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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1009 KB, 1065x1278, 1370286677882[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5519690 No.5519690 [Reply] [Original]

If I saw this in an art gallery I woudln't bat an eye.

So this raises the question: why in hell is the cover art for some obscure Famicom game this damn good?

>> No.5519696

Nice, who is te artist? remember me of a crossover comic of punisher and wolwerine

>> No.5519702

Seconding for source. If feels a bit H.R. Geiger.

>> No.5519705


damn son. thats some good-ass art, I imagine its for some obscure jrpg or mech game

>> No.5519708
File: 268 KB, 765x1017, Theguardianlegendf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know the artist's name but it's the JP cover for Guardian Legend.

This is the Euro box art.


>> No.5519712
File: 167 KB, 749x1070, guardian_legend_box_jp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5519823



>> No.5519827
File: 213 KB, 800x1471, super aleste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another cover made by him

>> No.5519868
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1721, c8b1dfce-c521-4163-8ee6-dd8d34f45c7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists is Naoyuki Katoh. He's worked on a few games such as the Culdcept series and a few Godzilla games. He'sknown mostly for fantasy and sci-fi illustrations.

Here's another great piece by him, done for the MSX port of R-Type.
Nope, Guardian Legend is a overhead action and shump hybrid.

>> No.5519963
File: 2.26 MB, 850x1168, 1555923316389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5520004

I love this guys work. Katsuya Terada's stuff as well.

>> No.5520313

Because Japanese publishers took pride in their shit.

>> No.5521742

Prince of Persia's cover art on the Super Famicom is the stuff of legends

>> No.5521771


>doesn't post the image he's talking about on an image board.

>> No.5521990
File: 387 KB, 800x1454, 316489-prince-of-persia-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind the faggot.

>> No.5522218

Back when games had art instead of what Commercial Manager decides will sell best aka ripping off shitty COD Modern Warfare covers.

Fuck nugaming.

>> No.5523594
File: 993 KB, 1202x805, srghaljghsag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's a hell of a lot better than a lot of famous shit you'll see in galleries.

>> No.5523749

that looks like something I would paint though so this is affirming for me

>> No.5523756

>art = things I cannot do
If can then why you don't? That's your answer.

>> No.5523773

>If can then why you don't?

>> No.5523787

this is some seriously good painting though

>> No.5523849

How does it feel to be braindead?

>> No.5523860
File: 511 KB, 1000x1428, Digan+no+Maseki+-+Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i'll contribute one, since i'm a big fan of the guy

>> No.5523864
File: 46 KB, 640x400, ty65676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in-game art

>> No.5523886

The guy definitely has a biomech boner for giger

>> No.5523917

Well, that cover is pretty good too, but the OP one blows it out of the water.

>> No.5523920

How does it feel not getting it?

>> No.5523932

Not the same guy, but I can put actual effort into a far more advanced and intriguing composition, it's unimpressive as far as abstract art goes.
People who a scribble shit like that ain't got a thing on people like Fracetta, Brom, Dali, Valejo, Bell, Royo, Giger, etc, etc. I'm not even getting into older historical artists.
Put some effort into your art, pull upon your imagination and your emotions and try to put a complete painting on the canvas.

Maybe I don't get >>5523594, but I have the feeling that even if I did, there would be extremely little intellectual and emotional value to derive from its understanding, and I don't lament the absence of it.
To answer your question, I feel good and confident about not getting it.

>> No.5524103

Thank you for an honest response.

>> No.5524112

I did an essay on this guy in high school.
Lets just say that some art styles are not for the masses.

>> No.5524158
File: 211 KB, 800x1096, 20733-defender-atari-2600-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans did in the Atari era. I think with cg and flash animation in the late 90s, artists got away with being lazy

>> No.5524160

>Americans did in the Atari era. I think with cg and flash animation in the late 90s, artists got away with being lazy

Ha! Nintendo of America wanted their game covers to show the actual in-game graphics because people had been burned by Atari covers. They would be these lovely painting, but in-game it'd be just squares.

>> No.5524327

In NA, the publishers were usually adamant to have the cover art as close as possible to the actual gameplay.

>> No.5524557

I love all of this type of work. The japs really know how to evoke a feeling/ atmosphere that adds to the game.

I suppose because games have he graphics and are more cinematic these days, you don't need these illustrations to paint a broader world or evoke the atmosphere. I really miss it.

>> No.5524943

Same guy who posted it. I don't think art is things I can't do. I do make art too. I dont' think i'm like the best artist who ever lived or anything but I am pretty confident the stuff I make is more interesting than fucking that.

And yeah I pretty much agree with this assessment of it.

>> No.5525048

I love the work of Naoyuki Kato. I have a huge version of this on my wall.

>> No.5525135

>I love the work of Naoyuki Kato. I have a huge version of this on my wall.

Pics plz.

>> No.5525149

not really, Giger always felt more organic, textures alluding to body parts or something phallic, with a dose of satanic imagery. This is too mechanical and the background is also not something you would see from him.

>> No.5525160

This is better than always the same phallic Giger shit

>> No.5525167

Highest visual IQ in the world.

>> No.5525215

You don't have the balls to put your mistakes and actual sense of self worth on the wall, this person does. Your art isn't your art, it's other people's art. You're not even an artist and you should shut the fuck up.

>> No.5525223

Link to your Artstation or personal portfolio, now.

Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.5525226
File: 453 KB, 900x672, unai-shipash-pablo-amaringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a sequel to LCD Dream Emulator with a cover and art direction by Pablo Amaringo, but this will never happen unless I can manage to summon his ghost

I mean maybe that's not impossible but who would I use as a medium?

>> No.5525258

Is this some famous artist? I like it, it's fun to find different characters, animals, faces in it. It's random but just structured enough to stimulate your creativity and keep you going, like a good game level.

>> No.5525275
File: 98 KB, 800x553, 1521926488126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5525287

Modern "art" promotes simple ugly shapes and garish colors. This is what communists actually wanted btw. Look it up.

>> No.5525304

no its not, this is a copy of a copy from giger with a bland background.

>> No.5525343

Stick with Giger's Necronomicon then and fuck off instead of shitting up a perfectly good thread

>> No.5525373

I don't mind having a thread celebrating retro box art, but don't tell me that is some how better than the artist who kind of inspired that sort of work.

>> No.5525442

There, again. Stupid shit-stirrer.

>> No.5525518

how is that stirring shit? All I did was point out the difference between the pic and giger's work. Your dumb ass had to say one of them was better than the other and all I am doing is disagreeing with you. You are stirring shit and this is the last I'm going to respond to you.

>> No.5525835

You are actually dead wrong. Art of Mao's China or Soviet Russia focused on a "social realist" style that actually sought to solidify a national identity through a more formal and figurative subjects. Modern art grew out of artists in Europe and the Americas for the most part.

>> No.5525949

Found the commie pig

Shit-stirrer at it again

>> No.5525963
File: 114 KB, 1280x1074, tumblr_nyjwl1gtuZ1s9o2zgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has some actual soul put into it. You should have posted some shit like pic related.

>> No.5525981

Back then, the cover was one of the main selling points for a video game. These days, the only things people care about are the IP and the reviews. They'll spend $300 million on the game and the cover (if there even is one) is just some cop-out that looks like an intern made it in 20 minutes.

>> No.5526016

The real question is how they got Katsuya Terada to work on Nintendo Power.

>> No.5526035

Proof positive that you guys have no idea what you are talking about and just want something to be mad at.

>> No.5526046

>>5526035 (YOU)
t. simpleton

>> No.5526082

Why wouldn't he? We're talking late 1980s Nintendo here.

>> No.5526148

This one looks better.

>> No.5526156
File: 183 KB, 800x690, soviet cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5526169

>western box art looks more weebish than the original

>> No.5526184


post atari crash, maybe. And Sega Master system boxes art direction was... i dont even know. I guess the uniformity would look good on a shelf?


alot of those really good illustrators got their start doing what we would consider to be somewhat menial art nowadays.

I think the likes of masamune shiro and Kia Asamiya were doing some video game illustration back in the 80s too.

>> No.5526187
File: 310 KB, 736x1089, tumblr_p8ig6jFOfg1ulp8mfo9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was researching the artist and found a blog which seems to archive his work, among other artists, on video games for anyone interested.


>> No.5526453
File: 193 KB, 800x1462, 199573-vortex-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vortex's Japanese cover is fucking rad...and the western version is shit.

>> No.5526467

>What is the Bauhaus? (hint, it's not german, even though it originated in that country)

>> No.5526765

Looks like I made /ic/ mad.
Sorry that I don't fall to my knees and praise low effort art which belongs on some parent's refridgerator, not in a museum or gallery.
I also am not interested in being flocked on social media by a bunch of angry 18 year old post-modernists crying about how I don't understand.

Sort of in a few ways, but also sort of not.

The CIA outright funded shit artists like Jackson Pollock, because they wanted to prove that a capitalist market would make for a far less constricted and more permissive environments for artists.
I kind of agree with the sentiment, but I also think the idea of the state funding artists like that undermines that idea a lot, I ultimately think Pollock's art was quite uninteresting, and it doesn't need to be explained in detail here why the CIA are extremely bad people.

Abstract and experimenral art has sprung from far more places beyond just socialist shitholes.

>Art of Mao's China or Soviet Russia focused on a "social realist" style that actually sought to solidify a national identity through a more formal and figurative subjects
That's a whole lot of nonsense words used to pretend that those weren't heavily censored environments which stifled artists and punished those who didn't fall in line.

>> No.5526776

>We like your art, and we'd like to pay you all this money to do illustrations for our magazine
Probably something like that.

Good cover art and poster art is certainly a rarity in this day and age.
Looking back 30 years ago, even a pretty shit and bland movie was likely to have some pretty decent, sometimes creative art for its cover and promotional material, because they'd go and pay a real artist to paint something up.

>> No.5526787
File: 180 KB, 736x1194, 313623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giger did mechanical stuff too, and he did things beyond phalluses alone.

>> No.5526792

Bela Lugosi's dead.

>> No.5527395

that pistol grip looks fucking dumb

>> No.5527428

how great that you see all of the problems and none of the solutions, your parents must be so proud

>> No.5527448


I admire that you feel sure enough in your assessment to post it on here, but you're being unnecessarily obtuse. It's art, dude, not surgery. It's expressly there for the subjective enjoyment of whomever happens to come across it.

Also, it's funny that people get so defensive of such and such artist over whatever the opposition happens to be when the artists themselves rarely show disdain for each other's work. It's almost as if they knew that a difference in style is something to be celebrated, not shunned.

>> No.5527453


Amazing stuff.

>> No.5527457

only people who fail as artists would have any motivation to resent others

>> No.5527460



>> No.5527463


thanks anon


>nonsense words

how stupid can one anon be?

>> No.5527523
File: 109 KB, 500x375, bMnEiN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet many contemporary/modern artists laugh themselves to sleep every night. You can't tell me that this isn't some sort of elaborate money laundering scheme.

>> No.5527634

On the contrary, for instance your parents could have aborted you (or your dad pulled out) and saved themselves, and everyone else, quite a bit of trouble.

>It's expressly there for the subjective enjoyment of whomever happens to come across it.
And I subjectively dislike it.

Here's a nice picture with some abstraction, the art is blocky and the lines hard, but everything is recognizable, and as a whole it represents a scene which is supposed to be taking place in the story of the game. Whether it does or not, I couldn't say, I haven't played it, but the artist tried based on what they knew (sometimes, cover artists get to know very little, yet they still try).

>> No.5527650

So you think Stalinism/Maoism was productive in encouraging the growth and proliferation of art, when people were fined, jailed, and murdered, for painting the 'wrong' paintings?

I personally think >>5525963 is a complete waste of time and there's little intellectual and emotional stimulation to be gained from it, yet that wouldn't justify me hanging the artist responsible.

Ironically the wails of a loser. Did you win a lot of participation trophies?

>> No.5527682

Man its so tempting to break in to that place and replace that all black painting with another all-black canvas and see if anyone would ever notice.

>> No.5527705

Maybe there was a quasi-poignant point to be made way back when someone first thought of this, but by now, the "solid color canvas" has been done so many times by so many art douches loving the smell own their own farts, it can't have any worthwhile meaning anymore.

>> No.5527708

Yeah doing it once is funny in an ironic way. Doing it more than once is just retarded.

>> No.5527718

In a way, it's a lot like how Reddit beat some memes to death in the past.

>> No.5527750

It's a shame you're such a sourpuss.
I actually run a really successful pinterest board of my favourite video game art where people are constantly asking to join.

You'll never be allowed into my inner circle.

>> No.5527772

Postmodernism was a way to shove subjectivity around anything and everything, to weaken the strong, and to do away with truth by claiming everything is a matter of perspective.

This generation was truly the worst possible time to be born. To see civilization crumble in real time and not be able to do anything about it.

>> No.5527783


Got any other five-dollar words to throw around?

>> No.5527789

Not for insecure brainlets like yourself.

>> No.5527804

How many dollars will "you're a fat useless cunt" set me back?

>> No.5527864

He's got a point in that post-modernism has at this point been very detrimental to western society.
I don't think the world is ending, but hell if it hasn't made for a lot of annoying cunts who just won't shut their fucking mouths.

>> No.5527873

my ultimate nigger
really wish Terada would still do games boxart

>> No.5527886

It produced anime and videogames. Everything else was overdone.

>> No.5528649

Is this loss?

>> No.5528657

worth it desu

>> No.5528659

is that because of post modernism or because the intellectual community was poisoned with pharmaceuticals and psy ops

>> No.5528664

You are fucking retarded

>> No.5528669

Some of both, I'd say.

>> No.5528701

>how stupid can one anon be?

You're the stupid one here. The communist regimes didn't allow freedom of expression. All art created during those times were for propaganda purposes. It wasn't the promotion of "national identity". They're trying were to brainwash the population to be loyal to the state.

>> No.5528707

During Stalinist rules in particular, they were VERY adamant that any form of art or entertainment serve some kind of political purpose, and you can see this thought reflected in a lot of socialists overall, how there's this idea that everything ever must be political somehow, hence why you have faggots who insist comedy can't be offensive and what not.

>> No.5528723

This isn't as cool but it's probably more accurate to what the game is actually like so I prefer it.

>> No.5528746

that's really devilish.

>> No.5528760

Then the artist would have more 2deep4u words to add on his work by saying “the idea is universal and theft-proof because it lives inside you” or some shit like that.

>> No.5528769
File: 20 KB, 346x344, 7436364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread unironically thinking under communism abstract art was promoted

Look up "social realism" you baboon tier brainlets.
Additionally did you know that postmodernist abstract art was actually legit financed by the CIA in order to literally fight communism during the cold war?
I'm not making this up.
Abstract art was LITERALLY SEEN as the form of ultimate expression and type of art that wouldn't fly under the communist regime.
It was used to PROMOTE the idea of capitalism, you pea brain niglets.

Goddamn, how the fuck is this generation growing up to be the biggest morons that ever lived, i'll never know.

>> No.5528778

This thread is proof that human devolution is real and that /pol/ was the catalyst. Jesus fucking christ they actually need to be culled. They can't leave a single thing untouched.

If it means lobstercuck dickriding little shits kill yourselves en masse then I'm all for it.

>> No.5528781


this is an 18+ website

>> No.5528782

>One of the only people in the thread who just wanted to discuss and share their love of old game art.
>Talk devolves into talking about post-modernism, and pseudo intellectual bullshit.

Sure, I trip over my own words, and I was stating the obvious, but at least I'm not an unbearable cunt like all of you wastes flesh banging on about modern art.
There was no need. OP was just used the gallery phrase to start a thread about great box art, and you all derailed it because you can't help yourselves.

I fucking hate this place, 4chan hasn't been good in over ten years.

>> No.5528787

/vr/ by definition has become
>i'm better and more legit than you because i play old games
So it's going to attract the worst pseudo boomers on 4chan with something to prove but little intelligence and actual experience to concretize any of it.
In turn this attracts people that hate them with a passion and see them as total idiots.
And thus the back and forth goes on.

>> No.5528792
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x800, The.Animatrix.BluRay.1080p.x264.5.1.Judas.mp4_snapshot_00.13.51_[2018.06.03_20.51.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking hate this place, 4chan hasn't been good in over ten years.

Or there was little consistantly good in the first place and you just kept coming here out of habit. Even with the like 3-4 year gap between when I stopped and when I started browsing again thanks to /sp/ I actually think I know better than pretty much every 14'er because I ***DO*** know better. And for every good thread there was like 5 fucking awful ones. Unsurprisingly, /sp/ was the first to fall complete victim to the colonization.

This site has been in constant freefall since spring 2014, and with recent events regarding another site, another shitstorm is about to happen, and the only people who could save the site from drowning either left or were themselves driven out by the flood.

>> No.5529526
File: 169 KB, 736x1000, 56512a370db5ac8d57fe20e0a10b83c5--ninja-clothing-ninja-gaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529532
File: 673 KB, 850x1104, 1553434282752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529534
File: 228 KB, 1006x640, cv-md-jp-Super_Shinobi_II-x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529539
File: 1001 KB, 1740x1370, 1526300910188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529541
File: 801 KB, 1754x2480, Sega-Altered-Beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529546
File: 3.97 MB, 3183x2015, ArrowFlash_MD_JP_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529554
File: 260 KB, 782x1200, DBqp3CmXsAEvDeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5529560
File: 138 KB, 500x726, 1368212572598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a game with Taiyo Matsumoto doing the art, character designs, etc

>> No.5530934

Nibba i'll be honest with you, i can beat my meat to this and the eurofag cover, the amerimutt cover is unfappable.

>> No.5531045

The CIA truly is evil holy shit

>> No.5531053

Abstract art wasn't really promoted under Communist regimes, but it's been employed in attempts to be subversive by individual socialists in non-Communist nations.

But yes, the CIA funded a bunch of that shit.

>> No.5531115

>recent events regarding another site


>> No.5531121

/r/cringeanarchy finally got banned and it's likely refugees from there will crawl over here

>> No.5531137

Oh, is that why it feels like there's more shitposting than usual?

>> No.5531263
File: 1.27 MB, 727x1024, Astaroth (Amiga, Atari ST).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5531808

I really think that this is both objectively and aesthetically one of the best game covers ever made. Not only does it look great, but it does a good job showing off in-game events and characters, such as the prince's mirror double

>> No.5531823
File: 1.32 MB, 1271x948, notam06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ART dink

>> No.5532004
File: 99 KB, 639x960, inverted_personages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!!! Finally a great post, Jesus fucking Christ.

The artist is Joan Miró.

>> No.5532053
File: 2.91 MB, 2048x1388, 1469233993577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure that's just a Hiroshi Nagai painting with some balloons added on top.

love that dude tho

>> No.5532683


>> No.5532689

My favorite.

>> No.5533225
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x2400, IMG_20190427_035450_237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5534219
File: 4 KB, 410x340, 1438458507556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon.

>> No.5535985


>> No.5536020

I like the imperfections of the line desu
It reminds me of wabi-sabi

>> No.5536543

One thing you guys fail to realize about those kinds of modern art works is that sometimes the whole point of it is provoking different thoughts or interpretations in different people who are looking at it.
Explaining this kind of art is like explaining a joke. But if you looked at one of those "single-color canvas" types of painting and thought "well, now this is some ridiculous piece of shit", well that's probably the reaction that the artist wanted to provoke.

>> No.5536552

Bruv, I hate to say it, but if you just used some masking tape (Not frog tape, just masking tape) and painted over it with a wide brush real fast, then pulled the tape before it fully dried, you'd get a similar result.

>> No.5536565

>The artist wanted people to understand how fucking retarded they were and so they seriously submitted a single color canvas in hopes someone would call them on their shit Pat Bateman-style
>TFW everyone thinks they're geniuses instead because its the brand new "Emperor's new clothes" situation and no one wants to feel left out, so they make shit up about what that random square of color makes them feel/think

>> No.5536641

Modern art is horrible

>> No.5536715

You missed the whole point of it.
I would ask you to explain what is your definition of "art", but I forget that we are in a Taiwanese ceramics discussion forum and expecting people here to have a serious discussion instead of the usual shitflinging competition is a waste of time.

>> No.5536792

So the artist is pretending to be retarded?
He sure fooled me, fooled me so much I genuinely do think he's a retard.

Provoking thoughts and feelings is all well and good, but if you're doing the exact same thing, why bother? The solid canvas was an interesting and novel idea the first time it was ever done intentionally, by this point it's just completely derivative and unoriginal. At least put a spin on it or approach it with a sort of similar idea, but a different concept.

You might as well take a photo of someone else's painting and claim you made it for all it matters.

>> No.5536802

I see the point, and I see it's a point already made by others countless times.

It's the painting equivalent of brainlessly quoting Dave Chappelle.

>> No.5536939

Guardian Legend isn't that obscure, but damn I love the cover.

>> No.5537013

That's pretty good honestly, would work well as a neutral wall decoration.

>> No.5537017

This, I thought it was kinda cool the first few times I saw it but now I just groan and assume it was made by some art student who had nothing to present and needed something last minute.

>> No.5537039

These are really good. I don't get what these faggots are on about.

>> No.5537069

That's rad m8

>> No.5537080
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. art student

>> No.5537081

Never studied art in my life, can't even draw for shit.

>> No.5537104

Hah, that's even better

>> No.5537324

found the illiterate

>> No.5537338

absolutely this

even moreso anarchists, socialists and european communists weren't much into 'abstract expressionism' but instead were into pushing figurative art forward. no one here even knows what the bauhaus is, or the austrian avant-garde

>> No.5537359

All commies will hang

>> No.5537653

>no one here even knows what the bauhaus is, or the austrian avant-garde
Maybe because they're dogshit.

>> No.5538690

I enjoy modern art, but this was a good read


>> No.5539721

>and the only people who could save the site from drowning either left or were themselves driven out by the flood.
RIP modcat

4chan was good up until Chanology, then it was on shaky grounds, 2014-2015 was when this place went into a death spiral.

>> No.5539795

It sure has seen better days, but I stick around for what few threads I still really like.

>> No.5540172

>If I saw this in an art gallery I woudln't bat an eye.
That's some pretty harsh criticism dude. I think it looks nice.