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File: 147 KB, 800x400, Master_of_Orion_2_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5647560 No.5647560 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some tips and tricks for Master of Orion 2

>> No.5647680

play psilons

>> No.5647958

play master of orion 1

>> No.5648332

Stockpile production. This way you can basically build future buildings and ships in advance before techs become available.

Workers generate production which is added to the pool. When you build something it subracts its costs from the pool or waits till there is enough production in the pool. If there is leftover production it will be moved to the next thing in the queue. Say, you ordered pimped out 1100 points Battleship. At 1000 points you switched it to Autolab (200 prod) and then Colony Ship (500 prod) the next turn. You build these things in 1 turn and there are 300+ production left in the pool.

It's very important for building Research Labs, Autofactories, Autolabs and other goodies at the first opportunity. Time production speed with research and order some very expensive project like Colony Ship then switch production to different object.

>> No.5648358

Why the fuck would you ever play Psilons?

>> No.5648390
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play the most abusive race ever: telepathic, repulsive, unification, -50% growth on impossible in a mineral rich cluster galaxy, average tech level.
Biuld a weaponless scout and a missile cruiser plus some helper frigates or destroyers asap. Attack and mind control your neighbors asap. Rush tech to tractor beams and core waste dump, conquer the galaxy with neutron blaster + tracor beam battleships. Then techrush to core waste dumps and galactic unification, enjoy 100% production and food bonus. You will almost always win, guardian and antares are a joke with that race.
downside is: Only the first 50 turns really matter, the rest is rather tedious.

>> No.5648412


>> No.5648472

Build some ships that have MIRV missiles early on and crush everything with those. Nukes or Merculites, whichever you have. Just cram as many 2x shot MIRV's on as you can and nothing can oppose you.

>> No.5648809

it's a better game

>> No.5649463

How so?

>> No.5649546

Mostly creativity. Research is very important. You need a strong armada, fast.

>> No.5649858
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I agree. Except combat and ship design are worse in moo1 though. But moo2 is very tedious to play, having builidngs in each colony to manage, having to shuffle around colonists etc... moo1 is slick, 5 bars for each colony deal with everything. And you have a "fleet forward" button that automatically sends newly biult ships to a target location. Why did they ever remove that?

>> No.5649965

Just get the fucking fanpatch and use the automatic build orders to make colony managment less of an hassle
I never could get into moo1 because I really dont like the abstract sliders

>> No.5650149
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1. What do you play as most often
2. Where do you fail?

>> No.5650150
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>I never could get into moo1 because I really dont like the abstract sliders
These slidersare like the strings of an instrument. Each race requires you to play it differently. And in Moo1, playing darloks and espionage were actually fun.

>> No.5650867

vs AI only
Creative is a strong trait.

>> No.5650929

I wonder how is the guy who post his plays in prev thread doing. Hope he's doing well.

>> No.5651360
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jesus that place looks bright

>> No.5651460

This is good advice.
Research cannot be stockpiled and excess research is wasted. So if the percentage to get the next tech is high (>60%), I often shift some researchers to production, and put them back to research after the tech is discovered

If you have undeveloped planets in your systems, an outpost ship in orbit will prevent the AI from settling the system. Earlygame, outpost ships can be used to extend the range of what you can colonize. Moreover, they can be used to stake out a system before you have a colony ship to send. If there is an outpost ship in an undeveloped system the AI will settle elsewhere. Eventually, they will destroy the ship (more aggressive races sooner) but it is a good way to expand as much and as early as possible, and then back-fill.

>> No.5651480

games really imbalanced and exploitable
great atmosphere and UI but actually if you wanna game it
isn't hard to win on very hard just need to do the same best practice thing every fucking time

>> No.5651495

>not playing on "impossible"

>> No.5651543

that requires a totally gamey level of exploits like missles at range 1 to win
not even i could be such a dork faggot as to play through that

>> No.5652520
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nah you can even skip the missile stage completely and go straight for beam and assault ships. Great when playing telepathic. Scrapping captured ships is a great way to get enemy tech. And you can get unresearchable tech by scrapping captured antaran ships.

>> No.5652609

and thus microprose built a nice skeleton but spent 0 time on actually balancing and debugging the game
yet it is the best space 4x to date and humanity is doomed

>> No.5653474
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>bombard the xeno from orbit

truly this is /ourgame/

>> No.5655042
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maybe. But back in the days, one would buy it, play it a few times, figure out the exploits by oneself, and what the game actually is about. Then one would play around a bit with race designs, try to really get absurdely high scores, maybe try out multiplayer... and that is it.
Nowadays zoomer kids need to discuss endlessly without even being able to install and properly set up a dosbox. And the same loosers will continue to masturbate about how it is unbalanced here and not quite perfect there, without realizing that maybe that is a good thing.

And there is a reason no one talks about Moo3 and that recent crappy remake.

>> No.5655162

It's a mystery why MOO1 fans don't discuss MOO3. It was an attempt to merge MOO1 and MOO2. Play the game and read devs design document to see how hard they tried to achieve that.

Its technology system and planet development follow MOO1 example. Planets are developed automatically, different areas are financed from budget depending on set sliders. Research is financed from budget, available tech picks are random but racial traits like creativity provide more potential tech. No race can research every technology in one game, it's something MOO1 people fawn over endlessly. Those are two parts MOO1 fans praise the most but they don't talk of the third game for some reason.

>> No.5655329

Is it true that MOO3's mods pretty much fixed the game? Ive read some people swear that the game is good with mods, if very very slow and long term.

>> No.5655489

I don't know, last time I played MOO3 ten years ago. It was a fun game in its own way but much messier than MOO2 and MOO1. It's key flaws to me were technology system from MOO1 which plain sucks, overbloated and rigid race design, interface which didn't provide sufficient information on mechanics and consequences, espionage system was ass. I don't know of the mods which fixed these parts.

>> No.5655569

Eliminate the entire planet using Stellar Converter.

>> No.5655581
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you can turn ultra poor or toxic planets into abundand average sized planets wirb this. Just zap it with the sc, what remains is an asteroid belt. Ofc you need another colony in that system to build the planet.

>> No.5657542
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In the last retail version 1.31 you can buy products incrementally. This allows people to buy things at the floor rate of 2bc per hammer.

> Look for a building or ship that is at most 2x the current stockpiled hammers in the colony.
> Repeat Build it
> > Recommended to put something else below it in the queu
> Buy
> delete the Repeat
> this removes the item entirely, even though the thing was bought

This can be used to quickly raise hammers for a major building, such as Robo Miner Plant, by doubling the hammer stockpile each turn.

If you have a lot of money, you can also use the trick to buy huge stockpiles of hammers. Pic related, for example, has about 1200 hammers stockpiled already, and is incrementally buying the Star Fortress each turn to instead build Artificial Planets

>> No.5658229

He asked for tips not cheese
Also OP isnt replying anymore

>> No.5658385

I thought unused production got wasted and I've played this game for fucking two decades! The more you know...

>> No.5658386

I tried Moo1 the other day and the sliders resetting / fucking up your settings every time something researched was too much of a ballache to deal with.

>> No.5658412
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Thanks for the feedback!

Pursuant to the subject you brought up, people should know about hammer overflow in 1.31. When the colony completes a project, any of that turn's production that overflows gets doubled-up as trade goods. The hammers are added to both the production stockpile AND generate BCs. (When producing trade goods normally, you are obviously not adding hammers to the production count at the same time.)

To exploit this, people were known to produce empty frigates (20h) and refit them (5h). Takes a lot of extra micro, don't bother with this unless there is a serious problem.

>> No.5658439

As an example case, say you are minding your own business building a Colony Ship, just 100h to go, and suddenly the klackon fleet appears out there, eta 1 turn.

You can switch over to pop out a missile ship- it will appear in time to fight, you will get full production overflow in the form of hammers and trade goods (as described) for that turn, and the production value of the ship is deducted from the stockpile as normal. So assuming you survive, you can resume the Colony Ship from where you left off, less the cost of the missile ship.

>> No.5658982

iirc this was fixed with a patch

>> No.5660668

i didn't know

>> No.5660783

>read devs design document to see how hard they tried to achieve that.
I mean, they tried, but since they ended up backtracking a lot of their original decisions to the point that it's debatable whether they actually accomplished their goal, is there really a point?

>> No.5660951

Honestly I hated the art direction so much I just couldn't get into it. I even read the manual sometimes for entertainment.

>> No.5660980

>8 picks for a bunch of techs you don't need
Even before they patched it up from 6 picks it was always overrated.

>> No.5661531
File: 558 KB, 640x1316, horo sim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might not be the top tier but it's much stronger than the rest of the expensive specializations taken by the default races, i.e.
>industry, food, science +2
>attack, defend +50
>ground, spying +20
>+1 BC
>high G, trans, stealth, warlord, cyber
Creative duplicates all of these at the same time after maybe 150 turns pre-warp, which basically makes them all rush-traits.

>> No.5662784

why not lizardgirls?

>> No.5662801

wait till you see the Pleasure Dome, my purple space nigga.

>> No.5662806

Because her name is horo

>> No.5662814

It's too tempting

>> No.5662950

The font literally gives me a headache to look at.

>> No.5663307

MOO3 copied many parts from the first MOO game. In fact most fuck-ups which ruined MOO3 for players can be traced to attempts to imitate the first game instead of improve MOO2. I shall list decisions that got in the final game:

-Game and visual design takes itself more seriously. Again, some MOO1 fans complained that race creation made all races generic and forgettable in MOO2 even though they were all cartoony cliches in the first game. Not to mention races in MOO1 were even less balanced than in MOO2 with a few clear winners. As the result race creation in MOO3 has in-built restrictions and cost adjustments for template races instead of freeform in MOO2. Humans always buy diplomacy race picks cheaper than lizards but subspecies can have different prices. It reinforces the roles of those cartoony cliches and who cares about them? The clarity of the game suffers greatly at the introductory stage for nothing.
-Planetary development is done through sliders setting priority for distribution of local production and subsidies from the government. Sliders are present. Player can put buildings into queue which planetary governor designs automatically but it's hard to tell when anything will be built.
-Planetary screen shows the players just remote view of the planet surface like in MOO1. It doesn't has icons for the number of factories, population or missile bases. These are numbers on data sheet. It's nothing like MOO2 with its city screen which created an image of developing colony.
-Terraforming investments move the planet to optimal temperature, atmosphere, etc. Again, kinda like Eco slider.
-Technologies are mostly unique things but they have chance to be researchable from 50% to 90% based on Creativity stat.

Were there other decisions to copy MOO1 which didn't get in MOO3? Espionage in MOO3 was its own kind of mess, 8 different types of spies (industrial, political, etc) which were built manually as units rather than areas of activity with set budget.

>> No.5664806

>mix moo1 & moo2
good thing i never play moo3
i don't like that macro management style in moo1
random tech available
stacked ships in battle (like HoMM troops)
>crappy remake
is it bad? i haven't tried it.
i might try it if it plays like moo2

>> No.5664817
File: 75 KB, 600x480, main-qimg-16c68788045ab5b32e2690fb2c436ed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get plasma

>> No.5665675
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I didnt paly it but the devs seem to have blew their money on things they shouldnt have included in the first place like diplo voice acting. They hired Mark Hamil to do the Alkari leader and Q to do the humans and so on.
The only people who I see praising it are straight up furries who wanna tittyfuck the Mrrshan queen and her hajib wearing research assistant.

>> No.5665782

Here's a showcase video if you wanna see what I mean

>> No.5665978

>Mrrshan queen
didn't expect it
are there elerians in the remake?
or is it just moo1 races?

>> No.5666090

They have Gnolam and Trilarians as DLC IIRC, but they too went through a redesign.
No Elerians I think. The only brand new race is the Terran Khanate who are more agressive ancient human exiles or some shit.

>> No.5666092

Seriously? You didn't expect closet furries to go after an obvious furry bait?
As for races, no Elerians...that would just be way too easy. Near as I can tell, it's just the MOO1 cast.

>> No.5666176
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The nerve of these guys!

>> No.5666184
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They are ugly blue plastic dolls with shining eyes. Or maybe they are extremely sweaty and slimy.

>> No.5666307

I add to that one fleet a tank ship, which is supposed to take all the damage while the missile ships retreat. The tank ship waits until all missiles hit their targets. If there are still enemies around, use your judgement to either retreat or crush them.

>> No.5666472

still omniscience and telephatic?

>> No.5668872

Heh, I loved using that cheese. Especially since Toxic planets are not terraformable otherwise (except via random event).

>> No.5670142

the toxic planets must be in enemy control, right?
i don't think you can sc your own planets

>> No.5670369

How do I git gud at Star Trek Birth of the Federation?

>> No.5670862
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>> No.5671815

God I hated these fuckers. They spread everywhere through immigration and there is no genocide button to selectively wipe them out. I ended up giving all planets with Ithkul presence to Nomo fish people then glassed them from orbit.

>> No.5671824

To beat Master of Orion 2, avoid taking damage from enemies while also making sure that you deal enough damage to kill them.

>> No.5673643
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Funny enough I remember this strategy also worked for reaching the Sam's Club in South Chicago

>> No.5673685

based social commentary anon

>> No.5673745

this strategy also works for adventure island

>> No.5674228

Creativity niggaz

>> No.5674237

ThThisThThis is why it sucks. It's like the worst of both worlds. Like you cant even pick what your colonies build or do. You can just appoint planetary magistrates that prefer industrial or agrriculture or ehateve and HOPE that they pick what you want. They ddeddecideddeddecide nnot you. Its like way tko abstracted even stupider than clownfucker GSG games like ck2.

>> No.5676283

Do you suffer from a stroke bro?
Should I call the ambulance?

>> No.5676346
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>> No.5676438

Wow that's bad. How do you screw up aesthetics this much, especially when you have a clearly superior original example to reference?

I guess we could say the same for game design.

>> No.5677509
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Is it too much to ask for there to be blue sexpots in space?

>> No.5678220
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You'll have to learn to suffice with big tiddy Mrrshan queen.

>> No.5678778
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>> No.5680735

I like how the MOO 2 Mrrshan look like Kilrathi

>> No.5681016

I don't play Wing Commanders, but I saw one of Kilrathi characters in 15 most memorable villains in CGW. I use that name as the leader of Mrrshan.

>> No.5681540

based star control poster

>> No.5681598
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I hate how they designed the Silicoids in the remake, from amorphous mass of sentient minerals to another humanoid with alien head. What a bankrupt artistic direction.

>> No.5681624

>Star Trek Birth of the Federation?
based moo clone. would also like to know how to git gud in it.

>> No.5683371

>MoO Silicoids
>MoO2 & MoO remake Silicoids

>> No.5683617

>MoO Silicoids
Grey mass which for some reason has mouth shaped orifice with teeth like crystals and light hinting at the digestive process going down the way. Has bright points above the mouth, unmistakably eyes, all to make it more approachable and human like. A funny alien from kids tvshows.
Big rock, no eyes, no mouth, strange energy field at the upper half which is levitating. No hints towards its metabolism, sensory organs and its way of communication. Would pass for natural object if not for it's arms. A truly strange and alien life form.

MOO2 was proven superior once again.

>> No.5683628

My favorite Silicoid design is the one in MoO3. Just a sentient crystal. Too bad the game's so shit otherwise.

>> No.5684940

I played the latest Master of Orion, and it's indeed soulless as fug. What were they trying to do? It feels too much like Stellaris but with just a fraction of its mechanics.
I want to reinstall MMO2 but I'm afraid I'd feel the same about it too, I'm scared bros. I loved MOO2

>> No.5685047
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