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5527085 No.5527085 [Reply] [Original]

I finally beat the first Mega Man today. Let's have a thread to celebrate.

What's your favorite Mega Man guys? What do you think about the first game? Anything related to the series is welcome.

>> No.5527106

II is my fav. The first game is as good, but not worse and it's one of the top games in my nostalgia hole. Never beat the first one back in the day, and even now it's a hardcore challenge to finish. Clone Mega Man is a cunt, isn't he? And the Yellow Devil is hard whether you cheat or not.

>> No.5527123

Yeah, hardest part is 100% either clone man or the four robot master trial. With the former you just kinda have to spam electric beam and hope he dies first, but you sort of also have to spam fire man in the latter because he's just stupid hard compared to the other robot masters. Yellow Devil on the other hand is surprisingly not bad, and makes for a fun challenge. I wouldn't have the patience to do it without the elec beam though, so buster-only he would probably be the hardest.

Yeah, it's definitely a hard game, which is why I'm glad I cleared it without save states. I'm going through all the games for the first time, so now that this is done I feel like I can beat them all.

>> No.5527132

Is that ending screen canon? Can Megaman really take off his armour?

>> No.5527142

Oh and congratulations, anon. Have fun beating II. (I never bothered with MM after that)

>> No.5527150

I think he's canonically a robot and was re-engineered to fight Wily, but I dunno.
Thanks. MM1 really doesn't feel like one of those games you'd end up beating, but it's surprisingly not bad. Once you can get the electric beam, it trivializes a lot of the game like the metal blade in 2, so I think a lot of people could do it if they tried.

>> No.5527152

I really love the first game. The first Mega Man I ever played was 3 and so it will always remain my favorite. When that game was out, MM2 was extremely popular among kids at school and I would always ask my parents for it. They got me MM1 instead. I put years into trying to beat that game. I can't remember if I did or not.

>> No.5527154

No, I meant I never bothered with the MM franchise after the second one, but your advice for getting into MM1 is spot on so please don't delete.

>> No.5527186

Nah, I won't delete it, you're fine. If you stopped playing them because 2 was the best, I think you should at least try 9. I played it back in the 360 days and it's easily on par with 2 IMO.

>> No.5527207

1 is far better than 2 imo. The difficulty scales nicely with a couple hard spikes here and there, like Yellow Devil and the Clone. Overall, the toughest part of the game is the 4-boss gauntlet at the end, but it's all doable with practice.

It's controls are a little slippery by today's standards, but overall it's an incredibly good Mega Man game.

MM2 felt like it was centered around the Metal Blade, and it was far too easy by comparison. It's flashier and prettier, but overall I found it too easy.

>> No.5527220

>MM2 felt like it was centered around the Metal Blade, and it was far too easy by comparison. It's flashier and prettier, but overall I found it too easy.
Yeah, I just go easy on the Metal Blades and set it to difficult and that seems to solve that problem.

>> No.5527245

That's fair. I agree about the slippery thing, that's a big flaw with MM1. In general though, the difficulty adds a kind of charm to it. With MM2 it's way too easy to plow through the game on normal (outside of Wily's), and it sort of reduces the experience. Like it's more fitting for an easy mode. The visuals and music are such a huge upgrade though that it makes up for it, at least. It's crazy how they put so many great songs in a sequel to a game with none.

>> No.5527302

It didn't though.. I finished the first two stages, then set it to difficult. The game was still too easy.

>> No.5527306

You don't think there was a single great song in 1? What are you smoking?

>> No.5527308

You're just too hardcore, anon. Play Ghosts 'n Goblins arcade instead if you want challenge, and I bet you can't beat it. I sure can't.

>> No.5527315

What was there? I just remember that one tune that takes the melody from that Journey song.

>> No.5527321


>> No.5527326

The whole thing? If you say so, anon.

>> No.5527623
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You better not have used save states

>> No.5527738

Of course I didn't. I'm trying to get through the sequels without energy tanks either, though we'll see how that goes.

>> No.5527759
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Compulsory "that was cool how the ending BGM of MM1 is the intro of MM2"

>> No.5527879

Yes, we see him without his armor in Mega Man V for the GB too. Probably elsewhere too.

>> No.5529362

OP here, just wanted to update I've beaten MM2 now as well. My overall thoughts: The robot masters were actually harder on average, though the stages were a bit easier. On the topic of Wily's stages, I'd actually say I think MM1's were better, since the ones in 2 had a few annoying gimmicks like the floor traps and the boss which can only be destroyed with Crash Man's weapon, which as far as I can tell is impossible on one go without energy tanks or something. That part is also a little annoying because that room can make you waste your ammo due to its janky ceilings that look high enough for the shots to pass under, when they're actually not. I thought the final boss was pretty neat though and an improvement on the other Wily bosses so far, and it's neat to see a weapon that was almost useless (the bubble one) become the key to defeating Wily's final form.

It is a great game. I've played it a lot before, this is just the first time I've beaten it (and without energy tanks too!). Anyways, on to the rest.

>> No.5529364

>which as far as I can tell is impossible on one go without energy tanks or something
No, you get 7 shots, enough for the 5 cannons and the two walls directly blocking two of them. You need to use item-1 to get through the room. Energy tanks don't refill your weapon energy if you thought that.

It's a bullshit boss, though. No fun at all.

>> No.5529390
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>> No.5529486

>Clone man
Go all the way to the left and spam elecman's power. He usually jumps before he shoots so many of his attacks will miss you.

>> No.5529590
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Shameless self shilling

Play as Protoman in MM5 with all his abilities from 9-10 and more



>> No.5530285

I've never finished a Mega Man myself, but I've listened to 2's soundtrack the most. I have a NES ROM of just the music. I rocked out to a 128kbps mp3 of the Minibosses' performance of it on my Mandrake Linux PC in 2003, when I finally had friends again. And then they were my brother's friends and wouldn't fuck off. Leave me alone, David. Stop trying to rush me out of bed. I'm wearing girly stuff under this blanket.