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File: 133 KB, 1183x924, BE8178E3-B8BD-4ECB-9F85-C15F0ECB6242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5614754 No.5614754 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes accurate doesn’t mean better.

>> No.5614759

if your complaint is that the colors look wrong, how are they accurate?


>> No.5614762

They’re wrong in that they offend me by how shit they look.

>> No.5614770
File: 108 KB, 770x403, NaAg3QPchF_wbGKyhHa23IUFud-n9CUFbaNy-oqOIQY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5614773

They're not accurate; the box of Super Mario Bros. had BLUE skies. It's blue, not fucking purple. It was also BLUE for the arcade version which came out before the American version, not to be confused with the other arcade version that came out after previously mentioned games and also has BLUE skies.

>> No.5614775

The upper-right corner is correct.

>> No.5614778
File: 110 KB, 745x419, rVq0SNI_UOb8AqQHOMwi9Zz-6xXjupKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its purpleish blue on crts.

>> No.5614781

someone post the interview of miyamoto talking about SMB's purple sky to btfo of this guy

>> No.5614782
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Vc was darkish like grim n gritty.

>> No.5614786
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>> No.5614790

>Its purpleish blue on crts.
No, ig'n'nt zoomer scum. CRTs do not dictate the wrong color palette like modern TVs. With a CRT you can have anything be any color at all, easily.

>> No.5614792

He can go fuck himself too because he's wrong. Creative people tell odd lies and even manufacture evidence to back up their insanity.

>> No.5614793

>Vc was darkish
All VC NES games were darkened. Some believe it was an epilepsy counter measure.

>> No.5614794

That's the way they look playing on a real NES.

>> No.5614795

It's impossible to get a 100% accurate NES palette because not only will different TVs render colors slightly differently, but different PPU revisions also have slightly different palettes.

>> No.5614797

It's because they didn't want people burning in their TVs with static images, which those game are full off, the anti-epilepsy have nothing to do with brightness, they just delete the strobe effect in parts that had it.

>> No.5614801
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1546135230236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>created the game
>he's wrong.

>> No.5614804

This is next level cope. Like, holy shit.

>> No.5614805

>but different PPU revisions also have slightly different palettes.
True, but the canon of how it's supposed to look is the box (on the back), on the front of all NES boxes, and all television commercials, plus don't forget Nintendo Power.

>> No.5614807

>the anti-epilepsy have nothing to do with brightness, they just delete the strobe effect in parts that had it.
I know they did this with SNES VC games but I haven't seen it with NES VC. Not saying they didn't do it, just that I've not seen it.

>> No.5614808


They also blurred off the pixels.

>> No.5614812

It's just like Lucas saying he made the original Star Wars for kids. At best, the FAMICOM version of the game, was purple. Yay!

>> No.5614816

All those western stuff is wrong. Smb3 box had w unused level.

>> No.5614817

t. never owner a CRT

>> No.5614818

>All those western stuff is wrong.
lol COPE

>> No.5614821

Two zoomers fags.

>> No.5614826

projection pure, uncut^

>> No.5614834
File: 270 KB, 378x672, tTRIe5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, NES systems, and famicoms for that matter, did not encode graphics in RGB values. Rather, they were encoded directly in NTSC. And composite/RF looks different on every single TV depending on the settings of that television and the model of NES/famicom. Some had a blue sky, some had a purplish one.

Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that he chose a "purple" as the intended color for the sky for reference, but that doesn't mean you ever necessarily saw it like that as a kid depending on your setup. Further complicating matters is the fact that every Virtual Console release of the game as well as the GBA port had a different palette implemented by whoever handled the emulator.

In sum, no matter what you do, you'll never have colors that perfectly resemble the original NTSC colors of a real NES, famicom, toploader, or Famicom AV. The FBX palettes are as close as we are going to get, but even those are just approximations. On my CRT using composite, sometimes the sky is purple and sometimes it's blue depending on the TV's settings and which of my NES systems or Famicoms I am using.

>> No.5614837

Hello everyone.

>> No.5614839

"Because of this relatively low signal quality, a lot of the pictures in Nintendo Power, on game boxes, TV commercials, in game manuals and anywhere else wanting the best picture quality possible were taken using a specialized expensive Famicom made by Sharp called the "Famicom Titler" which could output a proper S-Video signal (which in the 80's was pretty crazy) also do some subtitles and the like. This same hardware was also used in the Playchoice 10 arcade units which is why gutting them to make RGB NESes was popular before fit-for-purpose upgrade kits were made in recent years."

>> No.5614842

Miyamoto wanted purple skies, zoom zoom.

>> No.5614845
File: 27 KB, 251x239, 1A613EB0-8D1A-4BA1-8AE7-D411A62519FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purplish, not purple.

>> No.5614847
File: 41 KB, 327x450, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Canon is the box

>> No.5614849

Yup Purple.

I rom hacked mine to be red though.

>> No.5614853

Mostly purple with some blue tint.

>> No.5614860

left-middle and top-middle are only good ones. middle and right-middle make the browns look like poop

>> No.5614861

Not an argument.

>> No.5614865

Hey there. Today, I repeatedly punched the palm of my other hand at close range (approx. 3 inches). I've been left with bruises. I think I should use this technique the next time I'm in a ground and pound situation, as it seems effective. Yup.

>> No.5614871

It 100% is an argument though

>> No.5614874

You can't compare a stylized drawing, to actual pictures of a finished game.

>> No.5614876
File: 41 KB, 355x480, vssupermario1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5614879

that's a shitty pic and its blue anyway

>> No.5614903

Cope fag. Its purple.

Take your meds.

>> No.5614907
File: 85 KB, 750x1000, blue you faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah bloo bloo

>> No.5614936

the cabinet actually was called vs. super mario bros

>> No.5614940

imagine being this much of a zoomer

>> No.5614987

It was both.

>imagine being this much of a zoomer
Why expose yourself like that?

>> No.5614990
File: 4 KB, 768x528, 02383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an example, I had a Proscan 27" that rendered the yellow in this Zelda dungeon very close to how it appears in the screencap. Another TV I had (from the 70s no less) made it look much more orangey. I joked that it looked like the color of pee.

>> No.5615001
File: 84 KB, 1440x960, dungeon 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua on the 70s set looked much more blue.

>> No.5615004

The third dungeon map is based.

>> No.5615273
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>> No.5615658

I just put SMB in and lookigat my CRT (late 90s Trinitron, one of the cheaper ones) I get color most like the top right but less brightness. There's definitely some reddishness in the brown and brightness in the green that is somewhat unlike top center and very unlike center/middle right.

tl;dr top right is about what I get with my NES/CRT

>> No.5615671

Purple skies are objectively correct.

>> No.5615682

Once again people don’t understand how NTSC color works. It’s a specific standard for color. You can set your display to show the skies as green if you want, it doesn’t change the fact that on a properly calibrated set the skies will be tinted purple.

>> No.5615684

First of all, disregard any of the orange ones, no NES looks like that. I'd argue that left shot in row two is the most accurate.

>> No.5615714
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there was a thread about this game. Screenshot looks RGB. I wonder what it was taken with?

>> No.5615725

>complains about accuracy
>doesn't play on a CRT

>> No.5615729

>t. never connected a NES to a trinitron

>> No.5615734

>t. doesn’r know ntsc color is supposed to look the same across any display

>> No.5615738

Bottom left or bottom right are the closest to how I remember it looking on my TV as a kid.

>> No.5615754

It is if the TV follows the NTSC standard properly. Many don't, especially shitty or pre-90s sets.

>> No.5615764

I think once I saw a NES hooked up to a TV in a flea market (but maybe it was also a NOAC, I don't remember) and the colors looked orange, but none of the TVs I've used my toaster with (three different CRTs and one Sony flat panel) looked like that.

>> No.5615847
File: 62 KB, 336x281, 1556585038133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard

>> No.5615869

Chaotic evil looks ok.
Also,I think these are all accurate,depending on the quality of you parents tv at the time.

>> No.5615890

It was blue in the arcade, in the commercials, in the official Nintendo publications, and on the NES, oh summer child.

>> No.5615906

TVs back then where so much less consistent than they are today.
Pls enjoy this extra (you)>>5614990

>> No.5615927

By the 90s if you had a decent quality TV, the NTSC spec was followed with a lot higher accuracy.

>> No.5615957

Super Mario Bros. skies are officially blue. It's been established, confirmed and evidenced across various sources and mediums.

>> No.5616000

Virgins are actually citing advertising and marketing materials as abject truth over the programmer?
To everyone saying blue, go have sex.

>> No.5616006

wrong nigger

>> No.5616009

It STILL is blue in official Nintendo products, like Mario Maker 1 & 2.

>> No.5616016

Have children. Also, the guy who created the .gif format says it's pronounced "jiff" even though it's the letter "g" "Jrafics"? Really? Creators can be wrong sometimes like anyone, even when relating to their own creations.

>> No.5616027

Silence. You weren't alive back then and you only know Mario from Russian bootleg clones.

>> No.5616119

Become a grandparent. Next you'll say Fahrenheit 451 is about censorship.

>> No.5616126
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue usa, purple Japan.

Everyone wins.

>> No.5616189
File: 152 KB, 800x554, 363839-super-mario-bros-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist clearly meant for it to be this color, but the NES was against the artist's true vision, & they had to settle with inferior colors.

>> No.5616195

Bowser was a bull there, seriously. It's interesting that King Koopa's species wasn't even nailed down until he came to the States.

>> No.5616219

Lawful good, lawful evil and chaotic evil are the best here. But chaotic neutral is closest to how it looked on my TV growing up and true neutral is close to how it looks on my c64 monitor now

>> No.5616234
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>> No.5616241

My old roommate and I got to Thursday. That game is fucking terrible and the meme wears off after about 45 minutes, but we pushed through

>> No.5617336
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 4BE9A1D9-6228-4003-A248-081F35C6643E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It’s a purplish shade of blue, just like how it was described here >>5614834

>> No.5617785

>The artist
Yeah, the artist of the box art. Not Miyamoto. Fuck off.

>> No.5617818
File: 51 KB, 313x332, 26866D2E-AE7B-4350-B8D6-C154ADBB2CB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This some high quality shitposting