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File: 225 KB, 300x411, strider_genesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5594637 No.5594637 [Reply] [Original]

>screen is zoomed all the way in so you can't see what's ahead or around you
>jumping is clunky as fuck castlevania 1-tier, and the level design isn't accomodated so controllig hiryu is a nightmare
>trial and error bullshit everywhere
why is this a classic again?

>> No.5594640

proper link

>> No.5594647

I never understood this game. It just looks and play like it was some alpha demo shit.

>> No.5594654
File: 30 KB, 512x384, strider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understood what his attack was.

a big white "D"? okay, japan, sure thing.

>> No.5594661

>why is this a classic again?
it isnt, the arcade game is

>> No.5594663

what's the difference? aside from the occasional flickering and small stops inbetween sequences

>> No.5594664

It's a sword swing...or more its arc. it's a stylistic choice. Also done in animation. Primarily done to get an attack to instantly hit without having to go through some elaborate swinging animation.

>> No.5594668


he sums up the superficial appeal and the game's fundamental flaws pretty well

>> No.5594672

Play the arcade version.

>> No.5594676

again >>5594663

>> No.5594710

No slowdown, no flickering, better visuals, better audio in some places

>> No.5594739


>> No.5594765

you're a goof.
The Genesis version rocked our asses off back in the day. it was fast and frantic and tons of fun. Its a damn good port.

>> No.5594792


You had to be there, I guess. But Strider was a good arcade port of the arcade game, for it's time. It played just as good as the arcade game. For a 1990 release, it was a rock solid port, and is still a good Genesis game despite a few hiccups.

But, I did prefer games like Revenge of Shinobi and Shadow Dancer.

>> No.5594808

The level design fits Strider's abilities perfectly. All the slopes and ledges can be climbed just fine. I'm pretty sure you're just terrible.

>> No.5594848

2 > 1

>> No.5594979

>>trial and error bullshit everywhere

It's almost like the game was designed to be a quarter muncher, or something?

>> No.5595152
File: 52 KB, 512x384, 8A5F5DFB-EB61-4F46-B0F8-4F019CE09632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10. Pathetic.

>> No.5595160

that is such a gay part. the running is too slow for it to feel satisfying and because of the zoom in you can't anticipate the bottomless pit

>> No.5595172

Do you have the reflexes of a 80 yo with arthritis ?!

>> No.5595606

Yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, the concept IS cool as fuck and the aesthetic stands out from other ninja games of the time like Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden, but the movement always seemed kinda floaty, the sprites too big and killing enemies wasn't as satisfying as you would expect given the cool slashing effect.

>> No.5595618

This. It was like "holy shit is this a Neo Geo game?"

>> No.5595639

I mean I get what you’re saying but, this game came out on a super small cart and was almost like the arcade at a time where nothing was almost like the arcade in your house.

Ya, it runs slower, and yes, off screen enemies suck, and yes, the transitions between level segments hitch or go to black but, this was a hell of an port at the time.


>> No.5595646

You mean the arcade is the best version? Imagine my surprise

>> No.5597725

>Ya, it runs slower, and yes, off screen enemies suck, and yes, the transitions between level segments hitch or go to black but, this was a hell of an port at the time.

Strider was perfectly fine as an arcade port from 1990. Maybe one of the better ones on the Genesis/ Mega Drive at that point in time? Yeah, the sound effects could have been better. Maybe the port could have had a little more frames of animation. But the game played pretty well. The Genesis version of Strider is better than the one on the PC Engine CD ROM.

Some of the problems this game has can be traced back to the arcade version. The Arcade version is still the better way to play.

>> No.5597820

Because of the zoom? Jesus.

>> No.5598028 [DELETED] 

I'm a bit disappointing that Strider didn't make it on the Sega Genesis mini collection. I would have rather had it over Ghouls N Ghosts. Strider on the Genesis plays just as good as the arcade game, even though it is hindered a bit by screen crop. The Arcade game displays at 384x224 , while the Genesis game displays at 320x240. Not really a big differences. The PC Engine CD game displays at 256×239.
Strider was ported by Sega and they did a good gob for a 1990 release. There is a weird oddness with the game pausing half a second before and after boss fights. But nothing major. The game is loading up the next scene in memory. Strider can be a bit jarring, but the controls in the game are still great for a 1990 release. I think it is a fun game with some punishing deaths.

>> No.5598101
File: 594 KB, 1750x1200, large.gallery_19000_28_746855.jpg.b2bbb576ceaf879def6ebfe8877a44b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit disappointing that Strider didn't make it on the Sega Genesis mini collection. I would have rather had it over Ghouls N Ghosts. Strider on the Genesis plays just as good as the arcade game, even though it is hindered a bit by screen crop. The Arcade game displays at 384x224 , while the Genesis game displays at 320x240. Not really a big differences. The PC Engine CD game displays at 256×239.
Strider was ported by Sega and they did a good gob for a 1990 release. There is a weird oddness with the game pausing half a second before and after boss fights. But nothing major. The game is loading up the next scene in memory. Strider can be a bit jarring, but the controls in the game are still great for a 1990 release. I think it is a fun game with some punishing deaths.

>> No.5598106

It was ok, but it wasn't as good as the arcade release. There's literally no reason to play the inferior Genesis version today.

>> No.5598192
File: 75 KB, 640x639, strider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally no reason to play the inferior Genesis version today.

No, I agree the arcade original ROM will always be the best option. But for the longest time, the Genesis version was the best home port of the game.

There was a port of Strider on the PS1 (not an emulation, but a port) that was included as a free bonus with Strider 2. The PS1 port is quite good too, it displays at 368x224, which is still a little bit smaller than the arcade resolution. But not really noticeable. It plays and looks good too. But, the Genesis version still holds up really well against this port.


I honestly really like the Genesis port. It is a game that I would like to see a ROM hack for, that makes it look and sound closer to the arcade game.

>> No.5598330

feel free to debunk him anytime

>> No.5598332

It's one of the most overrated games on the Mega Drive.

>> No.5598357

guess how i know 4chams is full of retarded kids now

>> No.5598387

go back zoomers

>> No.5598395

the guy in the video is like twice your age

>> No.5598396

and he still sucks.
ecelebs should be a bannable offense.

>> No.5598398

>seething "boomer" failing miserably at proving him wrong

>> No.5598402

ok zoomer keep sucking youtuber dick.

>> No.5598404

It's just a simple straightforward, stylish and fast paced action game with interesting mechanics/physics for the time. It's not great, not bad. And complaining about trial and error, are you serious nigga? Not that it even has much of it besides the occasional part like the jump in stage 2, but even that is reactable if you're paying attention.

>> No.5598408

i'm not even a fan of him, lol. you're only making yourself look more and more retarded.

>> No.5598409

Don't bother he will post another eceleb video to prove how bad the game is.

>> No.5598410

your lack of self awareness is hysterical

>> No.5598417

i didn't even say it was bad, just overrated. fanboy retard.

>> No.5598418

not as much as your lack of skill.

>> No.5598421


>> No.5598423

Zoomers are getting more desperate.

>> No.5598426

>cheap deaths
>shows him failing to kill enemies because he's clumsy as fuck and dying as an end result
lol come on. The eject chair or whatever the hell that thing was is a dick move though I'll give him that. The controls are unusual for platformers, but it's a game that plays around with more advanced slop physics, acceleration and free wall/ceiling climbing, some awkwardness is to be expected. More of a matter of learning how the character interacts with the different elements in levels, once you know they really aren't a problem.

>> No.5598427

The ending in the genesis is superior if that means anything.

>> No.5598429


Everyone is aware that you are retarded.

>> No.5598485

this thread started as a must-buy, but it has quickly descended into a weekend rental.

>> No.5598486

it was shit from the beginning.

>> No.5598492

>The ending in the genesis is superior if that means anything.

That is also true. The arcade game has a pretty fucking weird ending.