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5651747 No.5651747 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5651786

Did they use neural upscaling on those FMVs or did they actually find the 480p masters? Would be amazing if they did. I think Squall is too Dissidiaish for my taste, and it's obvious they only really updated the main characters, but if they keep the original music this looks like a solid remaster.

>> No.5651856

Hmm. Might actually bother to pirate this. Still haven't gotten around to finishing FF8.

>> No.5652067

Oh look, another FFVIII thread. Do you people ever play any other games?

>> No.5652075

Why would they bother remastering this turd

>> No.5652087


>> No.5652094


>> No.5652101

Will the remake give me an option to waifu Quistis? Probably not. Why should I care then?

>> No.5652110

reminder that they low-key confirmed U=R

>> No.5652143

looks like it's confirmed that Ultimecia is Seifer too

>> No.5652148

It's a remaster. It's just the same game but prettier.

>> No.5652164

It's not a remake. It doesn't look like they've improved the fuckign framerate, let alone altered gameplay in any significant manner.

>> No.5652169

It looks like how you remember FF8 looking.

>> No.5652170

Guess they wont remake it now. Was 9 remastered?

>> No.5652174

Looks pretty now.

>> No.5652196

the background textures look untouched

>> No.5652197

I rememver when they said they wanted to remake 8 nd 9 but they got remasters instead now.

>> No.5652202

Same for 5 but that was dropped.

>> No.5652204

that was way back in early PS2 days

>> No.5652209

I meant a interview from 3 years ago.

>> No.5652371

>no out of battle footage

>> No.5652406

Replaying this for the first time in years. I don't mind the shaky low-res textures, the remaster doesn't seem like it does much to alter the experience.

>> No.5652931

Why do they vehemently deny it? It'll give meaning to so many of the looser plot details, and Ultimecia being some barely coherent being looking to relive her youth ties in so well with her monologue at the end of her battle and even her dancing her.

I can't even think of anything off the top of my head that outright makes the theory moot, too.

>> No.5652958

>best FF saved for last

>> No.5652975
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 5-FFVIII_12717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'll give meaning to so many of the looser plot details
Lik making the story of Squall and Riona completely meaningless as it amounts to nothing? Also contradicting one of the main plot points of the game that sorceresses have normal lifespans and need to give their power before they die, a plot point that puts the whole story in motion and is behind the whole point of why Elena is kidnapped by Adel and how Laguna becomes president of Esther? Yeah, great "meaning" you got there.

>and Ultimecia being some barely coherent being looking to relive her youth ties in so well with her monologue at the end of her battle.
Is it that hard to imagine that the intention of that was to portray Ultimecia as an evil reflection of what the heroes could become? Just like Golbez is an evil reflection of Cecil, Kefka is to Terra, Sephiroth is to Cloud.

Ultimecia is more a reflection of Squall though, Squall character starts as completely rejecting any connections due to the pain he suffers from missing his onee-san. He learns to let others in and rely on others for support which is the whole meaning behind the ending where Squall is lost but Riona finds him because they were able to make a "meaningful" connection.

Ultimecia was what a sorceresses could become if she didn't have a knight, a personal connection she could rely on and so rejected all of reality and wanted to Kompress Time into a single moment of non-existence, hence rejecting everyone like Squall used to.

.Since Riona has Squall and this is literally what's explicitly said in the "I'll be waiting here" scene which is then thematically used in the ending to drive home this meaning like a nail through your eyeball and Riona being the same person as Ultimecia completely undermines any meaning the story tries to have since it would mean everything that happened was for no purpose.

>> No.5652995

I’ll stick with the original.

>> No.5653060

Is it true that FF8 is the worst? Is it worth playing after 7 and 9?

>> No.5653078

>the fmvs don't look like shit

>> No.5653081

Is true that you're so fat and ugly nobody would wanna fuck you?

>> No.5653172
File: 220 KB, 642x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a hacked up version of the 2000 PC port
>still 4:3
>still 20FPS
>still uses 480p assets

I'm getting real tired of this "remastered" shit.

>> No.5653180

Underlying themes are meaningless abstractions. The only valid readings of a story look at the literal events that actually happen in it.

>> No.5653192

It's pretty decent although 7/9 are better

>> No.5653225


yeah that Squall model looks really jarring and the mods for Steam version is good enough for me if I want another playthrough

>> No.5653230

I liked it a lot but the Junction system is weird. Drawing magic is tedious at first but once you're able to refine magic then just absolutely breaking the game and stomping everything becomes incredibly easy. It's an interesting system but horribly balanced.

>> No.5653260

It looks like an early PS2 game

>> No.5653267

Ultimecia being Rinoa is one of the worst headcanon I've ever read

>> No.5653334
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Can't wait to spend 6 hours using draw.

>> No.5653338

>not just playing triple triad until your get a bunch of good cards to refine and absolutely break the game

>> No.5653345

Fuck no

>> No.5653347

True. It looks like a PSP one

>> No.5653384

Old one looks like crap.

>> No.5653596

Actually FF8 is better than 7, its biggest flaw is not being FF7-2.

FF7 was baby's first JRPG for most of us bonrn between 1985-1990, we had no clue how past FF titles were about, most people were like ''oh there are other 6 games before?'' so when FF8 was announced people were disapointed by not playing as Cloud and Co.

>> No.5653623

I like the way you think

>> No.5653632
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>> No.5653639


>> No.5653654

Looks like a dreamcast game.

>> No.5654381

>Lik making the story of Squall and Riona completely meaningless as it amounts to nothing?
It amounts to nothing the way it is right now, just like most things in FFVIII. It says a lot that FF8 has so many theories and people grasping at straws in a game that makes so little sense. I mean, the plot is entirely dependent on Ellone's ability which is never explained and then there's all the crazy moon shit and GF amnesia that seem to exist just because someone thought it'd be cool.

>> No.5654386

Best post-16-bit game in the series. Hard pass on the port though.

>> No.5654389

What happened to "they lost the original data and they can never remaster it"?

>> No.5654391

Game looks amazing. Get a decent display and some taste.

>> No.5654393
File: 489 KB, 598x440, cerb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fucks your shit up*

>> No.5654402

The original looks beautiful, but this thing looks like shit.

>> No.5654525

Assuming you have the original game on your computer, the "original data" is right there.

>> No.5654540
File: 634 KB, 969x720, Cerberus-FFVIII-boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it's obvious they only really updated the main characters
I guess the GF textures also get improved, but I think that's about it. I'll be happily proven wrong, but the models were already pretty high quality in the original.

>> No.5654901

Old one looks crap.

Old one looks like crap.

>> No.5654907

Transexual lies. Same for Contra, FF3.

Only NES Metal Gears are gone.

>> No.5654937

slow it down there bud