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/vr/ - Retro Games

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563649 No.563649[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck zsnesfags and all these arguments, and fuck the faggot who deleted the thread, I actually do want to talk about RetroArch, thank you.

So, how did it come to support so many emulator cores? Did they just implement the libretro functions using each emulator's internal API? They turned emulators into libraries? So their emulator cores are actually the stand-alone emulators stripped of everything except the emulation functionality?

Who maintains the cores, the original emulator authors or the retroarch guys?

>> No.563676

I tried to use retroarch in android and nothing works, don't know why.
>Shows the start screen
>few moments stay black
>stretched touch controls

>> No.563765

Playing emulators on a touch screen isn't very nice, in general. The PSP is still my favorite emulation platform, it's basically a snes controller, only with better buttons and with a screen. If only it wasn't dead.

>> No.563793

Yeah, i know.
That's why i'm probably buying a Ipega controller for my android devices.
I had a PSP, had some problem with hardware.
Now i had a Cellphone, a tablet capable of running most of the emulators but no physical controls, and i also have a Dingoo A320 but it doesn't emulate very well Snes.

>> No.563825

Most games that aren't JRPGs are practically unplayable without some sort of controller.

>> No.563829

>So, how did it come to support so many emulator cores?

It started off as SSNES, a frontend for libsnes, which was bsnes in library form. Then it was found that VBA could be ported to work with libsnes API, so then it got GBA emulation. From there, a whole lot of other emulators got ported to the API and SSNES got ported to other platforms like Xbox 360 and PS3. Since it was now far more than SNES, it was renamed RetroArch and the API renamed libretro.

Most of the libretro cores are maintained by the RetroArch team, though a few emulators have libretro support upstream such as Nestopia and SNES9x

>> No.563836

Yeah. I tried to play street fighter on my galaxy note 2 once. Couldn't hadouken shit.

>> No.563841

I kinda regret not buying the xperia play.
>well, i will buy the one with two cores

>> No.563850

So those guys are actually maintaining their libretro cores themselves?
That's great. Hopefully more emulators will do that.

>> No.563868

>Most of the libretro cores are maintained by the RetroArch team

That's alright, but check out this project:


They seem to have a copy of the snes9x source code. Isn't it easy for it to get outdated? Or is it patched in some way?

>> No.563871

I tried Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man X on my Note 2. I found that the on-screen touch controller didn't seem to allow jumping and attacking at the same time.
Although even with a PS3 controller connected, there was still the issue of input lag on the screen. It was awful with the stock firmware, but pretty negligible with the LiquidSmooth firmware. I ditched LiquidSmooth pretty quickly though because it kept crashing the phone. I'm now using monxDIFIED, which seems to work. Haven't tried emulators on it yet though.

>> No.563880

I was under the impression that Snes9x-Next was a different project - a fork of the original Snes9x with slightly different goals. Not sure though.

>> No.563897

>ps3 controller

I can't fathom using a separate controller just to play a game on my phone. I'd just use my wired 360 pad on my computer in that case.

I don't know about that.

>> No.563906


That particular one is a fork of SNES9x by Squarepusher originally for the PS3. It is SNES9x 1.52 with optimizations and speedhacks, and is intended for less powerful systems.

>> No.563931

So the original Snes9x is more up to date?

>> No.563945


Yes. The reason 1.52 is used is because 1.53 and 1.54 are slower due to increases in accuracy.

>> No.563981

So did ZSNES actually get good or are people recommending it on here as a joke? I always saw people shit all over it until /vr/ was made.

>> No.564001

I have both ZSNES and SNES9x. Best of both worlds. Fuck byuu.

>> No.564007

liking/being pro-zsnes is a popular way to troll emulation threads

>> No.564016

Everyone knows ZSNES is an outdated inaccurate piece of shit so they pretend to like it to rustle jimmies.

>> No.564017


ZSNES is the best of nothing except running on obsolete computers.

>> No.564038

It's hard to say whether it's just people trolling or genuine ZSNES fanboys. I'm guessing it's a bit of both.


>> No.564059

>It's hard to say whether it's just people trolling or genuine ZSNES fanboys. I'm guessing it's a bit of both.

When people get assblasted about other people using zsnes, you can expect that people will try to exploit that anger.

I'm sure there's a fair amount of bullshit slinging for fun in scanline emulation threads

>> No.564061

No, this is not the case.
In one of these threads i just said i like zsnes for x and y reasons and people went full ape shit on me.
Just say Zsnes and people go full batshit insane.
ITT: You can't like what i dislike

>> No.564075

You can thank byuu for that. Seriously, fuck that guy.

>> No.564082


Just like using VLC in /a/ gets people mad

>> No.564095

VLC is a pleb piece of shit though

>> No.564102

>Just say Zsnes and people go full batshit insane.
When mentioning any use of ZSNES make sure to also mention that you know it's objectively shit and that you don't recommend anyone else use it.
That way there will not be any need for anyone else to point it out.

>> No.564103


It's fine. I started using it back when Kazaa was still a thing because it could play incomplete files.

>> No.564105

What do you use, son?

>> No.564109


He raised awareness of the shortcomings of ZSNES (and SNES9x at the time) and of the problems it caused to the ROM hacking scene. I don't get why people hate him for that.

>> No.564110

It is. I seriously can't believe they still haven't fixed the shit video quality in it.

>> No.564120

Not him, but SMPlayer. I only use VLC in the very rare case I encounter a broken video file that for some reason won't run in SMplayer.

>> No.564118


So is ZSNES...

>> No.564127

you can't ruse me with that and you can't ruse me by claiming that zsnes is great

>> No.564131

As of the last 3-4 years, yeah.

>> No.564121

For what? Producing the best snes emulator out there?
For ensuring that roms get archived and sorted correctly?
For calling out bad emulators?

>> No.564125

Everyone should simply add the word zsnes to their filters. Nobody who seriously considers discussing that shit isn't worth talking to.

>wants to write a better emulator
>utterly succeeds in obsoleting every other emulator
>has to deal with buttmad retards trying to downplay his achievements

I wonder why. It's a very capable player full of features that works pretty much out of the box. That's not to say that MPC is bad, but it doesn't work on Linux, for one.

>> No.564139

>It's a very capable player full of features that works pretty much out of the box
So is SMPlayer, and it doesn't have shit image quality.

>> No.564147

>better emulator
>It takes at least a 2ghz dual core and 2gb of ram to emulate a 21mhz machine
When he optimize his emulator, we talk.

>> No.564149

It's because they're offended that the emulator they've always used since they were born is actually a shitty piece of trash, which implies they're utter retards who don't know shit about emulators.

They come here to rationalize their choice with their "muh old ass machine", "who needs accuracy anyway", "I don't know anything about computers and game folders are stupid", "byuu is an autist" arguments.

That is the level of zsnesfags.

>> No.564157


I just compared a 1080p video of black dicks white chicks on VLC and SMPlayer and couldn't tell the difference

>> No.564173

I use KMPlayer since I'm not stupid.

>> No.564175

That's how it seems, yeah. I don't get it. I was using ZSNES for over a decade myself back in the day, but I had no problem seeing that its time was past and looking for alternatives.

>> No.564183

See this? This is step 2 of ZSNES trolling. They know nothing about coding and nothing about creating emulators and even less about accurately emulating everything a console does. But they spew this kind of ignorant shit.

>> No.564186

But it has such a nice menu anon!

>> No.564187

Seriously, nigger? I have a Quad Core Q6600, which runs at 2.4 GHz. This shit is from 2007, and I bet it can run bsnes/higan on accuracy profile just fine.

>> No.564190

That's how accuracy works brah...

>> No.564194

>don't know shit about emulators
Well, i'm programmer so i can say a few words.
Why bsnes is resource demanding?
Because byuu can't into:
a) ASM
b)Good programming practices
Oh, he also says accuracy is inversely proportional to optimization, but he is plain wrong.
It would be the best of all times if it was written in ASM.
And, fuck portability.
No one will use bsnes on raspberry pi and android, because few ram.

>> No.564204

Try moving around that li'l seek bar, see if you can tell then.

>> No.564208

Maybe they finally did fix it then. I was using it back in the mid-2000s for a while until one day I tried MPlayer and realized VLC had awful image quality compared to other players and switched.
Since then I've only used it as a fallback for playing damaged or badly encoded video files that refuse to play in other players.

>> No.564212


It is optimized, and that's what it takes to cycle accurately emulate an SNES.

Also, the clock speed of the CPU is one of the least causes of emulation speed hits, it's timing and synchronization. SNES has several things that run in parallel that need to be synchronized, and that takes a lot of CPU time. The other emulators tended to skimp out on timing and just keep an intrernal database of timing fixes for popular games.

>> No.564214

Apparently you didn't learn any grammar through your programming, sadly.

>> No.564218

Then why don't you improve higan, hotshot, if you are so much better? It's open source. Improve it. You won't though. Because you can't and you're full of shit.

>> No.564223

Are you serious with this post?

>> No.564224

>a) ASM
If you were a programmer you'd know to stay away from assembly wherever possible.

>And, fuck portability.
confirmed for retard.

>> No.564226

>It is optimized
It certainly is not.

It's a great and accurate emulator, but it isn't optimized in any way.

>> No.564232

>falling for obvious troll shitposting


>> No.564237

Why would he optimize for performance on ancient hardware at the cost of accuracy?
The whole point of the project is accuracy.
If your hardware can't run it, it can probably still run Snes9x which is sort of in-between. Not as accurate as bsnes/Higan, but less demanding while still not being as shitty as ZSNES.

>> No.564239


>> No.564241

That's why you use the perfomance build which isn't demanding and is still better than any emulator out there.
I mean, it's like none of you fuckers even see those 3 executables in the folder.

>> No.564246

When are they going to let me customize individual cores on Android already

>> No.564250


Well you're a stupid programmer then, nobody codes emulators in ASM except for Nocash, because ASM is a literal nightmare to maintain in the long run, portability has nothing to do with it. There's a reason why ZSNES hasn't updated, they're (supposedly) rewriting it into C++ for easier maintenance.

>> No.564251

Why is everyone so obsessed with shitting on zsnes, anyway? It did what others could not back when computers were less powerful than today's ipods, yet any time anyone says anything about it, the entire board descends on that person like a riot mob on a TV store.

Yeah, sure it's inaccurate and doesn't do shit that newer emulators do, but that doesn't mean its accomplishments in the past are negated.

It's like saying the NES is shit because newer consoles do it better.

>> No.564253

Everyone who uses bsnes uses on x86 or x86_64

>> No.564260



As for the questions.
>They turned emulators into libraries? So their emulator cores are actually the stand-alone emulators stripped of everything except the emulation functionality?

I think so.

>Who maintains the cores, the original emulator authors or the retroarch guys?

The Retroarch guys. These are ports or forks, and are not part of the original projects.

>> No.564261

The ZSNES retards also have a guide:


>> No.564267

>nostalgia for emulators

get bent

>> No.564268

Byuu please. Just because someone called your shitty emulator out does not mean it is shitposting.

>> No.564270


Then enlighten me, what part of the emulator could be optimized better?

>> No.564264

It's about people insisting using Zsnes nowadays.

>> No.564284

>not using nesticle
>not downloading your roms from geocities

>that feel when you search all over the internet for an NES rom and finally find it

How the world has changed

>> No.564286


mudlord, please. Just because someone proved you wrong does not mean it is shitposting

>> No.564287

>a) ASM
Why would you use that shit?
It's unportable and unmaintainable and impractical.
It should never be used for anything but very low level things.

>And, fuck portability.
>No one will use bsnes on raspberry pi and android, because few ram.
I seriously hope you never touch any software I'll ever want to use.

>> No.564283

>[shitposting intensifies]

>> No.564294

>nobody codes in ASM
Because no one has the guts of programming in ASM.
Imagine if byuu was competent enough to program in ASM, we would have a fast as fuck emulator.

>> No.564297

if you lived in the dark ages then I guess you'd also miss the plague?

>> No.564307


Not forever, because eventually there will be a good enough ARM device to run the performance core full speed. And there is a chance that, in the far future, we won't be using either of those architectures so it would be nice to be able to compile for that.

>> No.564315

>lel its made in assembly
>it's automatically better and faster

You're a fucking retard code monkey. Any assembly code you write is likely to be outmatched by the output of any good compiler. I'd go as far as to say that only incredibly specific cases would benefit from hand-written assembly code. The L4 microkernel comes to mind.

Also, nobody writes assembly anymore, kid. When I say nobody, I mean the vast majority of programmers.

>good programming practices

He's a better developer than many emulator authors out there. Seriously, most other developers don't even care and as a result their emulators are unmaintainable pieces of shit.

If you're willing to go into specifics, then we can argue.

>inversely proportional to optimization

He's talking about game-specific speedhacks, not compiler output. He also considers the accurate representation of the hardware in his definition of accuracy. Speed hacks, or any hacks, weren't in the original hardware, so including them is obviously inaccurate emulation. Some hacks are made just to compensate for emulation inaccuracies, which is pretty ironic.

>fuck portability

Code monkey. I bet you write shitty 90s websites which use IE6-only features.

>> No.564316
File: 125 KB, 469x392, 1364701500160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread almost made me think I was on /v/

Such shitposting.

I use Zsnes and MPC-HC. Not because it is the best, but because I am not autistic enough to care because they do what I need them to do.

>> No.564317


I'm sure playing NES games is comparable to the plague since they're both awful. Seriously, there's like 3 to 5 NES games worth playing anymore.

>> No.564332

The Mega Man series alone proves you wrong.
There are dozens of great games on the NES. Tons of shit too, but who cares. Some of the best platformers of any system, take your pick.

>> No.564334

It works well enough to use on a few games.

I'm looking at it from a logical standpoint.
It was the go-to emulator of its time and worked well enough to become well known even today.
It did its job in the past, and I respect the creators for that. I'm not going to lose that respect just because a better program came out years later.

>> No.564341

>This thread almost makes me think I'm on /v/
>So I'm going to make sure about it by bringing it up more

Way to poke the hornet's nest.

>> No.564346

>because they do what I need them to do

You would SUPPOSE they did what you think they're doing. Keep living on supposing stuff, it'll get you a long way.

>> No.564351

>Some of the best platformers of any system

Just like Super Mario Bros. 1? Nah, just kidding. That's one of the worst-aged games out there.

>> No.564358


This autism

>> No.564359

Stop fucking making emulation wars threads.


>> No.564362

>I seriously hope you never touch any software I'll ever want to use
Too late.
I was one of the programmers that worked in Windows XP and i also contributed to Linux kernel between 2004~2008.

>> No.564363

They do what he needs them to do; you're supposing he needs more.

>> No.564370

>but that doesn't mean its accomplishments in the past are negated.
No, they are not negated, but they are in the past. Just because something was great once, doesn't mean it should still be used when there are better alternatives.
Consoles are (as I'm sure we all know here) a bad comparison, because they are different platforms. If a SNES was merely an upgraded NES that was capable of playing NES games better and more accurately than an actual NES, then it would be more valid.

>> No.564364

Okay lets stop talking about fucking ZSNES and get back on topic.

How well does RetroArch work on the other platforms it supports, like PS3, 360, Wii, Android?

>> No.564367

Even the autistic retard himself said he focused more on his code being easily readable and making the emulator as accurate as possible, instead of bothering to optimize it.

>> No.564368

>"Zsnes is the best emu and it just works!"
>game doesn't work because of it's shitty compatibility
>"W-well it sucks anyway, fuck byuu for ruining the emulation scene!"

zsnes fag logic

>> No.564372


This. Emulator elitists (I swear why is this even a thing) need to get da fuck out.

>> No.564374

Well, i did install retroarch on Wii yesterday, but i didn't test yet.

>> No.564379


Works great enough on the PS3.

Switching cores is a fucking chore though.

>> No.564380

If he decides to stop being a pleb and play games on the SNES outside his comfort zone, then yes he will need more, because ZSNES is guaranteed to fuck up the less popular games.

>> No.564382

I don't know, he didn't specify what he needed it to do. Maybe he doesn't know it's not what it needs it to do and still lingers in ignorance.

>> No.564384

Could you also tell us how the alpha build of Half-Life 3 is coming along?

>> No.564387

Android works great if it pins the refresh rate correctly, like magic. It's also the best DOOM source on Android.

If your device reports it wrong though, you'll want something else while they make corrections in the meantime.

>> No.564390

I remember doing stuff like that in the late 90s, except with ZSNES and SNES roms. That doesn't mean I still use ZSNES. ZSNES is just a tool, and there are better tools for doing what it does now.

>> No.564393

i don't program games.
It's outside my confort zone.

>> No.564404

Seems legit.

>> No.564407

Good. Don't ever get into them.

>> No.564412


He did optimize it to some degree, or else they're wouldn't be 3 different versions with differing performance.

Why do you keep flinging insults toward the author anyway? Do you have some kind of personal grudge due to having an arguement with him?

>> No.564419

>Best source of DOOM
Huh, I didn't even know it had a prBoom core until I looked it up. Neat.

>> No.564423

Why are you defending the author?
You should defend the emulator, not that faggot.

>> No.564426

>Not just letting people use what they want to use
>Giving a shit what people use as long as it serves the purpose of reliving some classic retro games they played as a kid

Ok... we get it, there are better alternatives for the entire SNES and other libraries. Big fucking deal, use them, love them, and shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.564425


>> No.564428

Is retroarch open source?
I must port for my Dingoo A320.

>> No.564431


I don't understand what's so bad about him, because I certainly haven't seen it. He certainly isn't any worse than certain others in the emulation scene.

>> No.564435

You know what's accurate?
Playing on the original hardware.
Get at me, byuu-fanboys.

>> No.564439

It is.

Wait for the zero, at least. Running retroarch in a dingoo on what would probably be it's fork of Linux would be like running an OS inside an OS inside an OS.

>> No.564441

you can use bluetooth controllers (i.e. ps3 one) with android devices

>> No.564442

Too impractical and expensive. I'll settle for the next best thing - a reasonably accurate emulator. That way I can use a good controller as well, as opposed to the shitty ones most consoles originally used.

>> No.564443

Well, i heard Zero will have compability with everything made to OpenDingux.

>> No.564446

I know. I think I mentioned in a later post that I did that.

>> No.564447

I'm not saying people should use it, I'm saying I'm tired of people trying to push this point of view:

>This better emulator was created years after zsnes, that means zsnes was always total shit from the moment it was made and nobody should have ever used it in the past because this new emulator made years later is better.

>> No.564454

sorry, shitty connection

>> No.564460


It's true. They should have been using Snes9x

>> No.564464

>This better emulator was created years after zsnes, that means zsnes was always total shit from the moment it was made and nobody should have ever used it in the past because this new emulator made years later is better.
I've never said any such thing, and I don't recall ever seeing anyone say or imply that. ZSNES _was_ the best, and I used it myself before, but that was a LONG time ago now. bsnes has been around and superior since at least 2010 or so.

>> No.564468


Yes, yes it is.

Of course, you will want a flashcart if you want to play your ROM collection, and that won't cover the games using SuperFX and some other coprocessors. That can add up in price really quickly.

>> No.564476

Why have additional hardware when I can do it all and more in software?

>> No.564478

Byuu is a cool engineer who knew his shit, could see what was wrong with the scene and tried to fix it and make things better himself. He succeeded, improved everyone's emulation quality standards and all of his competitors that he coded into technological oblivion and their fanboys hate him for it.

>> No.564484

What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know i gratuaded top of my class in Computer Science, and have been involved in numerous secret cracks on Microsoft. I have over 300 confirmed commits. I am trained in Mozilla warfare and i'm the top coder in the entire ACCU Forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will build you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before, breakpoint my fucking WORDs. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak i'm contacting my secret network of black hats across the United States and your IP is being traced right now, so better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out that pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can build anywhere, anytime, and i can build in over 700 different architectures, and that's just with my barebones computers. Not only am i extensively trained in unARMed combat, but i have access to the entire UC Berkeley Labs, and i will use them to their fullest extent to wipe your miserable files off the planet off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only
you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking build. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddam idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.564490

No they shouldn't.
Snes9x was shit back in the 90s. I used it a while before switching to ZSNES. Back then it didn't even have framerate management unlike ZSNES, and the best you could get was to manually adjust its speed to run a particular game at roughly the same speed most of the time.
And no, I'm not a ZSNES fag. I use bsnes now. (and Snes9x on my old laptop that can't run bsnes smoothly)

>> No.564491

Remember when threads about emulators weren't trollfests?

>> No.564503

Yeah, before the trolls realized that mentioning ZSNES in them was like pissing in an anthill.

>> No.564510


>> No.564514


It seems there always end up being some sort of elitists. Emulator elitists just happen to be the most sad variety.

It's all about cheap bastards that want the original experience and will asspain themselves over doing so instead of just getting the original hardware and carts.

While the rest of us here just do a mix and don't really care.

>> No.564515

But they always were on /vr/. Since like day 1 there was a feud between filter and non filter users.

>> No.564520

>original hardware and carts
Why would you even want to mess with that?
It's just too impractical. A good emulator is far superior.

>> No.564521

You're just projecting right now. No one denies ZSNES wasn't useful back in the day. It's not the thing to use now if you actually care about it emulating a SNES and not just using it for nostalgia, in that case you might refrain from telling other people to use with emulation as primary need.

Also, an excerpt from http://byuu.org/bsnes/accuracy :

>Unfortunately, it's also a prime example of what you can expect when an emulator does not focus on accuracy. This emulation bug was first reported in 1998, and to this day, the most popular SNES emulator still has not bothered to fix it. Rendering this classic completely unplayable. A continuing tragedy.

People programming it didn't even care about games that weren't popular, ZSNES was built with the wrong premises from the start. Stop being an offended babby taking it personal and accept the emulator is bad, and keep using it if you like it.

>> No.564523

What are the ants going to do about it?

>> No.564527

Rage and crawl all over the place.

>> No.564531


The same reason half the people on the board do so.


>> No.564534


Troll post? They crawl up your stream and into your dick, dummy.

>> No.564542
File: 2.07 MB, 294x210, 1349404365159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just imagined a bunch of pissed off ants shouting a ton of obscenities while crawling to their hill.

>> No.564543


If you truly "don't really care", why the fuck are you responding?

The so-called "emulator elitists" are people who care about emulation and follow developments closely. So they're in a better position to say which emulator is the best rather than some who doesn't really care.

You're posting in this thread, you care. You're just proven wrong through various means and are getting butthurt about it.

>> No.564545

That's a legitimate reason, but not everyone is a collector. I'm not. I've got enough junk cluttering my place already, and I'd much rather be able to enjoy my games wherever I am on my laptop or one of my desktops without needing to lug a bunch of consoles around.

>> No.564548

>I just imagined a bunch of pissed off ants

Pun intended?

>> No.564554

>crawl up your stream
magic fuckin' ants...

>> No.564559


>> No.564567

I don't even use bsnes/higan myself, but I respect byuu. Some zsnes retards here keep spreading their ignorance of computers and programming in general, like this faggot: >>564194. That seriously rustled my jimmies.

Couldn't care less about which emulator you faggots like best. Hell, I used to use zsnes myself. I will defend the related technology, though. If it deserves it.

The simple truth is that bsnes is simply a better engineered emulator than zsnes, and so is snes9x. And game folders are a brilliant idea that makes you wonder why nobody thought of it before.

>> No.564586

Wasn't there supposed to be a PSP port of RetroArch? I haven't heard anything regarding it in a long time.

>> No.564597

The PSP scene is completely dead, which is a shame. It's not that it shifted to the Vita, it just... died.

>> No.564605


Put on the back burner because they were having trouble getting some cores to work on the PSP. A 333mhz MIPS CPU can only do so much, and they don't want to resort to frameskipping

>> No.564607

It's actually a good thing and progression. PSP knockoffs can outperform a PSP now.

>> No.564615

Yeah, I wonder what happened. One time it was full of custom firmwares, homebrew software, endless amounts of cool shit, the other time it was basically ghost town. That dark alex guy apparently got owned by sony or some shit.

>PSP knockoffs can outperform a PSP now

What are you talking about?

>> No.564621


Android handhelds are better emulator machines than the PSP.

>> No.564635

Chink emulation devices were based off the PSP quite a bit because it was popular for emulation at the time. Now even they have moved on to being Android based and having far better software/hardware than a PSP. And when it isn't, it's on Dingoo's stuff which is still better developed than PSP's emus now.

It may not be quite as cheap, but PSP has basically fallen off the cliff because there are just plain better options now.

>> No.564641

>That dark alex guy apparently got owned by sony or some shit
What? No. PSP CFW development went on without him, with huge strides made including cracking official signatures and installing CFW on any PSP directly, with no exploits needed.
Once everything seemed perfectly open to literally everyone, the scene died.

>> No.564643

>every /vr/ thread about emulation
>drama about programmers
>m-muh prefered emulator of choice
>retro arch is the best and the only tru emulator!!

No wonder mods delete these threads.

>> No.564645


Things went to shit in the PSP scene after Dark_Alex quit and didn't get better until Total_Noob hacked 6.20 and Coldbird & Liquidzigong/Hrimfaxi started working on PRO CFW.
But now it's dead again since Coldbird quit

>> No.564648

I downloaded this shit, now i can't play anything on it, what now James?

>> No.564652

There was a big dead period after he quit though up until 6.20 got hacked and the PSP master keys got leaked.

>> No.564656

We're moving on from it now. Stop trying to dig it back up.

>> No.564662

No you arent, it always gets brought up.

>> No.564664

Works beautifully on my little iMito MX Android stick. Plays everything I've thrown at it well enough, from NES right through to PS1 stuff. Just don't expect to be running the SRS BUSINESS cores like bsnes any time soon.

>> No.564671

>game folders are a great idea

Oh mother of fuck, the byuu acolytes just won't stop

>> No.564676


RetroArch is pretty powerful frontend for power users.

It's complicated-at-first interface kind of scares off some less computer literate people though

>> No.564680

So, the challenge vanished and all the hackers got bored?

>> No.564691


mudlord, pls, nobody cares

>> No.564695

>no face when i will never develop homebrew games

>> No.564706

>Everyone moved on to open source after source was cracked open

People are weird and stupid.

>> No.564718

As i posted here >>564648 this thing can't start my 100+ roms that run perfectly fine with ZSNES, what's the problem here??

The reason i quoted you is because you seen to use it, so if you think i'm trolling, i'm simply trying to make it run so i can finally see what is all about

>> No.564726


CFW development went on but homebrew and plugin development kind of went to a standsitll. Most of the emulators for the PSP have updated since 2008 or 2009, aside from some gpsp ports.

>> No.564730

Did you download any of the SNES cores for it? (either manually or through the updater)

>> No.564742

For the updater it says that the snes cores are up to date, try to run a rom, program closes

>> No.564747


If your .smc/.sfc ROMs aren't showing up in the file dialog, you need to select a SNES libretro core.

>> No.564760

The problem is that they are closing after loading the rom

>> No.564771
File: 47 KB, 756x446, retroarch setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, does your RetroArch look similar to this before you start running the ROM?