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5630934 No.5630934 [Reply] [Original]

Which Bomberman games are worth playing aside from this one?

>> No.5630941

Super 2

>> No.5630948
File: 21 KB, 480x360, bomberman_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love this OST


>> No.5630958

64 and especially Hero if you want fun singleplayer. 64 if you want the best (4 player max) multiplayer.

>> No.5630963

Is it bad to not like Second Attack

>> No.5630964

Also Bomberman Quest and Tournament are fun Zelda-esque RPGs. I have Bomberman Generations sealed (for now), and that's supposedly pretty good, too.

>> No.5630972

maybe hero i would understand

>> No.5630982

'94 and that one similar to Neutopia

>> No.5630984

i heard super 3 is better

>> No.5630992

>best game is worst game
is hating Hero an oldfag thing?

>> No.5630993

Any of the SNES and TG-16 games are great.

>> No.5630995

is it true than mega bomberman is just a worse version of '94?

>> No.5630996
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translation fucking when

>> No.5630997
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>> No.5631000

How good is the singleplayer in that? I've only heard good things about this one.

>> No.5631005

is that for the battle mode? single player mode doesn't need translations at all.

>> No.5631006

Just from what I know, they cut out some of the story and there's no 5-player.

>> No.5631009

Level names are definitely still in runes. I thought there might be some other dialogue later in the game, but I haven't played very far, anticipating a patch all this time.

>> No.5631010

>start looking up Bomberman games to collect because this thread reminded me
>Bomberman 64 Arcade Edition
the fuck, how did I never hear of this before

>> No.5631015

The name is deceiving, it's mostly a minigameathon.

>> No.5631019

i mean i rented it, it was ok, it just wasn't bomberman. i'm glad they tried something different and all, wasn't for me

>> No.5631024

yes, pretty bad palette in some stages and no 5-player mode

it's good, just not the best version

>> No.5631025

Play them all and decide which ones you like best. Don't let other people think for you.

My top 5 however is Saturn, Super Bomberman 4, Bomberman 64, Bomberman '94 and Neo Bomberman.

>> No.5631058
File: 1.94 MB, 440x294, 64_win1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 still the best

>> No.5631062

It's dope. Truly satisfying single player mode. Music is soothing and boss battle are unparalleled. Online on the other hand was pretty sick as well. At least until Sega server died.

>> No.5631114

No. I thought it was a massive downgrade from the first one. Also that Lilith character was cringe.

>> No.5631201
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All the SNES games are great and short if you're used to playing bomberman. 5 in particular is very nice.

>> No.5631762
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>> No.5632152

Since I’m not a jap it’s the one I grew up with, that being the case I much prefer the new music in Mega vs what was replaced from ‘94. Also I actually like the Mega color palette way more, but again that’s my bias. It’s one of my most beloved childhood games so either way I’m glad there are two versions of it, and that one has that uniquely-Genesis vibe. If you like 94/Mega, Super 3 is pretty similar.

>> No.5632169

It's a good platforming game with Bomberman elements, but it's neither a good Bomberman game nor a Bomberman game in itself.

>> No.5632225
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Most all of them. Although I didn't care for the new art direction the more recent Bomberman games have adopted. The series goes full blown /a/ around sixth generation and has unpalatable levels of kawaii-ness at that point.

The games I currently own include
>Bomber Boy / Atomic Punk
>Bomberman GB1 - GB 3 (I think one of these is called Wario Blast overseas)
>Pocket Bomberman
>Bomberman Story / Quest
>Bomberman Max
>Super Bomberman
>Super Bomberman II
>Bomberman PCE
>Bomberman '93
>Bomberman '94 / Mega Bomberman
>Bomberman World
>Bomberman: Party Edition
>Bomberman Story 2 / Tournament
>Bomberman Max 2

For multiplayer, I would recommend Party Edition for PS1. Tons of options, stages, power-ups and Bomber characters to choose from. The character selection doesn't include anything other than Bomberman variations, but it's still a pretty diverse cast with their own respective special powers. Party Edition is also a lot easier to obtain than Saturn Bomberman. Saturn-anything is an expensive reseller market.

For the best story mode or a solo experience, I recommend the GB titles, as these were largely built on that principle.

>> No.5632228

>Also Bomberman Quest and Tournament are fun Zelda-esque RPGs
They're action-adventure games, not RPGs. Different genres. It's not like Bomberman levels up or anything.

>> No.5632315

Came here to post this. I had an absolute blast playing this with friends back in the day.

>> No.5632339

Charabons actually gain stats and evolve gaining abilities for Bomberman to progress, though.

>> No.5632403
File: 469 KB, 698x591, tumblr_ogu400JTz11r9wko3o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hero is always a blast to replay

>> No.5632528

Anyone got a pre-patched 64 Arcade Edition? Trying to fit the fan translation is giving me no success, it's not considered the "right rom" by flips.

>> No.5632535

>super 3
the holy trinity of bomberman games

>> No.5634021

>all this love for 64 multiplayer
It's pretty lackluster to be honest.

>> No.5634046
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I always played multiplayer with my brothers
PS1 Bomberman Party Edition
Atomic Bomberman

>> No.5634063

I think the different method of explosions radically shifts how it works, which at least mixes it up a little compared to most other battle modes. So once someone's hyped up on fire power and/or cherry bombs, there's less artful dodging and more pure carnage.

>> No.5635683

Dyna Blaster / Bomberman for DOS.

>> No.5636138

SNES Bomberman 1 and 2 are the best.
3 and 4 are okay, personally I don't like them as much.

3 and 4 add yoshis you can ride and have a different graphic style and gameplay changes.

5 is supposed to be good and is the only one that has save game support as opposed to password save.

>> No.5636146

Personally I thought the first two on SNES were trash. With 3 is when they finally started to get good, with 4 being the best.

>> No.5636154

anyone watch bomberman jetters? is it worth a go?

>> No.5636180
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The ones that have Rooi in them.

>> No.5636190
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Speaking of N64 Bombermans, What's the verdict on pic related?

>> No.5636204

It's a thing. The minigames are a distraction at best and certainly no Mario Party (in fact there's like only one multiplayer minigame off the top of my head, and it's a puzzle clone), the main single play doesn't have much variety at all, and the battle mode is exactly what you expect a standard Bomberman battle mode to be.

If you want to be an import collector then sure, but there's way better games.

>> No.5636218

Grown men who watch children's cartoons are fucking cringeworthy

>> No.5636225

I'm not a grown man and either way age matters not

>> No.5636973
File: 370 KB, 800x596, Thunder Bomberman Jetters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. It's surprisingly good, honestly. Even if you're not a Bomberman fan I would recommend it. Starts out pretty light but gets some deep moments later on and kinda dark. Oh, and if you're gonna watch Jetters, play the GBA Bomberman Jetters game after it. It shows Mighty's past.

>> No.5637918

It's ok. There's really not much to say about it. From the PS1/Sat/N64 era, it's probably the worst though.

>> No.5638000

good taste

>> No.5638150

Kinda unrelated, but what do you guys use to emulate the N64 Bomberman games? I've been using Porject 64 for years but I heard RetroArch actually emulates better, is it true?

>> No.5638154

They're more or less all the same besides the 3D games like 64 and Hero, which aren't really Bomberman games at all. You should just grab the new one on Steam to help bring the online player count up.

>> No.5638162

Super Bomberman R is actually pretty damn good. Single player is kinda meh but the online multiplayer is fucking rad. Too bad is nearly dead on all platforms. PS4 version at least has some small surges on weekends.

>> No.5638926

But it got an english virtual console release. I even played through it.

>> No.5639589

>waiting for a translation patch for a Bomberman game
Only like 4 Bombeman games actually have actual dialogue.

>> No.5639593
File: 88 KB, 745x217, Fucking YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.5639629
File: 414 KB, 1280x1348, tumblr_psgvpkBC7O1ypove5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBR looks so good. I'm going to buy it a couple days from now and I can hardly wait to play it.

I gave it a go, got a couple episodes in and it's surprisingly so damn good. Thanks Anon.I hear the games aren't so good though

>> No.5639630

Holy fuck why is emulating Saturn games so hard. I just want to play Saturn Bomberman again.

>> No.5639823

No problem, my man. Glad you're enjoying it.

>I hear the games aren't so good though
The one on the Gamecube is widely regarded as bad but there's a japanese-only Zelda-esque (runs on the Bomberman Story/Tournament engine) prequel to the anime that it's damn good. There's also a collection of mini games + multiplayer Jetters game also on the GBA but it's nothing special though.

>> No.5640565
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I like Tyras too.

>> No.5640576

>download mednafen and bummerman iso
>drop cue onto mednafen exe
>setup controller
>begin play


>> No.5640590

all of them except Act Zero

>> No.5640880

I wish it had Louies but otherwise I agree, Konami did good.

What an atrocity that game was. It didn't even have local. How do you release a Bomberman game without local? Not to mention the obvious bizarre change in art direction.

>> No.5642153

>It didn't even have local
Wait, seriously? What the hell? But did it had a single player campaign or onine mode at least?

>> No.5642337

It had Singleplayer, 100 levels of competitive fighting other Bombermen/women for a reference to Lode Runner, a color-shifted copypaste of the title screen, and otherwise nothing else because it was a remake of the first game without actually making custom enemies or anything. Online, which was to be as expected but no one plays it. And "First Person Bomber", which is really just a third-person fully rotatable camera you can zoom in or out as you play through the exact same content as singleplayer.

Oh and everyone has health bars, only one life with no continues, and there were stupid power-ups like being able to walk through all bombable blocks.

>> No.5642417

Ignorig the dreadful aesthethic, it doesn't sound so bad. No local is just completely retarded though.
>and there were stupid power-ups like being able to walk through all bombable blocks.
But being able to walk through soft block is around since the SNES days.

>> No.5642420

guess i somehow have never encountered it in the limited selection of bomberman games i played, then.

>> No.5642553

There’s something about it that hasn’t really grabbed me sadly. I don’t care much for the in game art/voice acting. I will say the Castlevania / Silent Hill bombers are cool.

>> No.5642965

The battleship mode is fucking amazing.

>> No.5643551

64 is pure and has wonderful father/son tier multiplayer
Hero is silly and you can jump and there's an atmosphere of completionism
The first Gamecube one is cel shaded and has little pokemon things and is an adventure
There are three for thr gameboy - one more traditional, one where you can jump, and an RPG

That's all I got

>> No.5643579

The one you have in the picture and the super nes ones. I actually like jetters because of how fast pace it was

>> No.5643580

How is the second (not retro) Gamecube one, Jetters?

>> No.5643646

I never played it. I also didn't play much of Generation

>> No.5643797

Supposedly shit. The GBA one is tons better, in the same vein of Bomberman Tournament (Zelda-esque).

>> No.5643807

Super Bomberman 3 has a great single-player mode, probably the best in the main series.

>> No.5644953

Saturn and Second Attack are the best. 3 is a close second though. Tournament, Jetters and Quest are single player campaign focused games but since they're not traditional Bomberman games it's not the same.

>> No.5645578

it's not that good, it feels like they neutered the stages compared to '94 because they couldn't do two player mode otherwise

>> No.5645774
File: 28 KB, 480x360, Bomberman_Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked hero way more than bomberman 64
i liked it even more than super mario 64 desu

>> No.5645803

Same here, I kind of don't get the appeal of 64 after playing hero.

>> No.5647535

Bomb em away

>> No.5647559

Hero is just a scotformer starring Bomberman. Bomberman64 is like a true Bomberman game with levels instead of arenas

>> No.5647583

Good taste

As if your perspective wasn't cringe enough already

>> No.5647585

Thanks anon! Glad then that I didn't spring for it when I bought Amazon's last sealed copy of Generations

>> No.5647639

Who the hell is Scott anyway

>> No.5647643

Some faggot that retards unironically think makes these kind of games.

>> No.5647674
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SBM5 was a lot of fun, I didn't mind replaying it for 100% completion too.

>> No.5649765

What are some other games like Bomberman?

>> No.5649863

Bombing Bastards

>> No.5652145

Mega Bomberman / Bomberman 94 > Saturn Bomberman > Bomberman64 > Other bombermans that are great too.

>> No.5652156

Bomberman II NES
Bomberman '93 NEC
Super Bomberman (1) SNES

The kangaroo-thing made the game too easy.
I prefer these titles because they present classic Bomberman game-play
with much improved graphics and enemies over the original MSX and NES games.
Also, I've never played multi-player, though '93 accommodates 5 players.

>> No.5652334

>The kangaroo-thing made the game too easy.
They are a fun addition to the Battle Mode, and that's what Bomberman is more known for.

>> No.5652695

I kinda liked it. Multiplayer is your usual bomberman multiplayer with some a good amount of customization. Single player is what people are complaining about. It is a somewhat janky 3D action-adventure game completely unlike the rest of the games in this thread. I was still able to have fun playing through it, though, and the anime cut scenes are nice.

>> No.5652946

I knw this will sound pretty stupid, but how was the story? I genuinely loved the story behind Jetters (anime). Did the game touch on anything related to Max/Mighty?

>> No.5655147

Don't mind me, just saying this thread.

Anyway, Bomberman or Max gbc?

>> No.5656175

Not him, but I always have problems emulating decently on the Saturn. Any tips for config/emulator?

>> No.5656839

Bomberman Hero was the only game in the series I really played as a kid but I remember it being pretty good. The platforming sections of levels are a bit wonky, but otherwise I enjoyed it heavily. I'd love to find a ROM for it but I have no idea where you can find ROMs for anything anymore.

>> No.5656908

Bomber, 93, 94 on PCE/Turbografx.