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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5603363 No.5603363 [Reply] [Original]

>zoom zoom
>hidden gems
post more

>> No.5603371

for what fucking purpose. /vr/ needs more meaningful conversations and less dumbass memes. fuck you.

>> No.5603378

the last 3 threads with 'meaningful conversations' I made had about 3 replies so fuck you for bumping this one.

>> No.5603383

Scotformer isn't a buzzword. It's one desperate anon trying to force it to become a meme. I suspect that anon is you, OP, by sneaking it in there. With that said, fuck you.

>> No.5603420

Meta (not allowed).

>> No.5603428
File: 156 KB, 620x609, L1SsYSGwlhoTs9JbUfwF4VqwxwWfansc_diej3WoJ30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no belt scroller

>> No.5603429

Technically every board is allowed to have one meta thread.

>> No.5603430

Jarpigvania for 2D non-linear sidescrollers with level ups, builds, etc.

>> No.5603431

scotformer is shit because no one has any intuition of what scot is supposed to mean.

>> No.5603437

mascot platformer

>> No.5603447

>sticker collection

>> No.5603448


it's growing on me

>> No.5603450

But is there any platformer where that can't be applied? Literally any character can be called a mascot.

>> No.5603452


top /vr/ buzzword 2019

>> No.5603453

I had no idea what it meant before this post.

>> No.5603470

Make better threads ass face.

>> No.5603478

cancer ray tube

>> No.5603491
File: 1.94 MB, 823x1065, Batman 66 Super LE flyer back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Clunky" is sort of a pinball buzzword.

>> No.5603494


>> No.5603505

What is "stupid shit people say on /vr/ that immediately makes me disregard their opinion"?
Next, Alex I'll take "Trips down memory lane" for $500

>> No.5603524

Is that really what that term refers to? I've only ever seen it here. Holy shit that's lame.

>> No.5603579

Willyvania is funny though because it makes fun of an already existing meme name and because it annoys people.

>> No.5603592



same funposter, or independently coined?

>> No.5603610 [DELETED] 

dos roms
sega system
nintendo tapes

>> No.5603621


>> No.5603730

scotformer and willyvania aren't buzzwords. That's just retarded zoomers failing epically at trying to be funny

>> No.5603752

Platform games featuring a fast running character like Sonic
Racing games with weapons ie Mario Kart or Twisted Metal
Visual novel type games

>> No.5603754

Cry more old fuck geezer

>> No.5603757

"Belt scroller" ruined this board. Everything mentioned ITT is an attempt to copy the original meme

>> No.5603762

all of those are reasonable terms that are legitimate descriptors, sounds like you just get triggered too easily, this site isn’t for you

>> No.5603789

Exactly. Where are these supposed non-cartoony platformers featuring normally proportioned characters that are being distinguished from? Do they matter for the sake of this argument? Of course not.

>> No.5603796
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>> No.5603836

Try hard, fail hard.

>> No.5603838

>flithy gameboy cart

>> No.5603916

>virtually unplayable

>> No.5603925

A DOS ROM would be DOS itself, not the EXEs it runs.

Nintendo tapes is real. You can search the web and usenet archives. The NES was designed to resemble a VCR because American retailers were afraid of game consoles.

>> No.5603928

Sonic is about momentum more than speed. To scale, Mario is often faster than Sonic.

>> No.5603929

Is Jeremy Parish wrong for saying it?

>> No.5603939

PBRPG, or Pinball RPG
Virtual X (a really mid-90s thing)
non-Euclidean sport sims

>> No.5603945

>hold up

>> No.5603979


>> No.5603994


>> No.5603997

You can count the pixels yourself.

>> No.5603998


>> No.5604017

>hidden gem
1. There are a lot of people on this board who shit on popular titles to seem like they're interesting people. 2. What is the big fuckin deal about 'hidden gem'? You fuckers really that upset over some YouTube shit? Glad I don't watch any game shit on that botnet, I'd hate to be upset by a term. 3. What the fuck is a scotformer?

>> No.5604046

>What the fuck is a scotformer?
"Mascot platformer", it's referring to all those "we want to be the next Sonic" games from the 90s

>> No.5604315

You forgot calling all visual novels "date sims" even if there is no dating and game is about rape.

>> No.5604326

>^fartificial difficulty

>> No.5604336

That sega system guy needs to burn in hell

>> No.5604342
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That one got me good.

>> No.5606889 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 259x194, 1558835590377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not scatformer
get wit the times, gramps

>> No.5607452

I thought it was supposed to be refering to them as a kiddy name; "Scott", as an insult, that was better

>> No.5609305
File: 197 KB, 433x436, oh NO ANON POSTED CIRCLE OF THE MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro qualifies as a buzzword with how many ancient boomers sperg over gba and 6th gen anything

>> No.5609564

kek that's hilarious

>> No.5609595


>> No.5609871

>complaining about people calling each other contrarians
>posting on the most contrarian board on 4chan

>> No.5610082
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>> No.5610090

aren't zoomers busy being nostalgic about minecraft and wii u? kek
the fact that 5th gen "3d games" are grouped in with 3rd and 4th gen 2d games would piss a shitton of people off 10 years ago, but the times change

>> No.5610108

>aged poorly

>> No.5610173


>> No.5610189

This is a circle jerk disguised as a thread.

>> No.5610689

I-Ninja's protag isnt a mascot

>> No.5610693


>> No.5610723
File: 123 KB, 4864x1360, JetSetWilly64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet Set Willy came 2 years before Metroid was even a thing, which is why people are annoyed that ignorant Americans coined the name metroidvania instead of willyvania.

>> No.5610729

Metroidvania was only intended to mean "Castlevania games that played somewhat like Metroid" anyway. Also it was meant to be an insult.

>> No.5610742


Willy doesn't have anything in common with Metroid or SotN besides being an open world platformer.

>> No.5610746

That was never an official rule and Hiroyuki repealed it fairly quickly.

>> No.5610876

so do tumors

>> No.5611026 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 1558964016326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TECHNICALLY he is. Or would've if the studio didn't go under.

Also sadly not retro (I wish it was tho)

>> No.5612354

Not exactly buzzwords but the autism here is almost worse than audiophiles. Like
>you shouldn't use burned discs because laser dies faster
>you shouldn't use flashcarts because you'll melt your system/your system dies faster
>"muh retro" people and people who keep bending the word left and for like a bunch of Creationists.
>people who are hellbent on CRT's (PVM's and the like especially)
>period correct hardware

>> No.5614810
File: 116 KB, 257x159, 1558078579962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Mekka of autism, people who cling to a piece of plastic they got in their childhood and use it for escapism of the the chsnging reality around them, jumping into a specific timecapsule of when their life was safe and with less Problems. This is why everything has to be "as the developers intended" and get a fucking meltdown if not everybody else on the Planet enjoys it the same way the autist does. This is also the reason why baiting and shitflinging on this Board is mindnumbingly easy, as the people get triggered from every buzzword that force them out of their timebubble. It also gives them a feeling of superiority in a topic of life which would not have any substancial meaning in the real world, fictional fights which give their life a cause to exist.

>> No.5614854

Came here to post this.

>> No.5615068

crt rejuvenation

>> No.5615075

I only heard of it with OP's terrible post, and assumed it had something to do with one of those European computer systems nobody in bugerstand cares about, as if Scotland was a place that produced a lot of shovelware.

>> No.5615127

>people who are hellbent on CRT's
Unlike those other things this has a substantial difference on the experience though. To make an audiophile comparison, vinyl enthusiasts are a lot less autistic than people who demand FLAC files since vinyl is a completely different method of recording/playback and produces a completely different sound.
You can say "well I don't really care about those differences" and that's fine for your opinion but to say that people should stop using CRTs/vinyl is just as biased as the people saying everyone should use CRTs/vinyl.

>> No.5616595

Are Lara Croft and Duke Nukem scots?
What about the characters from Pandemonium or the characters from Trine?

>> No.5616598

How is 3 Sisters' Story not a dating sim?

>> No.5616617

How is “contrarian” a buzzword?

>> No.5616621

>Non-Character Action
>1.5D Fighter
>Belt Racer
>Coin Based Shooter
>Arcade Platformer

>> No.5616623

Because it doesn't have the makings of a simulation game. It's an adventure