetics
As if sheering all those poor sheep wasn’t bad enough, you’ve gone and made yourself look like a jackass. Skyrim has great a great art direction but the actual quality of its in-game assets has always been lacking. Even with the official HD texture pack. It has nothing in common with Witcher apart from being open world. Your keen eye for aesthetics needs a monocle.

>> No.5654705

>Shitting on Skyrim’s aesthetics
As if sheering all those poor sheep wasn’t bad enough, you’ve gone and made yourself look like a jackass. Skyrim has a great art direction but the actual quality of its in-game assets has always been lacking. Even with the official HD texture pack. It has nothing in common with Witcher apart from being open world. Your keen eye for aesthetics needs a monocle.

>> No.5654709

>I can't comprehend someone having a different position so I'll say they have brain problems.
One of the textbook signs of autism is the inability to understand someone else's viewpoint.

>> No.5654714

I'm not talking to an autist, I'm talking to a retard.

>> No.5654715
File: 149 KB, 1200x824, edge_dragoon_01_BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only other orchestral song is played over the end credits. It's a nice one too.
The OST for PD2 is a lot less... easy to listen to, but I think it's great. It defined the tone of the series properly where PD1 was kind of an inconsistent mess.

>> No.5654717

>as the music flourishes so do the oncoming waves of enemies
>they set the mood decently enough, but that’s it
You’re an absolute brainlet.

>> No.5654737

>Skyrim has great a great art direction
Haha oh god.

>> No.5654770

>Star Fox 64 got remade
>Sin & Punishment got a sequel on the Wii
>Now this
Where are my Omega Boost and Gamera 2000 remakes goddammit?

>> No.5655216
File: 323 KB, 750x502, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but the late Adam Adamowicz certainly is no slouch when it comes to the art direction in there. the rest of Bethesda never did justice to these sadly

>> No.5657070

Why do all modern games use the same colour palette?

>> No.5657083

Every time I look at the trailer, I get a little more annoyed, mostly because it's pretty clear that the team doing this flat out ignored every bit of visual design in the series from OG to Orta.
Like, I can understand if they wanted to get away from the kinda brown look the original game had, but Orta is a pretty clear guide for how the series would look given more processing power.

The color grading looks awful (it's just not easy on the eyes at all), and the beams and explosions look lame and wimpy. They're wispy and insubstantial. Way too many devs seem to think that making things glowing and transparent is the right way to go when updating shot effects (like, the beams were always transparent since PD1, but they were much more visible, with more saturated colors to make them stand out on the screen).

The PS2 version of Panzer Dragoon fucks up a few things here and there.
It's not terrible, but it's still kinda ugly at times (the bit I noticed the most while playing was that there's a lot of visible floor jitter, but various special effects look off as well). The dragon's animation also looks kinda weird on the high-poly model.

on the plus side, you can run Wizard mode at a constant 60fps, giving the game the crazy 3X speedup the mode was supposed to have instead of just occasionally uncapping the framerate

>> No.5657086

>Unreal ENGINE 4
Sega is too lazy to come uip witha good engine of late, and their lazydom in porting arcade games for PC is retarded

>> No.5657315

Don't insult sprite scalers like that. They look awesome. Panzer Dragoon doesn't.

>> No.5657365
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>> No.5657439

It's muddy, but it's got a sense of style to it.
You're also going from a craft that Sega perfected over the previous decade (85-95) to a launch release Saturn game.

Panzer Dragoon 2 is actually fairly pretty, at least.

>> No.5657503

>Sega is too lazy to come uip witha good engine of late
They have the "Hedgehog" and "Dragon" engines, both developed in house. As their names imply, one's used for Sonic games and the other for Yakuza games. Dragon Engine is a fucking mess of an engine though, PS4Pro is barely able to maintain 1080p30FPS, and the PC version of Kiwami 2 is quite intensive, it puts Origins to shame. Sega is more concerned with porting their general games to PC, seems like their arcade ports are for Nintendo first and foremost, not even the PS4 got the Virtua Racing remake.

>> No.5657523
File: 43 KB, 464x447, 1557502469613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks great, what the fuck are you saturn retards arguing about?

This game desperately needed to come out on a console that could actually handle it, not that completely outclassed, poorly designed monstrosity that Sega released after the genesis.

It'll be a great looking, sounding and interesting game, even if the gameplay itself isn't particularly deep.

BTW I'm still waiting for a port of panzer dragoon ORTA, you know, the better game than the original and Zwei, but whatever, yeah remake the original saturn 3D demo instead.

>> No.5657827

That's why they also ported it to pc you shill

>> No.5658206

which is sad because Daytona 3 runs fine on any PC

though the controllers doesn't work

>> No.5658240
File: 2.39 MB, 1760x1120, showdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ORTA, you know, the better game than the original and Zwei
Hell no, Zwei is unmatched.

>> No.5658441

>No reason for this to exist
Like all of these remakes and remasters, essentially.

>> No.5658451

Why do people say this? PD has been a dead franchise since 2003. If you don't like it, don't play it? It's not going to retroactively destroy the legacy of a game that 50 people in the world played. I'm thrilled to have new Panzer content.

>> No.5658452

>Old game
>New content


>> No.5658483
File: 88 KB, 1408x896, pd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only thing a remake required

>> No.5658964

The trailer music to me sounded like an overcompressed version of the original theme, as if ripped from the disk and thrown through a few format conversions.

While the OST doesn't have the same production quality after the first track, I'd argue that Zwei's OST is the forgettable one.

>> No.5658969

Is there something fucked with the trailer because that sure didn't look smooth, even for 30fps. Tons of small stutters.

>> No.5658970

What's the refresh rate on your monitor? I'd wager it's recorded at 60, converted to 29.97, and then converted again by youtube.

>> No.5658973

I'm using mpv with display resample vsync; that shit is not smooth.

>> No.5658976

and assuming that is actual switch footage then that means this game is going to have shit performance and frame pacing issues. Screen cap this post for the inevitable digital foundry video.

>> No.5659138

They say it because it's true. Almost every time the original game is better than the remaster/remake. I guess you could argue that the reason for these to exist is to serve people with low standards who won't or can't use ebay.

>> No.5659147

Yeah, and I have a feeling that's how it'll sound in the game. Not good.

>> No.5659165

Here is another trailer from the developer's youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiqnBXlOOhs

>> No.5659778

Daytona 3 pretty much shattered the whole "pc games need to be optimized for all sets of hardware" myth, considering it was for a PC system with an Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU, not sure exactly what they have. If their PC based arcade games run that well, maybe Sega should port the games to PC themselves, or at least make the PC versions in house. They clearly know what they're doing.

>> No.5659791

John of course will fellate the shit out the switch version since Sega will give them the shekels despite awful performance, while relatively solid switch ports that didn't bribe like saints row 3 get shat on.

>> No.5659793
File: 2.68 MB, 854x480, watchv=AeqsasnGHJc-[13.22.218-13.31.811].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if it has bad frame pacing

>> No.5660070

Daytona 3 has the graphic fidelity of a mid to late 7th gen game, of course it could run on any PC. The hardware in those machines is most likely equivalent to a low end PC build.

>> No.5660429

But it's a new, different way to experience the same game. It's welcome in my eyes even if I am of the opinion remakes are almost always worse.

>> No.5660474

Looks very promising.

>> No.5660527

thanks John.

>> No.5660538

Because the original looked so great, right?

>> No.5660709

You know they're Panzer fanboys. Initial impressions are positive but I can't wait to hear John do an in-depth.

>> No.5661761
File: 66 KB, 670x448, Panzer Dragoon Zwei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think remakes like this have their place, but I also wish they would release the original alongside them more often.
Something like Resident Evil 2, I actually loved the remake but also love the original. I wish they would have released 'Resident Evil 2: Classic' on modern platforms too to preserve it.
Even Age of Empires 1 & 2 DE include the originals inside the remakes, which is a really nice touch.

I'm glad I found this thread, because it echoes my fears about the game. It really looks like they missed the direction of the first games, but in most places I mention that people just fire back with 'Yeah it only looked like that because it's OLD'. I think people are just swept up in the euphoria of a new PD game they're overlooking the faults.

Still cautiously optimistic they can do something good with it.

>> No.5661824

The original has a great artsylte inspired by Moebius which takes advantage of the low polygon capacity of the Sega Saturn to present strange barren worlds with big horizon lines. It looks "old" now, but the point it's that the remake looks kind of generic, like the Crash Bandicoot or Spyro remakes, with that yellow bloom. It has a lot of detail and polygons, yes, but that was not what made Panzer Dragoon great.

>> No.5661908

I think the remake looks fantastic and is very close to the source material.

>> No.5662523
File: 98 KB, 625x436, panzer-dragoon-episode-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still have time to change and improve things, but no only it's pretty different from the Saturn, it doesn't even looks like the original concept art of the game (the creators vision)

>> No.5662530

What would be actually interesting would be if they dropped the polygon nonsense entirely and make a Panzer Dragoon reboot that was a high definition sprite scaler.

As is though, looks generic.

>> No.5663234

I'll get it just to show support for PD, but it definitely misses the mark on the atmosphere so far

But if it sells decently maybe they wont cacel the zwei remake and actually do a better job on that

Never understood why Sega doesnt use that yakuza money to reform Team Andromeda and the old Sonic Team. They know who was responsible for the great classics, why not pay them to do it again instead of continuing to release blunders from incompetent employees?

>> No.5663449

Because of Sammy Corporation. They are a company that took over SEGA, and they only care about what games would sell. That's why a lot of Sonic Team members end up working on Mario games and Olympic crossovers. Most of Team Andromeda's (later Smilebit's) games have largely been unprofitable, so Sammy sends them to work on those titles.

>> No.5663454
File: 613 KB, 1920x2160, D84sKgwWwAAfDjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are already sending them suggestions, they seem pretty open to feedback.

>> No.5663537


>> No.5663565
File: 166 KB, 994x745, 443737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphics in the original Panzer Dragoons were cutting edge tech of its day. Purposefully using outdated technology is the diametral opposite of that.
It's hilarious how backwards-thinkers believe they have things in common with visionaries from the past decades when in reality their mindsets are different as night and day.

>> No.5663584

Nostalgia is a detriment to innovation.

>> No.5663598

I think nostalgia can drive innovation just fine if the author strives to copy the ends rather than means. In other words, while shitty directors mimic pixelshit and warble chiptunes, the likes of Hideki Kamiya mimic the effects of their favourite games so that their memories of Castlevania and Gradius and Contra turn into DMC and VJ and Okami.

>> No.5663607

You sound like a faggot. What is important is that graphics are pleasing to look at, not what sort of technology is used to create them. Video games are games, not tech demos.

>> No.5663609

Overcoming the limitations that nobody's ever overcome yet and overcoming limitations that've been overcome for decades are two opposite mindsets, is what I'm talking about.

>> No.5663615

Why are you acting as if identical gameplay stock with what looks like Unreal engine is innovation?

Polygon graphics are 1980s tech and are visually boring to look at.

>> No.5663620

What are you talking about? If you're under the impression that I like the new visuals, then you're off the mark. I'm arguing with the idea that doing this via sprite scalers would've been a better idea, when in actuality they should have hired a better art director.

>> No.5663634
File: 4 KB, 320x200, f-15-strike-eagle-iii_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you you and the onionboy meme poster sure seem offended by the suggestion, as if using a rendering technology from the 1980s is somehow innovative. Literally the first PC game my parents bought me back in 1993 was a polygon game.

I'm perfectly willing to accept "no, that's a bad idea, no one else wants that" as a response, but not stupid shit about innovation or backwards thinking.

>> No.5663639

Sprite scaling is an outdated technology that is never going to be useful ever again. Polygon graphics is current and modern. And of course modern 3d is about as comparable to 1980s polygonal graphics as hot air balloons are to airliners.

>> No.5663713

why would they purposefully add some sort of pollution shader?

>> No.5663729

So this is a remake? I thought it was one of those revivals that just drops the subtitles.

>> No.5664784

Because franchises ''doesn't should lose its soul'' so they have to stay dead, buried and forgotten because a bunch of elitistic hoarders say it.

I'm happy that PD is back, even in remake form. And i hope they improve the controls.

>> No.5664862

I don't get why these devs remake their fucking games. Fuck off with that shit. I get it for shitty games but panzer dragoon was genuinely amazing at the time and it even still holds up today. It was a masterpiece for the saturn. Remaking your game basically means you're spitting on the original and you want to fucking forget about it like it was nothing. Make a new fucking game at least, not this remake garbage. I'm not supporting this trash because it looks awful.

>> No.5665004

I hope someone sent them that pic of yours.

It's a remake. They're also doing Zwei.

>> No.5665067

did panzer dragoon even have sprite scaling? it looked like all polygons

>> No.5665079

the projectiles

>> No.5665080

It is mostly polygons. There are some sprites, but it isn't a "sprite scaler" as the term generally refers to.

>> No.5667054

Like a remake of Panzer Dragoon Mini on the Game Gear?
That's a dumb idea, but I'd actually like to see a HD sprite scaler rail shooter with beautiful art.

>> No.5667865

I can't find what system Daytona 3 was supposed to run on, but given its age it was probably designed for the Sega Nu. The Nu is driven by a 3.3GHz i3 3220, 4GB of DDR3, and a GTX 650 Ti, not very impressive hardware.

>> No.5668797

As far as the Saturn goes the polygons are actually sprites, and quads instead of triangles. Not sure what this actually entails on a technical level but this is something I see parroted a lot, don't even know if it makes sense. I think the PS1 did something similar but with triangles. The N64 was the only one that was doing "true 3D" whatever that means. Either way sprite scaling is a sort different thing, as with the name implies it literally can only scale sprites, you can't rotate them, you can't manipulate the individual position of the 4 vertices. But don't trust me, I don't understand on a technical level what any of this means, it's what I figured out from bits and pieces of info.

>> No.5668802

Yeah I got it from twitter, some guy was sending them tons of feedback. Don't know if they ackowledged that one specifically but they seem to be in contact with that fans criticisms

>> No.5669129

>original panzer dragoon had a pc version to showcase a quadrilateral based GPU, developed by Nvidia
>this appears to be a switch exclusive remake
>not even the ps4, their money maker console, is getting it

I don't get it, Sega makes most of their money from Sony consoles, but why are they buddy buddying with Nintendo?

>> No.5669160

Yeah and there response is like
>Thanks for the feedback, but we can't let nostalgia guide us and we need to modernize.

But they also said it's not Switch exclusive.

>> No.5669162

Oh it's not exclusive? Googling it seemed to imply it was only coming to the switch, it still seems weird that virtua racing is switch only and not multiplatform.

>> No.5669179
File: 109 KB, 600x1026, firefox_wm38ENONkK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah and there response is like
>>Thanks for the feedback, but we can't let nostalgia guide us and we need to modernize.
There is this particular tweet that kind of stuck out to me that should be akin to a PR disaster but somehow people didn't make a big deal out of it. Among all this feedback all he took out was "lol bro why don u make the background less detailed"

>> No.5669182
File: 3.00 MB, 800x450, ps4bonepc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Googling it seemed to imply it was only coming to the switch
Of course, Nintendo fans don't give a fuck about any game that isn't on a Nintendo platform. Here's footage from the non-Nintendo version.

>> No.5669183 [DELETED] 

>I hope someone sent them that pic of yours.

>> No.5669185
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x608, switchPD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the gimped Switch version.

>> No.5669186
File: 29 KB, 601x283, firefox_ZNjjvjZgN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I hope someone sent them that pic of yours.

>> No.5670205
File: 62 KB, 786x355, star-wars-original-trilogy-changes-r2-d2-rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>players request nice and detailed backgrounds today

>> No.5672489

Zwei's ost is GOAT, listent to the arrange album

>> No.5672505

Holy fuck, that's so much better.

>> No.5672538

Panzer Dragoon is largely made of quads, with a few scaled sprites for enemy shots and the lot.

>true 3D
The N64 is Z-buffered and does perspective correct texturing instead of just using screen coordinates. That's basically it.
The other two machines have polygons unable to pass through each other and distorted looking textures because of that.

>very close to the source material.
It really isn't.

>> No.5672591

Rail shooters in general are a unique niche but panzer dragoon is an exception, it's synonymous with the Saturn, one of of the staple games of the Saturn library, and the subset of gamers who either grew up with Saturn or now play Saturn is much larger than the rail shooter niche.

>> No.5672595

Too bad the game looks like generic garbage

>> No.5673315

Generic? Nah, you could instantly tell it's Skyrim if you saw a screenshot. I'd argue it's just very inconsistent in how it looks on a technical level wherein lots of it looks pretty nice and some things look terrible.

More generally on remakes- unless the remake is abhorrent it's probably a good idea to buy it if you're a fan of the series. It's a novel way to experience the game you're so familiar with and could encourage them to make a new game if there's enough interest. Example- I'm a die-hard Crash and Spyro fan and I was a bit disappointed with the remakes. I enjoyed them a lot but when I replay those games (as I regularly do) I think I'll stick with the originals because they're the superior version. Doesn't mean the remakes are bad, just inferior, but still worth playing.

>> No.5673463

Thats bull. I haven't seen one dev that actually made sequels AFTER a remake. This is just nostalgia -and zoomer bait quick cashgrabs

>> No.5673646

I absolutely love the first two games, Saga has the same great setting and amazing creature design but feels less spiritual.

Fuck its fucking Moebius inspired. My love for these games is absolute.

>> No.5673649

Th concept art is amazing but it never translated to the shitty no ram consoles they needed to make the game run on.

It does look better in dragonborn.

>> No.5673651

Yeah but do you really need to dig them up and do something like Thief 2014?

I honestly don't believe we can do a panzer Dragoon presentation and story in this day and age. No matter how much i want more PZ.