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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 11 KB, 256x223, cave of the past earthbound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5519293 No.5519293 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5519303

I can't unhear it now. Thanks, Earthbound Central.

>> No.5519325
File: 29 KB, 640x480, DCGaGihU0AAzjey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it me or does this entire section of the game make no logical sense

>> No.5519352

Is this meme game worth playing?

>> No.5519364

It's not suppose to. You basically travel to the end of spacetime where Giygas is being incubated. If they went in their flesh and blood bodies they'd die instantly.

>> No.5519581
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Honestly yes

>> No.5519673

Most of it "makes sense" in some way, but some of it is just totally outlandish. I thought it was still fitting for the game though.

>> No.5519703

I didn't like this part. I kept having to 'grind' and run back to the ship because I didn't want to waste any of my items on these mobs right before the boss and with no way to buy new items. I probably gained 5 levels per character trying to avoid the enemies and make it to the boss with full health but kept encountering then and fealing the burn so I had to run back to the ship.

>> No.5519707

There's butterflies on the path so you can cast PSI life, also both Paula and Poo have PP-absorving techniques you can use on non-mechanical enemies.

>> No.5519725
File: 11 KB, 256x224, mother2_onett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some good underlooked tracks. This one that plays during the meteorite expedition night at the beginning of the game gives me strong Twin Peaks vibes.

>> No.5519816
File: 13 KB, 480x360, ric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the song was just a single sample, from the beach boys, played back at various pitches.


same with the moonside BGM, different sample played back at various pitches.

not sure if they ever got the licensing for these

>> No.5519818

OP here, I know that.

>> No.5519819

>not sure if they ever got the licensing for these
you need a license for each short, heavily distorted sample you use? producers of electronic music across the world use various samples, from music, movies, even games, and I doubt they really pay a license.

>> No.5519820


>> No.5519860

I love what a fucky place that is, everything is just this pale rock, jutting out of all this pale mist, and you only hear these weird unearthly noises.

>> No.5519864

I always find it hilarious that people accuse Undertale of ripping off other sources because it used soundfonts from SNES games, when a lot of SNES soundfonts were ripped off from other sources a hell of a lot more shamelessly

>> No.5519998

>producers of electronic music across the world use various samples, from music, movies, even games
Dude I just remembered some rap song on the radio where they sampled the theme from the arcade version of Galaga. Some radio show I occasionally listen to puts in samples from Mario 64 from time to time during and between different songs. This would've been mindblowing to me decades ago that mass media like radio and TV even ACKNOWLEDGE video games, let alone show it off as much as they do for the past 5 or 6 years.

Although, I'm not sure if that's positive or negative. The last thing retro games need is even more posers who are only into it because they think it's popular.

>> No.5520006

A radio here in my country uses the Castlevania 1 intro fanfare (the one that plays during the short cutscene of Simon facing the dracula castle before starting level 1).
I think they play it each 30 or 60 min to announce any news, weather, etc.

>> No.5520008
File: 36 KB, 612x612, trak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only know that because i tracked it out and gave it to Tomato

>> No.5520087

I have Tomato as a Steam friend and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy

>> No.5520151

>that time earthbound fans compiled a list of reason nintendo wouldn't re-release earthbound

>> No.5520169

think you get up to 10 seconds of sampling for free before you have to get licensing and permissions

>> No.5520172

I remember when starmen.net got some 100,000+ unique petition for either for releasing either Mother 1 or Mother 3 in english. Either way Nintendo apparently just threw it away when it was delivered, and we still only got Earthbound official released.

>> No.5520178

I wish he never dropped the mother 1 remake but we don't deserve him anyway

>> No.5520179

mother 1 was released a few years ago, though

>> No.5520180

It's a fucking great game. It's pretty amazing that people haven't tried mimicking it until just recently.

>> No.5520184
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>It's a fucking great game.

why, though?

>> No.5520186

This petition was early 2000s, and I didn't realize Mother 1 was released a few years ago.

>> No.5520191

Mostly for its world, characters, atmosphere, and sense of humor. The story is alright, and the gameplay can at times be tedious, I don't think it's the best game or anything, but I do think that manages to carry itself a lot by just how goddamn charming and whimsical it is.

>> No.5520251

Get the SPCs and play with a foobar2k addon


>> No.5520254

does it make thematic sense then?

>> No.5520268

Asking if Earthbound is worth playing is a meme.

>> No.5520297



>> No.5520332

Metal bands will sample an entire minute of audio from random horror movies and they definitely aren't paying any license

>> No.5520362

There's really not a lot of definition or rules for sampling as I understand.

>> No.5520372

There are many style over substance games though.

>> No.5520384

The game's art style is really archaic and even kind of ugly for the time. It is the substance within the art style that makes people enjoy it.

But don't play it. You wouldn't like it.

>> No.5520401

>Lindblom was challenged by the task of culturally translating "an outsider's view of the U.S." for an American audience.[34] He also sought to stay true to the original text, though he never met or spoke with Itoi.[34] In addition to reworking the original puns and humor, Lindblom added private jokes and American cultural allusions to Bugs Bunny, comedian Benny Hill, and This Is Spinal Tap.[34] Apart from the dialogue, he wrote the rest of the game's text, including combat prompts and item names.[14] As one of several Easter eggs, he named a non-player character for his daughter, Nico, who was born during development. While Lindblom took the day off for her birth,[34] he proceeded to work 14-hour days[14] without weekends for the next month

Why do people continue to believe bullshit like this?
Earthbound does not have that much dialogue and someone who is fluent could translate the whole game in a couple of (normal) workdays.

>> No.5520419

This, desu. I feel like the only people who would actually like Earthbound are the ones who were attracted to it immediately.

>> No.5520425

That's also 98 hours a week.

>> No.5520440

What's incorrect?

>> No.5520482

I never understood why people on /vr/ get so anal about the translations of the mother series.
Were the originals and literal translations really so great? Because everywhere else I only see people remark that the scripts were just as dry as any other jrpg.

>> No.5520591

>Because everywhere else I only see people remark that the scripts were just as dry as any other jrpg.
Where do you see that? Japanese people like the Mother series precisely because they say Itoi's writing style is unique.
Too bad he unexplicably changed Borges' Bar to Jacky's Cafe. I understand, sort of, the change from Bar to Cafe, muh family image NoA wants, but why remove the reference to Borges?

>> No.5520686

>Japanese people like the Mother series precisely because they say Itoi's writing style is unique.
In what regards, exactly? I know people dote on how quirky the series is, but as far as I can tell there's nothing in the mother series that you couldn't get out of a 20th century fantasy novel like the phantom tollbooth or the oz series.
I guess the mother series has meta-textual elements that sets it apart of most jrpgs?

>> No.5520697

the new nintendo doesn't like it because it's off brand

that's literally their reasoning they're infested with reptiles

>> No.5520698

Honestly, it seems to me that part of the appeal that itoi's writing would have to a Japanese audience would be how western it is. Mother 1 and 2 both take place of in america (or eagleland) and even in an untranslated state has a lot of references to western media. No doubt that a Japanese audience would see a lot of novelty in that, especially when it comes from a fellow japanese and not a filthy gaijin.

>> No.5520712

>You basically travel to the end of spacetime where Giygas is being incubated.
Huh? No, you travel to the past. That's why everything is misty and primordial looking. They even call it the Cave of the Past in the present to signal that something significant happened there.

>> No.5520910


Its a basic interpretation of The World of Forms as explained by Plato.

>> No.5520920

Nobody gave a shit about Earthbound a few years ago. Hell, even Smash didn't make the game more popular at all so, where are you people coming from?

>> No.5520927

>Nobody gave a shit about Earthbound a few years ago.
What rock have you been living under? It's already been 5 years since Nintendo put it on the VC and it was popular before that.

>> No.5520929

Not true, people were freaking out about Earthbound as early as 15 years ago. It was like 60 bucks at a time when SNES games were cheap af.

>> No.5520931

wait wait wait what the fuck

Buzz Buzz isn't a Bee? He's a fucking Rhinocerous beetle?

>> No.5520940

>Nobody gave a shit about Earthbound a few years ago

What are you talking about? If this post was made in 2002 I would agree with you.

Before Super Smash64 nobody really cared about Earthbound, which is why it was being sold so cheap at the time. I remember having no idea who Ness was when I unlocked him in Super Smash64 and none of my friends knew who he was either. It wasn't until 2003 when ZSNES became popular at my highschool and people were talking about fun SNES games that a bunch of us found out about Earthbound and it became somewhat popular but still obscure. You couldn't walk up to anybody and ask them about it like you could with Mario. I was tempted to buy a copy of it complete in box in 2004 on eBay for 120$ but that seemed pretty high when I could just play it on my emulator for freeeeeee. Then the price continued to climb and here we are today.

Modern games still only found out about Earthbound because of Super Smash Melee/brawl/ultimate.

>> No.5520952



>> No.5520956
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>> No.5520964
File: 41 KB, 1175x580, Screenshot_2019-04-22 Google Trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops. wrong one, lol

Raw place here had to close. dum fad. The food was shit. Most of the calories from nuts, extracted coconut oil, and de-fibered juice, because cooked starches are bad meme. I often saw squirrels going into the upper floor.

>> No.5521037

Yes, in original Mother 2 he's described as a rhinocerous beetle, not a bee.

>> No.5521039

Lardna calls him a dung beetle, and Buzz Buz himself even tells you he's not a bee:
>"A bee I am... not."

>> No.5521048

He says "a rhinocerous beetle (kabutomushi)... i am not" in original Mother 2

>> No.5521063
File: 64 KB, 175x159, Hbomberguy ecstatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, "The Place" is one of the best tracks on the SNES

>> No.5521136

That's exactly why I thought he was an alien that just looked like a bee

I don't care north america version buzz buzz is a bee

>> No.5521139

The original Mother has the best soundtrack on the Famicom and theres some serious fucking competition there

the whole series has literally perfect sound design, does anyone remember the near fucking heart attack they had the first time they booted up earthbound not knowing what was about to happen

>> No.5521142

I don't know if this is just my headcanon or I read this somewhere, but I think he wasn't always an insect but he was a hero who fought against Giygas and got transformed into that form by Giygas' minions in the future.

>> No.5521150

>The original Mother has the best soundtrack on the Famicom and theres some serious fucking competition there
Word. I get goosebumps when I listen to Wisdom of the World or All I Needed Was You. They conjure up feelings of happy childhood memories even though I didn't finish EB Zero until I was in my 20s.



>does anyone remember the near fucking heart attack they had the first time they booted up earthbound not knowing what was about to happen
There's still nothing like it, at least not that I've played.

>> No.5521157

>There's still nothing like it, at least not that I've played.
there is buddy, the triceratops scream in SaGa Frontier

both of them were actually the loudest possible sounds that the hardware could make

>> No.5521162

>both of them were actually the loudest possible sounds that the hardware could make
Interesting! I wouldn't have thought that it couldn't go louder than that.

>> No.5521320

Why are the ultimate weapons in earthbound so shit?

>> No.5521325

because weapons are not something you should desire, they're more of an obligation and in this case you are not obligated

>> No.5521335

Ness is a healer with off-times clearing, Paula is using PSI, Jeff has tools and Poo is just a stand-in for Paula or Ness when the other is predisposed somehow. Also Healing Omega.
Your regular attacks aren't meant to be stupendously useful. You're taking on aliens with a baseball bat, really.

It doesn't help that shields pop up a lot later on.

>> No.5521340

>You're taking on aliens with a baseball bat, really.
Only ness. Jeff's normal weapons would probably be crazy powerful if the game was following any sort of realism.

>> No.5521343

If you actively need ness for heals, you're doing something wrong.
It's weird how they simultaneously made him the best and worst party member. Both an essential anchor with the best stats and does the best job at keeping the team alive, but also the least useful for a player capable of maximizing their damage outputs with the other characters. And not to mention probably the most boring toolset.

>> No.5521350

I always assumed it was Itoi telling you that grinding for rare drops in JRPGs is a terrible use of your time, and that you should do something mroe useful with it.

>> No.5521395

That arranged album of Mother was interesting

>> No.5522205
File: 11 KB, 480x360, time forgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WWOMP WAH WAH wahwah-wahwah

>> No.5522231

Love those trumpets. I think they're also sampled from some song, maybe The Beatles.

>> No.5522296

>zoomer pretending hes a bommer

>> No.5522326

All you need is love

>> No.5522378

It's really amazing.
Keiichi Suzuki is a genius.

>> No.5522380


>> No.5522627
File: 83 KB, 427x600, 1555553707477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you've prayed, /vr/

>> No.5522678


>> No.5522757

To top it off you can also have Poo transform into one of the nuclear robots and have him heal the shit out of your party for free.

>> No.5523216

>The casey bat increases Ness' Offense stat by 125, making it the strongest overall of his weapons, but will only hit 25% of the time under normal circumstances. However, its accuracy and the chance of it scoring SMAAAASH!! hits increases as Ness' party members are knocked out, and while fighting opponents much stronger than the party.
>In addition, if used directly from the inventory, its accuracy is increased.
Fucking what

>> No.5524034

In what way are they shit?

>> No.5524061


>> No.5524221

Poo's only weapon really only adds a measly +30 damage and is 1/128 drop in an area that will stop spawning enemies when you finish it.
Jeff's ultimate weapon is another 1/128 damage that actually has worse damage output than his readily available multi-bottle rockets and is worse against multiple targets than the Heavy Bazooka.
Ness's ultimate weapon is yet another rare drop and is found at literally the last kind of enemy you can encounter before the final boss, in an area you cannot return from.

>> No.5525121

never played all of earthbound, so this is all I think of when hear this location mentioned.

>> No.5525228

it's Dragon quest that takes place in MODERN times. made in a sea of JRPG's that always took place in a medieval european world powered by steam and magic.

If you can get past that it's a first-person RPG, you could enjoy the colorful visuals, story and dialogue

>> No.5525350

Not true, any unlicensed sample can get you sued. Shorter samples are harder to recognize than longer samples though and tend to go unnoticed

>> No.5525443
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, 1555654340768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Paula get kidnapped three times when she is the most powerful PSI user in the game?

>> No.5525528

No one has ever being sued for plagarism over a sample

>> No.5525587

what was the third time?

>> No.5525592

Well kidnapping not be the right word for one of them. She gets kidnapped by the cult, gets captured with Ness in Threed with Jeff having to free them, then she gets kidnapped again in the department store.

>> No.5525625

>because weapons are not something you should desire
But weapons are good.

>> No.5525698

Did they put the earth pendant in the magicant store just to troll the player?
That item description says it protects from flash, but it most certainly does not, so have fun against Ness's nightmare if you sold the night or rain pendants.

>> No.5525715

>Jeff's ultimate weapon is another 1/128 damage that actually has worse damage output than his readily available multi-bottle rockets and is worse against multiple targets than the Heavy Bazooka.
Well, yeah the bazooka is awesome, but if his ultimate weapon is better than the bazooka against single enemies then it's still ultimate, the rockets are consumable.

>> No.5525717

why would ness ever not be wearing the franklin badge

>> No.5525719

this. it was a gift from paula

>> No.5525779

What the fuck?
I always looked at it and went "Nah, it's not worth it. It probably won't even work 25% of the time it will be more like 10% of the time and I need predictability and reliability when playing RPG's"

Maybe I'll give it another go and try some different weapon setups.

>> No.5526053

The Franklin badge doesn't block psi flash, retards

>> No.5526581

based and paulapilled

not based and not paulapilled

>> No.5526856

Paula is gay and can suck my dick
I always have to give her the franklin badge because she dies to everything with thunder otherwise

>> No.5526872
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>> No.5526926

Cause girl

>> No.5527872

brainlet: playing for story
normal brain: playing for general atmosphere and quirks
initiated: playing for gameplay experimenting with items and stat ailments a lot.
woke: playing for itoi's writing
ascended: playing for suzuki's soundtrack

>> No.5527968

I love twin Peaks and the Mother/Earthbound series but I never noticed the similarities before now. Wtf. That's uncanny.

>> No.5528005

What is The World of Forms?

>> No.5528682

use psi shield you idiot

>> No.5528887

Sunflower is very underrated

>> No.5529013

based and paulapilled

>> No.5529127

I love this version of All That I needed Was You


Mother 1 is the best game to sing with

>> No.5529164
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>> No.5529186

>can't transport their human bodies so have to use robot bodies
>except for some reason Porky is also there in the flesh

>> No.5529213

post more paula

>> No.5529234

porky had the spidermech which probably protected him

>> No.5529242

>Porky is able to make a better method of time travel than Dr Andonuts and the Mr. Saturns despite being some punk kid
>they couldn't have just built a robot container for the kids to use to time travel without potentially killing them

>> No.5529246

>The original Mother has the best soundtrack on the Famicom
nothing pershonel

>> No.5529265

Considering he's with Giygas at the end, he could've gotten some time travelling gear from the future, given to him by Starmen or something.

>> No.5529297
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 1556207623526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Ms. Polestar to you

>> No.5529323

Enlightened: playing for the soundtrack as a potent element to the atmosphere

>> No.5529332

Archetypes are the eternal reality, our world only partakes in them.

>> No.5529395

based and polestarpilled

>> No.5529494

You're right, they get sued for copyright infringement

>> No.5529538

>Porky is able to make a better method of time travel than Dr Andonuts and the Mr. Saturns despite being some punk kid
Except he isn't. It has taken an extremely visible toll on his body when you meet him in the Devil Machine chamber, and his time travel shenanigans have extremely altered his body in Mother 3.

>> No.5529764

it's so good that it's insufferable fanbase has to rely on dumb faggot zoomers to recreate it with rpg maker """games""" which they then collectively pay millions of dollars for. Pretty good honestly

>> No.5529767

I think that was actually the effect of Giygas' concentrated radiating evil and hatred effecting his body over the course of the game that turned him all creepy green and the alien tech time machine actually kept him safe until he overused it

in Mother 3 he's already a white haired old man with facial hair so it would be like 10-20 years minimum before he starts to stop aging and become inert yet somehow conscious.

>> No.5529774

Undertale and Lisa are honestly both pretty entertaining post-era commentaries of the times we grew up in.

>> No.5529781
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Redpill me on this guy.

>> No.5529791
File: 236 KB, 600x1235, 1555552261330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on this girl.

>> No.5529797

I'm serious though, what do we make of Liar X. Agerate?
Is he a bad guy?

>> No.5529814

I'm serious, as well. What do we make of the girl who has the best magic and speed? She is also the best girl? Why aren't there more down home, religious girls in games?

>> No.5529821
File: 942 KB, 500x446, mother2_devilm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's Paula, the female protagonist of Mother 2, duh.

>> No.5529930

Why does he look like Hard4Games

>> No.5529941

I just finished this game the other day. Last 3 areas were such a chore to play through.

>> No.5529947
File: 438 KB, 700x700, BoneHurtingJuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (You) dumb zoomer.

>> No.5529959

So no one is allowed to dislike this game?

>> No.5530005

No, they can enjoy mother. Enjoying Transtale or LISA: the rpgmaker game is against the rules however.

>> No.5530442


>> No.5530457

>it's so good that it's insufferable fanbase has to rely on dumb faggot zoomers to recreate it with rpg maker """games"""
LIterally what are you talking about? I've been in the MOTHER fandom for over two decades and have never seen an RPG Maker fangame based on EarthBound.

>> No.5530638

Real talk. Tony is annoying as hell.

>> No.5530642
File: 41 KB, 450x450, 1551844393703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that guy

>> No.5530674

Well he is literally a faggot according to Shigesato Itoi.

>> No.5530706

are all gays such clingy, insecure and whiny fags?
It's no wonder Jeff stole all his birthday cookies and abandoned him at the boarding school.

>> No.5530715
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>> No.5530739


>> No.5530979

i had this weird mandela effect thing recently where i thought earthbound had ripped off magical mystery tour

when you listen to it, it totally sounds like it would fit in that game

>> No.5531005

dude do you just not like girls or something

>> No.5531547
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Paula a cute.

>> No.5531714

Yeah, there are a number of Beatles songs that sound like they could fit in Earthbound, but it's especially true of MMT.

>> No.5532370

i could see it being used for one of the bus rides or a train ride

>> No.5532383

So is there a way to use the condiments on food? Like the ketchup or choco chips. I'd assume they should be able to be used on other food like burgers or cookies, but when I try to use them (ketchup, tabasco, etc), I just eat them and get few HP replenished.

>> No.5532556

Using the main food items while carrying the corresponding condiment will automatically ''add'' the condiment to the item - for example, eating a hamburger while carrying a pack of ketchup will recover more HP, in exchange for using both items.

>> No.5532559

I see, should have figured it out, thanks anon.

>> No.5532932

>a girl is gay and can suck my dick
I mean

>> No.5532952
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>> No.5532957

the main use of this is being able to put sugar on stat candy and some other unlikely combinations since a lot of the time it's not better than just having two hamburgers instead.

>> No.5532970

Nice tip. I just wasted a luck capsule though.

>> No.5533139

based and paulapilled
If you play Darkside of the Moon backwards it lines up with Eartbound

>> No.5533215

Anything can line up with DSOTM if you fuck with it.

>> No.5533301

>Beyond: Not playing it all but knowing and appreciating all those aspects

>> No.5533648

I enjoy replaying it for the initiated, woke and ascended points.

>> No.5534040


>> No.5534295

it's an eerie masterpiece

>> No.5534304


>> No.5534385
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>> No.5534392

wisdom of the world, even in NES form, genuinely makes me sad when i listen to it.

>> No.5534401

>even in NES form
You say that as if NES chiptune isn't magical.
I love the arranged vocal versions, but nothing beats Pollyanna on original chiptune.

>> No.5534403
File: 160 KB, 828x965, m1__magicant_dragon_by_anniemae04-dakzc2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a mother 1, thread. Why aren't you replaying mother 1 or listening to the ost right now?

>> No.5534404
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>> No.5534415

Damn, that's a nice bass and guitar combo over there. It's also refreshing to hear a video game cover with clean guitars instead of distorted or overdriven like almost every VG cover I've ever encountered.

>> No.5534417
File: 352 KB, 900x675, mother1 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5534820

I wish all of Battle Against An Otherworldly Foe was as good as the intro

>> No.5534879

Why is the music that plays in Lumine Hall not on the ost or YouTube?

>> No.5535179 [DELETED] 
File: 491 KB, 1400x1300, 1555129339231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5535198


>> No.5535350

Why are Mother threads always filled with this ugly tumblr art? Fuck off retard.

>> No.5535434


The song the always brings tears...for no reason at all.


>> No.5535578
File: 556 KB, 638x824, 1374828912088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two pictures is "filled"
Do yourself a favor and calm your autism

>> No.5536283

>tunnel visioned one word of a post so you could make a snarky response
Worst part is you don't even have a leg to stand on there because you didn't realize it could refer to past Mother threads and not specifically this one.

>> No.5536425 [DELETED] 


>> No.5536454

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘te56D0zRXipmtrBquyCs3A==’. 3 results found.

There you go with that autism, again

>> No.5536710
File: 8 KB, 256x224, mother_cafewarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what exactly happened here?

>> No.5536726

Secret door to warehouse

>> No.5536849

Which reminds me, redpill me on the Mani Mani.
How many of these are there?

>> No.5536856

Why did the mods delete this bump?

>> No.5536884 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 640x594, EF977081-2C4D-43C7-B531-21C8935067A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny janny does not like girls who pray

>> No.5536909

What a heathen.

>> No.5536919

>>In addition, if used directly from the inventory, its accuracy is increased.
>Fucking what
I'm actually playing through right now and just got it. I'm going to play around with that. I would think using it in your inventory would just equip it, but let's see.

>> No.5536928

Just one I thought. You follow it from where lier x. Finds it to destroying it in moonside/fourside.
It later reappears as ness's nightmare

>> No.5536937

Chance to hit in earthbound is determined by speed stat, right?
Would equipping ness with the rabbit's foot be "optimal" for someone who wanted to use the casey bat heavily?

>> No.5536950

When you use an equippable item from your inventory, the character re-equips it and then uses it (if it's a weapon).
I wonder how the game even calculates a different hit chance if above post is true.

>> No.5536953

Well it still missed a lot. I guess if it helps a little bit, then it's better than the regular way.

If this is righthttps://forum.starmen.net/forum/Games/Mother2/34866, then the target's speed only plays into the target's ability to dodge. You missing is calculated differently, and doesn't mention speed for miss chances.

>> No.5536960

I just figured that since speed boosts the power of Jeff's rockets it had something to do with hit accuracy.

>> No.5536980

Earthbound isn't supposed to make logical sense. It's based pretty much entirely in evoking emotions through atmosphere alone

>> No.5536984


>> No.5536997

That's just what it says on this wiki.

Obviously it has a good chance of being total bullshit, but the claims are interesting

>> No.5537223

Underrated song

>> No.5537317

What are the most worth while enemies to mirror with Poo?

>> No.5537343

Nuclear powered robots for free heals.

>> No.5537495
File: 110 KB, 410x317, arsch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5537503

>draw paula as an anime girl
>fully clothed, literally nothing lewd
>gets deleted
Is she missing the burqa?

>> No.5537508

When did I say "that specific image" and not "ugly tumblr art"? Keep digging that hole.

>> No.5537634
File: 84 KB, 1440x1080, EarthBound (USA)-190429-210212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and paulapilla. Wasn't even trying to get it.

>> No.5537868

congrats anon, that one is very annoying to frind for

>> No.5538008

I wonder why they used youngtown's theme as paula's.

>> No.5538026

cause plot

>> No.5538090
File: 840 KB, 1000x1685, sword of kings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got that fucking sword, or that fucking frying pan.

>> No.5538108
File: 57 KB, 800x624, 1555420540659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im one of these dumb zoomer faggots and im currently makin a earthmeme clone

you guys got any tips to making the game more SOUL?
i obviously cant do anything like rolling down hp bars in RPG maker although i got a few tricks up my sleeve (VR headsets) but that's about it
and i dont even like the VR because it gives me a headache
i cant even do something special like paula's pray function or having the enemy type text during battle and i think it massively hampers me..

>> No.5538157

>i cant even do something special like paula's pray function or having the enemy type text during battle and i think it massively hampers me..
RPG Maker is very limited and rigid, have you considered Game Maker Studio instead? It's more flexible.
VR is a terrible gimmick, don't bother with it. If you're gonna do a gimmick, make it something that's about gameplay.

Don't do what that hipster numale did with Yiik, it's FULL of bad design decisions, and I'm not even getting into the douchebag MC who's the dev's self-insert, like go look at some in-depth reviews of it and see why that game doesn't work in terms of gameplay.
(Be wary if you're prone to epileptic seizures, that game loves to flash the screen constantly)
You want make sure the gameplay isn't tedious and drawn out, normal enemy encounters shouldn't constantly make the player go "Aw fuck, not MORE combat!", challenging the player is good, but you don't want him to feel like you're just constantly wasting his time, if it's not a boss or miniboss, the fight should be able to be beat in fairly short order, assuming the player isn't underleveled or underequipped for the part.

There's some delicate balance in all of this, but you should recognize some pitfalls to try to avoid, and you should try to make something which you think would be fun.

Do you have like a basic idea for what you want your game to be? Like just a quick and vague description of the overall plot, and what kind of gameplay you're looking to have?

>> No.5538185
File: 2.49 MB, 950x506, vr tester.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i currently have i post on agdg all da time
i always thought something like twin peaks x earthbound would be good match just like how a above anon said the first track sounded like TP..
i got nothing about the plot and i tried reading hero of a thousand faces and watched some robert mckee videos but still drawing a blank..

>> No.5538203

I guess RPGMaker has changed a lot since I was a kid.

Uh, for plot, it wouldn't actually have to be anything really complex.
Is it an entirely surrealist world, or are there parts which are more or less normal?

Maybe the main characters are looking for a treasure, because they have some kind of dream they want to achieve, or some kind of seriously pressing financial need?
Maybe it could be a murder mystery + revenge story?

>> No.5538224

i was gonna make it a modern setting cuz i had one of those cheesey its 199x start screens but i removed it cuz i thought it was so passe
>Maybe the main characters are looking for a treasure
yeah that could work !!

>> No.5538730

I was cycling through all the dont care names, and I accidentally chose Dan instead of Jeff. Didnt really realize it until I got to Threed

>> No.5538780


>> No.5538902
File: 9 KB, 512x448, mother2_mrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was this guy, anyway?
Why did he have so much information about Paula's mom?

>> No.5538921

paula is famous in twoson

>> No.5538926

That song was more unsettling to me than Deidre/The Place was.

>> No.5538937

Kinda agree. Deidre is unsettling but it's what you'd expect, but the cave of the past music takes you by surprise, and it's not even identifiable if it's peaceful, dreary, angelical or diabolical.

>> No.5540449

What the fuck game is that from?

>> No.5540942


Homwrecka Nigga

>> No.5541191

Did it do it better?


>> No.5541307

>doing anything good

>> No.5541385

It did a lot good, you're just being a dumbass.

>> No.5541397

Fuck off from /vr/ if you want to talk about undertale

>> No.5542017

What the fuck is The Ghost of Starman's problem? Paula can only get PSI Shield Omega up before his initial Starstorm like half the time. Should I give Paula the rabbit foot?

Also Ness has like 700 hp, and the next highest HP is Poo with like 330hp. What the fuck is up with that?

>> No.5542030

>What the fuck is The Ghost of Starman's problem?
Seems like Starmen became weaker as time went on, their ancestors are more powerful.
>Also Ness has like 700 hp, and the next highest HP is Poo with like 330hp. What the fuck is up with that?
Ness had the Magicant boost.

>> No.5542079


>> No.5542090

It's actually incredible just how much lore, hiddens stuff, info is still being discovered in this game. Like only last year was it discovered that when you get to the meteor at the start and have a second controller plugged in pressing stuff on the 2nd controller changes what the beam of light does

>> No.5542094

Catherine Warwick is a really good singer. Really shocking that she was only 14 when recording for this album.

>> No.5542098

do you think she and keiichi suzuki....?

>> No.5542109

uh, no

>> No.5542187

Hurry up and finish whatever you're making and call it Mother 4

>> No.5542264

Paula should be able to outspeed them if you give her at least the crystal charm

>> No.5542323
File: 217 KB, 826x968, mother_keiichi_catherine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I know that Keiichi is a natural chad. I've seen women get clingy with him on stage for example (when he's performing with female artists, etc).

>> No.5542340

>japanese man is a few inches taller than 14 year old white girl

>> No.5542460


>> No.5542723

>Also Ness has like 700 hp, and the next highest HP is Poo with like 330hp. What the fuck is up with that?
That's fucking cool though, did you get the point of the whole magicant part?

>> No.5542725

meant for >>5542017

>> No.5542778

>I've seen women get clingy with him on stage for example (when he's performing with female artists, etc).
you seen the guy live?

>> No.5542849

He just said, one he's working on.

>> No.5542879

>take everything you ought to do
>split it up into retarded tiers

>> No.5542892
File: 40 KB, 500x317, 1292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms. Jones*

>> No.5542893


>> No.5542915

No. I was actually pretty underwhelmed by it.

>> No.5542918

Most people don't experiment with items and stat ailments much, and to read Itoi's writing you'd have to play the original japanese, and be able to read moon.

>> No.5542920

It is pretty common in hip hop. You guys talking about sample laws in this thread have no idea what youre talking about. Basically if a sample is used in any way, the artist and studio are liable to get it sorted before sending it out for sale, and if caught could face retaliation from the original creator of the sample. A lot of times this goes under the radar because 1) The sample is obscure or manipulated enough that the source is never found or 2) The artist earns money under a threshold that is seen as low enough that pursuing them legally is no longer worth it financially.

>> No.5542929

paula best girl

>> No.5542932

M.C Hammer got successfully sued by Little Richard for sampling Superfreak in Can't Touch This.

>> No.5542993

usually the ones that inflict status effects since the game is smartly programmed for such things to be useful. There's always some type of battle where mirroring is effective after you get him.

>> No.5543039

Superfreak was Rick James and MC Hammer was never sued over U Can't Touch This.

>> No.5543068
File: 47 KB, 1440x1080, Earthbound-190430-221600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5543076

Why does this series have reddit as its entire fanbase?

>> No.5543103

Why do you make bad /v/ tier posts?

>> No.5543108

These kids didn't even exist when things like japan time and mother 3 fantranslation happened.

>> No.5543204
File: 1 KB, 80x200, eve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl coming through

and best song

>> No.5543556

there's a difference in how much the sample covers obliviously, Superfreak and Can't touch this have a very similar structure while say a small sample that's only used for a few times in a song (and not as the beat/melody) wouldn't be seen as been plagiarized.

>> No.5543580

>The sample of "Super Freak" that forms the basis of the song led Rick James and other performers on the original record to file a lawsuit for infringement of copyright. The suit was settled out of court when Hammer agreed to credit James as a songwriter, effectively granting James millions of dollars in royalties.[5]
So not successfully sued (nor, Little Richard), but settled.

>> No.5543594

>tunnel visioned one word of a post
Even if you removed that one word the post is still retarded. Two whole images wah wah wah. Do you really need a safe space?

>> No.5545236
File: 18 KB, 1440x1080, Earthbound-190502-193251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understood this what was so damn funny

>> No.5545245

>Pokey, you don't like steak, do you? TOO BAD!

>> No.5545247

he's saying his mom is ugly as fuck

>> No.5545702

Porky is imitating his parents who sit around all day complaining about and criticizing other people while living as con artists.

>> No.5545783
File: 16 KB, 167x154, 1556327883633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runaway five/venus performances

>> No.5545959

Venus-chan is so hot

>> No.5546170

I just found the entire Keiichi Suzuki Lost Tapes Vol. 2 album readily available to download on FLAC or listen online
I hadn't listened to many of those before, like the demo version of Pollyanna, it has different lyrics.

>> No.5546225

He's a sycophant.

>> No.5546242
File: 60 KB, 780x439, dude_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M.C Hammer got successfully sued by Little Richard
>Little Richard
dude, no


>> No.5546740

Venus's mom has funny dialogue

>> No.5546763

oh man I wanna be friends with this guy so bad

>> No.5546779

You did remember to pray, right /vr/?

>> No.5546994
File: 52 KB, 768x323, ZOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished it last night, after more than 2 decades of asking myself if it was worth playing. In the end I found it to be a good playthrough, so it's worth it, yeah. But, it's really off-kilter from most normal stuff. If you can get past basic weirdness you'll find a nice story with sparse but effective writing, some creative music with some really funky bass lines, well balanced gameplay that honestly drags on a bit after a while, and an honest and authentic emotional core.

It's a simple but endearing game. You might not like it, but it's worth a look. It's not perfect, though. The inventory system is interesting, but unwieldy and juggling items between your characters and Escargot Express gets really tiring really fast. In the last third of the game you'll probalby find yourself avoiding battles at all costs because they get dull. I mentioned the game's emotional core, and it's great, but because of the sparse writing, it takes its time to fully develop and you might miss it.

It's also really good-natured and easy going. Reminds me of a few movies I've seen by Japanese directors like Ozu, Kore-Eda, or Kazuhiro Soda.

tl;dr I liked it.

>> No.5546996

>Pokey, you don't like /ss/, do you?

>> No.5547726
File: 72 KB, 843x948, ness and paula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5547958


>> No.5547983

Do you live in Transylvania or Africa?

>> No.5547984

Anyone know of any good hacks for replays? Looking for an uncensor and a retranslation alongside any other goodies. Who's got experience with the maternalbounds and all them?

>> No.5548374

paula a cute

>> No.5549158
File: 1.27 MB, 1875x1875, earthbound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some clearer footage of one of the Mother 64 trailers got leaked.

If only we could get a rom of it.

>> No.5549259
File: 78 KB, 1024x701, 1578338DEFCB487994C1C8AA849AA3CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize how good this track was until a replay.
>once it gets to 44 seconds

>> No.5549272

I always thought he was a fly

>> No.5549625
File: 103 KB, 269x634, IMG_20190210_213435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know the artist's name?

>> No.5549641

>do you know the artist's name?
Nope. Another paulapilled anon posted it first.

>> No.5549667


>> No.5549670

I wish scaraba was a longer part of the game.
I honestly kind of hate how the second half of earthbound has retardly fast pacing. Everything after fourside is so brief

>> No.5550265

I agree.

>> No.5550303

I remember picking up Earthbound at a yard sale after the PS2 came out. I was lucky as hell, because even loose carts are expensive.

>> No.5550561
File: 77 KB, 387x607, Screenshot_20190505_132302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. i wish he did more paula

>> No.5550714
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, Erdrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Sword of Kings isn't fit for poo in loos

>> No.5550720

The world needs more Paula in grneral

>> No.5550740
File: 86 KB, 427x1024, IMG_20190226_021806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5552263
File: 698 KB, 700x945, earthbound desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when the game became a globetrotting adventure I found it much more enjoyable, shame it goes by so fast.

>> No.5552642

are you shitting me, that is the slowest part of the game. It's needed and I love it, but I'd rather extend twoson or summers than fuck around in there

>> No.5552702

Scaraba goes by really fast though, I think Twoson is far slower (though I like that part a lot).

>> No.5552743

Hirophant green?

>> No.5552791

>paula wearing ness's cap

>> No.5552889


>> No.5552946

I love JRPG endings where you just get to walk around and interact with the world. So comfy. Also what kind of faggot wouldn’t walk Paula home?

>> No.5553001

Why walk her home when you can teleport to the summers museum and glitch the game fighting the shattered man?

>> No.5553282

You at least introduced Paula to your family before crashing the game, right?

>> No.5554185

Good thread, /vr/. Very minimal shitposting, if any. It was fun.

>> No.5554201
File: 491 KB, 1400x1300, 1555129339231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also why did mods put this thread on auto sage before the bump limit? Does that happen automatically to old threads?

>> No.5554629
File: 159 KB, 360x490, Earthbound Clay Ness US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think there's a age limit on threads, I know there are on certain boards.

Also official art US Ness > official art Jap Ness

>> No.5554676
File: 513 KB, 1440x1080, Earthbound-190502-193114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5554681
File: 14 KB, 1440x1080, Earthbound-190502-192934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5554863

ngl, 2>3

>> No.5554884

Yes, It happens to every /vr/ thread now

>> No.5554904

to be fair, this board is slower than /n/ sometimes.

>> No.5555326
File: 118 KB, 571x581, earthbound ness shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for Ness is best boy

>> No.5555336

Yes, the mods are stupid fucking faggots who would rather stifle people having an actual discussion than to deal with problems on the board.