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File: 350 KB, 1409x1387, 1241655-guardians_crusade[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5587857 No.5587857 [Reply] [Original]

The best jrpg you didn't play

>> No.5587862

Looks real comfy.

>> No.5587864

net yaroze shovelware

>> No.5587865

It is. You should definitely give it a try

>> No.5587867
File: 16 KB, 220x220, IMG_5015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one that dosent get enough love

>> No.5587884

My favorite JRPG of all time. Ashton Anchors best character. Also, Dias a lame. Leon is cooler. I've played through this game so much that I have the relationship/friendship value system, all the private actions, every treasure chest, and every pickpocket in the game memorized.

Considered speedrunning it for awhile, but the speedrun doesn't appeal to me because it uses a glitch to avoid all random encounters.

>> No.5587916

I will right now. Thanks a ton.

>> No.5587930

>the speedrun
just play the game how u like fuck impressing anyone

>> No.5587939

I mean, there are some games that I enjoy speedrunning. It's not about impressing anyone. It's because of my love of the game.

I don't speedrun SO2, though, because the speedrun for it sucks and would make me love the game less. :)

>> No.5588108

Honestly the entire speed run would depend on the Mars Village pickpocket to get the Eternal Sphere.

You know how many times you'd have to go through that intro scenario where Mayor Windbag talks about Arlia's zoning laws while Rena gets snatched up into that rape dungeon?

>> No.5588116

The speedrun makes the Eternal Sphere, I think. It does not pickpocket the Treasure Chest in Mars, as the grind takes too long. The Treasure Chest is not a source of any of the items used to make the Eternal Sphere. You can get the Marvel Sword out of the Treasure Chest, which is not necessary, and the grinding for an early Marvel Sword results in an overall time loss when you can just make a beeline for the Lacour Tournament of Arms instead and get the Eternal Sphere.


The main reason why the speedrun for this game doesn't interest me is because you avoid random battles. It's understandable why they glitch the game to avoid random battles, but I don't want to play the game like that.

>> No.5588497

>dias a lame
wow, and i thought i saw all trolling possible on this board already. i can tell you jerk off to anime porn.

>> No.5588504

About as close to a hidden gem as you can get on the PS1. Maybe simple graphics and a relatively unknown dev contributed to this one being overlooked.

>> No.5588513

I played and beat it like 20 years ago though. It was a solidly mediocre title in every respect. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad.

>> No.5588584

You tried, OP.
>Umm, haven't heard of that one but what about THIS game that gets way more love than OP's but will actually generate discussion?

>> No.5588650

Huge fan of this. It's beginner friendly but not too handholdy, has a chill atmosphere/ost, seamless field/town integration, and even some enjoyable plot twists as the game ramps up.The battle system has some enjoyable quirks too with these automated party members you can collect and pair up the best combinations of. If you liked less serious RPGs like SMRPG, give it a shot.

>> No.5588667

looks decent but too childish in nature for my taste.

>> No.5588678

name your two favorite Final Fantasies (if you even like the series)

>> No.5588802

This guy knows what's going on. Ashton is always best boy.

>> No.5588805

I used to rent this game from Blockbuster, then one christmas my grandma bought it for me.

It's a good game, kind of cutesy but I liked collecting all the toys and feeding Baby was more nuanced than I would have thought.

Like say, if you continually fed Baby your spare armor and weapons Baby would continue to attack you in battle. Young me thought it was because he was trying to eat the armor off of Knight's body.

>> No.5588806

ashton's barrel PA in the little arena city on energy nede is still my favorite
but the PSP version's dumpling misunderstanding one with welch was also good

>> No.5588925

Yeah what a bunch of dicks. Start your own thread

>> No.5588932

7 and 8

>> No.5588979

But I did play it. I really liked it but I only rented it once and got up to some temple with armor enemies after a swampy area before returning it. I don't know why but for some reason little me thought it was mindblowing that you had to rest at inns to make the plot progress. In retrospect that's not really amazing or anything.

>> No.5590085

Isn't there one where the girls are comparing literal melons in a room and Claude thinks their talking about their titties when he evedrops?

No, this is now hidden gem general

>> No.5590127

I think they're comparing some sort of bread they're all making, but yeah
all it requires is welch in the party iirc but every character has dialogue for it and that's why it's great

>> No.5590337

It was cute in an era of edge

>> No.5591108

What? There's nothing edgy about guardian's crusade

>> No.5591120

you got that in reverse

>> No.5591125

Oh, my bad

>> No.5591163

>Star Ocean
>hidden gem
It was popular enough to get 5 games, it's hardly hidden compared to OP's game. Fuck off.

>> No.5591168

Was this made on a Net Yaroze? If so it came out all the better for it.

>> No.5591556

This. There's hardly a jrpg enthusiast who's never heard of star ocean.

>> No.5591561

Only because of sales in Japan. It was a tepid reception overseas.

>enthusiasts know about games

What an inane post.

>> No.5591563

But most enthusiast don't know guardian's crusade

>> No.5591568

Played it. Kinda boring and never beat it. If I wanted pet monsters and not-robots, i'll play pokeymans and a real robot game.

>> No.5591573

I don't find speedrunning fun at all. At most, I would play it while avoiding all side missions.It's probably beatable normally with only Claude and Rena. But since fighters> casters in this game, you will want to at least recruit Ashton or Opera, if you chose Claude as MC.

>Dias lame
Claude/Ashton are the best fighters, everyone else is weaker. Maybe Opera or Bowman is decent if you bother to level up certain killer moves and use MP restore items alot. There is a guide for a Bowman-only playthrough.

>> No.5593150

This gem was the first jrpg I ever beat. Very fond memories of it.

>> No.5593207
File: 34 KB, 425x235, Rudracover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame Treasure of Rudra never made it outside Japan. It was such an ambitious rpg.

>> No.5593660

You wouldn't happen to know of an online guide or bestiary that has enemies elemental weaknesses, would you?