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File: 54 KB, 950x574, OGRE BATTLE SAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5549706 No.5549706 [Reply] [Original]

>Other RPGs get long threads with healthy discussion
>But none of them are about Ogre Battle Saga
Calling all Opinion Leaders to this thread!

>> No.5549941
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>Most, if not all the dream team reunites under Squeenix for a new Ogre Battle Saga videogame.
>What will it be? Denim going to Zenobia? Lodis fucking another country up?
>It's a remake with a time travel gimmick that takes away most of the weight the story had.
I honestly feel bad for the anon that wished on a monkey paw for this.
I liked and played Person of Lordly Caliber until the end. The graphics were not a problem for me and I got hooked on it with how intense the encounters could be. Especially when the first Cockatrice drops on one of your units and none of them has a shield.
I haven't even started March of the Black Queen and I don't know why I keep putting it away. One of these days I'll read the intricacies of the classes and recruitments and pick it up.

>> No.5550092
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>One of these days I'll read the intricacies of the classes and recruitments and pick it up.
This is honestly something I really only do AFTER having gone through the game once, blind. The first time playing through March of the Black Queen and not knowing how to really do much made it more enjoyable, same for Person of Lordly Caliber which is my favorite.
>The graphics were not a problem for me
Were they a problem for anyone? I thought the game looked beautiful

>> No.5550327
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I'd want a return to form of the orginal Ogre Battle mechanics. Big map movements with large auto-battling units.

To spice things up, besides cards you should also get to set a general tactics for your units. Storywise I'd like it to be more focused like Let us cling together, but with more of the mythical elements of the original reintroduced.

>> No.5550340

I tried playing ogre battle 64 but my units moved so damn slow I couldn't take it. Is there any fix to this, rom hack or something? I can not be the only complainer

>> No.5550346
File: 590 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I play Knights of Lodis, March of the Black Queen, or Let Us Cling Together first? Seeing a bunch of conflicting opinions on leddit
Heard Knights of Lodis acts as a prequel

>> No.5550425

Most opinions I've found say that the early CG sprites put them off, but I didn't even care about it when I played it. I got so immersed that the landscapes and navigating through them really added to it all.
And I also love going in blind on many games, but then I start reading about recruitable characters, missable equipment and others, and I play the game in a specific way. The good thing about the Ogre Battle games is the different outcomes and ways you can play, though.
You need to git calm.
Take every scenario slowly, one at a day. Or pop the game on an emulator and use turbo.
But, really. part of the game is advancing with your troops through the map and facing enemy units so you gain terrain and capture critical points.
-Consider what kind of movement each unit has.
-Mix characters among units according movement type.
-Take each scenario slowly and enjoy the ride.

>> No.5550431

It's probably best if you just play them in order. They're sort of order-of-significance, like, you're not gonna give much of a fuck about Knight of Lodis without playing through Let Us Cling Together because its sole relevance to the series is through one ending, and it's not a... great game, otherwise and it can be kind of a slog.

March of the Black Queen is a great starting point. From it, you'll have a good basis into Let Us Cling Together, and then Knight of Lodis is a good thing to go into after.

Knight of Lodis is basically a gigantic prelude to how one villain ends up in Let Us Cling Together by being knighted by the Church of Lodis, and thus sort of his motivations.

Honestly the whole thing felt kind of detached. The story isn't particularly great, it's typical saturday morning villain shit and it's got a very underwhelming roster of classes and mechanics in general, in my opinion. But it's not the worst and it can help sort of enrich Let Us Cling Together.

'Prequel' seems kind of bold, unless there's something right in front of my face that I'm missing.

>> No.5550464

You can adjust the game speed. You should pull up the instruction manual online due to the odd control set it has to pull up some menus.

>> No.5550467

Okay, press R in a scenario, go to settings, then you can increase the game speed.

>> No.5550494

I see
thanks for that anon, you were much easier to understand than the 50 other replies on reddit threads

>> No.5550508
File: 695 KB, 1920x1173, let us cling together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd definitely prefer a new game to be a continuation of the older Ogre Battle mechanics, but I also don't imagine that if given the chance they would simply continue the Tactics Ogre style since well... In Japan, Tactics Ogre is considered one of the best games of all time, but not really so much the original Ogre Battle games.

>> No.5550549

My order is March > Cling > 64
Knight is just sort of there. The spoiler isn't impressive, it won't really... change your view of anything except give you a fairly token look at a character who wasn't exactly bursting with story value to begin with and whom, I'm like 99% sure, started just as 'the villain guy.' The idea to make a game about him was entirely secondary and it shows, the game is awkward, characters are largely stock personalities with no real story additions, the systems have all been watered down significantly from LUCT (which it styles after), and it's not nearly as rewarding as a result of strategy not being super crazy in it.

Still, it's not exactly the worst or anything, and it's worth a try if you're into the genre and liked LUCT well enough. Certainly pays that game more faith than LUCT's own PSP remake that's for fucking sure

Almost all of the play value in Ogre series comes from knowing who is who. March gives you all the major introductions-- Destin, Lans, Canopus, Warren, Debonair, and all them loveable scamps-- and sets up most of the pretenses pretty well. The story in all of them is pretty basic but not at any real cost. They start turning pretty opera after the first game; LUCT and 64 are dramatic games.

>> No.5550696
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Given we haven't gotten a Tactics game, Ogre or FF since FFTA2 I will take anything at this point. I want them to bring the style back from the dead already. I will settle for another Advance style game.

>> No.5550713

what's matsuno even up to these days

>> No.5551109

gey prince

>> No.5551231
File: 363 KB, 800x526, 12370272_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally enslaved to write content for an mmo.

>> No.5551273

cheers man

>> No.5551357

He's got a new game (finally) coming out later this year called Unsung Story.

>> No.5551507

>He doesn't know
Anon, I...