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File: 39 KB, 312x384, large.znon3574.jpg.7fca7ef8b0130ab9844130a5a6a4d62c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5631041 No.5631041 [Reply] [Original]

We have almost no Japanese gaming magazines scanned and preserved. A single issue of Dengeki SFC, a few D PS, a few Famitsus, and PC Engine fans and that's it.

It'd only take a few hundred dollars to buy the collection of the most needed ones. Anyone willing to step up to the plate?

>> No.5631093

I think you mean (You). Other people have a buttload.

>> No.5631102


They hoard them in a big piles. Never to share them. What dicks. These magazines need to be scanned.

>> No.5631290

ive honestly thought about going around and purchasing old japanese game magazines, but the biggest hurdle is being americlap without health insurance so no disposable income atm, as well as shipping cost, considering how heavy a big ass stack of magazines can be. not to mention, i dont have any equipment to do very good scans

>> No.5631416

There are a lot scanned. But they're probably difficult to locate for EOPs. And rightfully so. They're undeserving.

>> No.5631426


You just need to buy them on ebay and other sites.

>> No.5631435

My sweet, sweet zoomer.

>> No.5631613

I don't. I have originals or scans of nearly everything I want and can easily get anything else by downloading it or buying originals locally.

>> No.5632194

Nice posturing. I'd call you N5-kun but you're probably not even at that level yet.

>> No.5632346

You can collect all of that shit for very cheap if you do it in person. You too can be another gaijin cockroach wandering the streets in Japan's godawful tourist boom! But seriously, I see all that shit for literally 100 yen or less in many many places, I used to like game magazines but now only music so I don't buy Famitsu or any of that shit.

>> No.5632916

I don't see any scans on Japanese p2p networks. You have much better luck googling "電撃スーパーファミコン" rar really.
Japan doesn't really care about preserving their history (scanning even ancient shit is seen as piracy) especially not for temporary things like magazines

>> No.5633032


This is the best JP book piracy site I've found. They have a lot of older game guides, and even some issues of Gamest.


>> No.5633072
File: 567 KB, 1271x1751, GAMEPLAY%20RPG%2021%20(N%b0001)%20001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do it in person.

Well yeah, I'm in Canada so I guess I'm out of luck?


Euro mags are actually more useful. They have huge import reviews of retro games, and profiles too. This is more useful for news and much cheaper.

We're missing huge issues of Joypad, one of the premier French magazines. And there's this great mag called Gameplay RPG, that covered RPGs, horror and adventure games. We only have like 20 out of the 60+ issues saved.

They have a section where they will profile a retro Japanese game, sometimes mainstream stuff like FF7, or SotN, but sometimes obscure shit like Bahamut Lagoon.


>> No.5633095

Are the scans of old UK N64 magazines anywhere? I'd binge on that nostalgia

>> No.5633139

Holy shit, it has the same layout as the one that got shut down in 2018. Thanks so much for this anon. How did you come across this?

>> No.5633157

>Holy shit, it has the same layout as the one that got shut down in 2018.

There's a few clone sites that are mirrors of each other. There's oen called manga downloads or something similar.

>How did you come across this?

Searching duckduckgo for some Japanese books.

>> No.5633320

>assmad weeblet is assmad

I've never see much on p2p. Not a problem because it's easy enough to find stuff with Google.

>> No.5633326

>that got shut down

I figured it died on its own? And in any case, this is all stuff that's been scanned like a decade or more ago, and has been floating around Japanese P2P networks. None of it is new.

That's why a guy is archiving all these on archive.org

>> No.5633361

>Dengeki PS
>Dengeki SFC
>PC Engine Fan
>Neo Geo Freaks

I think these are the top priority for holes to fill. We already have Sega Saturn Magazine, and a bunch of issues of Beep Mega Drive, so those systems have good coverage. The SFC, PC Engine and Neo Geo need coverage too.

It's funny because FC-SFC is kind of a black hole for Japanese gaming. So little is known outside the big Nintendo franchises. Ther'es no Nintendo Retro project like there is for NEC and Sega. And Nintendo Fans tend to be fans of Nintendo first party games, while NEC/Sega fans are fans of the consoles and their games. So Ninty fans are focuses on the Switch, not the past.

>> No.5633385

Archive.org has a bunch of Japanese magazines scanned too. I've the entirety of both, MSX Magazine and MSX-FAN scanned there.

>It's funny because FC-SFC is kind of a black hole for Japanese gaming. So little is known outside the big Nintendo franchises. Ther'es no Nintendo Retro project like there is for NEC and Sega. And Nintendo Fans tend to be fans of Nintendo first party games, while NEC/Sega fans are fans of the consoles and their games. So Ninty fans are focuses on the Switch, not the past.
I've noticed that myself too. I'm a big fan of both, NES and SNES, but barely care about Nintendo's actual first-party output outside the few games that actually interest me, yet that seems to be all that Nintendo fans ever care about.

>> No.5633409


If you tell someone that Japanese FC/SFC is poorly documented, they'll raise and eyebrow. Because they assume that it's the opposite. Yeah, we know eveyrthing we could ever know about say Super Metroid, or Link to the past. But what about obscure Japanese only titles? We know nothing about them.

>> No.5633415


Since we're talking about JP magazines, what is "Yuge"? It was published around 2002, and retrocdn has a few issues. It has best games of the year sections, but then half the page is retrospectives on older games. What is this magazine? I don't get what it even is.

>> No.5633417


Perfect example: Clock Tower. No one knows anything about it. Nothing. There's basically no documentation on it. The only people we know writing about it are modern English nerds writing about it on blogs and in a few online sites. No gaming mag from the 90's in the West revieweed it (even mags that did alot of import reviews). And no one's found a single article/review from Japan about it.

>> No.5633869


>> No.5633886


Yuge, Gameside, and Used Games are all the same itinerations fo the same mag? That makes so much more sense now.

>> No.5633887

Speaking of Gameside, I think they're dead. Last tweet was 2018, and now their site is 404.


>> No.5634183

only nerds would do a such thing, aka americans and yurop, not japaneses.

>> No.5634217


Japan has many nerds fool.

>> No.5634227
File: 56 KB, 540x529, 6ccbefbf702f331b8bc000391115d01d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This guy's currently doing a lot of Gamest stuff. I'd like to see shit like old Famicom Tsūshin & Famitsu mags as only a handful of those are scanned but this is definitely a good start.

>> No.5634247


>90% of Marukatsu MD is scanned
>0 issues of the FC or SFC issues scanned
>all the games I want to know about are SFC games and don't care about MD

>> No.5634250


> Currently I'm hammered with work and have zero free time, I'm drip feeding what I already scanned but will run out of stuff to upload in a couple of weeks


>> No.5634254

>Hardcore Gamers
>Gameplay RPG

Anyone have Joypad #22 or more issues of these mags?

>> No.5635005

Scanning anything is autistic and a waste of time. There are plenty of games not dumped (even ones commercially released in Japan and not prototypes) and you want to buy gaming magazines for hundreds of dollars? Preservation my ass

>> No.5636249

>hundreds of dollars
They cost pennies kiddo

>> No.5636660

>doing A which i don't care about is a waste of time
>you should be instead doing B which is just as legal, cheap and easy, but which i do care about

Anon, if you're asking others to invest their time serving you, the least you could do is not to insult them and whatever they're doing, hoping they'll be wrecked emotionally enough to drop their grand life passion and then obey you and embark immediately on another grand task.
If that's what zoomer cancel culture has taught you, it's wrong, ineffective, and drags everything down - your interests included, are you seriously deluded no one will cancel your preservation campaign for 8-color chink porn on obscure japanese calculators the same way?
I encourage you to read about lobster mentality. Peace.

>> No.5638151

It's fucking supplementary secondary material. How is it not objectively true that video games have more value than a magazine talking about them?

>> No.5638765


Mags are useful for scholarship. They contain info you can't get from he game (like the back story and development).

>> No.5638820

This guy is already taking care of translating the articles from magazines:


>> No.5638943
File: 158 KB, 736x1059, 39ce605c173f5e9dd354878d4bd672ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Mom?

>> No.5639280


The situation for anime mags is even worse...

>> No.5639283


He hoards all the sources himself because he wnats to be the gateway to these sources. He wants you to pay him money. it's a business.

He literlaly has like several thousands of scanned pages, and he could release them all tomorrow. Yet we have to wait, like, what years? for him to translate that shit? Fuck that.

If we scan these mags oursevles we won't need him.

>> No.5639335
File: 79 KB, 540x759, 35bfcf92def5dcf44aa9b79557109e15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true and it is a shame...

>> No.5639402
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't give what i want away for free

>> No.5639404


He doesn't even source the interviews either. They're just from mystery sources. We have to track these down ourselves. Total pain in the ass.

>> No.5639491

>no one will cancel your preservation campaign for 8-color chink porn on obscure japanese calculators
Ironically, game/game mag preservation is the least cohesive of any preservation effort. There's too much lazy, leech-only autism whereas I can still get any obscure pr0n/hentai I saw 12 years ago. That's where exhentai is more of an archive of the images and manga that's been removed from DLsite whereas the games that were removed are near impossible to locate.

>> No.5639507

He gets it from the japanese digest, it's literally free.

>> No.5639509


This isn't a situation where a guy has to spend money to buy and scan magazines. He literally went down to the library, scanned like 1000 pages, and then found a way to turn this free info into profit. He's doing this literally in the most selfish manner possible.

And on top of that, we don't have the originals, so we can't double check his translation. What if he makes a mistake?! We're stuck with his version of the truth forever.

>> No.5639924
File: 5 KB, 241x250, 1559789902955s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the free market dude. You can go to a Library too...

>> No.5639970

>you can also be a complete shithead because you have the right to

>> No.5640063

People pay him for the translation. Translation is a lot of work. Though, I do think that he should provide the source scans for every translated article he puts out. That would be nice.

>> No.5640167

Video game magazines are the least relevant thing about video game history. Honestly, they're only good for information about unreleased games, because who the hell would want to read reviews written decades ago really.

>> No.5640175

Get a job, hippy. And a haircut while you're at it.

>> No.5640191

>the plate
>big piles
>big ass
>all of that shit
>even ancient shit
>floating around
>holes to fill
>drip feeding
>not dumped
>the back
>that shit
>in the ass
>complete shithead
Am say.

>> No.5640453

>We have to track these down ourselves unlike him

>my time is worthless his must be also

>my time is worthless his must be also

I see a pattern developing here

>> No.5640736

People only need to pay him for the translation because he's not sharing the stuff he translates from.

>> No.5640750

I don't see the problem with paying someone who wants to translate them. If they are being paid then they are more likely to keep at it and provide quality translations.

Instead of just giving away all the scans, what he should do is renovate his Patreon with more tiers and rewards and promises to encourage more people to pay into it so he can hire a couple extra translators and churn out more of them every month. Right now it's like 3 a month or so. What if it was 15 a month? That's 180 in a calendar year, which is a pretty damn good pace. And these translators would all be getting paid for their work, so quality would be expected. This is exactly how it should be handled.

>> No.5640754

>people only need to pay for things because other people don't make them for free
Funny that. If you ever put any effort into making something of value maybe you'll understand why that is.

>> No.5640816

He didn't make those interviews. He had nothing to do with them. He didn't spend money on those magazines either, he got them from a library. People are paying him because they want to know what the interviews say, they're not paying him to translate them.

>> No.5640851
File: 41 KB, 540x540, bf942aebafd11b921af92859e7194179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so freaking butt hurt that this guy took initiative good lord...

>> No.5641040

>he got them from a library
And you didn't. That's why he has them and you don't. You stupid, lazy, entitled little shit.

>> No.5641154


If he released his scans we wouldn't need him. He basically (for now) has a monopoly on Super Famicom era interviews. That's why we need to go around him and break his hold.

And paying him is very short term. It only gives interviews 1-2-3, etc, but misses out the big picture. IT's better long term to have the entire magazines scanned and archived. Then we can pick things out for tanslation.

btw, half his stuff is taken from GSLA. It's a great resource, but even more frustrating than him. GSLA archives dev interviews, but never gives the source. Meaning from a scholarship standpoint they're almost worthless. You just sorta have to take your word for it that they're not making things up. Then they have the habit of editing the interviews, cutting as much as 30% away and removing questions. So what we have to do is to painstakingly search through mags to find the original interview.

So far this is only possible with Sega Saturn Magazine since that's been fully scanned. The same will be done with the interviews from Famitsu and Dengeki and others.

>> No.5641158

I guarantee the Shmuplations guy is in this thread defending himself. He posts his new interviews here all the time.

He's mad someone has the gall to call out his shady underhanded practices.

Even something as simple as posting the original scan alongside his interview could do wonders, as we could double check. And we could find out the original source as well.

>> No.5641189

>He posts his new interviews here all the time.
Imagine being this dilusional.

You're on a fourm discussing old games, you really think no one here reads shumplulations posts?

>> No.5641195



These threads look VERY promotional, and follow the same format.

>> No.5641240

>People are paying him because they want to know what the interviews say, they're not paying him to translate them.
There's no difference between the first and second reasons you gave here. Paying him to translate them means paying him to know what the interviews say, because they're in Japanese.

Feel free to open your own business or obtain the magazines yourself so you can do the work for others without compensation for your time. Maybe people will appreciate what you're doing more than what he's doing. Right now though, you're just whining on an anonymous image board because someone (rightly) is asking for compensation for what is overall a lot of work (I work in marketing and work alongside translators all the time, and know first-hand how much work is involved).

>> No.5641272
File: 666 KB, 1600x1490, The Super Famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to this thread. I've recently acquired some Japanese gaming mags from the 80s-90s. Nice stuff!


>> No.5641274
File: 580 KB, 1465x1600, s-l1600 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5641306

>Paying him to translate them means paying him to know what the interviews say, because they're in Japanese.
No, you autist, the reason people have to pay him to know what the interviews say is because he's the only one that has them. He's not special for knowing Japanese and people aren't paying him to translate, they're paying him to stop holding his interviews hostage.

If he thought people were paying him to translate, he'd release his scans online and see if people were still interested in paying him for the serice he pretends to do.

>> No.5641316

If he's really "holding interviews hostage" then that means there's only one existing copy of them, which I don't really believe, but even if true, considering he did get to them first, why SHOULDN'T he ask for money? Seems like the smart, business-savvy thing to do.

>> No.5641320

Question: If these were English-language magazines and the guy was just transcribing the interviews rather than translating them, would you still defend him?

>> No.5641332

If these were very old and hard to come by magazines and the service to transcribe them in a searchable format was still very cheap, then yes, I would still defend him. In fact, I wish such a person was taking it upon themselves to do just that, because there are treasure troves of information about past cultures only in magazines that the internet could really use as reference occasionally.

>> No.5641337

lol I love that the PC Engine Fan mags are all covered in pin-ups of Chun-Li and other cuties

>> No.5641370
File: 247 KB, 723x880, large.gallery_22841_396_227750.jpg.8d890d4af13a118fcf40a729b0cc8dea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's an original character that's the mascot of the magazine. If you look carefully, you'll see it's actually not Chunners, rather the girl dressed as Chunners. The character designer is the same as Patlabor. PC Engine fan is one of my fave mags, and it has a lot of soul.

A lot of JP mags had a mascot. Famitsu has their little fox thing. Another PCE mag has some anthro furry girl that I don't like. But the PCE Fan girl is something else. She's magical.

>> No.5641372


Are you willing to scan these or others? Look up lists of what's scanned on archive, retrocdn, and elsewhere, and try to find holes that need to be filled.

Only 1 issue of the Super Famicom has been scanned as far as I know. A few more issues of PCE Fan have been scanned.


>> No.5641383

>lol I love that the PC Engine Fan mags are all covered in pin-ups of Chun-Li and other cuties

The majority of the PC Engine Fan covers feature the one same girl in different costumes. The girl with the brown hair is named Mana, and is drawn by Manga artist Akemi Takada. She's best known for creating the Patlabor series.

>> No.5641436
File: 410 KB, 800x1575, pcefanspecialvol2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that image with the stereotypical PC Engine fanboy vs the stereotypical Mega Drive Fanboy vs the Famicom fanboy? I think it came from Familist magazine. It depicted the PCE fanboy as a hard core anime fan. Which seems apt, going by the PCE Fan magazine covers.

>> No.5641574
File: 3.15 MB, 2373x3018, pce3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PCE had a lot of "anime" themed games. A lot of Visual Novel and dating games. Tokimeki Memorial started on the PCE and it was such a hit they ported it to like everything (It's how Koji Igarashi got his big break since he and his wife wrote it). That's the most famous, but there's a lot of games like that. A lot of ecchi as well. Not quite Hentai, but you're seeing some titties here and there.

This is a highlight of an issue of Dengeki PCE that features games like that.


>> No.5641595

>if he did all the work for us and gave it away for free we wouldn't need him
Exactly. If you didn't demand money for your work we wouldn't need to pay for..um..the..err.. cost of flipping a burger I guess.

>> No.5641602

Whats the point? All you guys read moonrunes?

>> No.5641614
File: 1.86 MB, 2231x2871, Virgin dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is Virgin Dreams. Mega Man 1-2 director worked on this game. Yeah, the Mega Man guy made a porn game. Think hes' credited as an artist.

>She's best known for creating the Patlabor series.

Co-creator. It was created by "Headgear" which was a lot of differnet people including writer/director Oshii.

>> No.5641772

a good bunch of em can be bought via Jauce, Japmart and Rakuten

>> No.5642001


I'll make a note of it. We need to start archiving them now.

>> No.5642004

>create a site for Japanese mag archive
>100% in Japanese
>have a place for anonymous submissions
>host it in Russia or something like that
>Japanese themselves scan and submit mags for you

>> No.5642306

I really wish we had something like this but for manga. There was a site called haruka-yumenoato which allowed users to upload anonymously but the operators and uploaders were Japanese and they got jailed. This spooked almost all raw manga uploaders so I don't think you'd get many volunteers to scan even the old magazines after that incident.

>> No.5642501


btw, how is there so much piracy of anime and manga if the Japs are so vehement against it? Shit is ripped the second it airs in Japan.

Some of it I know are Americans ordering blurays and ripping them, but that has to be a minority right? I suspect that the Japanese pirate as much as anyone else, just they are ashamed of it so they don't admit it and it's more under-ground.

>> No.5642518

Gaijin living in Japan as English teacherand Visa leeches.

>> No.5642572

All anime on nyaa is uploaded by gaijins, even the TV encodes.

>> No.5642583

But who's gonna READ them?

>> No.5642598


Any chance they can upload JP mooks/mags about retro games? These are like impossible to find. Especially Gameside.

>> No.5642624

>ching chong pong wizardry good ultima bad
>prease buy waifu mahjong geimu
>check out top10 fantasy rpgs for japanese computers

>> No.5642632

I watched a transcript of the Lodoss replays from Comptiq magazine which included the top 10 games from the respective issues. It was quite interesting.
Strategy games were also ranked highly.

Full scans of the magazine would be fantastic.

>> No.5642746

This shit is too niche and it costs money while anime can be recorded or ripped for free. Nobody scans new magazines these days anyway, it's all digital. Only popular shit is guaranteed to be pirated. Mooks usually don't get scanned at all.

>> No.5642761

>Another PCE mag has some anthro furry girl that I don't like.

Post an example.

>> No.5643381
File: 1.21 MB, 1300x1596, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably referring to Ms. Bunny, the covergirl for the Dengenki PC Engine mags.

>> No.5643418


Thing is, being digital I thought it'd make things easier as they could just post the digital copy.


Creepy uncanney valley.

>> No.5643462

I thought he meant full anthro, not some animal ears and tail only woman.

>> No.5643487


It's mostly her face, expression, and nose. She's ulgy and a bit scary looking.


Here she's rushing towards you to tear your throat out.

>> No.5644336
File: 107 KB, 1000x666, s-l1000 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there are scans of capcom magazine issues?

>> No.5644479

>Thing is, being digital I thought it'd make things easier as they could just post the digital copy.

There's simply not enough people who care to pirate everything in existence.

>> No.5644650


Nope. There's some ultra niche publications no one has. I suggest start buying them yourself.

>> No.5644696

Is anyone's really desperate you can import, get a scanning friend (or slave) in Japan or commission to a 自炊代行 サービス, the latter usually offer subpar quality though but at least you can order shit directly to them so you save up on import fees.

>> No.5644750

I would love to get pdfs of these issues

>> No.5644752
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>> No.5645058
File: 878 KB, 1245x1745, クラブ・カプコン 1993・AUTUMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Don't exist.