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File: 89 KB, 600x450, super-mario-bros-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
549214 No.549214 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/
Trust the fungus.

>> No.549252

I'll come out and admit it... I didn't like that movie. As much as I loved Mario Bros. back in the day I didn't feel the movie was true enough to the feel of the games. It's why Final Fantasy: Spirits Within failed me too. Oh, black guy in that movie dies of course.

>> No.549789

If you can ignore the fact that it's supposed to be a Mario movie, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.549813

The goombas scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Here I was expecting classic mario characters and then PEOPLE WERE GETTING TURNED INTO MONSTERS OH GOD WHY?!?

Muh childhood.

>> No.549823


This, if the characters had different names, were builders instead of plumbers, and the movie had a down't name, it would be a solid 5/10 kids film - mildly entertaining, but rapidly forgettable

I forgot what I was writing, was I trying to be complimentary?

>> No.549824

Part of the reason I enjoyed it was because it was a different take on Mario.

>> No.549830

that fucking movie

>> No.549853
File: 16 KB, 420x302, gameranx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inclined to think that if it was a "film by any other name" that Nintendo would outright sue due to all the similarities

>> No.549878


It was a darker take.

It just didn't make sense in regard to the series. I'm sure Nintendo was fucking pissed when they saw how departed it was from the subject matter. Especially after Nintendo trusted them with the license.

Granted, the film had a different director when they went to Nintendo for permission. I think it would have been canned if Nintendo knew what they planned to do.

>> No.549882
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>> No.549883
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haters gonna hate

the movie is good

>> No.549896


Thats why I threw a few other differences in. Still, averagw, mediocre film.

Sauce on ron jeremy mario? I imagine that film would be more "satisfying"

>> No.549917


You're a Family Guy fan, and you enjoy "DARKER AND EDGIER" reboots of children's franchises.

Please reassess your life choices.

>> No.549907

>I think it would have been canned if Nintendo knew what they planned to do.

I don't think so, SM64 even took some inspiration from it. Mainly jumping into different dimension portals in walls

>> No.549931


That was in the past tense. What do you think they would have thought had they seen it before it hit the box office?

It barely made back half the budget there. I'm suspicious that they spent a lot of money on the license, Considering they spent well over thirty-five million dollars. I can't be bothered to look up the exact figures.

>> No.549929

He seems content, but you aren't

Who is ahead in this scenario


>> No.549940
File: 75 KB, 350x538, 600full-super-hornio-brothers-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was in this porno called the Super Hornio Bros., but that photo and others like it are completely unrelated.

I think somebody just thought he looked like Mario and wanted to dress him up

Anyway, the film and it's sequel is INCREDIBLY rare since Nintendo bought the rights to it almost immediately, ensuring that it never saw the light of day beyond it's first distribution run

>> No.549947

Darker take?

There's nothing to take at all!

Mario can't be a movie. It's just too damned impossible. If you try you WILL end up with something like this.

And I don't hate it or anything. I don't hate David Lynch's Dune or The Room. So I don't hate this.

>> No.549959

Nintendo bought porno rights to protect the brand?


>> No.549962


Be reasonable now.

With modern CGI they could really make something special. It's already been proven that people would love it with the release of Wreck it Ralph. Though I will admit, it would still have an abysmally stupid story.

>> No.549990


I would't mind a "CGI" movie based on the original Paper Mario

>> No.549995

It is however up on youtube, not so sure about the second part though and the Cinema Snob did an excellent review of it

>> No.550000

It's not a matter of CGI.

It's the matter of trying to make a 90 minute non-playable cutscene out of fucking MARIO.


Even if you just made cinema out of events from Super Mario RPG, you'd fail. Think about this. His pantomiming would only carry things so far.

>> No.550010
File: 156 KB, 652x573, 1362043598585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.550150


I'm not saying it would be good, but I think it would be successful. Hipsters have proven you can crap out just about anything with a video game theme and make a good deal of money.

>> No.550249


You equate success to money?

If I go out trying to make something "Good" and I look at it and say "Wow, that's... not good." I will consider it a failure, and not a success.

Do not go into the entertainment industry with the sole motivation of profit.

>> No.550267

So they made a porno of the movie and not the game.

Welp there goes that.

>> No.550268


>> No.550279


>you equate success to money

The majority of people do.

There are other forms of success sure, but not many apply in the real world. I didn't expect this kind of argument on /vr/ but uh.....okay.

>> No.550286

I don't know who would even say it isn't like the game anyway.

The only differences are the physical characteristics of the characters. The entire plot, the themes, the terminology, etc. are the same.

It's seriously just "What if Mario were Blade Runner?"

>> No.550306

the new movie should look like this.

>> No.550329


>> No.550345

For anyone who has doubts
Read up on SMBmovie.com

The original writers and producers want to make a documentary and sequel comic book.
Also there is atleast 30 or an hour of footage missing.

Originally the movie was going to be darker and had far more politcal satire of koopa and such.
This was cut during the script transtions.

>> No.550347

>you equate success to money
>The majority of people do.
The majority of people are wrong.
Don't bring that attitude out of bed with you.
"Yeah well pixies and fairy dust may be nice BUT IN THE REEEEEL WURRRLLD--"
I'm so done with that. So done.
Fight against the status quo, you bloated cactus.
You need money for living expenses, but with that out of the way, you BE A HUMAN BEING.

I will go all day with this. Stop with the appeal to capital. Capital was just INVENTED one day, you know. As a substitute for swapping random shit. It's not a physical variable that measures virtue.

>> No.551012

Your philosophy that capital is a non-valid measure of success was also just invented one day...by hipster douchebags with a B in PHIL 100.

Art for art's sake died in the 19th century, sorry.

>> No.551191
File: 62 KB, 800x608, mario2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many a pleb will tell you that Super Mario Bros. is a bad movie, or even a bad adaptation. The reality is that it is simply too good of an adaptation for most audiences to handle.

The truth of this fact is evident in any piece of Mario fanart you can find on the internet. What is the content? A dystopian Mario, a cyberpunk Mario, a hyperrealistic Koopas and Goombas Mario (see >>549883), a Mario that represents a communist uprising.

These artists pretend that they are innovators, but what they simply won't admit is that they stole the brilliance from visionary directors Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel. They saw straight to the heart of the franchise and realized the potential it held, and from it they crafted the perfect film.

>> No.551234

>Make it more about Mario
>Everyone says this is the problem with the movie

Nigger how's anyone going to make a movie about some faggot going right all the time and jumping on shit? That's retarded.

>> No.551503

"Too unlike mario" I don't get why this criticism is so popular. Miyamoto himself had the opposite opinion about the movie
>"[In] the end, it was a very fun project that they put a lot of effort into," but also said, "The one thing that I still have some regrets about is that the movie may have tried to get a little too close to what the Mario Bros. videogames were. And in that sense, it became a movie that was about a videogame, rather than being an entertaining movie in and of itself."

>> No.551532

The world can eat shit, I enjoy the shit out of this movie every now and then. People complain about how UNLIKE Mario it is, but you know what, it's actually kind of cool how they managed to extrapolate this cool dystopian world from "plumber", "princess", "evil king", "mushrooms".

Even with the badass art direction, the movie itself is a decent special-effects-laden sci-fi adventure romp.

>> No.551597

They are making a new SMB movie?

>> No.551727
File: 1.29 MB, 682x1024, super-mario-bros-2_zps80760a17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, didn't you hear?

>> No.551771 [DELETED] 

>the movie may have tried to get a little too close to what the Mario Bros. videogames were.

It's official. The movie is closest to Miyamoto's original vision.

>> No.551779

>the movie may have tried to get a little too close to what the Mario Bros. videogames were.

It's official. The movie is closest to Miyamoto's original vision.

>> No.551794

Can you imagine if they even tried to make it like the games were? It would've been fucking horrible.

I respect the movie for trying to do something different.

>> No.551797

top lel

I wanna see this

>> No.551829

If Christopher Nolan made the same movie people would praise the film for it's darker and relatively more grounded take on Mario.

>> No.552397
File: 493 KB, 320x240, 1363107701601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.552571
File: 487 KB, 500x370, 1366581178622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no retort or argument
>simple anger response

Two can play at this game:

Shut the fuck up!

>> No.552584

Yep. Dunno why people ride his dick so much. He's not a bad director, but he's not THAT good.

>> No.552594

the script for mario was so perfect in every way that michael bay even could have directed it and it still would have turned out as the masterpiece it is

>> No.552686

...Is that the chick from Wayne's World?

>> No.552723

I seen this shit copypasted last time.

Most artists do it because it's "fucking hilarious", not visionary.

>> No.552750


I remember there was an art forum around about 8 years ago where literally the only thing they did was create and post and post hyper realistic and dark re imaginings of Mario characters and settings. Shit was gold

>> No.552754

Batman Begins is as good as everyone says it is.

>> No.552763

Sadly, no. It's not Tia Carerererererere.

>> No.552769

I wasn't a fan of any of the Nolan Batman films.

>> No.552797

I like your gif.

You're still completely wrong, but I'd like to see your other gifs of similar subject.

>> No.552816



he's reviewed both movies.

>> No.552857
File: 84 KB, 800x800, luigi there will be brawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here enjoy "There Will Be Brawl"?

>> No.552913

Wasn't this that shitty show on the Escapist with crap-tier production value, a lame plot, jokes that fell flat, and yeah... a piece of shit all around?


>> No.553115

I rewatched it recently and it's actually really enjoyable if you can take how stupid it is.

>> No.553227

>I'm sure Nintendo was fucking pissed when they saw how departed it was from the subject matter.
Shigeru Miamoto said he liked it.

>> No.553262
File: 164 KB, 600x877, snyder_0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I can appreciate the creativity that went into the movie.
There are some really nice ideas and designs in there.
The Dinohatten city streets (or whatever it was called) were creatd by the set designer who also made Animoid Row in Blade Runner.

I think it could've been a good cyberpunk/fantasy movie with a better writer and director.
It feels kind of weird as a Super Mario movie,
but the idea itself is so stupid that it was obvious it wouldn't work well.

Anyhow, it's still an enjoyable movie even if it's goofy as hell.
I mean come on, the TMNT live-action movie is silly as well,
yet it's generally thought of as good.

>> No.553265


If the wiki quote is anything to go off of, he wishes they tried to make a movie that was entertaining more than something that was closely related to the game.

>> No.553268

I'm convinced that was a mistranslation, and nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise.

>> No.553302


I am Shigeru Miyamoto. That quote accurately describes my feelings about the movie.

>> No.555468
File: 60 KB, 384x555, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it a lot and I have yet to see any other video game related fan film best it aside from probably "Captain S"

>> No.555508

People who are retarded beyond belief and have the mind of a 4 year old are always content

Guess they're ahead of every single non retard

>> No.555535

That wasn't an art forum it was a somethingawful thread

>> No.557803

I'll admit. I liked it. An alternate universe where dinosuars were the ones that evolved into humans? That already caught my interest. And Yoshi was even incorporated. The designs and the nods to the characters, locales and enemies even were neat as well. It felt like something that despite being different in appearace, could work. Like a Sonic 2006 take on Mario. My expectations were exceeded. All I know is that it beats the hell out of most other video game-based movies today.

Seriously, some neat concepts were found in this movie.