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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 320x175, sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5491463 No.5491463 [Reply] [Original]

When will yanks learn that this company's name is pronounced "Sēga", not "Séga"?

>> No.5491478

The way it was pronounced depended on how it was marketed in the region, marketing material didn't use the same pronunciation globally, because it was done regionally.

For that matter, the name is an abbreviation of Service Games or something like that, so in actuality it'd be like 'Sögä' or something, but that's stupid and nobody says that.
Just use the pronunciation that you heard growing up.

>> No.5491484

it's pronounced sæga

>> No.5491485

SEGA = SErvice GAmes
You are supposed to pronounce it like the first 2 syllabes in those words.

>> No.5491490

That's stupid and nobody says that.

>> No.5491491

the Sonic games literally tell you how to say it
kuso thread

>> No.5491537
File: 15 KB, 406x406, 1483907170521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATTENTION: Sega was an American company until 1984, 44 years after it formed.

>> No.5491539

What are some good pre-1984 Sega games and systems?

>> No.5491551

It's pronounced セガ

>> No.5491584
File: 20 KB, 700x377, heavyweight_champ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better than Punchout.

>> No.5491587

stupid latvians

>> No.5491598

service games


>> No.5491603

Maybe if whatever shithole country you're from actually mattered people might pronouce it like you do. But sure, keep complaining about how americans pronounce something while you use american technology

>> No.5491692

Based fellow Ozzie.


>> No.5491784

I always found the pronunciation straight forward

t. not from the anglosphere

>> No.5491802

>Sonic's opening literally shouts an exaggerated SAAAY-GAAAH
>some still hear it like Sea-gar

>> No.5491810

I think it's pronounced fah-ghit.
Oh no, wait that's the OP. My mistake.

>> No.5491815

No, it'd be Sergay.

>> No.5491829

There, official pronunciation, at least since their SG-1000 commercials. Thread over. Good nighty.

>> No.5492437

It says Sega though, ya deaf cunt.

>> No.5492439

It says SEHHH-GAHHH you retard.

>> No.5493210

ahahaha it's bad to be gay amirite fellow memers

>> No.5493230

The motorcycle racing game

>> No.5493240

Play comix zone, confirmed saaaaaygaaa

>> No.5493245


>> No.5493248



>> No.5493554


>> No.5493618

t. esl

>> No.5493626



everyone else:

>> No.5493637

"Segga" would be pronounced with the /ε/ sound, but because there's only one g, it's pronounced /'sεı gə/ .

It's just how English works. Not my fault y'all are illiterate.

>> No.5493679

Because English doesn't have exceptions, riiiight

>> No.5493686

Fuck you, faggot, I will fuck you dead.

>> No.5493695

Exceptions are birthed from history and accents. A constructed word (like "Sega" is) is completely in-line with standardized English spelling rules.

>> No.5494170

Not if the dead fucks you first

>> No.5494176
File: 84 KB, 500x640, 1554932648275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8 m8 XDXDDDD

>> No.5494178


>> No.5495893


>> No.5495935

Australia-kun pls go.

>> No.5496193

