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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5566516 No.5566516 [Reply] [Original]

Does it make sense to put games on your "Top 10 List" if you haven't played them in years, and the very thought of playing them again fills you with boredom?

Or should those games only be listed on a nostalgia list?
I'm trying to come up with my favourite games list, but some games are very time bound, they were great only at certain periods in my life, other games are more eternal, have tons of replayability, and I can see myself playing them now and in the future.

How do you decide what goes on your Top 10 List?

>> No.5566520

FYI Vasara is a retro game.
modern ports being additional things.
so don't give me shit about the pic

>> No.5566806 [DELETED] 

That wasn't the question and no one cares. not me btw.

>> No.5566862

I know what you mean. My first formative moments in gaming were A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, and Pokémon Blue. I don't think I could ever beat them again without some major feelings of fatigue. I would say only games you can actively enjoy should be on your favorites list, since other people will use them as recommendations.

>> No.5566878

For me, a favorites list tends to read like a roadmap of my life. I definitely fall in the nostalgia list category. I may never play Suikoden II again, but it had a very strong effect on me as a teen. I guess I could make a separate "current favorites" list.

>> No.5568394

I never understand why people act like playing certain games are a "chore". If you don't like playing video games then why are you a part of this hobby?

>> No.5568412

I've thought a lot about questions like this. What are the real criteria for putting together a list of your favorite games? I've put thousands of hours into Melee, and only about 80 hours into FF9, but the time I put into FF9 has had arguably as big an impact on me as the time I've put into Melee. How am I supposed to rank them relative to each other? Is the amount that you replay a game indicative of how high it should be on your list? What about something like TF2 that I've also put hundreds of very enjoyable hours into, what if everyone stops playing it one day and it's essentially impossible to experience the game as it once was? Would I have to remove it from my favorites list then? Can you not put a multiplayer-only game on your favorites list in the first place?

At some point I just made the decision to stop maintaining a personal list of top X games. I like different games for different reasons, they serve different purposes for me, and different games have been important to me in different ways throughout my life. I think that's about all that can really be said.

>> No.5568450

You like playing ALL video games? None of them feel like a chore to you at all?

>> No.5568746

>Does it make sense to put your mental issues on display on the internet?
Yes. But you should use someplace that monetizes your neurosis. Otherwise you're just making a foll of yourself for free.

>> No.5568754

"Top 10 lists" are arbitrary nonsense made to try and neatly package something that can easily be digested to normies. Just make a list of games you like, you don't even need to have a clear cut number one.

>> No.5568789

don't you dare make a foll of yourself on an anonymous board

>> No.5569164

too late

>> No.5569185

"Top" lists as a form of ranking are pretty flawed and stressful means of categorizing attachment, I just go with "10 games I really like in no particular order," hence you don't arbitrarily prefer games based on contextual appeal.

As a whole though, these type of list play heavily into your mental state and reflect the type of person you are currently. For film as an example, I find that every five years or so my "top 5" almost completely change, that my preferences gravitates to a certain kind of theming, story or style, which is to be expected as the human mind is constantly learning and forming new experiences. As I watch more movies, I begin to like different movies, and as I rewatch older films I end up resonating to things more or less. 9 years ago I'd say Evil Dead 2 was my favorite movie, 4 years ago i'd say Blade Runner, and now I'm really into foreign films. If you ask me what my favorite movie, I would just refuse to say because it's frankly impossible to say, and I wouldn't be able to make some sort of a power ranking.

With games I'd consider myself a big Nintendrone, but my favorite game is actually a PS1 game, Mega Man Legends. Originally I played the Mega Man 64 port growing up as a child and had fond memories, but it was only a few years ago that I replayed the game through it's original PS1 version (through PS3 Classics) that I realized how much of a great game it is and how much nuance I can pick up playing as an adult. To actually answer your question, "top 10's" are best approached through a lens of relevance, with how much continues to stick in your mind, though I would also avoid adding games that are too new and instead allow them to marinate over time. Basically sit down and see what stands the test of time, and if it still fills you with that funny feeling, it's probably a top tenner.

I'm actually kinda curious what the most recently released game is in the Top 10's for posters here. Mine is probably Bayonetta.

>> No.5569237

youre gonna get dark souls from most people who respond, including me.

>> No.5569243 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, dirt rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Dark Souls of racing

>> No.5569247 [SPOILER] 
File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, 1557649950719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Dark Souls of racing

>> No.5569517

Quality post.

>9 years ago I'd say Evil Dead 2 was my favorite movie, 4 years ago i'd say Blade Runner, and now I'm really into foreign films

As someone who has similar tastes to you, you would enjoy the Japanese film Cure (1997)

>> No.5569526

Yeah, a problem I face is that no one plays old games outside of long standing franchises so you can't just tell a zoomer your favourite games include Bad Mojo, Little Big Adventure and Ico because no one knows what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5569531

FreeCell: Game of the Millenium Edition
(includes all 20 DLC card backs)

>> No.5569563

My top games are the games I enjoy so much that I have to avoid them or I will just keep playing and wont get to find anything new.