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File: 119 KB, 250x250, 250px-Silent_Hill_video_game_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
554916 No.554916 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm playing Silent Hill 1 for the first time ever and fuck I haven't felt this creeped out by a game since I was a small kid.

As soon as you get those 3 keys and go into the backyard and it turns into night the music and atmosphere is perfect.

I'm at the school right now and have gotten in situations where I started to panic from the little kids making loud noises and that one bathroom where a woman starts crying

Playing this on full blast in the dark too BTW.

Tell me why you think Silent Hill 1 is still considered one of the scariest games

>> No.554939

I can't really say why people consider it one of the scariest games of all time.
I sure as heck don't.

>> No.555038

I'be seen it ranked #1 scariest game ever on a lot of videos

>> No.555046
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, silent hill doghouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Silent Hill trilogy is far and wide my favorite survival horror vidya series. All three aim at fairly different horror aspects and suceed amazingly (SH1 is "i don't know what the FUCK i'm looking at", SH2 is true loneliness and SH3 goes straight for the gross-out).

You know what, OP? I'm gonna give SH1 another run tonight.

>> No.555049

dayumn... what a badass

>> No.555064


This guy knows what's going on!

The only thing that scares me are my crippling social anxieties

>> No.555080

I like SIlent Hill but its biggest problem is that it's too easy. I had plenty of ammo and health items by the time I reached the school. That didn't even really matter since I didn't need either.

I still enjoy it though. It has a really nice atmosphere.

>> No.555098

It has a nice balance, i think, especially on the city portions. If you explore nicely (which you probably did), you can find like 3x the ammo and health a "normal person" would, but at the risk of being attacked by the city monsters. Also, were you on Hard?

>> No.555090

>>555080. yeah I have about 96 bullets in the school lol

>> No.555096

I love SH1.

>> No.555103
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>> No.555121
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>> No.555130

>Also, were you on Hard?

I was.

>but at the risk of being attacked by the city monsters

It's not a big risk. You can run forever and you're faster than them.

>> No.555161
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>> No.555171
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IIRC you can configure how many bullets an ammo box can have, among other things.
Also, on hard mode, these flying shits will appear as a group of five, and will proceed to love you tenderly.
I don´t remember if other enemies changed their behavior.

>> No.555168
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>> No.555179

> I had plenty of ammo and health items by the time I reached the school.

This is exactly one of the many reasons why Homecoming has the best survival horror gameplay of the series. Ammo you can carry is very limited, among other things.

>> No.555184

Isn't that the worst silent hill game?

>> No.555186

Schwarzenegger confirmed for final boss.

>> No.555192

> Homecoming has the best survival horror gameplay of the series
I don't mean to blindly hate on HC, i actually like it a bit, but survival horror a shit when you're really fucking proficient with melee weapons and can dodge and shit.

>> No.555193

Nop, Origins.

>> No.555197

In my opinion, and as much as I love SH1 for nostalgia, Homecoming is the best in the series.

This opinion is shared by very few people on earthquake and a shitstorm usually unsues each time I share it.

>> No.555198

ummm what the fuck

>> No.555208

> Homecoming is the best in the series
That's legit the first time i'm ever reading these words in the same sentence.

>> No.555213

Are you a hipster?

>> No.555230

I love the game...I never got past the school sadly, for whatever reason I always lose interest at that exact part. Maybe it was because I wasn't playing it with the proper athmosphere (if that makes any sense).

Recently bought it for my ps1 and I plan on doing an all nighter sometime this week...wish me luck.

>> No.555229

>but survival horror a shit when you're really fucking proficient with melee weapons and can dodge and shit.

You've always been very proficient with melee weapons in any silent hill game. Homecoming makes it more difficult because you have to time your attacks and aim for weak spots, which was new to the series.

There is a dodge button, sure, but it's harder to dodge or run away from enemies in Homecoming than in any other Silent Hill game. You got to time it perfectly right, and if you fail, it can mean death in some occasions (for example running away from dogs in Homecoming is a difficult task that requires precision and endurance, in other SH games you just push forward+run and outrun them).

>> No.555231


H-how could you see through my disguise?

>> No.555254
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>> No.555243
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>for not being scared when everyone else is scared

>> No.555259

There's a really big difference between "manually walking out of the way" and "hitting a button that dodges stuff", even if the timing is tight. And most SH characters are ASS with melee weapons; case in point being Heather, even with her best melee weapon (the Katana) she still swings it like... well, like a teenage girl. Meanwhile, Alex is an actual soldier.

>> No.555278

God these things would of been so much scarier if they didn't fucking Burp!!

>> No.555286

>"hitting a button that dodges stuff"

There is a lot more to it than just that. It's gameplay, not fucking QTE.

>Meanwhile, Alex is an actual soldier.
And that's exactly what gives Homecoming a better survival aspect, Alex is supposed to be a soldier but the monsters are a lot tougher and deal a lot more damage than in any other game in the series.

>> No.555301


>> No.555306

The whole game is a fucking joke. To me The Room is by FAR the worst in the series, I can't believe braindead "hardcore fans" like it over the following ones just because it was made by Jap people and because of the name of the team that made it was "Team Silent" (even though the team itself was vastly different from all the previous ones)

>> No.555313


I always had a hunch that I saw the school in some movie.

>> No.555319
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>people actually like SH4

Y-you're joking right? Yeah... You've gotta be...

>> No.555326

I'd like to disagree with you, but i just can't.

>> No.555338

I got Silent Hill 2 & 3 for three euro each. Thank you Gamestop.

>> No.555349

>They Wanted to name Harry and Sherry, Humbert and dolores after the book Lolita.
what the fuck japan?

>> No.555360

Pathetic. Glad I only played 1, 2, 3 and origins

>> No.555375

Silent Hill 4 was decent. Play on full blast with headphones on and it's actually quiet scary. Deffinately not the best. But everything since silent hill 4 hasn't been that good

>> No.555385

I got this game as a PS Classic last week.
I thought that...now that I'm older, like with most games and movies, it would be far less scary now that it was back then.
Nope. Still freaked out several times.

also, it looks great on my Vita

>> No.555401

Yeah it's absolute trash, and I won't defend it any other way

>> No.555427

I'd say 3 is the scariest. I'm not proud to admit this, but I literally can't play 3, it scares the absolute shit out of me. I'd probably put the first game second, the Playstation graphics just add to the creepiness.

>> No.555437
File: 2.64 MB, 192x99, Silent Hill 3 gameplay..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it all that meat that scares you, anon?

>> No.555447

It is definitely a factor.

>> No.555454

I'll agree with this. SH2 is a fantastic game, but neither scary nor hard. It's very fucking atmospheric, though.

Meanwhile, the sounds those fucking Pendulum Bees make in SH3...

>> No.555456

What do you guys think about Shattered Memories?

>> No.555460

Great storytelling and atmosphere, terrible gameplay.

>> No.555462

Good game, bad SH.

>> No.555552


I think 4 has the most surreal visuals which I quite like. It's sort of like 2's kicked up a notch

>> No.555781

How is Silent Hill 3 compared to 1 and 2? I haven't played it sadly

>> No.555849
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It's my favorite SH game, to be honest. Straight sequel to SH1, one of the best protagonists in fucking ever, early gen 7-tier graphics, horror is much more physical than the previous two (otherworld is 90% meat, many more gross scenes), story not quite as powerful as SH2 but has its moments, puzzles on medium are delightful. It's also certainly the hardest of the three, and has my favorite monster designs.

On the flipside, some of the areas are annoying, the puzzles on hard are truly insane (you better know your Shakespeare nigga), you get to explore almost nothing of Silent Hill and it only has two serious endings, and you can only get the "true" ending on a first playthrough. Also those fucking Slurpers.

>> No.555893
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>> No.555953


The most memorable thing of Silent Hill 3 is the very oppressive environments, much more so than any other game in the series. Coupled with the fact that your character is realistically terrible with the weapons she uses, the game feels very "dangerous", if that makes any sense. This game is the perfect example of how the gameplay in a survival horror game should be. I don't enjoy the story, atmosphere, or music as much as 1 and 2 though.


It's funny you say the game is a "fucking joke" because I think it does dabble in a little self-parody that most people misinterpret (burp!). I know most Silent Hill fans want a constant supply of serious, grimdark surrealism but Silent Hill has also been a very absurd series of games, and The Room just tackles that from a different angle. The story is great, design is great, atmosphere and gameplay are both rather flawed though.

>> No.555979

It is the best game in the series by far, and the (un)official end to the story. I have played it over and over and it never gets old. Be warned, it has heavy spoilers for SH1

>> No.555980


I also really like SH4. I've beat every SH game besides Downpour at least once, and I find SH4 to provide the greatest experience of 'sustained terror'. Also, there's a lot of really fucked up stuff in it that skews your sense of what's normal, like tho whole 'skinned mike' thing had me frowning thinking what the sheer fuck is going on in this world...?

If you're reading this thread and haven't played SH4 don't dismiss it based on the comments here, you might like it! Butif you're reading this and don't like it, it really makes no difference to me so please don't tell me why you think it's bad

>> No.556004

Serious question, why didn't you enjoy the SH3 soundtrack as much?

As for me, i honestly think it was the best soundtrack of the three, by a very slim margin. Theme of Laura just might be the best song overall, but Walk on Vanity Ruins, Please Love Me... Once More and End of Small Sanctuary are fantastic. The soundtrack CD that came with SH3 was my best friend in many a day with raging headaches.

>> No.556012

2, 3, and 4 aren't retro, guys. Come on.

>> No.556021


Stop. Please tell me you're playing on real hardware. SH1 is hard to perfectly emulate. The game relies heavily on dithering for shading, and assumes you are using blurry cables and a CRT. Many people simply remove the dithering (32 bit color mode), which makes the game much brighter and removes the shading. I think it removes from the experience.

Additionally, the flashlight only works properly in resolutions that are an integer of 240p (480p, 960p, etc). Some plugins give white colored blood instead of red.

I'm a purist so I highly recommend using a real system instead of emulation.

>> No.556032


That looks stretched, instead of proper 16:9. Turn on True Widescreen in PCSX-R.

>> No.556043

Not my screenshot, m8, but i actually prefer it like that since it's just a screenshot meant to show a large-ish area

>> No.556061

Its full of movie, TV, and music references that largely go unnoticed because of the low resolution.

>> No.556069

I just downloaded it off of PSN. And play it in the dark pitch black.

>> No.556064

>but i actually prefer it like that

It looks like a 4:3 shot stretched to 16:9, and not a true 16:9 shot.

>> No.556073


People don't just think up a school from scratch, they used references.


Someone who made the game really likes Portishead. There's also Coca Cola stickers on some SUVs.

>> No.556078


Yes, play it on a CRT and it should be perfect.

>> No.556082 [DELETED] 

Seig Heil, mein Fuhrer.
But you are right. Which is why I am going to refrain from talking about them now.

>> No.556102

Honestly I think SH4 is godly. Epicly scary, pretty interesting story that focuses on the antagonist as opposed to the protag. SH2 beats it in my eyes, but not by that much.

>> No.556118


don't forget all the Psychick TV references.

>> No.556106



what's this from

>> No.556124

>don't forget all the Psychick TV references.


>> No.556126


>> No.556136


PTV being the name of the drug made from White Claudia
Orridge Bridge

I'm pretty sure the Psychic TV logo itself appears at some point in the shopping centre too

>> No.556139

It's amazing how everytime someone asks you to stop talking about non-retro games you either freak out and act like a child or call them a Nazi.

Drop the tripcode, your kind isn't needed here.

>> No.556168

why is early 3d much more scarier than anything else

many games from the n64/ps1 era had a really creepy vibe to them even if they werent horror games

>> No.556180

I didn't freak out. I just though he was being a little short. It is fair enough that this is a retro board.

I loved the first silent hill, and it does feel like a different beast compared to the rest of the series. There are a few things that I think put it on top of the others, though it may not be my favorite.

>the design of the nurses, creepy and frightening

>the presence of the cult, always there, but not overbearing

>The freedom it offers, seeing as you can skip entire bosses.

I also love how free roam it feels. It is like I am actually lost in a town, rather than being in "levels" and that is something I didn't feel from the rest of the series.

>> No.556196

>I also love how free roam it feels. It is like I am actually lost in a town, rather than being in "levels" and that is something I didn't feel from the rest of the series.

I thought SH2 did fine, in the regard; I can see how that fits with the rest, however.

>> No.556215

I just think that Silent Hill 1 guided you with an invisible hand more, and so you didn't notice the limits. It felt free roam, you felt like you were making your own choices where to go, and to a great extent, you could. There are entire sections of the map that aren't used in the main story, buildings with no purpose, alleys and such, but you still felt like the way you went was "your choice" even though it was more of clever guiding, and city layout.

>> No.556241


I will agree SH3 has some awesome, awesome songs but the soundtrack as a whole just isn't as consistent as the other soundtracks imo. As far as standalone enjoyment goes SH2's OST takes the cake for me; I've listened to the soundtrack from beginning to end at least a couple dozen times.

Now as far as how they work in the game, I think SH1's soundtrack is by far the most powerful; the cathartic harsh industrial hell of most of the songs surely isn't something I'm always in the mood to listen to but it works excellently in the game. One example is the final boss music, probably one of the most memorable parts of any game for me.


>> No.556250

I do wish there was more exploration given in the SH series. Though, I don't know how they'd go about making so much of it relevant to the plot -- if they did.

>> No.556251

You're spot on about SH1 there. I have the three OSTs downloaded and it takes a really specific mood for me to give SH1 a spin. Also, i posted that link on another similar thread, My Heaven is fucking insane. It's borderline impossible to listen, but it also makes sense, as it's supposed to be your radio freaking the fuck out in the presence of God.

>> No.556282

Silent Hill 1 is a great example. You are lost, and you can't see 5 feet in front of you. And it is scary. Thats all you need. An outsider coming to silent hill that doesn't know their way around and must find (blank) or else (blank) will (blank) the (blank) in the name of the (blank) that is your basic SH plot structure.

>> No.556294

silent hill one had decent atmosphere but it's not scary. You get too used to the enemies too quickly.

>> No.556328

Was Akira ever influenced by NINs industrial music

>> No.556329


Haha wow, so that makes at least two music reference in SH.

>> No.556340


I played this first when it was released, and after having completed resident evil 2 and 3, I approached it in a pretty smug manner, thinking I would not be scared.

Well, I was wrong, fuck I was wrong. I started to play it in the evening/night as I did with REs, but soon enough I went from 11PM to 3PM.

I had a certain unease wandering in the foggy snow at first, when it suddenly became dark not more than 5 minutes after, I would have paid, to have the snow and fog back.

The sense of relief I had, when I was done with the school, and saw the feeble light coming in from the window, is something I still remember to this day.

The radio also played a major part for me. Hearing the statics and still not being able to see an enemy, kept me nervous and on my toes.

Even when playing this game at 3PM in the bright sunlight, I was still getting very nervous and overreacting to random rumors.

>> No.556406


Probably more like Trent Reznor and Akira Yamaoka shared industrial influences, though for all I know he was influenced by NIN's work. If I had to guess I'd say Yamaoka was drawing from musical acts like Einstürzende Neubauten and Nurse With Wound, at least for the first SH game (which was almost purely industrial/dark ambient). Considering there are references to Psychic TV in the game I assume somebody was a fan of early industrial groups..

>> No.556693

bump this shit!!

>> No.557460

>I'm at the school

Oh man, I remember being so terrified of that place as a kid. I played through the game in its entirety recently and It's still very creepy. Something about the ambiance, fog, and primitive graphics just gives off this subtle creepiness that I don't get from many other games. It's still one of my all time favorite survival horror games.