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5521390 No.5521390 [Reply] [Original]

>game has you switch between single boss fights to ranged fights to 3 specific party members all one after the other
>god help you if you fight the heli gunner & gave cloud all your attacking materia beforehand
>god help you if you fought this fucker but aeris had your healing magic

I barely beat him and the mayors son by just spamming potions while my party numbers almost die. This is bullshit

>> No.5521394

Why do moderate occasional challenge trigger jrpg aficionados so much?

>> No.5521401

its not challenge if they just take away your ability to do something without rhyme or reason or without giving you fair warning

Dont have any grenades or lightning/ice/fire? welp, you cant beat heli, better reset

what do you mean you didnt know itd be a boss fight beforehand?

>> No.5521410

Making things more difficult is kind of the definition of a challenge though.

You still have Barret anyway; "you cant beat Heli" and "you cant easily and comfortably beat Heli" aren't really the same thing

>> No.5521414

barrets gun does maybe 50-53 damage, which is almost nothing. So youre shooting heli for that, wasting like 5 or 6 turns trying to build up everyones limit break and hoping you dont die before you even get his 2nd phase

>> No.5521419

>people are having trouble with the fights in FFVII
Are you playing some modded version with harder battles or some challenge that restricts you in some way?

>> No.5521424

during the escape from tifa, you fight heli gunner which can only be hit with amgic attacks/thrown items, so most of your party save for barret is useless unless you gave them materia. But cloud right before was about to fight the big boss of shinra, so you would instinctively think to give him all the materia

but say you get past all that, fine. You slcie all the biker cops awya from the mystery machine and get to the end of the highway, fight road runner monstrosity
>but oh wait, you gave tifa the only restore spell, and she's sitting on her ass in the car not helping you while you fight it with cloud, red 13 and barret, meanwhile he's hitting you for like 90-100 damage every turn with triple/double blaze

>> No.5521446

Dude, I beat that when I was like 14, stop crying and get good.

>> No.5521449

I always thought Final Fantasy and especially FFVII were the easiest jRPGs, but okay.

I know some people have more difficulty with some things and others have more difficulty with other things.

>> No.5521450

Is this a bait thread? The last time I had trouble with FF7 was on my first play through as a teenager, and it definitely wasn't during this section. I think you're just stupid, OP.

>> No.5521451

Quit gettin' mad at video games.

>> No.5521459

You should have grinded to be level 99 by that point anyway. Otherwise there is a chance of failure.
God I hate people who play jrpgs

>> No.5521463

I remember when I was a kid there were four mandatory bosses that gave me problems - Materia Keeper, Lost Number, Demon Wall and Bizarro Sephiroth (because I kept switching between parties for no reason like a retard)

>> No.5521464

actually I forgot Lost Number isn't mandatory, my bad

>> No.5521465

>(because I kept switching between parties for no reason like a retard)

What does that actually do? I never got that mechanic.

>> No.5521468

Demon Wall was my roadblock for a long time. Then of course when I was playing through the game again a couple years ago, I killed it in one turn with Cloud's meteor limit break.

>> No.5521478

when I was a kid I used the Throw materia and threw everything I could at him out of desperation (it worked)
I forgot, but I never do it now, I guess you could use your B team to soften up Bizarro and then finish him off with your A team to fight the second phase idk

>> No.5521728

Yeah, it’s not that the Heli Gunner is hard, but it’s annoying to fight if you didn’t give everyone a spell materia. Otherwise you might have to spam Barret’s gun and occasionally Sled Wang.

The other bosses are really easy even if you’re underleveled though. You can poison Rufus and his cat, which is nasty. And the flame-mobile just ends up being one of those fights where you can spam limits every turn.

>> No.5521928

>without giving you fair warning
The warning is when you fight him the first time and then game over.

Honestly, though, you can beat FF7 just spamming the circle button. If you legitimately struggle with this game you're a brainlet.

>> No.5521938

The mayor is Mayor Domino. Rufus is the son of the president of the shinra corporation

>> No.5522012

I am embarrassed to be even posting in the same thread as you.

>> No.5522014

do you ever just spend time thinking about anything? people who play jrpgs don't spend most of their time thinking about the game they're playing unless their reality is really really bad

>> No.5522034

Embarrassing thread, OP.

>> No.5523547

>game has you switch between single boss fights to ranged fights to 3 specific party members all one after the other
>god help you if you fight the heli gunner & gave cloud all your attacking materia beforehand
Before this fight it asks if you want to strip cloud and tifa of all materia. This seems like a pretty good sign that you want to do that and give the materia to your party members.
>god help you if you fought this fucker but aeris had your healing magic
It asks you to make a party before the motorbike section, seems like another good sign you'll need a party. If you're too retarded to add aeris/th/su/whatever to your party, or even better, take the materia off her and give it to someone else, you may actually be fucking brain damaged

>> No.5523581

Redxiii is super op at that point you really have no excuse

>> No.5523672

I did give my materia to someone else, Tifa stayed behind while berret tifa and red went down the elevator, so I thought she would come running up to help cloud

I DID notice taking materia off, I didnt know whether to put it on aeris or Tifa

>> No.5523675

For fucks sake, who cares? If you lose the first time you learn and you try again. God damn you guys are fucking embarrassing

>> No.5523768

They do give you fair warning you fucking faggot. They ask you if you want to change materia between fights and before the bike chase mini game you can open the menu. Fucking kill yourself

>> No.5523776

And also Barret has a ranged weapon, red XIIIs limits can hit and Aeris limit can cure your party. It's completely possible to win that fight even without materia.

>> No.5523780

they dont tell you who will be in what scenario, cunt

its more drawn out there. Yah, you can do it by waiting out limits and slowly whittling heli down with barret, but you feel like an idiot doing so knowing all your spells are on someone else

>> No.5523784

You only have five characters you drolling spastic and Tifa says she will wait for Cloud. I refuse to believe this isn't b8 because you must be the dumbest mother fucker alive

>> No.5523785

I like how you completely fucking disregard how equipping extra green materia on cloud beyond restore doesn't even actually help in any fucking way because it decreases the main stats he uses to survive and deal damage

I don't even know what to fucking say to you if you didn't just by 1 restore for everybody in the first place

>> No.5523793

Not that guy but I put Elemental and poison on Clouds weapon and Restore.

>> No.5523805

as if this fucker actually found the elemental materias in the tower
actually doesn't the bioterror monster right before this part absorb poison?

>> No.5523807

I did get elemental, ass

And it does, yes

>> No.5523815


No game has shit like this.

>> No.5523825
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I honestly can't tell if this thread is in earnest. Hard to believe anyone complaining about difficulty in a FF, but it's also easy to believe zoomers are actually this coddled by modern games

>> No.5523928

>Is this a bait thread?
It could be. It is a fun idea for a bait thread. I might use it for my own from now on lol. Posting threads about really easy bosses claiming that they're hard is super funny.

>> No.5523934

Yeah it does but I meant before you fight Rufus

>> No.5525019
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Senpai pls, I beat the elevator bosses without using materia at all when I was 8 years old first playthrough.

But only because I thought Cloud was the only character who could use it.

>> No.5525058

i don't think you're ready to play any jrpg if your not ready for random situations that switch up your expectant battle situation. man. why are burgers so stupid

>> No.5525115

Haha, oh wow. OP, you made me remember a fucked up dual fight from Lufia 2.
>Maxim, Tia, Guy and Selan are climbing a tower.
>You can find some neat elementary weapons during the trip, a fire dagger and a water-based sword.
>So of course you would equip them on your heavy hitters, Guy and Maxim
>Eventually you reach a room with two clown-like enemies blocking your way, problem is that after you defeat any of them, the other monster immediately revives the fallen one, so your path is never cleared
>So your team splits in two to beat the two monsters at once: Maxim and Tia take a monster while Guy and Selan take the other one
>THIS is where the dick move comes: remember the neat elemental-based weapons you equipped on Guy and Maxim? Well, the game makes sure the monster you are facing is immune against THAT particular element so you will either make scratch damage or fucking heal them and by that point of the game, your levels and skills are still pretty low, so prepare yourself for a long and painful fight where you will struggle to do any damage, while the monsters can assrape your parties if you make ONE mistake.

>> No.5525132

You did eventually beat him, right OP?

>> No.5525408

>using elemental weapons in a jarpig

>> No.5525458

It gives you 3 fucking chances to change materia.
1 before the gunner fight. 2 just before Cloud fights Rufus and 3 as it is telling you the controls for the bike minigame.
It is not the games fault you are fucking retarded and was just spamming X to skip dialog like a fucking faggot.

>> No.5525536

You're supposed to give Selan the Rapier because Guy already has Gades sword.

But you didn't get Gades sword did you anon, you fucking filthy casual

>> No.5525537

it should be pretty fucking obvious to put elemental lightning on barret too, there were so many fucking mechs

>> No.5525743

I didnt say they were hard, theyre annoying

i beat them my first try

>> No.5525747

>going down an elevator
>yah this seems like a place theyd put a helicopter

>> No.5525762

t. agelet who never witnessed the great action cinema of the 90s

>> No.5525819

Die hard?

>> No.5525840

absolute state of /jarpig/

>> No.5526125

I don't think anyone is implying the elevator boss is challenging.

It is tedious since only Barret can auto attack. If the others don't got attack magic, it'll go pretty slowly

>> No.5526135
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Shinra HQ and that whole sequence is one of my favorite parts of the game.

>> No.5526139


>> No.5527006

and that's why there's a save point immediately before the fighting starts. also, grenades. cheap, easy damage for non ranged/casters at that point in the game.

>> No.5527051

Such a great moment. The chaos of all the battles, everyone fighting for their lives, shinra throwing it all against you. Narrative and gameplay come together amazingly here.

I wish my experience was as challenging as yours, would have added to it all.

>> No.5527565
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anyone playing the New Threat mod? this shit is hard as fuck

>> No.5527638

>i didn't set up materia correctly so this game is bullshit

>> No.5528048

if youre about to do 1v1 fight against the head of Shinra, wouldnt you think to put your most powerful spells on cloud?

>> No.5528093

If you're going to have to split your party up, don't you think you should evenly distribute your materia? Anyways, surely OP makes multiple saves and had one just a few minutes before he could revert to and correct his error if he was actually stuck.

>> No.5528197

The game is stupid easy though.

>> No.5528416

Treasure sword shrine is before godrovan m8

>> No.5528430

are you sure I totally though the clown boss fight was the dungeon right after the timeskip after you fight gades (and hopefully don't lose)

>> No.5528443

Nah youre thinking of the place where you 1st fight idura

>> No.5528514

Are you the same guy who was whining about FFTactics? Or are kids these days just legitimately this retarded?

>> No.5528592

oh right I got confused because they're both towers with the same tileset

>> No.5528667

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.5528673

I gotta admit I see his point. OP is a god damned retard getting this upset over sucking so hard. It's funny, but it's also kinda depressing.

>> No.5528685

no, never played tactics

how many times do I have to say in the thread I didnt have trouble, it was just annoying

>> No.5528690

It affected you enough that you made this thread to whine about it. You can say That's not troubles but it amounts to the same thing. You have to suck pretty hard to find this close to annoying. I recommend dropping the game asap.

>> No.5529010

>no, never played tactics

Please save us the complaining and never try.

>> No.5529025

If I was you and made an embarrassing thread about find FFVII being “difficult”, I would have deleted it at this point.

But too late now. You will be remembered as that zoomer who thought FFVII was hard.

>> No.5529274

B-b-but he said it wasn't hard! It's just SO annoying that it wasn't babytier easy. Can't you r-read!

>> No.5529721

I only ever played through FF7 once, but I remember the entire game being very easy and don't remember getting stuck at this part. Maybe you just suck?

>> No.5529942

I bet this thread was just what OP needed. Now he will rethink how he approaches things, and going forward will be a better player.

>> No.5530501

I used Selan for spellcasting because at that point of the game she still was weak.
Despite being introduced as a crazy strong woman, she could only deal moderately higher damage than Tia.

>> No.5530790

I've literally never heard anyone else ever complain about that section. It genuinely makes me wonder if kids really are just getting worse and worse at games.

>> No.5531156

It should be classed as one of the hype sections.
>Slap the presidents shit and kill his dog
>Make a robot shoot out the elevators and destroy that as well.
>Go down to the lobby and get on a bike and your team gets in to a car
>Bust out a 3rd story window on them as he sends out other bikes and a robot to try to stop you
>Slap all their shit
>Decide that Midgar is old news
Shina would have avoided all of this if they had left a flower girl and a eco terrorist organisation alone.

>> No.5531189
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>has multiple save slots but only uses one and overwrites it every time he saves
no one is this legitimately this retarded, it's like you're not retarded but you're unironically trying hard to be one

>> No.5531239

Why do you not have at least one offensive magic materia on every party member? You were begging for this shit.

Also the game prompts you to change party/equip/materia right before the motorcycle chase and if you're not a fucking retard you should have a save relatively close to that point.

>> No.5531247
File: 48 KB, 600x449, 1553552080737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the easiest genres
>one of the easiest series in the genre
>one of the easiest games in the series
>on the first act of the game