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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1 KB, 256x240, World_1-1_(Super_Mario_Bros.)_Start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5520667 No.5520667 [Reply] [Original]

Now that gaming is old enough, it's time to define what good game design is. And I can think of no better corner of the internet to ask than this board.

What does good game design mean to you?

>> No.5520672

eat shit

>> No.5520675

Have sex

>> No.5520682

Whether I win or lose I think "I want to play again"

>> No.5520901


>> No.5520906

It's only entertainment, so whether I'm being entertained.

>> No.5520909

pic unrelated

>> No.5520912

Fuck off with this "good/bad" level design meme, it is not even a fucking deep or a complex topic, the only way to make a game actually enjoyable is to keep things fresh, add some good mechanics and there you go. It deppends of the kind of game, the pacing and the genre itself, as long as you don't add boring shit or try to hard to implement things that don't really work well together.

>> No.5520915

Jesus christ this post is so cringy i just might kill myself now

>> No.5520935

You won't do it. Coward.

>> No.5520936

I've said it before and I'll say it again. In order for people to properly articulate "good" game design we need to first develop a theory and critical vocabulary around the "aesthetic" of gameplay, here defined by the intersection between controls, mechanics, level design, and other art assets (audiovisual, but also possibly tactile feedback).

Until we can flesh this out we are going to end up flailing because we lack any serious critical framework to ground our criticism in.

>> No.5520946

Way to spend a whole post to say absolutely nothing. What is "boring"? What are "Good mechanics"? How do we know when things "don't really work well together"? I think we need more detail than essentially "add good game design and don't add bad game design!"

>> No.5520959
File: 11 KB, 640x480, rogue_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help that opiniond on what's fun vary wildly. I trust people genuinely enjoy Mario, but I find it very tedious and dull whereas some of my favorite games are disliked by a majority.

>> No.5520969

The only responses you'll get here are 'the games I had as a kid are well designed even if they suck and anything made after my childhood is terrible'

>> No.5521010

I like new games even more on average than old games even though there are still lots I love.

>> No.5521154

I think it depends on what the goal of the game is. It's always going to have some level of subjectivity, but I generally consider a few things above others.

Pacing in regards to difficulty and repetition, how effectively the game accomplishes it's goal, novelty as it relates to the time the game was made, and individual level design as it relates to all of the previously mentioned. Replay value is nice, but not necessary to be a fantastic game imo.

>> No.5521496

any game where you can go from system off to playing the game in a /very/ short period of time. spamming start should ALWAYS bring you straight to the title screen or game

>> No.5521563

Have you played more than 100 different games?
Are you having fun with it?

If the answer is yes to both, there you go.

>> No.5521639

well no shit that's why we have variety in videogames, so much that we need genres to help classify them. Some game systems and mechanics are incompatible with others so you need multiple games to explore them all.

>> No.5521642

that's mostly Ocarina of Time fans.

>> No.5521682

You might try and demolish your ceiling with your brow, but in the end most criticism (and specially game criticism) is completely unobjective and just based around "gut" judgement. Most critical concepts are just brought into play to validate and fortify that intuitive perception

>> No.5523642

There's too much that goes into it to describe the whole topic in just a 4chan post. There's no one defining element of game desighn, especially sense diffrent games try to offer diffrent experiences for diffrent kinds of people. It'd be like saying "what makes a good story" or "what makes good art".

I'm not trying to say it's pointless to analyze games because of that, rather to be less broad. Analyze one game at a time or focus on one element at a time "What's good map desighn?", " What's good rng?", "How do you make story and gameplay not feel detached?", "How do you make players feel like their part of the world and their choices matter?" "What's the diffrence between challenging but fun and pure frustation?", "How do you capture an atmosphere?", "What makes a moment memorable"

But for me I guess my favorite games are the one's that follow "A game is a series of intresting decisions".

>> No.5523658
File: 309 KB, 800x1280, CA5D0A3E-EE49-4374-9473-2467D7C57900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread didn’t quite go according to plan, did it, OP?
My question to you is, what makes pic related such a great painting? It looks like a toddlers mess to me.
Furthermore, I’m bad at Mario games.

>> No.5523663

Link's Awakening is the best Zelda.

>> No.5523848
File: 16 KB, 360x352, FD831405-59B8-4366-94C1-C9AC3E36311A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game design in principle follows along the lines up this graph somewhat imo.

>> No.5523850

I might add that flow channel = fun

>> No.5523949

gaming should be fun and rewarding

>> No.5523984

You sound like an insufferable faggot. >>>/r/eddit

>> No.5524356

Only if you're a total gritlet who doesn't prefer losing.