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File: 177 KB, 368x271, Super_Castlevania_IV_North_American_SNES_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5613379 No.5613379 [Reply] [Original]

Castlevania 4 is obviously a great game, some consider it the best in the series

but i feel the stream-lining of the controls kinda
takes away the need for items so why even collect hearts? your whip is all you need, especially that the whip covers 25 percent of the damn screen, if they just shortened the whip size items would definitely be viable to use, the whiping in 8 directions can stay

>> No.5613386

So make a ROMhack that makes the gameplay less casual then.

>> No.5613420
File: 659 KB, 856x839, 21469601_895211583971123_1970198286_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

items helped me a damn lot in the last fight
sometimes I simply didn't want to get close with the risk of not parrying all his little fireballs

so i'd just throw the boomerang shit and then take care of fireballs from a distance

>> No.5613425
File: 7 KB, 230x219, a holy water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i wish that items had a bigger role to play,
try not using items in the first game, its literally cancer, Holy water OP

>> No.5613427

the items feel like more of an option, while in the first game each item made certain situations 1 million times easier, you needed an item. while in 4
items make much less of a difference

>> No.5613629

The only time you really need sub weapons in super 4 is Dracula. Meanwhile any other CV game requires it, especially the NES ones.

>> No.5613640

all the levels before the castle feel kinda shitty, nowadays I just use a password to start the game from the castle

>> No.5613693

The whip is extremely good, but the cross is far better. Also there's a technique you can do to whip + sub weapon at the same time. If I remember right, you use your sub weapon then whip immediately afterwards, it could be frame perfect. By the way I've known this trick since 2009, and posted about it long ago. How did it take speed runners so long to figure it out?

>> No.5613816

Egoraptor (the e-celeb that made popular among people who haven't played this game to shit on it) couldn't finish this game because he kept losing in certain parts of the game where having the cross subweapon makes it easier to get through. He still sucked at the game, but he would have had a chance if he used the cross.

>> No.5616814

How many people that thinks it is "too easy" even beat it? It has more easy levels because it is longer than previous games. It gets very hard starting at the dungeon level filled with 1 hit deaths.

>> No.5617067

Hell, Stage 3 has a lot of fall-death areas in it, with a lot of things that are gonna hit you off.

>> No.5617079

>s-s-super 4 is actually a hard game!! none of the people that criticize it can beat it!!
lmao delusional nintenkiddos

>> No.5617095

hi australia-kun

>> No.5617108

Whip size and speed is all wrong yea. It's way too powerful and sometimes it feels like a late addition to the game rather than a mechanic that was there from the start, with how many enemies you can kill from so far away they don't even have a chance to hit you, often through walls or the floor. If they rebalanced the whip reach/speed to emphasize precise timing and rhythm, and remade the levels the mechanic would be fine. Upgraded cross boomerang is good for DPS though, but that's all you'd really use items for, the unique utility is more or less gone.

>> No.5617110

>takes away the need for items so why even collect hearts?
did you even beat this game

>> No.5617114

It's got harder levels than Rondo or Bloodlines, but it's not the hardest game in the series.
It's 2019, everyone is playing Castlevania on PS4.

>> No.5617142

Honestly, I find it harder than CV1. CV1 barely pushes you in regards to its stage design.

>> No.5617148


have you beaten one with whip only, i haven't. holy water makes it a bit nonsense

>> No.5617159

I haven't even tried, to be honest.

That being said, I can do everything in the game without holy water, minus death and the creature. The rest of CV1 is a cakewalk.

>> No.5620198

I'd argue Castlevania 4's last set of levels are harder than anything you'd find in most other CV games. Even on replays, those levels get you tense. CV1 feels more like a breeze when you know what you're doing. And only really has a couple actually hard sets but again, it's a game that, once mastered, becomes very easy.
Castlevania 4 seems easy if you brute-force your way through it using continues, but when you try to do a no-death run you notice the actual game's design ideas better.
In comparison, I could finish Rondo without continuing much faster than 4, same with CV1.

>> No.5620304

The only bullshit parts of CV4's last half is the disappearing platforms in the dungeon level, clipping through a cog wheel into a death pit, getting hit by that chainsaw that chases you at the bottom of the screen and those diagonal platforms that send you into ceiling spikes. But once/if you die to them you should know how to handle it and not fuck up.

>> No.5620328
File: 451 KB, 865x787, Super_Castlevania_IV_-_Slogra_-_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker STILL gets me from time to time.

>> No.5620331

the whole "CV4" is easy meme is pure bullshit; the difficulty ramps up hard (especially the later part of the game), platforming mistakes are harshly punished, and respawns are bullshit (often sending you several zones back)

>> No.5620354

>smw-like air control
>multi-directional whip
>evasive crouch walking
>not casual

>> No.5620394


keep crouching in his first form and move away when he jumps, in the second form keep moving from corner to corner after you hit him

>> No.5620436

>smw-like air control
So like Rondo? Also, Simon's sprite is larger than most other CV games, which makes him a huge hitbox for enemies. X68K also has an equally big sprite and also lets you move in the air.
>multi-directional whip
Bloodlines and X68K also do (more limited, but in turn Bloodlines has the blue orb and X68K has the HP refill herb, so they all have "casual" elements one way or another)
>evasive crouch walking
Reminds me of Shinobi
>not casual
It's really not, but whatever, the whole "casual" buzzword is zoomer-tier.

>> No.5620489

rondo/xx air control is a bit stiffer than 4's actually

anyway i wasn't defending the other 16-bit entries, insecure nintendo autist

>> No.5620512

Cv 4 is easy.

>> No.5620514

>rondo/xx air control is a bit stiffer than 4's actually
But sprite is smaller.
what makes you think I am a console warrior? I love Castlevania in all its variants, I love Bloodlines and X68K too, just pointing out stuff, the same way people mention gameplay changes in IV, the same can be said of every other entry after CV1.

>> No.5620521

Up until the 3rd block of level 3, sure.

>> No.5620528

I know how to beat him. Sometimes I also try to not even move from one corner to the other and try to land a hit on him right when he lands and nosedives (by jumping and whipping diagonally down), that's the fastest way to beat him but you gotta really pay attention because sometimes there's i-frames that can fuck your timing.

>> No.5620537

Nah it easy.

>> No.5620728

Imagine being so bad at games you struggled with the falling blocks on CV4's third level.

Even Arin could get past that shit.

>> No.5620736

imagine being so stupid you're still shitposting about cv4 being bad on /vr/ in 2019

>> No.5620742

imagine being so stupid that you're still seething about people disliking cv4 on /vr/ in current year

>> No.5620743

imagine pretending to be a castlevania fan on /vr/. lmao.

>> No.5620745

Imagine thinking easy=-bad.

>> No.5620759

Imagine just imagine

>> No.5620763

imagine playing games for any other reason than to be challenged

>> No.5620765

I never bothered "getting good" that I don't need subweapons. I just want to have fucking fun.

>> No.5620768

imagine being asutralia-kun

>> No.5620772

imagine having schizophrenia and seeing australians everywhere

>> No.5621136

The hitbox for his beat charge is ridiculously huge, and he can do it immediately after landing, sometimes twice in a row too boot.

>> No.5621143

it's the only game in the series where i've actually maxed out on hearts and i wasn't even trying to do whip only.

>> No.5623007

IMO it's actually the hardest after cv III.
People mostly judge this game for its first couple levels, not realizing this is the longest Castlevania (classic) game.

>> No.5623026

It's the only Classicvania I finished without having to use any continues on my initial playthrough.

Fuck CV4 and faggot scrubs that like it (looking at you, AVGN).

>> No.5623027

take your meds australia

>> No.5624240
File: 40 KB, 658x444, 589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concepts and ideas are not memes. This is a meme:

>> No.5624296

I used to fall for the meme that it's easy, but yeah, it's not really easier than the other Castlevania games outside of maybe Dracula XX and III.
I don't even think X68K is hard, I don't know why some people consider it to be.

>> No.5625595

Not him but you're overlooking a lot of features in CVIV that make it significantly easier than its predecessors and successors. You are drawing false parallels to features in other entries that weren't nearly as game breaking.

In no other CV game can you just hang your whip and kill enemies below you, or hold your whip over your head and kill enemies above you. This stuff was so game breaking that they removed it from future entries in the series.

I beat CVIV when I was about 10 years old on a weekend rental. At that time, I couldn't even beat I and III because they were too difficult.

>> No.5625612

t. never did a deathless run of any castlevania

>> No.5626491

>ou are drawing false parallels to features in other entries that weren't nearly as game breaking.
I disagree. I find Rondo's bible to be probably the most broken thing in any Classicvania. It's literally a screen-filling attack.
Okay, Bloodlines' blue orb is equally (or even more) broken, but at least you lose it if you get hit so it feels more like a "reward" of sorts to have it. But in Rondo, you can't even lose the bible even by accidentally taking another item because you get it back right away.
In comparison, IV's whip isn't nearly as broken (and using the whip as a shield or letting it hang does like 1/4 of full damage)

>> No.5626496

I don't know what you're trying to argue here. The general consensus among fans of the series is that IV is really easy, and Dracula X/Rondo isn't really far behind when compared to the original NES trilogy. So if you're pointing out that Rondo/Dracula X has a broken mechanic, you're in violent agreement and should just calm down.

>> No.5626584

>you're in violent agreement and should just calm down.
Just pointing out observations and comparisons of games I like.
I think Rondo is as easier, if not easier, than IV. Dracula X SNES is a different story, they removed the bible there and levels are much harder.
I'm not trying to trash any of these games, though. I don't think "hard" makes a game inherently better or worse. Rondo and IV are still some of my most played games in the series.

>> No.5626825

So Rondo gets easy after you find the Bible (about halfway through the game) and IV becomes easy as soon as your whip is fully upgraded (so stage 1). Not to mention Bible requires ammunition and is lost when you die while the whip can be spammed willy nilly at any time.

How is Rondo the more casual game, again...?

>> No.5626836

I'm actually not making it a contest to see which more is more "casual" - I think neither of them is a casual game.
I'm simply making observations. Bible is not the only new tweak Rondo has. There's also the backflip jump, not being knocked back if you get hit while crouching, item crash, and many other gameplay changes.
Same as with IV, I never really run out of hearts in Rondo. I don't even really use item crash at all because Bible is just enough

>> No.5627049
File: 53 KB, 960x958, 1509758431692 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking the comfy opening stages

>> No.5628397

play sotn or its clones if you're into that