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File: 121 KB, 220x276, SimCity_2000_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5623738 No.5623738 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Maxis Sim? My favorite would be Sim City 2k, next would be A-Train.

>> No.5623763

SimCity 3000 is /vr/ and it's the best SimCirty game
none of the Sims games are /vr/ but Sims 3 is the only one I'm able to get working on Windows 8

>> No.5623851

I prefer SC2k myself. SC3k was when they started making a few too many systems and it just gets pointlessly complex and overwhelming.

>> No.5624279

You should be able to emulate 2k on DOSBox. 3K should still run, at least the GOG version does.

>> No.5624327
File: 65 KB, 640x480, simcopter_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimCopter isn't my real answer but I'm posting it anyway

>> No.5624827


>> No.5624974

SimAnt was awesome. 90s PC Maxis Sims are god tier aesthetically.

>> No.5625006

SimCity 4000

>> No.5625015

blasting rioters with a water cannon was fun

>> No.5625016

No laying pipe. That's a Sim's job.

>> No.5625035

I got confused when the gay easter egg popped up. Also Streets of SimCity was pure cheese, and I loved it.

>> No.5625045

SimEarth. I with they'd make an update with a more modernized understanding of ecological and global processes, and evolution.

>> No.5625057
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 431403-simisle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimIsle was Tropico before Tropico. Although it had a pretty pointless "agent" system that bogged everything down and kept it from being great.

>> No.5625135

Just for sheer style and visual, I'll say 2000 is best.

I tried running SC3000 from a disk install and it would just refuse to behave at all, try the GOG version (you can even pirate it), it runs just fine on Win 7 and Win 10.
I like SC3000 a lot actually (and it's genuinely better in a bunch of ways), but it doesn't have that homely and pretty graphical style that SC2000 had.

>> No.5625518
File: 162 KB, 800x600, SimCity Classic Windows 95 Edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimCity Classic Windows 95 Edition for me, grew up on Atari ST classic so the Win95 version is the ultimate version of that.

>> No.5625960
File: 50 KB, 640x480, simfarm_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simfarm is the best. Shame all of you for not posting it.

>> No.5626151
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>> No.5628201

which has the best soundtrack in your opinion

>> No.5628232

Sim City 3000 Unlimited is my favorite. Perfect balance. Not too simple, not too complex. Still 2D, so does't run at ass frame rates like 4 does.

>> No.5628238

What is this agent system you speak of and how did it bog things down?

>> No.5628246

When you had to do anything build something, hire workers, etc., etc. you had to manually send one of your employees (on the bottom bar) with the appropriate skill to the site in question and it takes time for them to travel. That and I think you had to consult the help file to see which ones had which skills when hiring, which was dumb. Lots of ways it could have been streamlined.

>> No.5628275

'Course there's cheat codes that let you have free agents and no travel time but I didn't know about those at the time. The game is hard to get running on a modern PC and it was kind of unstable even back then.

>> No.5630354
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1024, prunella_penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a crush on the Chamber of Commerce lobbyist in sc3k. I'd have done anything she wanted if she'd only known type of pressure to apply.

Liked SimEarth a lot, too.

>> No.5630525

Actually it's not that hard even but you need to install and run it in dosbox. Trick is to mount the folder to c: and d: at the same time.

>> No.5630665
File: 2.07 MB, 512x448, SimEarth exodus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimEarth, the SNES version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZcOfiS5Nso

>> No.5631343

that city looks soulless

>> No.5631404

SimCopter/Streets of SimCity were good, but only when using your own SC2K maps

>> No.5631407

I find the lack of SimTower in this thread problematic

>> No.5631464

Sim park and Sim ant

>> No.5631582


>> No.5631706
File: 2.89 MB, 768x384, 1555947876879.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SimEarth. I with they'd make an update with a more modernized understanding of ecological and global processes, and evolution.
What would you like to see changed specifically?

>> No.5632913

muh global warming
muh flat earth

>> No.5632940

is SimAnt the only sim games with ending?

>> No.5633024

No matter how hard I try, I can't understand people who prefer 1 or 2k.
green and beautiful vs brown and dreary
more advanced simulation vs shallow gameplay
beautiful music, one of the best videogame soundtrack of all time vs low quality audio 70's jazzy music

simant is too easy and too simple. You can win by just fastforwarding from a tile with no hostile colony
simfarm also has shallow gameplay. Just make more and more orange orchards.

>> No.5634241


Right in the damn feels anon. We had it on old ass macs in school when I was a kid and it's probably still my favorite from a perspective of what you could do. Really wish they would do a refresh.

>> No.5634293
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 7_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of nostalgia for SimTown

>> No.5634345

I have a disc for this on PC somewhere and I just can't find it. Makes me a little upset.

>> No.5634356

What the fuck possessed EA to port this to the SNES? Were they on drugs?

>> No.5634721
File: 1.75 MB, 2048x1112, Modules 2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having soul is a polite description for a nog infested shithole.

Avg land value here broke the maximum unsigned integer, the so-called land value bug, and giving zero fucks that public education and health are absent, looped back to astronomical and netted 600 million from 1900 to 2100.

>> No.5634923
File: 255 KB, 800x1096, Garden cities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord, what a shithole!
although if shitholes like that are possible, then some cooky urbanist bullshit should be, too. Like rhombus-shaped districts (wtf would anybody live there is a mystery).

>> No.5634949


>> No.5635116 [DELETED] 

A monotonous gray cityscape is its own kind of hell hole.
A little bit of crime is fine to me if it means the city gets to be far more varied and beautiful.

>> No.5635164

A monotonous gray cityscape is its own kind of hell hole.
A little bit of crime is fine to me if it means the city gets to be far more varied and beautiful.

>> No.5635175
File: 584 KB, 2048x1200, Compartments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnasanti is not so much soulless as it is a soul-recycling machine. The 50,000 year old wheel of life and death. I would have made a city with no roads as well, except it isn't possible with SC3K Unlimited. Industrial zones require them to complete trips in SC3KU. When you load his masterpiece it gets abandoned :(

>> No.5635181

Nice. This was the first computer game I ever played when my family got our first PC. I never found that gay easter egg though.

>> No.5635604

So it's not really a hell, it's a purgatory?

>> No.5635804
File: 27 KB, 128x217, 64139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the divine comedy there is a sense of hope among the temporary inhabitants of purgatory that would be missing from people in Magnasanti. You spend a couple thousand years in purgatory and then you get to go to heaven.

In Magnasanti there is no hope. Everyone lives and dies under a pre-designed algorithm in the lower-middle class wage slave compartment (pictured). The population has not changed by a single integer in 50,000 years.

In my city I was interested in maximizing profits so I sort of tuned the ordinances to get life expectancy to terminate roughly at the end of the working years, 65, so as to hold commercial and industrial demand up under high taxes. In Magnasanti I think the guy did the same thing but for with far greater precision, and for the more insidious reason of keeping the framework of every Sim's life absolutely static for eternity.

>> No.5636032
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, 3DFxsimcopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had to have version 1.0 of the game (or a disc version ending in "-A"), and the eggs only appeared on certain dates. Any Friday 13th works and I think some day in September will activate the bug, too. I believe a copy of "gay"copter is still floating around on archive.org if you can manage to get it running.
I never saw the himbo egg either until more than 20 years after the game's release. I always thought it was some stupid fake news like the big helicopter cheat.

>> No.5636110

>Everyone lives and dies under a pre-designed algorithm in the lower-middle class wage slave compartment (pictured). The population has not changed by a single integer in 50,000 years.
That really is an absolute hell, like that's a kind of dark joke you'd find in some Douglas Addams novel, about some planet somewhere where a society fully automated itself down to a really disturbing calculated point and the quality of life and prospects are a nightmare, and nobody actually likes it, but nobody there can break free.
Optionally, the society went extinct and there's only the ghostly automated framework keeping things running for nobody.

>> No.5636250
File: 671 KB, 752x501, ponte-tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the deep darkness of SimCity 3000
I don't think he even intended it that way when he started his project. He just wanted to get the highest population he could and didn't realize the result would be something out of a nightmare. Such a redpill

>> No.5636328
File: 52 KB, 426x500, 51yRsbnyp8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sim City 2k
The special edition with the expansions was awesome. Still play it on occasion.

>> No.5637134
File: 22 KB, 1015x446, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but some of the concerns in SimEarth are less of a deal now than they were in the 90s. The most likely way intelligent life will kill itself in SimEarth is through pollution or running out of fuel resources. Between solar panels and fracking, the Western world doesn't have to worry too much about either.

It also paints evolution in a misleading light, probably because it made for a better game. Life in SimEarth doesn't adapt to the environment as it evolves, it just gets bigger and more human-like. Human intelligence isn't the end goal of evolution. It would be cool to see life actually split off into different species according to the environment is in, and for little things like creatures in warm climates to evolve faster than creatures in cold climates, and for plants to evolve in addition to animals. The terraforming mechanic could use some more depth; it's just silly when you're an advanced civilization planting Stone Age tribes on Mars.

Mostly though, the game is getting old and nothing has replaced it. We're actually in the future described by the in-game dictionary. It'd be nice to have another game that takes a holistic, Gaia theory view of Earth and lets you play around with it, if only to teach zoomers.

>> No.5637664
File: 98 KB, 800x574, evolution-the-game-of-intelligent-life_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spore could´ve been something akin to Evolution; Intelligent Life instead of having reddit designs

>> No.5637936

Sim City 3000 is the best game in the series.

>> No.5638480

SC3000 is one of my fondest nostalgic memories, that game can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. That music, those comfy graphics, the caricature-style mugshots, the humor, and I think every single sound effect is carved into my brain forever.

>> No.5640098
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, BuggedCopter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's another quasi easter egg in the patched version too.

Sometimes, albeit rarely, when you retract a Water bucket fully a himbo character appears dangling off the edge of your helicopter for a few seconds then disappears.

I've only seen this easter egg/bug happen on the first level - "Island town".

>> No.5640239


>> No.5640241

Yep. I remember freaking out when my copter started making random gurgling/moaning sounds after filling it with water one time. Sure enough, I took a swimmer/diver for a free ride (and fall after dumping my bambi bucket). It happens every single time when filling up the bucket in the himbo version, but only if you set your system clock to a Friday the 13th or Sept 26.
The game is just fuckin' weird, patched or not, which is what makes it amazing. The 3-faced sims, getting shot at and random med-evacs when greeting people, aliens, the ability to turn into a hyperactive dog, hidden attack helicopters,. It's a shame nobody's made an open-source implementation with rabid dog missions or complete 3D acceleration features.

>> No.5640247

>there's only the ghostly automated framework keeping things running for nobody.

>> No.5640250

I also forgot to mention that an OS version with multiplayer would be kick-ass.

>> No.5640316

I wish I could have 3000s gameplay with 2000s aesthetics

>> No.5640761

Definitely SimTower, followed by SC3K. I've tried Yoot Tower and that one game modeled after it on Steam, but it just doesn't have the same feel or appeal. I remember finding SimTower on some "abandonware" site. I didn't even know it existed and I just couldn't stop playing it once I started.

>> No.5642387


Definitely an amazing game. All of those little touches along with chasing speeders, destructive nuclear powerplants, and the integration with SC2K makes me wonder what else they would have added if time, resources, and sabotage weren't a factor.

>> No.5642554

Based, I remember playing it at school.

>> No.5642630

I got the first one on the SNES, and I remember the manual being thicc as fuck