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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 1280x720, punisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5634038 No.5634038 [Reply] [Original]

What 1 credit clears are you working on, Anon? I'm working on The Punisher right now because it's a lot less punishing than Final Fight and I need a break from my 1CC attempts there.

>> No.5634197

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs using Mess, getting filtered by Slisaurs big time right now. I got a Final Fight 1cc too recently and yeah that game can get pretty brutal, that last level fucked me up. I hope you were playing the game like god intended and using Haggar

>> No.5634287

a game called puzznic.
my version is probably bootleg since it has nude ladies.

>> No.5634392
File: 26 KB, 256x224, dezae_sample_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daioh Gale, the sample game that comes with Kaite Tsukutte Asoberu - Dezaemon.

>> No.5635007

Haggar is hard mode for ne due to his throw having less horizontal range. Guy us legitimately easier for me to use.

>> No.5635459

The Punisher is one of the best games ever.

>> No.5635649 [DELETED] 

>playing games
>much less gitting gud at them
top kek

>> No.5637050

Haggar's the hardest for sure, but also the most fun to use and iconic. Nothing beats getting crowds in control with the backwards body splash and then getting a nice suplex combo going. Guy's just a worse Cody

>> No.5637074
File: 1.24 MB, 320x240, i9wuxh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>working on,

>>games being work

>> No.5637083 [DELETED] 


>> No.5637089
File: 56 KB, 389x750, a03521c38a59248607f85a1474bc55c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Punisher game
>Nick Fury is objectively the better character
What did they mean by this

>> No.5637094

Playing Giga Wing, last level is nuts and the final boss is really fun to play against. I dont really aim for 1cc they just happen overtime.

Wow you're so much better than us normies who play for fun. Post your big scores and replays so we can learn.

>> No.5637485

Just like you said, he's cooler.

Interestingly, I know that they have slight gameplay differences, but I can't remember what they are. I mean beyond their super joy animations being different.

>> No.5637540

Different frame data and attack properties, like Nick's forward, forward punch move having shorter range while his down up punch move having crazy range. Nick also does a bit more damage, but is a bit slower

>> No.5638075

While we're talking about version differences, I'm taking a shine to the Japanese version of The Punisher. The special kicks light the enemies on fire with that classic Capcom flame animation.

>> No.5638492

based ESL

>> No.5638515

Did both loops on hardest for Violent Storm recently. Currently playing Shen Jian.


Haggar definitely is a unique character. I think he is slightly harder than autofire cody but once you master punch grab suplex loop + reverse swine dives he has superior crowd control. If you get the suplex loop definitely has a easier time on the hit squad.

Only thing that sucks with him is he can't really stop Andores Chest bump like vibrating cody /guy rapid punches. So its either commit to a jump kick or superjoy. But most of the time you should be on top of them asserting your dominance.

>> No.5638534

Yeah Andores are always a big issue but he has a bunch of little flaws that add up like how J type enemies can sneak in hits between your punches and the weapons being pretty shit. Also I haven't played Cody much but does he also have the problem where El Gados can stand just out of range of his superjoy and stab him as soon as the animation's over? Shit drove me nuts with Haggar

>> No.5638540

I've always found that kick a bit weird and out of place. Besides that the jap version's slightly harder, enemies have more health and you get less nades

>> No.5638565

sunset riders lvl 8 both loopz

>> No.5638581
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Yeah that shit is frustrating.

Its been awhile but I think you will still get hit unless your back is turned. You have more range if you are facing away from the enemy. Guy you want to face towards. I may have switched them up. Someone correct me if im wrong.

>> No.5638797

I can't even get through C&D with 9 credits yet (I try to do 9cc's of Capcom belt scrollers before trying to 1cc).

Who's the best character in that game?

>> No.5638832


Mustapha, although Mess is more efficient overall. His running kick attack makes slisaurs easy if you get them in the loop. Mess kinda struggles there.

also another tip holding up or down while punching will automatically throw enemies

>> No.5638845

Mustapha, his running jump kick is overpowered, so spam it. Mess and Hannah are the harder ones, not sure whos the harder of the 2.

I managed to get the 1cc earlier, most of the game isn't too hard as long as you learn how to deal with the Walther's colour swaps, but the Slisaurs fight is bonkers. I don't know how gud you have to be to beat it without dying, feels like luck to me.

>> No.5639583
File: 48 KB, 384x224, 5n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*completely obliterates the game's pace*

>> No.5639628

The two Gardroids and Bonebreaker are my least favorite bosses in the game because of how you have to fight them.

>> No.5639634

Hey man don't talk shit about Bone Breaker, the safe gun strategy is tedious but you can still be aggressive, chase him around the screen and beat his ass for a lot of damage, especially if you're not playing on hardest. Guardroids are pure cancer though, bloated HP, can't get a combo in most of the time, can't even get the down up attack on the second one, just chip away slowly. One of the worst bosses to grace a Capcom beat em up, and they had the balls to make you fight it twice.

>> No.5641287

I don't remember what Bonebreaker is, but I always die a lot fighting the Guardroids.

How are you supposed to fight them? Just stay away until it's open for attack, get a few punches in, but if you combo then you've been by him too long and get hurt?

>> No.5641335


My strategy is to do the down, up flash kick on them from behind. Best time to do this is after they jump. Same thing with the red one but he recovers a lot faster.

for the red one its best to just wait until pretty faces show up and keep it alive so you can spam your gun.

>> No.5641343

How exactly does the down, up flash kick work? Is it like Guile's flash kick from SF2?

>> No.5641347

Not much of a bmups guy, I prefer fighting games, shmups and racing. Been working on Kyuukyoku Tiger and Garou MOTW.

>> No.5641454

I find action rpgs have far better combat systems and more engaging worlds than anything in beat em ups. Funny how that works, "beat em ups" actually have really awful fighting systems.

>> No.5641496

Name some retro action rpgs that have better combat systems than anything in beat em ups. I'll play them if I can emulate them. Seriously, I hate jarpigs but if you show me an ARPG that's as fun as a beat 'em up, I'm genuinely excited to broaden my horizons and play something dope.

>> No.5641502

yes except it does not require you to charge

>> No.5641505

Try bearing one of the games without credit feeding and we will talk.

>> No.5641521

retro action rpgs were more puzzle/adventure based not combat based. modern action rpgs do combat very well and actually have interesting level design and worlds to explore and engage with.

Already did, that's why I know the genre is crap.

>> No.5641524

Beyond Oasis for Genesis.

>> No.5641631

>Already did, that's why I know the genre is crap.
post your final fight 1cc vid

>> No.5641645

Post your Zelda speedrun WR

>> No.5641661

>Final Shite
>infinite punch shite

>> No.5642019

They really dont
King of Dragons tier at best

>> No.5642036

Yup. The first one lets you do your combo and flash kicks pretty often, the second one attacks so quickly you rarely have the chance. The best openings are right after they jump, when they're doing jump kicks or when they're shooting the laser. As the other guy said, keeping the pretty boy alive helps with the second guardroid, but he only appears after you do a certain amount of damage. They're not that hard once you get the hang of it, but very tedious.

>> No.5642046

Game is completely balanced around not using that exploit, or you can just play Mike Haggar for whom shifting is much harder and more like just another tool rather than a dominant strategy.

>> No.5644164


>> No.5644196

Beat Em Ups are the ultimate style over substance.

>> No.5645005

Only some Konami ones like TMNT with terrible mechanics but good art and music, most have style AND substance.

>> No.5645861

>terrible mechanics

Bullshit, those were some of my favorite games growing up.

>> No.5645889

SNES or arcade? Console ports fixed a lot of the flaws of the arcade originals and just feel better to play overall. If you think the arcade ones are fun then you need to play them again while paying attention and not coin feeding

>> No.5645917
File: 160 KB, 1440x1061, Vendetta_-_1991_-_Konami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Konami beat-em-up here.

I'm working on a 1cc here. Stage 3 wrecks me thanks to the boss. I still haven't mastered the quick kill.

>> No.5645985

Why do you like it more than Violent Storm?

>> No.5646720


Violent Storms soundtrack make one want to punch the screen.

>> No.5646721

I've never done a 1cc, I'm gonna try Sunset Riders

>> No.5647281


>> No.5647292

Thats a pretty good first 1cc, get ready to get fucked up by the indian guy

>> No.5647418

I think I'm gonna try to 1cc Snow Bros, seems pretty easy

>> No.5647621
File: 98 KB, 256x256, The Punisher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible game, btw.

>> No.5647623
File: 14 KB, 384x224, punisher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5647726
File: 37 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched the bikkuriman episode of GCCX and decided to try it myself. Loved it enough to move over to the arcade version (wonder boy in monster land) which is similar enough that if you can 1cc the home version then the arcade original is easy. The only changes are that one boss has an actual attack and one unique boss. Also done without the waggling trick which I didnt discover until after getting the 1cc and then going online to check if I had missed anything interesting.

>> No.5648223

unrelated to this thread, but you should give the rest of the series a shot as well

>> No.5649903

>a game called puzznic.
>my version is probably bootleg since it has nude ladies.
I used to play home ports of Puzznic as a kid and considered it a really wholesome comfy little game. Was legit stunned to play it in MAME and discover it was originally a porno game, doubly odd that Taito released it.

>> No.5649929
File: 22 KB, 495x281, BESTGAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely going to 2-all this bad boy next.
The TLB looks insane. The OST is hot fire. The mechanics are tight, the enemy design and patterns are super clever.

Ruzarin and Yosshin are geniuses.

>> No.5649948

I used to think I was good at Cho Ren Sha, but it turned out that due to some weird compatability issue it ran at half speed on my parent's computer.

>> No.5649952
File: 128 KB, 850x1111, ThepunisherUSflyerfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full version of that poster incase anyone wants it.

>> No.5649960

>ran at half speed
Lmao. Indeed, it would be quite easy with that amount of slow down.

There's a new update to the windows version (2017). Runs very smooth, 9% faster than the regular X68K version, also has hard mode available.


I also recommend getting joytokey or xpander or any keymapping tool if you use a joystick/gamepad instead of default keyboard controls.

And the tunes...damn:

>> No.5649961


>> No.5650246

The music synced up so that the swoopy sound at the beginning of the first level played as soon as the first wave of enemies came on screen. It made perfect sense at the time.