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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 82 KB, 640x374, Chrono-Trigger-Chrono-Cros-Game-Comic-Silk-Art-Poster-Bedroom-Decoration-2878.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5473696 No.5473696 [Reply] [Original]

What was the Golden Age of Gaming?

1997 had:
Diablo (technically 96, but New Year's day)
Grand Theft Auto
FF Tactics
Quake 2
Ultima online
Starfox 64
Age of Empires
Total Annihilation
Symphony of the Night

Then 98 had Statcraft, Ocarina, Half Life

Looking back at 96 and 95 you have Chrono trigger, Mario 64...

Is this the best three month stretch?

07-08 did have COD4, Fallout 3, The Witcher- pretty solid too.

>> No.5473839

Golden ages are actually right after the dawn of an industry, when artistic freedom is at its purest and the money & corporate meddling which comes with it hasn't taken over yet. So really, video gaming's golden age would be like 1977 to 1982.

>> No.5473863

Sounds about right to me. I'd maybe give it a range between mid 90s-early 00s. New videogames used to be exciting.

>> No.5474002

I'll bump ya. I'd say 1994 1995. The world hadn't been fully corrupted by 3d yet an 2d games were the best they'd ever be

>> No.5474005

Cringe 2dfag

>> No.5474260


>> No.5474268

Commercialization started in the 70s, I'd call that the silver age.
Golden age were the years before.

>> No.5474273

I think I'm going to have to say '97. Gj anon

>> No.5474274

The true golden age of gaming is the feeling you have in your heart when you’re ready to experience the magic again.

>> No.5474446

For PC gaming I'd say very late 80s to around 1998, maybe to 2001/2.

>> No.5474472

>doesn't like 2d gaming

>> No.5474557

But the greatest year for PC gaming was 2004.

>> No.5474582

Between those choices, probably 07-08 like you said

>> No.5474589

Not retro. Get out.

>> No.5474606

Your 2001/2 is also not retro, faggot.

>> No.5474608

>07-08 did have COD4, Fallout 3, The Witcher- pretty solid too.
The stupid shit zoomers say sometimes has me laughing

>> No.5474632

Not retro. Get out.

>> No.5474643 [DELETED] 

4th gen best gen

>> No.5474652

The NES era was the best. I can't imagine late 90's games even comparing.

>> No.5474732

Yes, get out already

>> No.5474771
File: 190 KB, 1278x797, Red Alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1996 is my pick since it has most of my main childhood games.

Pokemon Red/Blue
Metal Slug
Tekken 2
Crash Bandicoot
Command and Conquer Red Alert (I'm playing it right now)
Tomb Raider (Made in my city, Derby UK)

>Honorable mentions that I didn't own or play when I was a child

Wipeout 2097 (XL)
TES II Daggerfall
Civilization ll
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Resident Evil
Super Mario RPG
Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.5474801


when YOU the person reading this were 12.

>> No.5474806

no arc the lad?

>> No.5474962

Well commercialization is always involved to some degree - nobody would make anything if there wasn't some cash to be made. Golden age also carry a lot of nostalgia and/or historical significance, and the fact is, as far as video games are concerned, 99.99% of people aren't even aware of anything that came before Pong consoles.

>> No.5474994

Mainframe games were made purely out of enjoyment. They only cost money in that they wasted time and resources that could have been used on other things.

>> No.5475014

Hundreds of years from now, everything in the 20th century at least will be considered the dawn of video games.

>> No.5475018

Right? Nigga didn't even mention TF2, Portal, or Super Mario Galaxy.

>> No.5475534

This one is easy. It started with Super Mario Bros 3 and ended with Halo.

>> No.5475539

Maybe, maybe not. I mean with comic books, the Golden Age is the 30s and 40s, and I see no reason to believe that perception will change 100 years from now.

>> No.5475845

caN I pwease Get sum likey wikies preciate ur GEneRosity UwU

>> No.5476708

Literally the 2nd gen. That is widely referred to as "The Golden Age of Video Games".

>> No.5478027

The years before you were born had even better stuff

>> No.5478032

The age where I grew up in and was a child where video games were still novel, amazing, fascinating and wonderful. The video game age that you grew up in is the one where I wasn't a child anymore or wasn't born yet, so it either is soulless or archaic and garbage.

>> No.5478152

OP says age, then says specific years. "Ages" are pretty arbitrary. I would say that Gen X and then Millennials got it the best since they really got an arcade scene.

>> No.5478242

Commercialism is part of what makes a golden age, though. Golden ages are the first big boom in popularity, so that anon is 100% correct with his year range.

And of course anybody using the term to mean 'my favourite era' is 100% incorrect.