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File: 18 KB, 320x217, 320px-E31996_Inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5553592 No.5553592 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never go to E3 in the 90s

>> No.5553613

Already did that. 1996 at the LA Convention Center.

>> No.5553615

How was it? What was the coolest thing you saw?

>> No.5553620

I second this >>5553615

>> No.5553642

N64 was definitely a centerpiece. I remember the Apple Pippin was on display. Tons of games in earlier versions that later became classics on PC and consoles. I took a lot of footage with my camcorder. Most of it is still on Youtube.

E3 1997 was even better. Had the chance to talk to Peter Molyneux, Richard Garriott, Sid Meier and some guys from Interplay and Looking Glass Studios.

>> No.5553752
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine going to E3 and playing a game Sega will never release.

>> No.5553758

Cmon did not one person swipe a disc.

>> No.5553763

Surely not the visitors. All the equipment was locked away since the first E3.

>> No.5553790

Never thought about it but now that you mention it, there had to be at least one E3 employee to have pocketed a copy.

>> No.5553876

Even if so, it never resurfaced.

>> No.5553957
File: 789 KB, 2592x1944, No_Lines_at_CES_in_my_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I lived up north, I remember going to CES before E3 was settled. It was held 10 minutes walk away from my home back then, so I decided to check it out. I got so many brochures form so many developers and publishers as I could but now most of those are left at my sister's place. I still remember the two I visited, but it would turn to a blogpost.

So since you're mentioning Sega, I remember one year Sega had a huge 2-part floor presence. They were featuring the yet unreleased Sonic 2 on about 8 stations, and I played that demo first stage a few times (no lines, or waited behind one person). I distinctly remember no one was at the Streets of Rage 2 setup next to the Silpheed setup. Streets of Rage 2 was only the the character select into the first part of the first stage (before it scrolls diagonally) with no enemies. I remember trying out David Robinson's Basketball at the end of the equally as large 8 row Sega Sports setup next to Sonic 2. There was a dude in a Sonic costure walking the floor, they wouldn't let me take pictures as Sonic 2 was unreleased. I didn't frequent Sega's 2nd part of the floor as much, but I remember they were showing off arcade machines instead, but there was a line to the Segasonic the Hedgehog machine. The trackball was tiring to use but super fun.

I remember calling my cousin's to come and join in, and we had a great weekend. The following year, a friend got me in and it was just as fun. I hear E3 is a lot of lines and waiting now. Fond memories.

>> No.5553965
File: 43 KB, 256x256, g1450627713143900058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5554003

Remember the E3 girls that used to be there until they got chased out by feminists?

>> No.5554006

Didn't it used to be an event mainly for developers with less press and consumer attendees?

>> No.5554009

Pepperidge Farm Remembers

>> No.5554019

Yes, but I was one of the lucky ones who had a press pass, even though I was not a journalist. My friends father worked in that field.

>> No.5554027

Well that would explain why most people didn't attend E3, and why E3 used to be good. Sounds like it was more developers in the industry showing off innovations than it was the staged advertisement it has become.

God damn E3 needs to die and something needs to take it's place.

>> No.5554029

tl;dr muh tax return

>> No.5554031

I remember. Booth babes, they used to call them. *siiiiips* But now "professional" cosplayers will do it for free, so why bother?

>> No.5554040

I remember an issue of Game Informer or some shit from like 2000-ish (whichever year the first Melee and Kingdom Hearts teasers were shown) where they were already addressing the controversy over the term "booth babes" being sexist. I only remember that they asked one of them about it, and her response was "it's not like they're calling us booth sluts or anything".

>> No.5554063

>will do it for free
umm bro they're making shitloads of money

>> No.5554081

Oh. I knew that they get Patreon money. Didn't realize that developers are paying them too. So it's like an astroturfing thing?

>> No.5554161

I think that anon was just being pedantic and purposefully missing your point. Either that or he is dense.

>> No.5554186

Don't feel bad to shill your youtube channel, it's justified in this case, I'm curious to see the footage

>> No.5554386

I'd settle for going to E3 this year... Being poor sucks.

>> No.5554396

Trust me dude, you don't want to go in this day and age.

>> No.5554415

E3 sucks ass now, has for more than decade

>> No.5554865
File: 312 KB, 389x386, 1446918941696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had experiences like that.

Instead, the closest I will get to that is remembering E3 discussions on /v/,...

>> No.5555728

I wish I had gone to conventions in the 2000s before they became as bloated as they are today

>> No.5555734

Remeber in 2006-07 when E3 was downgraded to conference rooms and there was so much backlash they turned into back in the a huge thing the following year

>> No.5555778
File: 1022 KB, 1235x735, sm64 wario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the top search result on youtube for 'e3 1996 footage'


>> No.5558509
File: 670 KB, 2592x1944, There_is_a_charm_to_the_boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'ok. Just what I remembered of a Sega booth one year of CES.

All $550 of this year has already been spent months ago.

They are fun experiences, but it is more convenient now that they are streamed with a lot of coverage now. Though there is something to seeing the games in front of you. As I remember there was one pillar on I think it was EA's floorspace which had individual islands of of 4 ienclosed in a space with one having a large wall of 4x4 screens which felt like about 18 feet tall showing a sizzle reel of games, the only of which I remembered was Wing Commander Academy. . I wasn't a fan of EA titles, so I only paid attention to one island: Origin's. They had Wing Commander Academy, Strike Commander, some other I don''t remember, and the one that caught my eye: Shadow Caster. Back then my 386DX-40 ran Wolf3D fine but not Doom, and Shadow Caster looked so much like Wolf3D that ic caught my interest. I was impressed with its fog effects and textured floors/ceilings which was not in Wolf3D and it was made by a pretty cool upstart company called Raven Software which had really good artists. Playing it there inspired me to actually get Shadow Caster when it was released. Sure it is not any amazing game now, but it was cool with its morph effects and graphics at the time, but being there told me to give it a chance. It did its job at the show. I guess arcades are a way you can experience the games of tomorrow in a showcase setting too.

>> No.5558545

Start a blog faggot

>> No.5558583
File: 28 KB, 139x157, abf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's this dude and he already has one

>> No.5558661

>what are they up to now
I had some recent dealings with an ex Origin guy, he flies helicopters around Houston now.