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/vr/ - Retro Games

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546887 No.546887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

these muthafuckers right here + higan +Zombies Ate My Neighbors rom + best cousin/bro + pizza + weed + both our day off = the best shit

seriously tho /vr/ how do you retro?

>> No.546905

I get comfy in my room, either alone or with my /vr/gf, with some lukewarm Coke or Mtn Dew and I play on my tiny CRT for hours. Usually SNES, sometimes Genesis, and a lot of n64 lately.

>> No.546916

I smoke a bowl or two, load up Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess and I go fishing in game
comfy as fuck

>> No.546932

yea my cousin and his roomate have a N64 at their place. we play mario kart, f-zero, 007 or perfect dark and mario party for hours untill he get bored. i've been trying to come up on a bomberman game for 64

>> No.546936

blaze it 420 xD rofl

>> No.546938

haha smoke weed

>> No.546993

Get loads of junk food, smoke a blunt or two, play DKC till I fall asleep.

>> No.546995


Er, hook up my SNES controller to my laptop...

>> No.546991


Hook up my SNES to my laptop, set it up beside my bed, get all comfy and shit with some Yoohoo and play some vidya. Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Sim City.... fuck yeah.

God damn, OP. Now I want to get all comfy and shit. I have a project I have to work on!

>> No.547047

>too small controllers
>awful emulator
>decent game
Fucking terrible op.

>> No.547071

smoke weed everyday 420 blaze it fag

But seriously,
I'm planning on trying to get USB converters for my Sega Saturn controllers, although I don't know if their drivers work on Win8 (don't know if I can get this laptop to Linux yet), even though I know they work for 7.

>> No.547091

ok lets hear your "superior" retro setup

>> No.547102

>obvious weed bait thread

>> No.547109

Get stoned of course. I was playing the first zelda and laughing ass off interpreting it literally - like, going down a ladder into a cave with bats to get a bow and arrow. Imagine actually doing something like that - it's so sketchy

>> No.547120


If it works on 7, it most likely works on 8. Most of these adapters turn them into generic HID.

>> No.547126

Oh my god - going blaze420faggot and fishing in Oot sou ds wonderful

I'm stealing your idea

>> No.547136

I hook up my Atari to my CRT, grab some soda and M&Ms if they're handy, and play games until I get frustrated. About thirty minutes because most Atari games kind of suck ass.

>> No.547157
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Small CRT at my desk for video, audio goes straight to the Yamaha amp. Hooked up using one of those multi-system cables, next step is going to be to hack off the XBox end and wire up female RCA plugs.

>> No.547158

why is higan an awful emulator

>> No.547165

usually netplay with a buddy (currently going through DKC2 co-op, and constant Mario kart 64 battles). however most of my friends are into retro gaming so whenever i visit, there's usually a few sessions of goldeneye or smash bros 64.

>> No.547167
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Keep my systems in stackable bins in closet, makes it quick and nearly effortless to swap systems out.

>> No.547179


am I drunk? or am I just looking at the n64 controller the wrong way...Why does it look so different?

>> No.547190


When I have people over I use my main TV (30" HDCRT). Living room is setup to seat 4, but can comfortably accommodate 6 if I bust out the folding chairs. Usually prefer to play on hardware, but the Wii is modded for convenient wireless multiplayer via emulation and virtual console, and the HTPC has MAME installed for arcade goodness.


Oh that's my Hori Mini. Great controller, huge improvement over the stock N64 pad.

>> No.547195
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forgot pic

>> No.547204

I've always been curious about the Hori mini. It looks so damn cool, and I hear it's an amazing controller.

I can never quite justify spending $70 on a controller pad, though, so I don't think I'll ever get one.

>> No.547205

damn nigga your retro gaming is serious business. you don't fuck around.

>> No.547214

That's... actually a decent setup. Better than 99% of the shit people post in battlestation threads. It's a shame your PC setup is crap.
I guess you evil lefties have to have something wrong with you.

>> No.547227
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In between work and work, me and some friends always bust out the Saturn Bomberman, Sonic R, Virtual On, etc. That or I've been playing bits and pieces of Magic Knight Rayearth when I get a chance.

>> No.547236

Are we posting retro gayman setups here?

>> No.547260

/vr/ - Retro Games

1. This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.547263

thought i saged. guess it's pointless now.

>> No.547332


I lucked out with mine. Bought a cheap as-is controller off ebay; turns out the only thing wrong with it was that cola had been spilled on it, works fine after a teardown, cleanup, and reassembly. But yeah, there is no way I'd pay $70+ for one. Better off to just install gamecube style thumbsticks in your stock N64 pads at $10 a pop.


Thanks bro.