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5602563 No.5602563 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to start Final Fantasy VII. Any tips before I got started?

>> No.5602576

DON'T attack when its tail is up.
Also, look up turtle's paradise side quest, steal-as-well material, and how to max out enemy skill if you don't like missing things

>> No.5602579

play IX or Vagrant Story instead.
This hunk of ugly shit is OoT for sonyggers -- overrated system seller nostalgia bait

>> No.5602584

IX is terrible though, 7 has crisp, fast battles, best in the whole series

>> No.5602591

X has best battles. I will agree that IX is a tad slow, but it's still my favourite.
7 never sat well with me, always thought it was horrible looking animu crap.

>> No.5602764

X sucks.
VS and IX are both extravagant games but don't you dare try to compare the master piece that is FF7 to your basedtendo 64 trash lad.

>> No.5602767

9 is nice but slower and more goofy.
7 is just tighter, faster, stronger, better.

>> No.5602779

but it's on the pc

>> No.5603024

X is the best game Square ever made.

>> No.5603042

Hitting the 2nd boss from behind does double damage
Don't be afraid to use grenades and other throwables for quick and decent damage early on

>> No.5603087

go to Config and max out the battle speed

>> No.5603090

FF9 is better in graphic, story, music and setting but it is too damn slow. Every random encounter takes 10 seconds of animation intro, it's unbearable

>> No.5603152
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PC port is pretty good with mods.

>> No.5603159

Not even close. But it's still a good game.

>> No.5603171

That looks disgusting

>> No.5603178

you can't fail at this game, gameplay wise... if you don't get hooked by the story, drop it like a bad habbit.

>> No.5603206

8bit grindfest, except now with load times.
>Vagrant Story
Menu simulator.

FFVII is the least worst FF game.

>> No.5603209

if you had to grind in IX then you are a very special kind of retarded

>> No.5603256

Grinding is a meme and you never ever had to grind in any final fantasy with perhaps the exception for the nes games and even those required minimal grinding

>> No.5603292

Play 8 instead

>> No.5604253

imagine being this guy

>> No.5604301

>grinding in IX

>> No.5604391

Don't go in expecting the best game of all time, FF7 is the definitive example of a game that's great but still overrated, the comparison earlier in the thread to OoT is accurate.

Also use Cid he's awesome.

Also I'll probably get slayed for this but consider playing the switch or PC versions so you can skip summon cutscenes when you've seen them a million times.

>> No.5604915
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Just enjoy it.

Really, it's an easy game to get into, and there's never a point where you’re punished for making a wrong choice earlier in the game.

Give Tifa the flower.

You don't really have to grind at any point. Don't get hung up on being ready to fight the optional superbosses - there's really no benefit to doing so, and they don't further the plot in any way.

Don’t have Vincent in your party going into Nibel Mountain. Just, don't.

Steal from everyone. Again, it's not remotely necessary, but you can get decent weapons early by doing this.

You may want to contextualise it a bit. It's debatable how well it’s aged - I think well, others don't - but have a look at the games that were out in 1997. FF7 represented a huge leap in what we expected from games, in tone, scope, storytelling and presentation. It was either the killer app or the coronation of the PS1 as the winner of that gen, you’ll definitely enjoy it more by checking out what else was on offer at the time.

>> No.5604919

this is probably the best post so far.

just play the game, take it at face value and don't try to do anything special. 7 is balanced and paced very well, so just let the game happen as you play.

yes, there's tons of optional stuff, but none of it is required, and it's only there if you want to take the time to do it.

>> No.5605178

shit tips

>> No.5605269


Playing it right now. Its okay.

I certainly played better jrpgs, but I can see why its famous. Still had that 90s charm.

>> No.5605283

Attack while it's tail's up.

>> No.5605327
File: 436 KB, 500x500, IMG_6309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 is balanced and paced very well

Exactly this. Replaying it recently, I was surprised by how quickly and how well the story progresses.

Until you leave Midgar, there's very little time to get bored - every plot development leads on to another one that you want to see.

Even when you hit the map and the next discs, you’ll enjoy how quickly it ticks along, especially compared to newer rpgs.

As for side quests, the only one that stands out is the one for the Knights of the Round materia, which you may actually want to miss - it looked spectacular then, but a little ropey now.

It also makes some sections of the game a bit too easy, and always felt just a bit overpowered. Still, summoning King fucking Arthur to help fight for the future of your planet will always be epic.

>> No.5606150

Yeah, holy shit, I always end up doing most sidequests on Disc 3 because I always just wanna progress to the next story bit.

>> No.5606175

These tips suck ass. Only give Tifs the flower if you wanna go on a date. And stealing is a waste of time.
Don’t listen to him OP please

>> No.5607479

>And stealing is a waste of time.

>telling OP to miss out early hard edge and unique items

>> No.5607778
File: 100 KB, 276x240, IMG_6330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you could say almost everything in 7 is a waste of time - stealing just happens to be fun.

The only things you HAVE to do are set up defensive buffs, select Attack and occasionally heal.

That, and go on a date. You have to go on a date. Dating is mandatory. Sorry, anon.

>> No.5607951

install Jessie mod

>> No.5607958

IF you attack while its tail is up IT WILL COUNTERATTACK WITH A LASER

>> No.5608156

I envy you, enjoy it motherfucker.

>> No.5609006

>Needing to grind in any of the 3d games

How does it feel to suck at jrpg's?

>> No.5609189

There’s four enemies worth stealing from in the entire game.

The bike rider in the train graveyard has Striking Staff.

The soldiers in the Shinra building post-massacre have Hardedge.

The tractor monsters outside Midgar have W Machine Gun.

The dragons in Mt. Nibel have Gold Armlet.

>> No.5609195

honestly one of the most overhated games of all time I'd say, anytime someone posts this youl just get some dude replying to you with "its overrated dont waste your time lmao"

like i know its not the best game of ALL TIME like so many cucks hype it up, but i just played it for the first time(inb4 zoomer) and thought it was fucking great, not best of all time tier but still a great fun game with a geniunely good story, also side note the translation gets shit on non stop for minor typos and shit, but atleast you understand the entire story with it

>> No.5609198

Thanks for the hot take, sweetheart.

>> No.5609205

/v/ doesn't have a definitive so I figured I'd go to /vr/ and to my joy there's a thread already up; how fucked are the ports of this game?

>> No.5609241

Why not take that cock out of your mouth when you speak? We'll be able to hear you more clearly.

>> No.5609272

Who’s we? The voices inside your head? You can’t hear text, lmao.

>> No.5609301

something tells me you wish you had a cock in your mouth.

>> No.5609313

Less than 6 that's indisputable. Ports are ok if you're just absolutely adamant that you play it as if it's 97 or want the boosters. I find the Remako mod essential now that I've tried it though. I just wish it weren't a bitch to get working.

>> No.5609389

I mean that wasn't me you were replying to so he is right about their being a plural "we" regarding you as a faggot.

>> No.5609421

The whole game is a grind u faggot

>> No.5610161


>> No.5610225

God damn it none of you told OP about fun mode, that’s the only mode where ff7 is a good game.

OP, to turn on fun mode go into the options, set atb system to active, and crank the battle speed up pretty high. Not necessarily max. This changes the game from a turnbased one, into a realtime turnbased game. That might be an oxymoron but it’s fun as fuck and once you play this way you can never go back.

The game’s tutorial suggests you use the wait system because it thinks you’re too much of a slowwitted dumbass to handle high speed turnbased gameplay. Prove it wrong.

I cannot recommend this playstyle enough. It turned FF7 from a 4/10 to a 10/10 experience for me.

>> No.5610230

Play FF8 instead because its better

>> No.5610320

Don't play it. One of the most over-rated RPGs ever.

>> No.5610328

>capeshit tripfag
Holy shit, I didn't think someone could be this pathetic, even on 4chan.

>> No.5610330

This guy gets it

>> No.5610626

The only magic that should ever be equipped is Cure 1/2/3 and Life 1/2/3. Early on you want three Lightning 1 materia for the elevator boss but that's it I think.

>> No.5610687

you have to go back

>> No.5610886

Incorrect, you can steal strong equipment a lot earlier than they actually become purchable

>> No.5610897

>three lightning materias
Dude. I used to buy extra basic elemental materias but in the end they became obsolete real fast. Getting THREE of the lightning materias just to fight the elevator bosses is waste of time and money. Sure, those bosses are weak against lightining but guess what? Other elementals deal damage to them too and the bosses' damage output is not something that requires THREE FUCKING LIGHTNING MATERIAS. God damn, you can even have non-Aeris guy have a Cure+All and Aeris spamming her healing limit break if you actually feel the battle is too hard. What I gather people only have trouble with the bosses because they are too retarded to actually re-equip their party with materias and only Barret can attack the bosses with normal attack. Red can use his Limit Break and Aeris's Limit Break trivializes any damage.

>> No.5610936

Here's my tips:

Don't bother much with the fucking tower defense minigame until the right time comes

Don't waste your time grinding for AP, the only bosses that can truly fuck you up are the super bosses

Do not invest anything on Cat shit or Aeris

Learn the wait trick

>> No.5610938

You don't need to worry about money unless you're speedrunning. 3 Lightning materia is nothing lol.

>> No.5610952

I disagree. For me to be able to buy all elemental materias and extra Restore materia cost so much that I had to grind money just for that. When I was younger, I had no qualms with grinding but now older I think I'm playing the game to not actually play it if I grinded for that extra boost that might make small differece early but in the end the extra materias don't bring anything ground breaking to the table.

I suppose everyone's free to play the way they want but on your example the Lightning deals around 150-200 damage while Ice and Fire deal 70-100. To go your way to get the money for the extra duplicate materias is purely time waster.

>> No.5611218


>> No.5611252

>get a golden chocobo the cheap way
>obtain Knights of the Round
>have a ton of powerful materia I missed on my first playthrough more than a decade ago like Ultima
>beat the final boss like it's nothing

Well that was pretty underwhelming overall, in my first playthrough I had missed TONS of shit and got stuck on the last boss, so I thought it would be like, harder.

>> No.5611271

this tbqh

>> No.5611285

Man fuck that bullshit. All they had to do was add a “Don’t” and shit would have been fine.

>> No.5611294

download the new threat mod and play that instead. Makes the game much more enjoyable

>> No.5611340

>it’s aged
put on a trip so I can filter you

>> No.5611372
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>noooo make the badwrong opinions go away mommy

>> No.5614110

This is about the third time I restart this after losing my saves.
Hope third time's the charm.

I cranked up the speed to max, I have active ATB and will look up aesthetic window colors. Though I'm still heavily turn between romancing Aerith or Tifa.
Wish me luck bros.

>> No.5614167

>Though I'm still heavily turn between romancing Aerith or Tifa.
Does this even make a real difference? What do you get besides some extra dialog?

>> No.5614476

Well, it's a fucking RPG, and every now and then, the game will come to a halt telling me to choose, and it gives you a slightly different outcome based on it.

It's minor, but it is kinda funny that I haven't truly made up my mind on it yet.

>> No.5614489

Tifa has bigger boobs and still has a pulse by the end of the game.

>> No.5614519

That's a great point, but Aerith has a fun personality and is super hot. My heart is split in two.
Fortunately there's good porn out there for them.

>> No.5614550

cant exit sector five for some reason mustve missed something or gone the wrong way checked a faq didnt help did all things mentioned havent seen a boss

>> No.5614761

To be honest, I’m going to do this if I ever replay the game for the 10th time. Besides those bosses, half the other enemies/bosses in Midgar are weak to it anyway. The time you shave off is probably worth the... what, 2, 4000 Gil?

>> No.5614798

>there's a weapon that requires you to speedrun the game
>"but it's grindy"

>> No.5614913

The only reason to play it is atmosphere and music, both of which are nullified by random encounters

>> No.5614975

>play IX or Vagrant Story instead.
I love IX, but OP will appreciate it a lot more if he’s played a bunch of the earlier games since it’s a pastiche of series elements up to that point.

As for Vagrant Story, that’s an apples to oranges comparison. It’d be like telling him to play Tactics or XII if he wants to get a feel for ATB Final Fantasy.

>> No.5616494

>This is about the third time I restart this after losing my saves.
you may want to put some thought into savegame-backup-strategies.

>> No.5616710

grindy was a dumb term for him to use but fact is IX is boring as shit gameplay wise.
Even the fucking speedrun is boring as most of it is mashing text and running away from random encounters (which, if you get too many, will ruin your run because they are so god damn slow)

>> No.5616720
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Want an easy play?
Get an enemy skill materia and learn Beta and Aqualung.

Want a challenging play? Never use an enemy skill materia.

The game is extremely dynamic in how you can play so just enjoy.

>> No.5616780

Overall it's not GOAT but when it comes to "first 30 minutes of a JRPG" I'd put FF7 in top-3 at least.
1. Opening cinematics were impressive for the time, but brief and establish setting effectively.
2. Immediately introduce main characters and dive into combat gameplay.
3. Cloud and Barret have an interesting confrontational dynamic where Barret is loud and aggressive while Cloud is a zero-fucks-given hired hand
4. Opening scenario is cool and ends with a boss fight and a huge explosion.
5. Ride back on the train starts giving you more detail about the unusual setting (the plates, the slums, the fact that the different sectors used to have names but have all been forgotten and are now just numbered, etc).
6. Arrive at your first "home base" and safe place where you can rest, shop, chat with NPCs, etc.

That's maybe 20-25 minutes if you're slow like me. Compare to a game like FFIX where 25 minutes is enough for one goofy tutorial battle and 20 minutes of wandering around Alexandria as Vivi. DQXI is mostly cinematic backstory and then time for one battle with some slimes. That is probably fairly close to a standard modern JRPG introduction pacing-wise. A pre-cinematic JRPG probably just has a shorter background story and more time that you're expected to spend in your comfy starting village chatting up NPCs learning about what's up in the world before venturing out into the wilderness.

>> No.5616798

Attack while it's tail is up! It will fire laser!

>> No.5616816

>Any tips before I got started?
Yes, buy a Super Famicom and play FFV instead, the only good mainline Final Fantasy.
If you insist on staying on PlayStation at least play Tactics instead

>> No.5616819

>Even the fucking speedrun is boring as most of it is mashing text and running away from random encounters

A speedrun is about going fast? Woah!

>> No.5616906
File: 28 KB, 300x300, oh-god-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this dumb
Ff9 speedrun is 9 fucking hours of mashing through dialog and waiting for animations and loading screens with a bit of menuing to configure all the right rock/paper/scissors passive abilities before the few fights that matter.
At least fucking respond to the point dumbass jesus christ. The problem isn't the going fast part, the problem is that even when you go fast the game is still fucking boring and takes forever to play.

>> No.5617708


actually this go around I was kinda hoping to build up her limits but it looks like I'm stuck at the part where cloud has to impress the shinra president was the prize a hardedge or life stealer?

>> No.5617718
File: 5 KB, 306x165, 24525626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit eagle 2xsai all over again

>> No.5617720

You don't need tips. The game's pretty much unlosable. It was what started the whole era of games balanced to never let you lose, not even on boss battles, even if you barely understand the mechanics.

>> No.5617724

force stealer for 100, or hp plus materia for 70 or 80 iirc
hp plus is probably more valuable since you can buy the force stealer at corel

>> No.5617951

>It was what started the whole era of games balanced to never let you lose, not even on boss battles, even if you barely understand the mechanics.
but FF6 is even easier so that makes no sense

>> No.5618610

Quick question: I have never played Final Fantasy 7. A friend gifted the game to me on iOS mobile. Is it worth playing on the phone? I’m constantly on the go and it seems like the most convenient way to play it.

>> No.5618621

- A ton of stuff is missable. If that bothers you, a good FAQ exists to get everything.

- You can get a super powerful blue magic (monster skill) named Beta fairly close to the beginning of the game, will also require a guide.

>> No.5618630

Nothing significantly different between versions. If this is how you can play it, I’d say you should.

>> No.5618762

Thank you. So are you blessing my play-through?

>> No.5620495

Yeah, two things. Materia is sometimes hidden in behind things in the background (don't run everywhere especially in the beginning looking for it though, just get a walkthrough).

Level up before going into the temple (half way through the game). When you come out of the cave puzzle go any direction but straight up, save that for last and make sure to save in an extra save slot and to exchange materia with characters who are not in your current party before going into that room (the wall monster is possibly the toughest regular boss in the game and you can end up stuck there with no way to change materia).

Go back and play the Condor game when you can. Its cool.

Go back to the church after the girl's death, you will see here there for a split second like a ghost (its cool). Save before going in on the next screen at her mom's house so you can catch it the second time because you might miss it on the first try.

Have fun.

>> No.5620894

check out this zoomer cunt

>> No.5620954

Wait is this a real thing? When I tried playing ff7 I was snoozing from how slow the battles were. If this is possible I can finally give this game another chance.

>> No.5621006

>Want a challenging play? Never use an enemy skill materia.
There's nothing challenging about that. Lot of people including myself go through 7 never using that materia

>> No.5622124

>rented ff7 at age 7
>never got past the scorpion
>never bothered with the game ever again
Guess I should kill myself.

>> No.5622213

yes, and set it to active

>> No.5622545

Just emulate 9 and use fast forward speed, game becomes perfect. No need for any mods or anything else.

>> No.5623050

Probably my biggest piece of advice that hasn't already been given (i.e. definitely explore around for hidden stuff) would be not to level grind at all. The biggest problem with FF7 is that it's entirely too easy, but a lot of that is mitigated by keeping yourself at a relatively low level. You don't need to run from every encounter, but don't go looking for them either.

Pictures like these make me wish that FF7 had gotten a gritty late 90s OVA instead of the Hot Topic-tier garbage that was Advent Children. That would've set the expanded universe off on the right foot.

>> No.5623656

Or just get it on Switch and toggle 3X speed at the press of a button.

>> No.5623849

Sometimes I attack while it’s [sic] tail’s up just to fill the limit bars faster.

>> No.5625340

I also like to live dangerously.

>> No.5625362

I had a dream couple of nights ago where I played FF8 again. Absolutely crazy. Maybe it was some kind of premonition.

>> No.5628279

I just played the intro through a few times over the last few days trying to find a good setup. The pacing and word choice are fucked but Cloud is still saying not to attack while the tail is up.

>> No.5628539

>The pacing and word choice are fucked but Cloud is still saying not to attack while the tail is up.
Nobody's disputing that.

>> No.5629452

Learn Japanese because Square still hasn't fixed the translation for it more than 20 years later

>> No.5629489

what's the opinion on the Beacause retranslation?

>> No.5629743

It was purportedly done with the input of some British weeb who was living in Japan and speaking the language, but still reeked of being machine-translated and then touched up only when necessary. It still missed tons of nuance and left in a number of the original game’s lines that were wrong but not in a comically bad way, which tells me that they didn’t actually go in and read it line by line, they just tried to fix things that stuck out in the official English game. (In other words, they possessed enough savviness to be able to suss out technical issues, but lacked the fluency to actually interpret the Japanese script by itself.)

>> No.5629804


Google translation done by someone who apparently doesn't understand a word of Japanese. It's even worse than the official translation, which by the way wasn't really that bad in the first place aside from a few bits of Engrish.

>> No.5629837

No, the official one IS bad in and of itself, it’s just not bad when you consider that it was done by one person in the mid–late ‘90s given an impossible deadline. Beacause, on the other hand, is a modern project by two fans with infinite time and better resources, which makes their result laughable by comparison.

>> No.5631073

Fair enough. For all I've played so far, Barret's text isn't just half grawlix like it used to be.

>> No.5631856

isn't beacause the hack which removes one of the characters?
or was that a different hack?