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File: 104 KB, 960x540, aladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5523282 No.5523282 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Genesis version of Aladdin praised so much more than the SNES version?

>> No.5523290

Cuz SNES you rent, beat and return it an hour later

>> No.5523296

The animation sprite technique was amazing and still looks impressive I think.
That said, I prefer Capcom's game. Even if the sprites aren't animated as fluidly, they're more detailed, and overall I enjoy the gameplay and level design more than the Virgin game.

>> No.5523304

>Shinji Mikami directed the SNES version but prefers the Genesis version
>Dave Perry directed the Genesis version but prefers the SNES version

>> No.5523309

Capcom is now better because Virgin had involvment of that jackass pushing a service to play emulated retro games, with ROMs often smaller than 100 kilobytes, via streamed video. Also an evangelical christfiend.

>> No.5523359

Wrong dev, faggotron

>> No.5523363

It seems you're right, so the one I played can be uncancelled, but pls no f-slur pls k thx :-)

>> No.5523370

Mom's friend's old school hacker husband (with long grey hair/beard and smoking) gave us copies to floppy so we had Virgin Aladdin on our 386 but mom eventually deleted it because there wasn't Mortal Kombat for her to delete.

>> No.5523372 [DELETED] 


>> No.5523375
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>> No.5523381

Kill yourself tranny liberal

>> No.5523410


>> No.5523453

People may not think of it now, but this game was the birth of how western games are style over substance while Japanese games are more carefully planned but inferior presentation-wise. Hiring Disney animators was the 90's version of using advanced graphics engines with photorealistic human models.

>> No.5523490

I like swords.

>> No.5523493

Welcome to Corneria.

>> No.5523519
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>> No.5523637
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It's a better video game.

>> No.5523646

Better graphics and animation.

But the SNES version had flat-out better gameplay.

>> No.5523648

>Better graphics

That's debatable at best.

It unquestionably has better animation though.

>> No.5523705

The sword is so fucking unsatisfying to use. I don't know why people like it.

>> No.5523708

>the SNES version had flat-out better gameplay.

>> No.5523757

Genesis had music right from the movie. Also it was the preferred choice of the id DOOM team in 1993

>> No.5523791

Because if you look at each game for 10 seconds you notice the more fluid animation in the genesis version.

If you actually play the games though, you notice that the SNES game isn't a shitty collect 'em up and actually has some decent gameplay and stage variety.

>> No.5523813

I'd probably like Genesis more if it wasn't in that weird western design trope of platforming where you spend time climbing up and down a stage as you do going left and right. You know the style I mean right?

>> No.5523814

>Hiring Disney animators was the 90's version of using advanced graphics engines with photorealistic human models.
It's a game based on a fucking Disney movie, why hiring Disney animators sounds odd to you?

>> No.5524137

Thanks for the (You)

>> No.5524232

Back then the Disney-style art of the Genesis version was really impressive, and regular pixel art like the SNES version's was considered uninteresting since almost all games had that style.

>> No.5524236

It's technically better (within the limitations of the system) and closer to the source material.

>> No.5524258

Because genesis does what nintendon't.

>> No.5524443
File: 262 KB, 467x650, Aladdin_SMS_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIMS Aladdin > Capcom Aladdin > shit > Virgin Aladdin

>> No.5524454

cos it has le music from le movie dude xD

>> No.5524457

seething nintendownie

>> No.5524519

Never liked the Genesis one. The sprites always felt like those really early internet gifs you got with a lot of artifacts ingrained into them. Like the ones on shitty geocities sites.
I wasn't a fan of how that game handled dithering, and the screen would fling wildly all over the place when moving around.

The SNES version just feels like a solid platformer. As a kid, it was one of the first SNES games I played, and having the blanket glide with one of the shoulder buttons felt really big to me, like he had an impressive movelist mapped to more buttons (dumb I know, but I was 7-8)

>> No.5524547

>Same box-art as Game Gear version, but edits out Genie from the shot

>> No.5524569

Mediocre platfomer with good animations vs an all around mediocre platformer.

>> No.5524663

Snes is better right now, but in the 90s genesis was "better" because it wasn't too short.

A shame that it was a shitty sword.

>> No.5524780

Mediocre maybe for Capcom's standards, but compared to the average platformer, Capcom Aladdin was above. I especially like the physics when you bounce off an enemy, and being able to grab into ledges/poles to swing or climb, all in a very seamless, fast-paced way.

>> No.5524781

>Snes is better right now, but in the 90s genesis was "better"
Autism. Genesis was better then, better now.

>> No.5524797

>. The sprites always felt like those really early internet gifs you got with a lot of artifacts ingrained into them
Have you ever tried to play it on a real CRT instead of a crappy emulator?

>> No.5524802

Do you really prefer the controls and level design of the Virgin game?

>> No.5524809

Still, there is nothing about it that really stands out. If not for the rivalry with the genesis version the snes game would be long forgotten.

>> No.5524816

Nah, people still have fond memories of disney-licensed Capcom games. If anything, if it wasn't for the "muh SNES version is for kidz! it ain't haz swords!" thing, probably Capcom Aladdin would be remembered better, but it's impossible to discuss the game without bringing up the Virgin game and the rivalry.

>> No.5524829


>> No.5524857

The argument is really just a SNES vs Genesis proxy war. Genesisfags don't have much going for them so they are more willing to die on a hill for their version of Aladdin, so they are more vocal about their support.

>> No.5524876

I'm the guy who usually engages in the Aladdin threads and usually defend the Capcom game more, but I like the Virgin game too.
I had both as a kid and I was never a console warrior, so rather than sega vs nintendo, to me it's capcom vs virgin, or japan vs west if you want

>> No.5524968

>Genesisfags don't have much going for them
Are you implying SNESfags do with their weak pissbaby easy game? Delusion.

>> No.5524990

Kinda like when I buy a hooker and beat off on her face

>> No.5525009

Shut up you insufferable shit-stirrer

>> No.5525015

I'm not the OP, though.

>> No.5525029

Imagine living in a world where you are allowed to like both versions of a game.

>> No.5525137

>1992 Steve Doocy at 0:02

>> No.5525193

Coz it blew peoples minds when they were 9 years old and they haven't played it since.

>> No.5525230

>Why is the Genesis version of Aladdin praised so much more than the SNES version?

sword and animation

both games are just decent platformers, Genesis has the same faults as other western platformers from the era (questionable collision and level design), while the SNES game feels like a generic Capcom platformer. Magical Quest, Aladdin, Bonkers, all look, sound and feel very similar, Bonkers is the weakest of the bunch tho

>> No.5525385

Pinko commie bullshit

>> No.5525401

This is much better than just going on a straight line.

>> No.5525405
File: 18 KB, 203x249, D8E4B849-4556-4F38-8907-2C8D4E199519-181-000000061ED8A9AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT angry mariofaggots samefagging the snes version
Sega had many titles better than snes. Aladdin is the most known.
Ren and stimpy and Road runner is the next two i can think of

Sega is much better when it comes to cartoony fluid games.
Snes is for slow platformers and jrpgs.

Stop arguing about war that was lost many years ago.

>> No.5525414

I like both
Nobody says that people who prefer sega version HATE snes version
Its just sega one is better by all means.

>> No.5525416

stupid phoneposter

>> No.5525430

Imagine being stuck with snes and not experiencing best contra or best aladdin game.
Sure mario is fun, lol

>> No.5525506 [DELETED] 

Contra III shits all over Hard Corpse, lad.

>> No.5525531
File: 36 KB, 575x437, DQ26RgZWkAE_L4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you are wrong.
Wow surprising, I know.

>> No.5525539

Dude nobody cares about Ren and Stimpy or Roadrunner games.
Both SNES and MD had a lot of good cartoony games.
Also this isn't a console war. I know your mind is set on it, but try to think outside of the box for a moment. It's Capcom vs Virgin.

>> No.5525727

Capcom didn't, for starters, they drew and animated all the assets themselves. This was the western devs swinging their big dicks around, specifically for budget and presentation.

>> No.5525790

I had the Genesis version growing up and didn't get to play the SNES one until years later, yet I like the SNES version more.

Movement in the Genesis one just feels too floaty, and the boss battles are very unsatisfying, particularly the last one.

>> No.5525823

>Aladdin holds a sword for a few seconds in the movie and doesn't do much with it.
>Make the entire genesis game about Aladdin swordfighting enemies.
Say whatever you want about the SNES version, but Aladdin using agility and wits to get through the stages is more faithful to the character. He is a thief, not a warrior.

>> No.5525832

It's been awhile since I heard roadrunner. Gonna see if it still holds up BEEP BEEP

>> No.5528024

Sega had better cartoony games.
And fuck you shit tasted mariofag. Both ren and stimpy/roadrunner games are pretty damn playable
But of course a zoomer like you dont know shit about those titles

>> No.5528028

I heard many weird snesfag arguments against sega version but this is the dumbest so far
Aladdin that can use the sword and throw apples is FUN to play which is the main thing, unlike snes lamo

>> No.5528453

I'm not a sega vs nintendo console war retard, so all the stuff you're spouting means nothing to me.
I played and liked the Ren and Stimpy game as a kid, but as with most western-developer platformers, it had bad hitboxes, questionable level design, and the usual issues. I mostly have nostalgia for it because I like Ren and Stimpy, and the game had faithful recreations of them graphics-wise, same as Aladdin.
Throwing apples isn't really fun. At least in the Capcom game you can only stunt enemies with them, but in Virgin's game you'll rely on apples a lot to kill enemies since the sword's range and hitbox is very sketchy.

>> No.5528479

Because it looked more like the movie, it was more challenging, had the original music tracks (and the extra tracks were great too), had more visual gags, significantly larger levels, and it wasn't just a hop and bop platformer but you could use a scimitar to have epic sword fights with the guards. You could hear the swords clashing each other and the sparks flying.

It was a genuinely better game.

The only thing the SNES has is more colours, better final boss (note GETTING to the final boss in itself is a bigger challenge on the Genesis), and that you could grab onto ledges. Some people argue that the platforming was tighter on the SNES game, but I could figure out the proper hitboxes for the platforms on the Genesis version when I was 7 years old, so this is really just a minor technicality.

>> No.5528493

>the SNES game isn't a shitty collect 'em up

Both games are about getting to the exit on every level, and you can collect shit midway through. The only difference is that the Genesis version needs you to get the scarabs or destroy a statue or two to unlock another part of the level, but that's about as much "collect 'em up" as what Doom has (find a key / push switch, to unlock a closed door to progress).

>that weird western design trope of platforming where you spend time climbing up and down a stage as you do going left and right

You mean that trope where they give you larger levels to explore and beat, while the SNES version can't even handle scrolling in more than two directions on one level?

Name a console Disney game prior to Aladdin which used actual Disney animators.

>> No.5528494

Because it's better.

>> No.5528503

Ranger X shits all over Contra III.

>> No.5528543

That's true though, SNES version isn't a broken poorly coded mess where the only difficulty in the game comes from falling through platforms. He's wrong about Gen version having better graphics though.

>> No.5528564

Something like that, yeah? I noticed a lot of western games have that poor level design style, from Earthworm Jim to Crash Test Dummies to anything made for the Amiga or DOS. S'weird.

>> No.5528587


>> No.5528670

>where the only difficulty in the game comes from falling through platforms.
You are legitimately retarded in the brains.

>> No.5528870

Get a load of this mariofag

>> No.5528942

Again, this has nothing to do with sega vs nintendo console war bullshit. I was a 16-bit idort, luckily. Had a full childhood.

>> No.5529214

The Genesis Aladdin has superior animation and humor. The gameplay is a lot more fluid, and has a slightly higher difficulty without ever feeling cheap. The art style is also straight up Disney. The SNES Aladdin is fun but the animation isn't quite as nice, the gameplay is a lot more stiff, and the art style is kind of a generic SNES pixel art. It's also a bit too easy, especially given there's a password system. I think the one thing SNES Aladdin has over Genesis Aladdin is that the SNES Aladdin had much more interesting boss fights, whereas the Genesis Aladdin's boss fights are "just stand still for the most part and spam your attack."

>> No.5529389
File: 657 KB, 1536x2048, wolfenstein 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly sick of this topic one is way better than the other if u cant figure it out urself u r a fuckin cunt cuckold retard

>> No.5529584
File: 974 KB, 500x328, zxZ[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this even a debate after all this time, Genesis is clearly superior lmao what are you people even smoking



Genesis has greater atmosphere, greater music, transitions, etc etc etc. You're in an exploding lava field while everything is collapsing, and it reflects that, the music and level is hardcore and ends with a leap of faith from a lethal boulder to the flying carpet. SNES just ends with you walking up to a sign.

What does SNES do? It uh....well it auto scrolls, and there's some goofy ass music, and uhhh you can backflip off a chest! That's just in the middle, easy to reach and all. You have hearts as your health bar! That's creativ- LMAo no it isn't it's a basic all all hell while Genesis has a genie lamp with smoke as a health indicator.

Then you get to the carpet chase! The one with 90s CGI graphics in the movie! Surely this will be fu- oh SNES just has you following a path, with a lava wave that has 3 frames of animation LMAO. What does Genesis have? A chase theme that builds up from the beginning to build hype, starts easy with no lava wave until the directions and the carpet progressively gets faster, the lava wave grows closer, and you get hit with two question marks from Genie that makes you rely on reaction time.

LMFAO pls at this point I think it's just SNES fanboys always trying to start this shit again. Out of all the masterpieces SNES has, some just feel the need to die on this meme hill.

>> No.5529619

Thing is, you're approaching this debate from a console warrior stand point.
Again, this isn't about Sega vs Nintendo, this is capcom vs virgin, or if you want, western game design vs japanese game design.
Nobody is saying the Virgin game looks bad (although I think the backgrounds aren't impressive at all).
Also, Virgin Aladdin isn't exclusive to MD, it's also on PC DOS (admittedly a botched port, but still).

>> No.5529653

>without feeling cheap
>fall through platforms 50% of the time
it's an easy game but wow are you delusional

>> No.5529979

Rug Ride at full 60fps, after the first question mark, is fucking awesome. I genuinely do not remember any game that handled this fast scrolling, ever. This is the console that gave us Sonic, and Sonic isn't even half as fast as this scene. You have like 4 parallax layers plus the foreground, plus a giant wave of lava following you, and it is so fast that the Genie pointers are literally "blink and you miss it". The level pumps the adrenaline so hard that you can't even feel bad for the question marks, it's just so fast that once you get that far, you can just wing it from reflex. Plus the items are spaced in such a way that you could follow them and beat the level fine even without the genie helping.

The SNES level in comparison kills you by boring you to death. I mean I suppose it's the right difficulty for five year olds, but for anyone older, the Genesis version is just more exciting and fun to play.

>> No.5529987

dude, like, blast processing, console wars and shiet

>> No.5530395

Did you even read my post? Everything was a level comparison, YOU are approaching this as a console war thing. I even state SNES have many masterpieces, which it clearly does

Cave escape is my favorite part, the lava itself looks cool

>> No.5530403

I’ve always liked the SNES version but never played the Genesis one. I guess I’m one of the lucky few who isn’t autistic and can enjoy both games. #blessed

>> No.5530559
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Himity Hoomity! I am meself a wickle pip chucklecheek consolator warefare thred!
Despit me preferren for Seegah, funsizingly melin joys Contraius the Third on Ala' Addin an Suprus Familyfun mair than there Meega Steer counternatives! Nither of her have jabberflack toppin ole Colour Kides of the Gunstar Gangan!

>> No.5530576

There's also the music

>> No.5530610

>fall through platforms 50% of the time
what is this meme
you people aren't this bad at video games are you?

>> No.5530616

>never played the Genesis one.
>can enjoy both
Shut up faggot

>> No.5530679
File: 19 KB, 374x201, aladinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this hitbox work?

>> No.5530685

You gotta draw a rectangle taking in consideration how wide the sprites can get then touch each other

>> No.5530693

God I want to learn that on the piano so bad. But it uses 3 voices minimum, so at least the bass has to be cut out.

>> No.5530705

Why are religiousfags so easily butthurt

>> No.5530707

meant to quote

>> No.5530803

Aladdin SNES is the better game, Aladdin Genesis is better at fanservice for fans of the movie. This is pretty obvious and encapsulates the eastern vs western deal that's been brought up in this thread well. The Genesis game had them bringing in DIsney staff to work on it and achieve faithfulness in the general presentation whereas the Japs were working on just making a solid game. Priorities are different on the different ends.

But neither are especially fantastic titles or anything. The Genesis library is fairly lacking though so I can see why this gets people heated if they're somehow still stuck in the mindset of SNES vs Genesis all these years later. I know I'm on /vr/ but christ.

>> No.5530857

Sure, why not give Aladdin an AK47 while you're at it? Shooting shit is fun after all.

>> No.5530904

Swords hit box is weird if your using the default slice.
Downward slice on the other hand is pretty much spot on hitbox and has alot of range.
Plus idk I never really liked using the apple in the game. Always used the sword in most situation and only use the apple on enemies far away.
Also believe it or not some enemies can slice apples in half making throwing them a waste. Your going to have to use your sword to deal with those fuckers or time your apple throw right.

>> No.5531092

>The Genesis library is fairly lacking
I see what you're doing and you're a faggot.

>> No.5531295

t. shit at games

>> No.5531861

because you touch youreslf at night

>> No.5531864
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Not him, but I had no trouble beating the game as a kid, however it still has hitbox and collision detection issues, you can tell they didn't use much time to correct that stuff much and spent more time digitalizing hand drawn animation into sprites.
It doesn't make the game hard, just annoying.

>> No.5531870

t. Angry Video Game Nerd

It's amazing how people, even after they have grown up, still remain such gigantic biased fandrones. In your case being a pathetic Nintendicksucker.

>> No.5531875

Funny, AVGN said he liked the Genesis Aladdin more for the reasons people ususally parrot "muh sword", etc.

>> No.5532013

>AVGN said he liked the Genesis Aladdin more for the reasons people ususally parrot "muh sword", etc.
Or it's because the Genesis version is clearly a superior experience and the sword is part of what makes it enjoyable to play. Stop projecting, retard.

>> No.5532019

Nobody is really hating on Virgin Aladdin, but the best part about it is the spirte animation, it isn't the controls, level design or the sword with bad detection hitbox.

>> No.5532023

imagine defending religion on 4chan of all places. what happened to this place

>> No.5532052 [DELETED] 

What is the best way to play Virgin Aladdin? Genesis, DOS, Amiga...?

>> No.5532081
