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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5490546 No.5490546 [Reply] [Original]

Also discuss Dragon Quest: Your Story. Tfw best game is getting a movie. Also discuss favorite DQ game. Mine are V, IV, and VIII

>> No.5491102

Deborah is a cunt so she's out of the running right away and, the game went overboard trying to get you to pick Bianca, so I went with Flora out of defiance to that.

>> No.5491115

Kill all waifufaggots.

>> No.5491119

>Picking the meek girl devoid of personality because you can’t handle a real woman
Laughing at you hard desu

>> No.5491128

They're fictional video game characters, anon. None of them is "a real woman."

>> No.5491129

>Deborah is a cunt so she's out of the running right away and

Yeah I guess if you don't ever talk to people

>> No.5491131

never played but i would pick the far right for her looks alone.

>> No.5491135

Hey shut up


>> No.5491141
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None of them. Jessica or gtfo.

Pic related

>> No.5491146

I missed Deborah on my first playthrough because Bianca and then had a friend of mine play it and choose Deborah. Needless to say I was cucked out of good dialogue.

>> No.5492484

You have to choose, it's part of the game. I go with Bianca, if only because she and the MC have some history and time to build a cute relationship independent of the one town where you get married as part of the plot.

Reminder that cookiecutter moeblobs are absolute trash

>> No.5492886

Oh I know, and I agree with you, I'm just being autistic about my favorite DQ girl

>> No.5493079

Flora > Bianca > Deborah

>> No.5493089

Absolutely horrific taste

>> No.5494078

Absolute patrician taste. Blue haired kiddos > boring black hair kids

Sadly the MC is probably going to marry Bianca in the movie

>> No.5494572
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This is a Japanese only game, so I don't think many here will be able to play it, but...

ウォーターは俺の娘 / Water is my Daughter is a free indie game that's a full remake of Dragon Quest 5 and it's pretty much amazing. The game hits more or less all the same story beats as DQ5, but grows increasingly into its own thing as time goes by, until a very climatic ending that to be honest puts DQ5 to shame. The core aspect which separates these two games is that the protagonist has a voice in WimD and actually develops as a character with meaningful relationships along the way thanks to that. For all the effort put in DQ5's story, I think it really falls flat due to a silent protagonist. Which wife do you pick? Well, it's a pretty boring choice. The protagonist is the one marrying them, but he has no personality. The choice is just about which girl you, the player, thinks is hotter, and then the actual plot proceeds with no changes whatsoever. Meanwhile in WimD, the wedding scene ends up extremely powerful in a way no scene with a silent protagonist could be.

Water is my Daughter is the game I always think about when DQ5 comes up. It's a hilarious game that at every step of the way improves upon DQ5 despite being a parody/clone, and by the end has abandoned DQ5 almost entirely since the source material is so dry in comparison. If anyone plays WimD after this, look up the DQ5 ending on youtube after WimD's ending. Doing so made me laugh incredibly hard, and everyone else I've recommended WimD to has had the same reaction. It's just amazing. I think in the end WimD kind of embodies to me the flaws of the DQ series and the clones it gets. I wouldn't encourage a big fan of DQ to play the game, since they'll probably end up feeling an inferiority complex, but if you've ever picked up a DQ game and ended up feeling unsatisfied or bored, this could be your jam.

When I saw Dragon Quest: Your Story's announcement, I just smiled to myself.

>> No.5494579


>> No.5494602

I had no idea this stuff existed. Why are they called VIPRPGs? Thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.5494620

VIP is a board on 2ch (well, 5ch now) and users of VIP, known as vippers, are quite creative people. Think back to how 4chan got together to create Katawa Shoujo, then multiply that by infinity. VIPRPGs began when vippers got together to create some shitposts in RPG form using RPG Maker, and their memes blossomed into the modern VIPRPG community where there's just tons of people making thousands of creative and cool RPGs.

Water is my Daughter is one of those. Some vipper dude who likes DQ5 just randomly decided to make a parody of it, and as fate would have it he's a fantastic writer who managed to make something really cool.

A friend of mine who I got into VIPRPGs ended up writing a pretty lengthy article about them if you want to learn more:


This article was actually the first time the Moshimo series was ever talked about in English as far as I can tell. Very much an underground community. Naturally, that means basically none of the games are translated. Oh well. (Also this is narrowly /vr/ friendly because a good chunk of the games are made in RPG Maker 2000 and some other retro tools like SRPGツクール95).

>> No.5494707
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Debora is my DS wallpaper!

>> No.5494736
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If you unironically post this meme, you are socially inept and handle rejection poorly. Seek professional help.

>> No.5494780

Sounds neat, but I can't read moonrunes so one of the most important aspects would be lost on me.

>> No.5494858

Yeah, the story's the best part and I wouldn't recommend it for the gameplay alone. Although each "dungeon" is improved with much better puzzles (one of my friends had to quit the game near the end due to the legendary SLEEP puzzle) and whatnot, the actual RPG combat is actually a bit worse than the original DQ5 since each encounter is only 1 monster at a time. I don't really know why they made that change, maybe to speed up the pace of random encounters and give the story more focus, which works well enough I guess.

>> No.5494901

>Beat DQ5 last week
>Took me half an hour to decide between wives thinking it was a big deal
>After two hours of husband and wife adventuring she's gone
>Only returns in the very last story beat severely underleveled and when you have exponentially better party members and monsters.

What a waste of time

>> No.5495006

VI is better

>> No.5495009
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>> No.5495308

I mean come on man you can't really believe the shit you're typing.

>> No.5496881
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I mean...

You want healthy kids, right?

>> No.5497056

Yeah, it's a bit of a shame. DQ5 is a really great game but I think it does away with a lot of interesting bits too fast. Harry should have been with the protagonist longer and so too the wife.