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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 425x234, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5515316 No.5515316 [Reply] [Original]

>Invents cinematic gaming
>Combat is a casual version of Wizardry and Ultima
>Level/dungeon design is non-existent
>Steals art and aesthetics from Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa

How is this considered a good game? It's the most cancerous shit ever.

>> No.5515336

Already tells me what I need to know about your toxic garbage opinion

>> No.5515464
File: 66 KB, 600x750, 4chan_1c175d_1609526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're entitled to your opinion, but you're still a retard.

>> No.5515471

>Invents cinematic gaming

Clueless statements: vr edition!

>> No.5516370

FF6 took the direction that FF4 went and went way to far at the expense of the combat encounters and overall gameplay. FF7 wasnt as bad in that regard but the FF series would never truly recover

>> No.5517010

I like how you go out of your way to bring up wizardry and ultima for no reason.

>> No.5517271

I bet he has played neither

>> No.5517275

What is cinematic gaming, what games within the last two years could be considered that, and what in Final Fantasy VI be considered that?

>> No.5518295

>stealing from Nausicaa
I know this is a bait thread, but who cares? It's not like Nausicaa had super original art direction. It was just Miyazaki's take on Moebius' Arzach that was done in Nippon Animation style.

>> No.5518310

He probably hasn't even played ff

>> No.5518323

>Invents cinematic gaming
Wait, are you complaining that RPG is story-driven? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.5518328
File: 8 KB, 256x240, ng_just_a_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invents cinematic gaming

>> No.5518332

Yeah, I thought "Cinematic gaming" referred to those realistic-movement games that started with Karateka

>> No.5518486

Wtf I love ff6 even more now

>> No.5518489

>drawing pointless comparisons between two unrelated games

Sure reeks of /v/ermin in here

>> No.5518503

Cinematic gaming was a thing loooooooong before Final Fantasy VI was out, son.

>> No.5518514

>How is this considered a good game?
I'm sorry, did you mean to list any negatives?

>> No.5519892

>Erhm no
>Basically, like all the jrpgs in the world, except for some exceptions that normally are games that didn't leave japan
>Erhm no
>*Insert comments about this belief that all japanese games blablablabla miyazaki *

>> No.5519904

>Thinking ff4 is better than ff6 at anything
wew lad

>> No.5520049

Videogames should have never left the arcade. PC's and consoles... were a mistake.

>> No.5520141

Karateka was a side-scroller with rotoscoping, a cinematic platformer is a platform game that tends to have gridsnap, high lethality, and highly detailed animation.

>> No.5520258
File: 59 KB, 237x218, B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Invents cinematic gaming

>> No.5520661

The devil's lab is GOAT and you're full of shit

>> No.5520742 [DELETED] 

whats /v/ obsession with cinematic games?

>> No.5520746

/v/ shows it’s face. Get lost little boy there is fortnite and what not on /v/

>> No.5520749

>run on sentence
>last 2 years
This is /vr/

>> No.5520753

It is because the game is good that some of these aspects became more popular.
Simpler mechanics and levels, with a heavier focus on story is similar to a lot of modern games, many of which are highly acclaimed. But, even in the far future of 2019, there are still many (great and popular) games that focus on mechanics and design far more then story. Saying that its "cancer" is pure clickbait.

>> No.5520763

>Invents cinematic gaming

as dubious as a claim this is, FF4 is still more responsible for this than FF6 as far as FF goes. At least FF6 goes off the fucking rails and gives the player some kind of agency in how to proceed, as well as character customization via espers and more choices in party construction.

FF4 was just Lunar minus the charm

>> No.5520794

>At least FF6 goes off the fucking rails
I think that's one of the reasons why I love FF6 so much. The ghost train fight, Ultros, fighting man eating fish as you plummet down a waterfall, people having dialogue and shit while a ninja controlling a mech suit causes mayhem in the background, and fighting dinosaurs that can drop meteors on your head is all some absurd video game ass shit and it's all great.

>> No.5521124

>Invents cinematic gaming
lol no

>> No.5522257
File: 11 KB, 240x160, 45927-Final_Fantasy_VI_Advance_(U)(Xenophobia)-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*eats popcorn*

>> No.5522265

>Invents cinematic gaming
You've never played Ninja Gaiden on the NES do you?

>> No.5522276

well, yeah. But then again the narrative is rather good. You just cant expect BG2 levels of good. I think FF being closer to DnD is better than shit hybrid ass combat systems full of taking away player agency nonstopnand the olast good one was FF12.

>> No.5522284

FFIV had a nice intro too

>> No.5522313

>Steals art and aesthetics from Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa

That was Crystalis.

>> No.5522375

What's /v/ obsession with cinematic games?

>> No.5522402

Get back to your shithole board

>> No.5522643

I unironically agree
There is no emergent gameplay at all
At no point did I feel the game was "mine", I was just going through rote actions to unlock the next episode of some anime show
As soon as I get a handle on my party I'm pushed into some other goons stupid storyline
There's no feeling of ownership or investment

>> No.5522659
File: 49 KB, 600x432, OOVfIvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Few RPGs can hope to have the emotional draw this one has.

>> No.5522676

>Invents cinematic gaming
stopped reading right there zoomer.

>> No.5522730

What customization? Making every character a spellcaster?

>> No.5522815

maybe you can try not self inserting yourself as though you are the character in the game like some sort of deprived child

>> No.5522906

ffvi did not invent cinematic gaming

>> No.5522921

I stopped hating JRPGs when I realized they're basically just overcomplicated point and clicks and are far more enjoyable when played that way, as opposed to expecting real RPG elements from them.

>> No.5522941

By your logic everything past original Atari is cancer because it’s a perversion of pure gameplay

That’s the kind of thinking your presenting

>> No.5524101

Isn't that the entire point of RPGs though?

>> No.5524886
File: 3.38 MB, 288x162, assblasted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit the collective asspain and fanboyism ITT, this is like calling out World of Warcraft fans

>> No.5525209

Good point now imagine a Hitler vs Stalin tabletop wargame in which you periodically switch from controlling the Nazis to controlling the Soviets. Fun? No, because you're neither side really, there's no feeling of "winning". That's how I feel about FFVI.

>> No.5525229

>what is ninja gaiden for 500
OP is a zoomer retard confirmed, fuck off back too your gacha and loot box addled bullshit.

>> No.5525237

>be retard
>get called out for being a retard
>why are you mad though?
Fuck off retard.