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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5599086 No.5599086 [Reply] [Original]

this is peak soul

you may not like it, but this is sweat, blood, and love all poured into one game

>> No.5599094


>> No.5599102
File: 1.77 MB, 500x560, boo_haunt_mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone knows that

>> No.5599119

stopped enjoying mario 64 after i got banjo as a kid and could never go back. played it again as an adult and couldn't finish it due to shitty controls and lack luster platforming mechanics and the terrible design based around having to re-enter paintings every time you scored a star. thank god sunshine is what followed and had good platforming.

>> No.5599132
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I don't think so

>> No.5599203


>> No.5599278

doesn't really make sense. I think Mario performs in a much more elaborate, satisfying and fluid fashion than Banjo and Kaz. Conceptually, Mario 64 levels had more depth to them as well. Platforming and exploring really came first.

>> No.5599282

There's no such thing as peak soul. A game is either soul or souless, there are no graduations between them.

>> No.5599337

The problem with mario 64 is it has no secondary jump correcter...button....thingy.

Like yoshis island has the swishy leg thing to correct a bad jump, and banjo has kazooie throws her wings out and correct a jump if need be with a flutter motion.

I feel like if your really, really good mario 64 would be great to play, a real parkour-eqsue experience and the joy comes from 'sticking the landing'.

If your a pleb like me, you really appreciate the the flutter jumps you can do in banjo, it takes the 'hassle' of platforming away, and lets you focus more on the collecting/exploration mechanics the game offers.

>> No.5599339

basically your post but that's why mario's better

>> No.5599356

Yeah i get that, you must be good at the game.

I'm just ok at it, and sometimes 'ok' is not enough and can lead to frustration. You can be 'ok' at banjo and still have a fantastic time.

Banjo's has
+better graphics
+ humor
+ art style
+ music/sfx
+ gameplay variety
+ forgiving jump mechanics

BUT it really isn't a platoformer in the truest sense of the word. Mario 64 is a pure platformer, and at high levelks of play would be verging into a 'rhythm' style of game.

>> No.5599362

For me, it's Ocarina of Time.

>> No.5599392

I don't think Mario 64 has enough sections where just making a bad jump will make you lose a life, for that to really matter. It's not like a 2D platformer with death pits everywhere.

>> No.5599397

I mean, all I can really think of, other than a few stars and obstacles here or there, are the Bowser levels (not the second one, which has lava instead), Tick Tock Clock, and Rainbow Ride. And those are boss levels and the final two regular levels, so they should be harder shouldn't they? For everything else you generally have ground under you that you can fall on.

>> No.5599496

it's not always about losing a life, it's just the annoyance of falling off a ledge and falling down a level or two and having to go back up to where you were.

Don't get me wrong, it's my fault, literally git gud faggot i know, but i find banjo just more relaxing, if i was the sort of person into dance dance revolution i think mario 64 would be right up my alley. A perfect, seamless acrobatic run through a level must be a sublime feeling.

>> No.5599660

Air kick you fucking retard

>> No.5600075

The definition of Soul being used here is literally based on a shitty /v/ meme. Needless to say, that board is consistently wrong and we shouldnt have to copy their slang and rhetoric to describe things. That garbage should stay in that board, since we have enough of our own issues to deal with.

>> No.5600152

why does every mario 64 thread always devolve into pitting it against Banjo kazooie

>> No.5600253

>having to re-enter paintings every time you scored a star

Is this a meme? Am i the only one that never really noticed this or cared about it until spergs on /vr/ complained about it?

>> No.5600256

I've played Mario 64 my whole life plus the games you mentioned and never had a problem with it. I don't even think I'm that great at games but i dont suck that bad.

>> No.5600290

Needs more starry blue caves

>> No.5600340

ive never understood why they thought re-entering was a good idea. bad development cycle at nintendo imo.
>I think
While I agree and never really thought about the whole secondary jump being important the way you painted it, my dissertations regarding sm64 are terrible level design, re-entering to do another mission, and a lack of good level design. shitty camera angles making the game feel like its platforming doesn't even matter when you cant exploit marios best movement options because the camera does a very poor job at delegating depth and distance from one platform to another and leading you to have to make retardedly measured physics. the game just isn't fun imo. banjo on the other hand is an actual adventure with a world that feels like its actually ripe and full of life. the baddies in sm64 are gutless and lack reason for even being there serving as nothing more then obstacles. banjo lets you explore worlds all at once and continues to help you feel like youre actually stuck in that world/area until you choose to leave. there is no feeling of the world being built in sm64 and its just scrubby the way nintendo planned the game. i'll take smb3 or smw over it any day.

>> No.5600521
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>> No.5600530

The best level in DK64 was actually a scrapped Banjo Kazooie level

>> No.5600570


you hold against me that I have an opinion about something and discredit what I said because of that? fucking get real.

>> No.5600585

just look at mario's shadow bro

>> No.5601364
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N64 is peak soul

>> No.5601427

The thing that impresses me the most about Mario 64 is that the entire game is contained on one 8MB cartridge.

>> No.5601549
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retro games were really insane

>> No.5601682
File: 346 KB, 569x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double jumps are the sign of a bad platformer, especially when virtually all western platformers feature this mechanic.

>> No.5601687

I totally agree except for Rainbow Islands has a double jump item that's pretty fun.

>> No.5601736

>Says 410KB
>Image is now 134KB
The future is now.

>> No.5601992
File: 220 KB, 1180x920, kart_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5602201

something something spyro 1

>> No.5602830

I get really bored if a game has the same eight levels that I have to replay six times each. Same reason why I never got in to Mario Sunshine

>> No.5602935

>ive never understood why they thought re-entering was a good idea.
Because it allows for more interesting level design because the levels can change on a per-star basis. That means challenges can be presented that are mutually exclusive of one another, like fighting King Thwomp vs climbing the tower that stands where King Thwomp used to be.