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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 127 KB, 960x672, neo geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5455051 No.5455051 [Reply] [Original]

The idea that a retro gaming board is not only opposed to video game preservation but flies into an autistic rage whenever the subject is brought up baffles me. Why do you people want games to be lost?

>> No.5455056

Find a job.

>> No.5455061

I don't mind low quality garbage tier games to be lost forever.

>> No.5455083

Here's a magnet for 263 NeoGeo Roms: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:edcf11c76f1da001c4846e3da3226c8e1299dd86&dn=Neo-Geo+Arcade+Perfect+Set+%28about+260+roms+%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969

How is this lost?

>> No.5455095

Muh resale value

>> No.5455105

What are you even talking about? Also 98% of /vr/ only cares about mario, Zelda, Castlevania, final fantasy, doom and donkey kong country. If it's not one of those it's just food for trolls.

>> No.5455125

Sad part is, /vr/ wasnt always like this.

Yeah, the first week or two when /vr/ was made was shit due to /v/ leakage, but once the kiddies got bored, this place was fucking amazing.

I took a break from the internet for the past year, and now that I'm back, its an absolute shitshow. Everyone here is retarded. So much so, that "LARPer" keeps being used in a context that makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

>> No.5455148

Thank /v/ invaders.

>> No.5455160

What game is that?

>> No.5455186

Information overload is making people stupid and not just here. Flat earthers have come back in a real way and social progress makes people have meltdowns about over liberal thinking and that they have to be nazis or else dreaded brown people will steal all the jobs and women. I find it delightful.

>> No.5455218
File: 64 KB, 357x386, Shino cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"preservation" is just a bullshit excuse for piracy. Now I condone piracy because fuck paying resellers but at least have the goddamn dignity to be honest about this shit. Because this isn't about preserving shit. This is about greedy children crying about toys they didn't even know existed till someone told them they can't have it.

>> No.5455224

I don't mind the concept of """""video game preservation""""" but the people around it annoy the fuck out of me because they don't actually play fucking video games, same with people who beg for translation of JP only titles.
>spend 3 years screaming and crying that x game isn't available
>finally surfaces online
>two people download it
>no more threads are made because nobody here actually cares about playing games

>> No.5455240

Why did you use so many quotation marks?

>> No.5455242

OP, I think you are mixing things up. People here don't hate preservation. In fact, we have actively worked to dump and preserve some games in the past.

If anything, I think you are just seeing a mixture of trolls who love to stir up shit, and a mixture of people who are angry that some collectors refuse to dump rare games, either for legality reasons, or for concern to lowering their copy's value, or whatever else. There are a lot of people here that do believe in preservation, but who say that those who obtain rare carts and do not dump them and spread them around are not actually a benefit but a harm to the preservation community. This became such a common complaint on the board, that people actually started getting annoyed with people bitching about dumps, and started arguing against them, simply because they were annoyed. Things like, "We get it, the guy who has Socks the Cat is a douche. Maybe you should buy the proto from him if you care so damn much." or "You don't really give a shit about that game, you just want to hoard roms. If that game was dumped it would just be another file on your hard drive, it has no significance to you beyond that it isn't dumped".

I don't necessarily disagree with these criticisms, I'm just pointing out the opinion shift that occurred due to burnout toward people complaining about dump hoarders. When we were given a task, /vr/ was actually very productive and proactive about preservation. There just hasn't been anything to galvanize us lately.

>the first week or two when /vr/ was made was shit due to /v/ leakage

Were we on the same board? I remember everyone being really weirdly nice and kind to each other, because everyone was afraid of moot nuking the board if it didn't actually talk about video games.

You're right that it has gotten worse, I'm just not sure what you're referring to with your first line.

>> No.5455245

For kicks.

>> No.5455249
File: 9 KB, 300x222, 1479700981710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about not being able to play a shitty undumped meme game like Socks the Cat
>when there are literally thousands of games that you've never played and could be playing RIGHT NOW
What's your fucking excuse, you sack of shit?

>> No.5455250

It makes you look retarded.

>> No.5455257

Not everyone supports theft. Anyway I like that the rom sites are going down.

>> No.5455265

actually it reminds me of karl pilkington talking about museums having too much stuff in them

I think it stems from the origins of TV and movies. Back in the first half of the 20th century, there was a lot of film that was lost due to either improper care, or due to lack of concern for it, etc. Your past is invaluable, and film historians still lament over whatever movies or parts of movies we've lost, even if many of them are probably shit, you never know what you lost, and that's part of why it hurts.

For maybe something more relevant to stuff that's popular today, consider how BBC used to reuse films to save money, regardless of what was on them. It's for this reason that the earliest episodes of Doctor Who were lost, and that Monty Python's Flying Circus was nearly taped over and lost forever before one of the cast members bought the original films. Again, I'm not saying every preservation issue will be like this, but the idea behind preservation is that if it was made, then there might be something to gain from it, and that it doesn't deserve to be lost to time. I would say that we in gaming are lucky that our medium is so easily preserved and copied and recopied, that we don't have nearly as much of a hardship holding onto things as they did in the days of film.

>> No.5455275

Games on their system with crt's are the only true accurate way.

>> No.5455295

>and film historians

AKA people who don't want real jobs. Nobody is bemoaning the loss of shitty 50s monster movie number 678-b except the retards who need a hook for their review show.

>> No.5455325

All I can really say is that you haven't lurked enough if you haven't seen that shit before.

>> No.5455326

They are. Wage cucks are retards though

>> No.5455328

What's a wage cuck?

>> No.5455338

I've seen it many many many times and every time it just makes any point the writer was trying to make evaporate because they appear too stupid to make their point without mashing on the ""'keyboard""

>> No.5455341

my understanding is that a lot of the films lost are known to be or believed to be religious films, likely about Jesus Christ. As I've stated, I think there are multiple sides which make valid points for and against preservation. Since you're on the against side, maybe it would help to think of preservationists as just being egalitarian about what needs to persist. You probably have things you like and may like to be able to watch/play/read/etc. in the future, that without preservation efforts would likely be lost due to lack of care. Sure, popular things are less likely to disappare, but consider that popular things stay around because people care to preserve them. Maybe they have very specific motivations for it, but it's still preservation. It's just motivated by something like financial gain or personal taste. Preservationists just have a larger set of things they care about, that is, they extend their care of preservation toward everything, and not just what one person likes or what is popular.

>> No.5455352

it's a meme phrase used on shittier boards, the idea is that being a NEET is the best existence, and that people with jobs are just suffering for no purpose. It's generally accompanied by frog and feels guy edits because of course every shitty new meme has to derive from them.

>> No.5455353

>[people whine and beg for shit but don't actually play it]
I really do think that a lot of people desire things simply because they can't have it, and/or rage that someone else does have it.
As someone who does dump and release things, it feels great to see when people are genuinely happy to see the thing released, and play through and analyze and so on. Preservation for preservation sake is great, but honestly seeing people make use of the preserved content is what makes it feel worth it.

>> No.5455363

I don't think I'll ever understand the millenial mindset. Maybe they think I care too much about making money, but I like my job and can't remember the last time the price of a video game I wanted was even a minor concern. But maybe living with your mom at the age of 30 is amazing in some weird way...

>> No.5455403
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, FfGRqNx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The picture in the post you replied to is of an unreleased NeoGeo AES game that was never officially announced, and was eventually canceled.

Someone purchased NeoGeo test boards on Yahoo Japan Auctions, and discovered they still had the flash cards in them. He found that they still had ROMs on them, albeit damaged.

He spent fucking weeks trying to repair the ROMs into a playable state, and eventually succeeded, discovering a fighting game called "DarkSeed"

He promptly dumped them online

But yeah, okay, its bad because he "pirated" a game literally nobody on this planet knew existed.

>> No.5455413

It's always a joy to see someone type out a long-winded reddit post while completely missing the point of the post he's replying to

>> No.5455419

Honestly, they're most likely just shitposting. I've never met an actual home- bound NEET that was happy about it (and I've met a few of them). Most of the images strawman that the superior NEET is staying at home under blankets playing video games, and that the angry "wagecuck" is walking through cold rain with no coat on their way to their McDonald's job. Obviously the kind of slanted perspective that usually gets used in these kinds of things.

I think the short of it is to just stay off of /v/, you aren't missing anything good.

See, this is the pro- side of preservation, we learn about new stuff, and we don't always know that it's good or bad.

Formatting aside, he made a good post that is relevant to the conversation. Your complaints don't sound like they are about preservationists, they sound like they are about the people I mentioned before, the ones griping for dumps of known prototypes/unreleased/etc. games where it's known that someone owns them but they are refusing to dump them for whatever reason. If you want to be annoyed with anyone, be annoyed with them for whining too much about these issues and not doing enough to resolve the problem.

Finally, if that post is long-winded, then I feel bad for your reading capacity. Maybe you should stick to faster, simpler boards, or maybe check out twitter.

>> No.5455420

>a long-winded reddit

What the fuck does this even mean?
If you weren't a fucking newfag, you would remember that almost every post on /vr/ was like this when it was first made.

Go back to /b/, you colossal retard. Nobody likes you.

>> No.5455426

games should be an ephemeral experience, only to be experienced in the context of their own time

>> No.5455428

Someone who works for mister shekelberg and is in stress for ever.

Then takes it out on his son.

>> No.5455429


Legit question, why do people piss their pants over my formatting? It only started about 5 or so years ago, and I never bothered to ask.

American mid-90s computer classes teach you to double enter, and IMO, its the easiest to read that way.

>> No.5455431

It's another meme thing, used to judge people as redditors based on how they space their posts. Sometimes I wish I wasn't as well-versed in this stupidity as I am.

>> No.5455438

ugh i know right?? those subhumans should drop the vile hatebigotry or go live in their own countries. were all equal.

>> No.5455440


Someone who works a high-stress job for minimum wage.

Home depot is a good example.

>You have to deal with retards who ask you the dumbest questions, and you NEED to know the answer
>operate forklifts and reaches. Higher risk, no pay increase
>Physical labor that exceeds that of a contractor (Im a contractor and I literally do less work)
>Must activly prevent customers from killing themselves or causing thousands of dollars of damage
>Trained to spot and report terrorists
>Trained how to identify IEDs
>Trained on what to do in an active shooter situation. The difference between cover and concealment. How to fucking take down the shooter.
>all for minimum fucking wage

>> No.5455451

Some of those things sound like valuable training and life lessons at least

>> No.5455453

>If you want to be annoyed with anyone, be annoyed with them for whining too much about these issues and not doing enough to resolve the problem.
That's what I don't get, the people who complain endlessly about things not being dumped, but are unwilling to do anything constructive to help get them dumped. Instead of throwing a hissy fit at someone who has something you want, offer to buy it off of them, offer to donate money to have the ROM dumped, simply donate to people and causes that release the things you're interested in, browse forums and auctions for things to buy and dump,and so on.If you can't afford to contribute funds, that's fine, you can always help to document things on TCRF. I guarantee that there is no shortage of already dumped prototypes with incomplete, very little, or even no meaningful documentation of differences. All that would cost is time, but I think most who whine about others not freely giving their time and money away for the good of preservation, are themselves absolutely unwilling to contribute any of their money and time to support the cause they claim to care so much about.

>> No.5455462

Someone who works hard at hard work jobs. Notice they don't bash you if work at office job or dream jobs.

In the medieval days you worked 2 hours.

>> No.5455558

Monster movies are fun.

>> No.5455756

>He promptly dumped them online

*promptly hoarded them. They're not dumped.

>> No.5455780

Piracy and amateur translators have elevated hundreds of games to cult classic status through word of mouth and are basically single handedly responsible for keeping retro gaming fresh and alive and making it about more than just flea markets and CRT circlejerks. Entire genres would be historical footnotes if copyright holders actually got their way. It's all about passion trumping greed

>> No.5456072

>He spent fucking weeks trying to repair the ROMs into a playable state, and eventually succeeded

Fuck no, at least two of those cartridges are gone (don't call them ROMs you dummy). They contained the fonts, title screen and other UI elements, so the dude only had character art and backgrounds to work with. We could only gather the game being called DarkSeed because actual developers came to surface.

>> No.5456079

When streaming becomes the norm, your fantasy will unfortunately come true.

>> No.5456094

How does it feel knowing the entire internet is also ephemeral and all of this could and at some point likely will all disappear with no physical traces?

>> No.5456114

Romsites going down makes no difference when everyone has fulldumps even for cd media now.

>> No.5456151

Game companies have been known to profit from emulation themselves on several occasions and they've made millions out of doing a 180 on franchises they didn't give a shit about back in the day that ended up getting a resurgence thanks to "theft". They'd rather deny gamers access to stuff they haven't made a dollar from for decades so they can find a new way to monetize it later. I guess you're still the bigger man though

>> No.5456171

Piracy is the only reason we have some old episodes of certain TV shows because broadcasters were dumb and would reuse broadcasting tapes, overwriting what was on there.
A lot of early Dr. who episodes were lost this way, but some were recovered: from personal recordings and pirate TV stations.
Games are a business, and businesses and their assets decay over time. Copies are important because eventually copies are all we will ever have left.

>> No.5456692

>bills and notes from sumerian manure-dealers are preserved
>plenty of websites from just a couple of years ago are gone forever
The digital dark age is SHIT.

>> No.5456706

People are generally not very forward thinking. They look at those websites and think "lol who cares," and then ten years later think "oh damn I wish I could revisit the websites I went to ten years ago but they're gone or poorly archived." Future historians will inevitably find high value in analyzing old internet junk, and whine about how dumb people were for not bothering to better preserve them. It's exactly why old boxed games are so expensive and why people who grew up on old games are having to rebuy the very things they owned as children.

>> No.5456752

Aren't there a few episodes that were never recovered? I think fans remade them, playing as actors and all.

>> No.5456798

When tumblr decided to get rid of all their adult content they deliberately got in the way of people trying to archive it. All of this shit is motivated by short term greed and a complete lack of interest from big companies in their own contributions to culture

>> No.5456834

wow, that's pretty dedicated. I wish game preservers were so skilled and willing. I guess that the skillset is pretty rare compared to acting though.

>> No.5456840

There's going to be a remake of a lost episode that had no Doctor in it by some students but with involvement of some of the original cast. They're trying to get BBC to publish it on DVD.

>> No.5457053

Nobody is opposed to preservation. What on earth are you on about?

>> No.5457082

Faggot lies

Fair use is different.

Lot of sites like ask.fm and from spring too. Miss all the sexy teen girls before they become obese tatted uggo.

>> No.5457414

Some of that is probably due to the disconnect between the actual product creators and the companies that employ the creators. The business side of many companies are likely comprised of people who don't really "get" the company's product beyond knowing that it generates a cashflow.

>> No.5457460

>what is data hoarding

>> No.5457491

I think you're confusing this board with /v/, because that's where people whine about "piracy".

>> No.5457860

You must have bought every single AES game on the very day of their release. Betcha have an AX Monster Ride as well. Nah, that's nothing to you. You probably have a Ridge Racer Full Scale machine in your home, right? Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.5458386

>t. nigger