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File: 169 KB, 500x461, sephiroth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
548802 No.548802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's play a game, devise a team of 3 for defeating Sephiroth. Here are the rules:

1.Cannot be from the Final Fantasy megaverse, we already know that Cloud, Valentine, and Tifa could kick Seph's ass.

2.Superheroes are allowed, so long as they aren't superpowered. Superman or the Flash alone would be more than a match for Sephiroth, so don't be a cheapass. Batman and the Punisher are acceptable, Superman, Wolverine, and Dr.Manhattan aren't.

3.Can be from another videogame 'verse.

4.Can only equip one materia.

5. Goes by plot power, so no saying, "Gameshark Seph to 9999 damage and everyone dies" or "Gamesharks Batman to do 9999 damage, killing Seph".

Here's my team:

1.Mike Tyson in his prime (damn I'm showing my age here), is amazingly fast, excellent defense, and punches really hard. What else would you expect from a former boxing champ? Hell, maybe he'd overpower Seph by himself.

2.Axel from Streets of Rage, because that game was fucking awesome and Axel was a tough bastard who'd kick wave after wave of cocksmoker ass.

3.The Punisher, whose high pain tolerance and kevlar, in addition to Marine corps. special training and high proficiency with bombs and firearms will come in handy.

>> No.548850

Rad Spencer
Jin Saotome
Captain Commando

Sephiroth is finished.

>> No.548875

Marina Lightyear
Dart (Legend of dragoon, minus the dragoon spirit)
Sir Arthur (Super Ghouls n' Goblins)


>> No.548913


>> No.548943
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Amuro Ray in an rx-78. you didnt say mechs?

>> No.548970
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Try and guess which ones I mean for no prize whatsoever!

>> No.548967

Amuro is pussy meat compared to Shinji in the Eva. I'mma go with Shinji.

>> No.548981


>> No.549007

Ryu from Street Fighter II, Ryu from BoF III, and BoF II.

Also, shit, I knew I should have set mech rules. As long as a mech isn't too OP like Optimus Prime or Terminator, but Johnny 5 is allowed. Setting mech rules is too murky but yeah, lots of cool mech games.

>> No.549015

Man, not cool. Mario just has to jump on his head or throw a fireball at him and call it a day.

>> No.549010

>Kamen Rider W
Multiple forms to equip for ranged and close up attacks.

>Kaiketsu Zubat
Whip to keep the enemy at a distance.

>Vul Eagle

That was easy...

>> No.549039

*Vul stick

>> No.549046 [SPOILER] 
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This is stupid

Also pic related

>> No.549124

Jason Voorhees
Agent 47

>> No.549165

Hell yeah I was waiting for someone to say Jason! That motherfucker can make anyone his bitch, even Superman. Megaman is a pretty chill character too.

Though... am a little surprised no one mentioned Batman. Perhaps that'll make it too easy given his insane deduction abilities and being more agile than a Chinese gymnast and all.

>> No.549206

Kirby. No one else.

>> No.549218
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>> No.549243

Yeah but Kirby's soft vore antics are a bit cheap. Still, pass.

>> No.549282

So FF7 related
Can you return to midgar.
I didn't get that enemy power steal materia in hojos lab since
I was not aware of it.

>> No.549283

How can anyone beat Sephiroth ?!

>everything explodes
>Only 1000 damage (or something like that)

No, serously.. how could anyone ever defeat him ?
Superman would survive the explotion (maybe) but in the end Sephiroth wins because he obliberated fucking everything.

>> No.549287

Bitch please.

>> No.549312


>not a pussy

But that's like the point of his character. That he's a little bitch with a bunch of shit thrown at him that he can't handle.

>> No.549328
File: 1.45 MB, 951x1352, wa family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We are the Wario Brothers (and Wario sister!), we's a gonna win!"

>> No.549336

Oersted with the Brion is ridiculously powerful. He stormed through the Forbidden Land by his lonesome and whopped every Demon's ass that dared stand in his way. For comparison, no other hero in Live-A-Live could storm the Forbidden Land by themselves.

>> No.549339
File: 82 KB, 625x625, yougottabeshittingme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How can anyone beat Sephiroth?

Confirmed for having never beaten FF7.

>> No.549352

Of course I've beaten Sephiroth.
What I mean is, you only survive that attack because of "rpg logic".

>> No.549368


You want bullshit super moves that you survive because of RPG logic? Go watch some SRW videos. Virtually every move in SRW makes Supernova look like babby shit.

>> No.549373

Supernova is basically Demi on steroids.

>> No.549384

You get the key to get back into Midgar in the same place you found the Lunar Harp

>> No.549380

>it makes a sound and bounces around when it appears
Deaf and blind. No, you can't go back and get it.

>> No.549407

pretty sure that fight is supposed to be some type of trippy 'dream fight' if he can just casually destroy planets at a whim why bother with waiting to use meteor for like a month or more. or it could be he can only use that attack because rpg logic. or more likely its because FF7 is written on the intellectual level of a 4 year old.

>> No.549448

not b8ing me m8

>> No.549458

Limit to this

OP said Sephiroth, not Safer Sephiroth.

>> No.549465

But Superman is banned from facing him because he'd be too OP and therefore obvious. The Punisher or Batman (though both may be too OP together) are closer to his powerlevel.


Even though I'm not familiar with this game that sounds totally bitchin'.

Also, team is Batman, Jax from Mortal Kombat, and Glass Joe (because Batman and Jax together are strong enough). Next, they defeat Trance Kuja.

>> No.549468
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>devise a team of 3
I don't need a team of 3.

>> No.549484

How'd you expect to win with permanent silence?

>> No.549489

Yes you do, technically. Just put in Jogurt from Shining Force and Glass Joe as fillers.

>> No.549515

1. Link
2. Samus
3. Zero (Mega Man)

Goodnight, Sephiroth.

>> No.549520

Link's manly grunts can make sephibabby tremble anyday.

>> No.549531

Link is mediocre in every game he's in, from SSB to Soul Calibur.

>> No.549540

1.John McClane
2.Carl Johnson from GTA San Andreas
3.James Bond

>> No.549558
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>not wrecking shit with Link in any game he's in

>> No.549559

Now that's a good choice.

>> No.549560
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And the Duke

>> No.549579

came to say this

>> No.549586

Needs more guns. Three guys with pistols can accomplish anything.

>> No.549591
File: 115 KB, 500x343, Big and beardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Duke
Serious Sam

You can't ignore the girth

>> No.549594

Terry Funk
Jackie Chan

>> No.549604

The Bhaalspawn in slayer mode
The Exile
The Vault Dweller with turbo plasma rifle and hardened power armour.

Shit would be over in seconds. Every single one of them could probably solo him now that I think about it.

>> No.549606


Better team:

Serious Sam
The Punisher

or Duke Nukem

>> No.549642
File: 232 KB, 320x560, Memoria-Outside-ffix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phantom
Mandrake the Magician
Richard B. Riddick

>> No.549645

Doomguy and the Punisher, me likey. They could probably even take Superman.

>> No.549649

No magic, sorry

>> No.549661
File: 26 KB, 470x329, sephirothfire_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting the shitty AC version of him

>> No.549669


Superman can outrun a bullet.

But can he out run thousands upon thousands of rounds AND RPGs?

>> No.549701

I'd like to agree with you, but superman is superOP. gets new powers when seem fit really

>> No.549713


What if Frank Castle got the intel that Superman's weakness is kryptonite and makes kryptonite rounds?

And Doomguy just keeps being Doomguy?

>> No.549775

Attitude and guns beat all. They could even take Trance Kuja or Superman if they had Kryptonite bullets. The Punisher is the most awesome superhero ever because he's an authentic character with flaws, and isn't this fake saccharine dude where the sun shines out of his ass. He even took out the entire Marvel Universe. Look up Punisher vs. the Marvel Universe.

>> No.549796

Nethack lawful human valkyrie with +9 silver dragon scale mail, wielding a cockatrice corpse in one hand and Grayswandir in the other, and wearing an amulet of lifesaving.

>> No.549859 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 128x94, ULTROOOOOS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Sephiroth was in Assassin's Creed!

>> No.550829
File: 381 KB, 850x829, live-a-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Oersted was over-powered on purpose.

>> No.552516

Sir Didymus: with his steed, having his knighthood at stake
Ludo: has access to rocks, Sara being in danger
Hoggle: Sephiroth took his jewels, lied to him, Sara being in danger

They will make it, somehow

Alternatively switching out Hoggle for Jared

>> No.552541
File: 290 KB, 900x1024, bison-cfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin Rugal
M. Bison

He would fall before a mountain of man flesh, and then be brutally pounded into submission.

Materia would not be required.

>> No.552547

> that horrible feeling you get when you realize there never was a Labyrinth videogame

>> No.552573

Okay, you guys do realize that ultimately Cloud killed his ass, after being impaled, while he was still just a regular guy who couldn't get into SOLDIER?

Sephiroth is overrated, even in his own game. He's all image and reputation.

>> No.552624

What is Rance going to do, rape him to death?

That eventually overcomes his bitch-ness.
Best part: he was fully set up to be a little bitch.