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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.96 MB, 2007x2007, A_Link_to_the_Past_Overworld_Map_(Light_World).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
554667 No.554667 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else still have a hunger for these types of games?
I'm talking sprite based, zelda/harvest moon type graphics, black hole for doorways so the interior can be bigger then the outside, no random rpg battles, more action adventure battles.

I would love an absolutely massive overworld, huge amount of items you can search for and collect and then equip/unequip them, areas you can't explore until you find the correct item.

Closest thing I ever saw to video gaming heaven for me was Graal Online. Am I alone?

>> No.554681

Check out some of the Metroidvanias. Namely Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow

>> No.554685
File: 396 KB, 2560x2048, legendofzelda-linksawakeningadvance-koholint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link's Awakening beat ALttP in the amount of variation and content, but still fell short and left me wanting more.

>> No.554702

Thanks for the suggestion but the 2D side scrolling didn't do it for me as much.

>> No.554709
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, 33846-Ganpuru_-_Gunman's_Proof_(Japan)_[En_by_Aeon_Genesis_v1.03]-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ganpuru: gunman's proof is like lttp but much more action-y. if you've got a lttp craving it might satisfy you for a while.

>> No.554712


huh. never realized how similar koholint was to LttP Hyrule.

>> No.554717

Try Alundra for the psx.

>> No.554723

If you're looking for more Top down stuff, look into the Diablo games, Torchlight, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Beyond Oasis, and Guardian of Paradise.

Polite Sage for non /vr/ suggestions

>> No.554724

oh what i'd give for that to be real...

>> No.554728
File: 118 KB, 190x290, 1361710744401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polite *kage

>> No.554731


Stop it.

>> No.554737

I don't know anyone who isn't a fan of good ole' top down games, though they don't really need to be sprite based

>> No.554758
File: 515 KB, 924x855, 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to say I prefer the sprite based anyday.

>> No.554774 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 2560x2048, la.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting anything other than the original

could play this on the first gameboy ffs

>> No.554783

The original is great, but DX is in every way better, and has more content.

>> No.554870

It's...not really. At least no more than any other Hyrule layout.
That LttP tileset on it though. That's kinda freaky.

>> No.554882

That's more story based progression.

And depressing.

>> No.554894

>I can't find my SNES controller anywhere.

>> No.554924

Actually developping a game protoype, top down view, action based battles, graphic style would be an earthbound/ pokemon gba style, with a point n click puzzle feel.
Settled among a redneck town, with an overmap scott pilgrim/smw/zelda starring a baby. I wondered if /vr/ was interested in game dev, but havent seen a thread yet.

Try sword of mana op, real good game

>> No.554934

I don't like ALttP, but I agree about sprites. It's really sad, because with today's technology sprites could look amazing, but developers are now using 3D, even on handhelds (which looks pretty ugly IMO).

>> No.554937

Stop giving tripfags attention. It's what they want.

>> No.554951

people who make comments like this are far more annoying.

>> No.554958

I'd be interested in hearing more about this. Sadly I can't offer much more than ideas.

>> No.554960

Alundra should scratch that itch of yours

warning: might scratch you to dead[s/poiler]

>> No.554962
File: 11 KB, 256x224, sotw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always Zelda Classic.

>> No.554963

which is why AlttP 2 looks pretty cheap on the 3Ds

>> No.554981

>There's always Zelda Classic.
>50 LOZ1 remakes
>several obnoxiously hard quests
>clusterfuck of an editor
>almost dead community
Okay then.

>> No.554990

IMO top down games with 3D just doesn't work. I don't get why they try it.

Every 3D top down game on the DS or 3DS - Animal Crossing, Golden Sun, Pokemon, and so far ALttP 2 - just look awful. Whereas 3rd person games like OoT 3D look much better.

Top down with 3D is just an ugly, strange combination. Sprites are the way to go/

>> No.555019


Some of these games use the 3D features in a way it wouldn't be possible with sprites

>> No.555037

I'd choose a bigger overworld, more items and sidequests any time over some shitty 3D top down gimmicky shit.

>> No.555070

its a side project i want to polish, trying to get good writing influences, and also have to work on great music. I miss the games that immersed you so much time flew,with exploration, thick characters and real emotions, good or bad. and instead of whining on the past why not creating what i want to play.

This board revived te flame, it feels good to know there are people that still connect with these kinf of 2d atmospheres, where you could still make up your own story.
This might take forever, but good stuff doesnt age, i hope youll play it one day /vr/

>> No.555081

Don't rule out the good games just because there's shit in there too. That's like disregarding games in general because there's a billion crappy shooters.

>> No.555091

this pretty much. they just don't seem to have anything really original to offer.

>> No.555123

No. No it's not. They have a fairly flexible engine, and yet almost every quest is identical.

>> No.555132

What quest is this?

>> No.555136


You think you're responding to his post, but you aren't. He said not to rule out the good because of the bad. You have to look for quality instead of bitching about what lands in your lap.

>> No.555143

I'd love to see what "good" has been made, then. I've slogged through the database a couple times, nothing ever really seemed to drag itself above mediocrity.

>> No.555158

Where are these quality ZC games? I have yet to find one that isn't a rehashed copy.

>> No.555163

>and yet almost every quest is identical.
Look. The guy's looking for games identical to the Zelda structure and that's what I'm giving him. If you have your own issues with that, super, I don't care. I'm trying to help OP here with his wants.

>> No.555169

Not really, I always found top down games confusing to navigate. excluding the original and Gameboy Zeldas.

>> No.555174


Seriously, niggas?


>> No.555178

He's looking for a massive overworld with OC and sidequests. Not some LttP remake with less content and zero OC

>> No.555202
File: 241 KB, 620x346, 126257-headerzelda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3d can look nice, but it takes a lot more effort and power to make it stand up to 2d

I always liked the DS zelda games... but fuck me if they weren't ugly, I'd kill to see it done in 2d

>> No.555224

Have you tried:
The Hero of Dreams
Dr.Wily's Revenge
Lost Isle
or less traditional creations like:
Labyrinth of Dinus
Carnage in Space
Engage To Zeldawock
Fight the Monsters II
Island Adventure
I don't think you quite got the point of the program made to let people make their own Zelda games.

>> No.555245

He's looking for:

>sprite based
>zelda/harvest moon type graphics
>black hole for doorways so the interior can be bigger then the outside
>no random rpg battles, more action adventure battles.

>an absolutely massive overworld
Depending on the quest, check
>huge amount of items you can search for and collect and then equip/unequip them
>areas you can't explore until you find the correct item.

Didn't say shit about OC or sidequests.

>> No.555315

I actually like low poly visuals like that.

>> No.555330

>posting on /vr/
>not liking low poly graphics
Yeah, I dunno what that faggot's problem is either.

>> No.555369

I like low poly visuals too, as long as the performance is good.

>> No.557054

Agreed. The sprites are so crisp and perfect.

>> No.558432

>tfw there will never be another top-down Zelda game

I've never even looked at the DS, but am I correct that Minish Cap was the last one?

>> No.558475

Awwww shit

I just learned that there are two other games that I've never heard about - Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

If these games aren't as good as the SNES/GBC/GBA games, I'm going to be so damn mad.

>> No.559115

Yes, absolutely. I love those kinds of sprite based adventure games. Something about sprites just makes the world feel so crisp and vibrant. Its one of the main reasons why I'm looking forward to both Secrets of Grindea and Stardew Valley


(this one looks like a cross between and adventure game and Harvest Moon which is even more awesome)

Not sure when either are coming out though unfortunately

>> No.559194

Phantom Hourglass is an alright game, and Spirit Tracks addressed and fixed most of it's problems
The main issue with the games though is they use all touch controls, to move and attack and such, people are pretty divided whether or not they're shit or alright

And if you like Spinoffs, try Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, the game is great and looks great too

sage for no retro

>> No.559203


I quit spirit tracks halfway through, shit is week compared to masterpieces like links awakening

>> No.559254

Isn't there another thread on this?

>> No.559289

Ragnarok Online might be what you need.

>> No.559307

I'd really love a retro style game like this with a huge overworld to explore and a ton of cool puzzles/items. Minimal focus on story, rather just throw me in a world and let me figure things out for myself, like the original Zelda on steroids.

This is the direction I always wanted the Zelda series to grow towards but I've given up on that as they keep fucking it up more and more with every entry.

>> No.563337


Bumping to know what quest that is.

>> No.563541
File: 14 KB, 256x224, Supindahood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I found it, "The Hylian Phoenix"


Dunno if any of it has been released yet though.

>> No.563606

A thousand gratitudes. Now I can let this thread die.