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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5493518 No.5493518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Metal Gear Solid:
>enemy bodies instantly disappear
>sound plays almost no role outside of the odd gimmick like stepping on puddles
>stealth is based around simple line of sight and hiding behind cover
>a radar tells you where enemies are and even shows you the size of their vision cones, so you don't even have to pay attention to your surroundings
>the game constantly forces you into unavoidable combat setpieces and cutscenes that take away your control and render a stealth approach impossible

Meanwhile, in Jagged Alliance 2, 2d game from the 90's:
>enemy bodies don't disappear
>sound plays an integral role, everything you do produces noise. There are four different movement modes (running, walking, crouching, or going prone) that asks you to make a trade-off between how much sound you make, how fast you move and how much stamina and action points it takes. You can also climb on rooftops.
>besides line of sight and sound, stealth also takes into account the level of illumination. Since the game is open world, not only can you choose when and where to tackle missions, during day or night, with obvious consequences (nighttime makes it harder for the enemy to see you, but also makes it harder for you to see them), but enemies will also adjust their tactics and AI behaviour, such as throwing out flares during the night to light up the surroundings.
>varied and creative stealth mechanics, such as the ability to use camouflage to blend in with the environment or launching a throwing knife at an unsuspecting enemy's jugular (the game lets you aim at specific body parts)
>the game never takes away your control as a player

>> No.5493534


>> No.5493537


>> No.5493538

mgs is garbage liked by zoomers

>> No.5493540

>it's another thinley-veiled-/ogg/-thread-episode

>> No.5493541

mgs is a embarrassment for stealth gamers

>> No.5493542

>MGS sucks
No shit sherlock, want a medal for this discovery?

>> No.5493543


>> No.5493547

reminder if you think mgs is good you dont belong in this board.

>> No.5493567

PC gamers don't belong on this board.

>> No.5493571

you know what game is shit?

>> No.5493572

seething kojimacuck

>> No.5493573


>> No.5493574

So /vr/ likes games with over complicated game mechanics. This game let's me simplify the idea of a stealth agent sneaking around the way Zelda as a top-down game allows me to imagine a simple fantasy world with polished easy to understand gameplay. I can like MGS all I want but I can't convince you twats to just leave and let live so this is practically a waste of text.

>> No.5493575

yep, it's the thiefnigger

>> No.5493576

So how have you guys been?

>> No.5493580
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>> No.5493582
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>> No.5493584
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>> No.5493586

pretty shit, /vr/'s quality has been pretty low this week.

>> No.5493590

mgs is inferior to 2d games

>> No.5493597

So I've noticed. It gets worse every week. Even the Doom threads have suffered over the past couple months.

>> No.5493601

worse gameplay than castle wolfenstein, thief, ja2, splinter cell and hitman.

>> No.5493604

We'll keep shitting on your precious boomer safe space until we get our way and can discuss PS2, Xbox and Gamecube here.


>> No.5493606

Implying they were ever good. Generals are cancer.

>> No.5493607

yeah, just looking at, like, 4 or so "N64 WAS SHIT" threads was enough for me to know this was going to be a bad week for this place.

>> No.5493608

and no one defended mgs gameplay. Pathetic.

>> No.5493610

>wah wah wah he shitted on a mediocre game
>muh muh safe space

>> No.5493624

I disagree. In the early days they were consistently good, people making content and setting up servers. Though/vr/ as a whole was about retro games and not a shittier even not repetitive mutation of /v/ that it is now.
Honestly I'd be fine if /vr/ was removed, it served its purpose and there are far less people willing to discuss retro games now.

Not to mention the increased usage in buzzwords and the latest mutation of two memes that should have died a long time ago. It's pretty fucking tiresome

>> No.5493629

cmon mgs niggers defend your game

>> No.5493647

yeah, I'm fucking sick of the zoomer/boomer shit.

>> No.5493653

Take solace knowing you're not alone. Even if quality discussion has gotten really scarce here on /vr/, here's hoping you find yourself a half decent thread this week or weekend, anon.
I still love retro vidya, even if it's getting to be a pain in the ass to talk about it.

>> No.5493669

MGS is deliberately arcade-like. Kojima knew it should be an interactive comic book, not a movie.

>> No.5493674

thief is garbage

>> No.5493678

Thiiiiisssss fuckers, this. MGS and Thief are two kinds of games basically that can't be and shouldn't be compared. Anyone played the first Metal Gear game and I mean the true one for the MSX? It's arcade'y as fuck, with minimal story to boot (and even then there's interesting plot twist at the end). Kojima fused the story into a game when he developed Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake after his experience with creating Snatcher, and MGS is basically a spiritual remake of MG2:SS, which explains all its gameplay quirks.

>> No.5493680

Goldeneye figured out the noise stuff for stealth before any of the games mentioned ITT.

>> No.5493685

Metal Gear Solid doesn't have a GEP gun

>> No.5493689


>> No.5493690

>muh arcadey gameplay
also see>>5493584

>> No.5493691

Every single game you try to put against it:

See you next thread, OP.

>> No.5493692 [DELETED] 

Goldenye and mgs unlike thief which is a masterpiece.

>> No.5493693

I watched a nerd play Thief and it seemed tedious.

>> No.5493696

Thief took shitloads of pages from Goldeneye. Not just the stealth system, but also how playing on higher difficulties add new challenges and objectives.

>> No.5493698

goldeneye and mgs are shit unlike thief. >>5493574
>complexity bad
mgsbabbies everyone

>> No.5493703

Then Thief ripped-off a shit game.

>> No.5493716

even the 2d mg games are garbage.
the series fucking sucks. PLAY REAL STEALTH GAMES ZOOMERS

>> No.5493717

thief sucks

>> No.5493725


>> No.5493728

MGS has better butts.

>> No.5493730

It is a video game you dumb dumb.
Some of them can be more realistic and others more arcade like
Others focus on story others on gameplay, etc, etc

MGS1 is more has a more arcade-video-gamey kind of gameplay.
The only garbage I see is your whiny post.
Grow up

>> No.5493732

The only kid here is you

>> No.5493737

Also zoomers didn't grow up with mgs1 or 2 you idiotic shitlord.
Millenials grew up with those games.

I mean if you want to start a shitshow, do it right next time. idiot

>> No.5493760

>a radar tells you where enemies are and even shows you the size of their vision cones, so you don't even have to pay attention to your surroundings

Kind of interesting how MG2SS doesn't have vision cones and the enemies can see you from a greater distance. I know the game is more primitive so its harder to compare but I found stealthing in that game to be harder than MGS for this reason. Oddly you could just play these games with that soliton radar for the most part. The games could be that simple with the graphics and achieve the same effect of being a stealth game.

>> No.5493771

when the mgs vs thief war started?

>> No.5493772

MGS is a great game, I loved it when I first played it and I still think it's good.

You fags can hate it all you want, the game is FUN.

It's all I care about desu.

>> No.5493773

>implying zoomer kids didn't have access to their dad's playstation to play MGS on in the '00s

>> No.5493794


>> No.5493807

Yes, it's harder to do those things in 3D than 2D

MGS is meant to be a schlocky 90's action movie, you're like the try hard virgins who spend all day complaining about scientific inaccuracies in Star Wars

>> No.5493823

mgs is incapable of doing basic shit and people considered it influential or a good and unique game.

>> No.5493825
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>> No.5493827

Stealth has never been a good genre. In order for stealth games to not be too hard the AI has to be retarded enough for the player to succeed at the game yet because the AI has to be retarded little patrol enemies it also leads to a strange video game where you realizing you are manipulating dumb AI in order to progress through the levels. For gaming especially today it is uncanny valley since most expect a degree of realism in their games. Also in just about every stealth game out there your player character is strong enough that he shouldn't even need to stealth anyways. Finally we don't really know how a stealth game with super smart AI could work since no developer would ever dare try.

No developer has ever made a god tier stealth game. Only a passable one at best. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5493845

why is /v/ so determined to ruin this board? we had really great mods a little while ago, what happened?

>> No.5493847

They probably got booted because they actually did their job

>> No.5493848

This board has had shitty capital G Gamer mods for at least a couple years.

>> No.5493852

Blatant trolling and shit posting used to be cleared out pretty quick.

>> No.5493857

Should I antagonize the janitor and get a range ban again?

>> No.5493892

Do it, maybe they'll pay attention to this thread and get all the shitposting /v/ retards banned too.

>> No.5493895

Will they contact my ISP if I repeatedly reboot my router to repost every page 11 thread verbatim?

>> No.5493940 [DELETED] 

why do you have to be such an asshat just because people like a game. all of you
this board is so shit now, everyone here since 2015 ABORT ABORT
anyways, i dont think mgs is that good but im not really into stealth either. its still a fine game though and i wouldnt hate on it, it doesnt deserve that

>> No.5493943

I've never seen that scenario happen so I have no idea

>> No.5493951

zoomers thinking hl, mgs, oot, banjo and other 1998 games are better than thief disgust me.

>> No.5493960 [DELETED] 

my take: thief sucks too!
suck it nerd

>> No.5493976
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this board was shit from the get-go lmao

>> No.5494038

stealth wouldn't be the same without thief unlike the cinematic garbage that mgs is. Remember that zoomers.
Even castle wolfenstein was better than the 2d metal gear games.

>> No.5494041 [DELETED] 


>> No.5494067

They came out at the same time. Wouldn’t they both be zoomer games?

>> No.5494092

You think these /v/ skub shitheads actually know what they're talking about? They just want to post popular game bad.

>> No.5494124

>>varied and creative stealth mechanics, such as the ability to use camouflage to blend in with the environment or launching a throwing knife at an unsuspecting enemy's jugular (the game lets you aim at specific body parts)
I agree with the rest, but stealth in JA2 is completely useless. You're talking about 1.13. In vanilla JA2, as soon as someone hears an enemy cough, the whole map knows where you are.