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File: 86 KB, 720x480, zeldaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5460209 No.5460209 [Reply] [Original]

What was the point of slapping the Mega Man label on this? They didn't even try to add the enemy ability-stealing gimmick

>> No.5460326


>> No.5460356

this, Nintendo does it all the time if they can't find a way to sell it otherwise. Kirby frequently gets this treatment, getting plastered over pencils, pinball, puyo puyo, you name it.

>> No.5460620

Heard many say that it could be a good LoZ game

>> No.5460627

It's a good game regardless of what you slap on it. It could be a great Dizzy Egg game for all it matters

>> No.5460632

It was a colorful Capcom game with a blue dude who is valorous and his blonde female sidekick. It's Megaman. But this time in 3d.

>> No.5460658

>B-but you can't cheese boss fights with weapons!!!!

>> No.5460660

>blonde sidekick
It never occured to me until now that Zero is basically X's Roll

>> No.5460680

This is kind of amusing, considering Kirby's whole origin as a placeholder sprite.

>> No.5460684

>game with a blue dude who is valorous and his blonde female sidekick
You just described Sonic 2.

>> No.5460704
File: 58 KB, 621x621, blurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you found them out anon, better tell the world before it's too lat-

>> No.5460747
File: 102 KB, 500x353, supermariokart_197520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of slapping the Mario label on this? They didn't even try to add the brick-breaking gimmick

>> No.5460892

>Kirby's whole origin as a placeholder sprite.
Wait, really?

>> No.5460894

>What was the point of slapping the Mega Man label on this?
It's a Mega Man game.

>> No.5460895

Zero is X's Protoman.

>> No.5461007

in the end they didn't have any better ideas and mario + DK gave them a logical jumping point

>> No.5461046

You can cheese every single boss fight by strafing.

Truly strafing is the strongest weapon.

>> No.5461064

I’m playing it for the first time right now.

Got used to the controlls faster than I thought I would, and the skates and superjump are awesome. At this point I’m enjoying the game more with its unique control scheme than I would if it had the usual oot-copied one. The change in control styles for a 3D action game is refreshing, reminds me of playing god hand oddly enough.

At this point my only complaint is I can only have one special weapon at a time. I’d like to be able to carry a bunch and switch bwtween them with triangle, and have square be a universal attack button for all powers. That would feel way more ‘megaman’ to me than just carrying one power at a time.

I gotta say though this is one of the most charming games I’ve ever played.

>> No.5461972

Data is the best character in the series and you can’t convince me otherwise.

>> No.5462121

Doesn't really work against the three dog bosses. That fight is god tier though

>> No.5462416

I'm glad you're enjoying it, anon. MML and the rest of the games in the series are truly some of the finest gems in the entire PlayStation library. The fact that the series has met such a cruel and bizarre fate is probably one of the greatest injustices in the history of vidya.

But I digress. I'm just glad to hear that it isn't strictly nostalgia that makes these games so great.

>> No.5462427
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>omniscient code monkey
>hoards MegaMan's lost memories
>chastises him when he acts like a cowardly bitch
>almost burns their home down trying to cook pizza
>androgynous enough to have universal appeal

Although I'd argue that Tron is the real champion of the series, I'd say that on a much deeper level you're probably right, anon.

>> No.5462478
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, iMHGO0Srfn_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's Tron.

>> No.5462671

The fire scene in MML2 is surprisingly shocking. I can't help but think it could probably be traumatic if you actually went through a real house fire as a child

>> No.5462692

After beating the blumebear bots, you get the blumebear parts to make their machine gun. Which was probably the only case where you "stole" their weapon.

>> No.5462764

Weapon stealing as is wouldn't even really make sense given the way the game is structured anyway, it would come off as superfluous tacked on fanservice more than anything. Just because it has Megaman in the title doesn't mean it has to be a carbon copy of the previous games. You get the same techy vibe and the recurring theme of humans cohabiting with technology, that alone is enough to make it a MM game. You could maybe start raising an eyebrow if they took away your buster and replaced it with something else

>> No.5462804


Hearty kek

>> No.5462841

Well, she was popular enough as to get her own game. And it was a good one to boot.

>> No.5462878

I mean, destroying reaverbots and harvesting their tech could be cool. Imagine going invisible, rolling on your skates, and sticking your drill arm out, ramming everything in your path.

>> No.5462932

Yeah, when they were developing Kirby's Dreamland on Game Boy, that sprite was originally intended to be replaced as soon as they actually came up with a concept, but as development progressed, they realized they liked their little round blob and they just kept him as the main character.

>> No.5462952

Are you aware that in MML you still can get different weapons and how each boss is more vulnerable to one in particular?
You can even upgrade your weapons to make them more powerful and energy efficient.

>> No.5463213

Yes? At what point in my post did I sound like I never played MML before?

>> No.5463272

Well, you must be a hit at parties.

>> No.5463358

Asking a question isn't aggressive. I was just spitballing an idea about using an enemy ability and using said ability + weapon at the same time as your roll on your skates. Sorry for attempting some discussion.

>> No.5463467

>"you must be fun at parties"
I'm sure you're a blast too

>> No.5463656

Yeah I’m honestly having a blast with it.

Also holy shit was NOT expecting Wily to show up anywhere, let alone as some random but seemingly pretty cool town npc

That boating part was actually pretty tough and I nearly died. It was fun though, like a minigame but with enough of the core gameplay that it felt natural. I also really like how useful Roll is in this game, this is by far the best she’s ever been in terms of support. The bit with the car might be the most well done escort mission I’ve seen in a game, cause even though you have to get a thing from a to b, she tells you to use the car for protection instead of to protect the car. It sounds like a really small difference but it turns it into a fun novelty instead of a pain in the ass like most escort missions.

Enemies in that underwater dungeon hit fucking hard, I probably should’ve gotten that defense upgrade. But I like how risky things feel, some of these enemies feel more dangerous than ones in the NES games. The robots with predator camo were pretty cool too.

Honestly I’m loving this game so far. Controls and the pretty bad tutorial level (only part of the game I didn’t like) made for a rough start but I’m really really glad I stuck with it. Most refreshing game I’ve played in a long time.

>> No.5463683

MML1 is so good I wish I had started with the second one first. They weren't able to recreate the magic at all

>> No.5464362

Im the guy whose playing the first one now.

I’ve seen a few people around here say the second dropped the ball. Without getting into spoilers and the like, what did the second one screw up on? With how much I’ve been liking the first I was looking forward to playing the second as well.

Already played Misadventures and enjoyed it, but nowhere near as much as I’m liking Legends.

>> No.5464627

The second one is good but the world doesn't have as good of a sense of place as the first, I think by virtue of skipping around to more diverse locations instead of sticking around in the different island regions. And this is more of a personal complaint but I like the lighter feel of MML1, 2 gets a little bit too "epic" for my taste. It's a great game though and I wouldn't let my post stop you from playing it.

>> No.5464629

Legends is the best Megaman/Resident Evil game

>> No.5464649

The level design wasn't as good IMO and the localisation was kinda flaccid. The characters and story weren't as good as the first game either but who cares about that stuff in a MM game. Still fun and worth playing if you liked the first but it doesn't quite hit all the marks in the same way.

>> No.5464674

> Legends, BN and Zero all don't have boss weapons
> All are better than Classic and X

Makes you think

>> No.5465054

Well he;s blue and has a gun hand. Why wouldn't he be mega man?

>> No.5465078

>victim complex

>> No.5465085

Legends came out before Ocarina of Time and its better

>> No.5465239

I wonder if all of Capcom's non-Street Fighter fighters would have fared better if they had slapped the Street Fighter name on them. They have about as much in common as the various Mega Man subseries or Final Fantasy iterations.

>> No.5466830

Made it to the final dungeon and had to retreat. Ran past the first dogthing and then startled the others in the narrow hallways where I couldn’t deal with them. Got hit a few times and even with the canister I only got out of that room with the minimum amount of health. Just red left. Went back to the flutter and recharged.

I wasn’t expecting so many enemies in this game to take more than a third of my health in a single hit. The boat and plane missions were also close calls with Roll almost running out of health. Tron’s fight was awesome by the way.

Close to the end now and I gotta say I’m still really loving this game. Very surprised at just how much I’m enjoying it.

>> No.5466834
File: 56 KB, 355x355, goeOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystical Ninja starring Goemon came out before both Legends and OOT, and it's better.

>> No.5466870
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>> No.5467736



>> No.5467752
File: 64 KB, 400x550, Street_Fighter_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they did try it.
Not to mention they made an entire separate series of prequels based on SF. It's no secret that they whored it out.

>> No.5469773

First time player who was posting earlier here. Just finished it.

What an absolutely wonderful little game that was. Was not expecting that twist with Data at the end. All of that stuff at the end was really cool. No idea why you could see space in those underground caverns, but it sure was neat. That goodbye segment at the end was really nice too. And the satellite, just all of it was great.

I’m curious, how hard is this game supposed to be? I got like 3 or 4 game overs on the last boss before winning, and on the last attempt I was completely out of health. Two or three other game overs besides those the whole playthrough, but a few close calls. I’m sure it would’ve been way easier with the 1/2 damage jacket, which I avoided buying because I like fighting high damage enemies, but still. I guess it just depends on your upgrade path, but I love how many enemies can wipe out your health bar in a few hits. Dunno if I’d say the game is better than oot, but the combat is leagues ahead of it without doubt. Just tons of fun.

I also REALLY like the movement upgrades. High jumping and rollerblading around is awesome. I even really like the weird tank controls, it’s actually really refreshing to play a 3d action adventure game that isn’t a zelda clone. The further in you get the more obvious it becomes that everything was designed around the controls being the way they are. Movement isn’t perfect, but given the game’s reputation I was surprised how much fun I had just moving around.

How worthwhile are the sidequests? Only one I started was the clubhouse building one, and I guess the gameshow and ruin exploring if those count as sidequests. I’m feeling pretty ready to jump into 2, but if there’s any neat sidequests I’d like to do them.

Roll > Tron

>> No.5470062

Besides attacking while skating, you can do all that already.

Stealing weapons would be cool and I wouldn’t mind it in addition to scavenging, but I actually like the scavenging system more overall. Makes it more unique in the context the rest of the series while still feeling like MM cause you’re gaining and swapping weapon parts. And there’s just something really cool about making a weapon out of a relic you found in a hole in the wall.

But I wouldn’t mind weapon stealing in addition to this stuff.

>> No.5472182

Everything controls better in the second game except rolling which is somehow made worse.

>> No.5472205
File: 254 KB, 320x288, tddenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5472207

>ending credits song
>Capcom didn't feel like using the original japanese pop song
>just makes a new instrumental tune and have voices from the game play over it at times
>it's fucking perfect and makes you cry every time

>> No.5473449

What's the perfect way to play legends? Psone/ps2/Vita? N64? Emulation?

>> No.5473552

As someone who recently tried 64 and ps1 recently for the first time, don’t go for the 64 version.

It’s on psnetwork for like 5-10 bucks if you want to get it there, far as I know that’s perfect sans the latency that comes with modern displays. I enjoyed playing it that way.

I think there’s a pc port somewhere but no idea how good it is. Don’t know how this game would feel on a keyboard cause you use the shoulder buttons a lot and that’s a pretty big part of the game’s ‘feel’. But most people take issue with the controls so maybe it’d be an improvement, dunno.

>> No.5473560
File: 11 KB, 480x360, bach intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell was his problem?