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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5552910 No.5552910 [Reply] [Original]

What are those games that just bring you back to childhood sleepovers?
Those games you can see yourself playing while sitting on the carpet with a friend, no light in the room aside from the flashing colors on the tv, both of you with a controller in hand or just taking turns.

Doesn't have to be multiplayer, just anything that evoked those feelings in you, once upon a time.

>> No.5552920

TMNT II: The Arcade Game; he was always much better than I. We beat it together years later as a throwback and it only helped solidify those memories. At his house his Dad had one of those 72" rear projection TVs, it was mind-blowing at the time.

>> No.5552924

Wwf smackdown or wrestlamania 2000 with my best friend till he turned into a drug addicted theif. Or final fantasy tactics with my brothers, we would cheat a bit to lessen the grinding and hire an character each

>> No.5552926

All night Goldeneye and Surge (drink) sessions.

>> No.5552927

Donkey Kong country on SNES was a winner. We once hired Lethal Enforcers. It wasn't quite the same as the arcade but still fun. As we got older it was definitely GoldenEye.

>> No.5552942

4 player crash team racing, and 4 player crash bash. I had the games, one of my friends had the multi tap, and the other 2 kids just happen to live on the same street. Many Saturday nights were spent having a blast playing those games.

>> No.5552949

Why not still just do those childhood sleepovers now and then? :^)
All your friends grew up and got married and don't care anymore?
Same here, except I still have one guy I can still hang out with and play games with and stay over there, it's not quite the same vibe as it used to be but it's still fuckin' awesome. The game's are different but still retro stuff, not bullshit modern cancer shit like overwatch/league/fortnite/apex/pubg/whatever the newfaggots play

but pretty much anything from xybots to way of the samurai 2. sometimes newer shit but usually ending with ps2 era. last time i was there we cleared turok rage wars. was a great night.

>> No.5552951

Speak for yourself, tranny. I still play games with my bros

>> No.5552959
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>Why not still just do those childhood sleepovers now and then? :^)
We do, but instead of playing multiplayer games like back in the day, we play single player stuff that's really hard to clear.

A lot of arcade games are great for that, like pic related, but I wish there was more stuff with a "even clearing this one stage with unlimited credits will feel like an accomplishment" kind of feel to it.

I have yet to find a console game that captures that same feeling, and without it just being some bland platformer that's just hard for the sake of padding the game.

>> No.5552961

grade school: original Street Fighter II and SFII Turbo for SNES
high school (lots of the same friends): Super SF II, Mortal Kombat, and Bust a Move (Puzzle Bobble) for SNES
college (new set of friends): Super SF II for SNES and SF Alpha for PS

We played all kinds of stuff, but those were our go-to late night vs. games that would keep us awake trying to beat each other one last time.

>> No.5552995

My first sleepover was in middle school when I finally made 1 friend. We took turns playing Diablo.

>> No.5553347

Wish I had friends to play all the multiplayer games I have

>> No.5553349

I dont have any friends

>> No.5554078

I have really pleasant memories of playing the NES version of Millipede at a sleepover when I was a kid. My friend had a bunch of Wolverine comics, and his mom bought us pizza. We probably played a lot of Tetris also. I remember reading the Wolverine comics (around the time he was hanging out with an android girl and battling the yakuza) when it wasn't my turn to play. Although a lot of people complain about the unnecessarily large border on that iteration of the game, anytime I see it I get that same warm fuzzy feeling associated with pizza and Wolverine.

>> No.5554121
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Millipede-U-5B-5D-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NES Millipede

Probably the best overall console port of the game.

>> No.5554238
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I never slept over at a friend's house because that sounds awful. First time, I was like 18 and that's because I was drinking. My friends had tinted fucked up crts, shit shit shit taste in games, no concept of trading off, tense/awkward family moments, stuffy homes-- fuck all that. I hated my friends and still do so there's that. I wish I had normal well adjusted middle class friends as a kid to have pizza sleepovers with.

>> No.5554261

You'd have to be white first.

>> No.5554306

Hmmm... Hard to say what really evokes those memories, but I guess:
Resident Evil
Smash Bros
Pokemon (though that's probably as much about getting up on Saturday morning after the Friday sleepover to watch early Pokemon anime)
N64 Rare platformers

>> No.5554331
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Nothing better than taking turns going through a difficult game while drinking heavily with friends.

>> No.5554373

eh I'm 3 quarters euromutt, I can pass. My problem was I never understood this and thought all billinguals are doomed to hang amongst spics and niggers. A shitty friend beats no friends anyday though. That's how you get those kids playing gameboy alone at lunch.

>> No.5554753

Oh shit, suddenly getting flashbacks of gaming sleepover sessions.

>Smash 64
Spending all night playing this against level 9 computers with my friend. We even did a 99 lives match. And when we took a break for snacks we would set it to 4 level 9 pikachu CPUs and laugh at how stupid they were. I remember the following morning we went golfing with my dad and our thumbs were so sore we couldn't open the doors to his truck (He had a 70's collectors truck with the big push button door handles, I think it was a 76 Chevy pickup truck) and he was joking that it was because we played too many games.

I also remember renting BattleTankx Global Assault and doing the co-op playthrough on 3 seperate weekends with 3 different friends.

And don't forget the Hentai games we found on Newgrounds. Staying up late playing those games and actually writing down what each character said and figuring out how to unlock each section This mostly applies to those dating simulator games. We beat a couple of them

>> No.5554830

>We do, but instead of playing multiplayer games like back in the day, we play single player stuff that's really hard to clear.

>> No.5554843

Fucking Alex Kidd

>> No.5555051

>He's on fire!
>From down town!
I had a custom char and I worked so hard on it, then my dad kept using it and I had to start all the fuck over.

>> No.5555056
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Earthbound, the first two Pokemon gens, and Vikings 2. Especially EB.

>tfw my friend found a copy at Kmart when it was closing here in like 2001
>tfw he paid less for it than I did for my second hand cartridge, and it came with everything

Meh. So many weekends replaying it in the early 2000s

>> No.5555286
File: 30 KB, 358x308, skate or die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skate or Die most of all. A friend and I made tents inside his room(think Bio Dome, only grosser), told forbidden jokes, ate tons of candy, looked at porn on the sly, and most of all played tons of NES.
The typical lineup:
-Ring King
-Super Mario Bros. And man was Skate or Die Stubborn. Once my friend, Billy yelled at it at the top of his lungs, slammed in the game-and it fucking worked. We were both speechless for several seconds afterwards.

>> No.5555324

For me, it's probably Minelvaton Saga, Ragon no Fukkatsu. Ah yes, me and my Gaijin Tomodachis would build a pillow fort and play our *crack* original Nintendos, the cords weren't too long mind you. Defeating bosses, concocting potions, and saving the world hour by hour with a pizza at our side. One of the friend's basement smelled of detergent. *sip*

>> No.5555330

Thanks to my extremaly stricts parents ("No video games after 5 PM") I never got to experience a legit childhood sleepover.
But during vacations we got to play Amiga and PC games with my cousins during my vacation stay in their country house. ("Go to the countryside, go outside, breathe some fresh air"). So obviously, we spent entire week at home playing Worms, Mortal Kombat, Warlords, Doom, Warcraft or the Settlers. Along some cheesy SNES and Amiga platformers and racing games, that names I don't even remember. It was great.

>> No.5555349

For me, it’s Final Fantasy VIII. My bud and I used to play that a lot in his basement, with a 2L bottle of cola and a bag of crisps.
Another one is Medal of Honor: Frontlines, and Resident Evil. Another friend had a little computer room office out in his garage that his dad used, we’d go in there with sleeping bags and snacks and play on the PS2. There were also two computers that we’d play HLDM against each other on. It was maximum comfy.
Fuck I miss those days. I wish my gf would play that kind of game with me.

>> No.5555371

>Gamecube pad
not /vr/ rrrrreeeee

>> No.5555403
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I had a few friends who lived in literal hoarder houses. One friend in particular, everything smelled like cigarettes and wet dog fur, there were never any clean dishes in the house, living room there were bowls of old cereal floating in milk. The younger brother was an insufferable fat cunt who constantly antagonized us, and would start crying and punching us if we didn't let him play Playstation or kept the remote. The foam pad he'd have me sleep on smelled like dust and mold and the blankets were never washed. I remember we got hungry one night and his parents microwaved us some eggs in coffee mugs. They were scum. Every house they rented got ruined.

>> No.5555404

those are clearly N64 controllers the fuck you on about?

>> No.5555485

What a stupid white thing to say

>> No.5555538

I remember at my house we'd play Rocket Knight Adventures, Pokemon Stadium and Ocarina of Time and at my friends house we'd play Playstation stuff like Yugioh and Mega Man.

>> No.5555542

Not retro, but we once played NFL Street 2 for an entire weekend. We barely slept or ate, we just played until we couldn't keep our eyes open.
I miss those days.

>> No.5555574

Very much disagree. Fuck people, especially "shitty" ones. Those that feel the need to be around people are weak, needy, egocentric scum. And you sound like a complete asshole. No well adjusted, well off person wants a jealous lowlife to leech off them.

>> No.5555582

>that ONE kid who always, ALWAYS had to take off his shirt and socks

I've heard this happen way too frequently, especially during the 90s.

>> No.5555632

Talk to a lot of rednecks, eh?

>> No.5555816

t. not white

>> No.5555842

t. smartest white for miles

>> No.5556371

t. that kid

>> No.5556438
File: 113 KB, 1080x1037, 72d8b11442d2bea6ee7547fcd891f569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Damn Surge was great. They brought it back a few years ago only to discontinue it again, now its exclusively at Burger King, I don't know why Coca Cola is so averse to selling it again.

>> No.5556463

So ronery

>> No.5556591

I don't understand how I loved games so much when I was a kid. In my 30s, I'm just not that enchanted by them anymore.

One memory of mine is playing DOOM on the PSX1 at a sleepover. We had a couple of guys over at one friend's house and we actuallly had two PSXes connected by link cable, playing versus mode. One was in the bedroom, another in the living room. We would sneak outside, using the window to get out, walk around the house to spy in the window and see where the other guy was, then report back.

>> No.5556601

I had a friend just like this, except the little brother was skinny. One time I watched that little kid dig in the couch cushion absent mindedly and pull out a chunck of old hotdog and start eating it. The step dad blew his brains out later that year "accidentally" while "cleaning" his shotgun. We used to play Resident Evil everyday...

>> No.5556630
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1557107993933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why Coca Cola is so averse to selling it again

Likely because it either isn't making money, or it isn't making enough money

>> No.5556660

Before becoming a latchkey kid, in elementary school I'd go to my friends house/neighborhood baby sitter house for a few hours after school, it was all about James Pond, Stimpys Invention, Mortal Kombat, and Altered Beast.

>> No.5556796

>film still taped to screen
How old is this pic? Yes I see the can, but idk if you saved it as a memento or something.

>> No.5557119

Its from when Surge was available again in stores in 2017.

>> No.5557308

When did you buy your PSone screen? I guess I'm really just surprised you left the retail screen protector on.

>> No.5557673

I bought it new in-box right before the pic was taken.

>> No.5557705

There's one liquor store near me that still sells surge in cans

>> No.5557776

Nice, welcome to the club. Do you still have it on there? And are you experiencing that thing on yours where sometimes the PSone will power on but the screen will stay dark?

>> No.5557908
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 4L_QgcRQDLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gauntlet Dark Legacy. Some levels were kind of spooky in the middle of the night but always fun, especially when you nick all your mates treasure.

>> No.5559416

Nah I peeled it off right after the photo. I only had it dark once, otherwise its worked like a charm, I especially like playing 2D games on it.