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File: 114 KB, 220x313, 220px-Super_Street_Fighter_II_Turbo_(flyer).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5453010 No.5453010 [Reply] [Original]

This is still the best and most influential fighting game of all time. Discuss

>> No.5453068

I like Cammy's ass.

>> No.5453092

Thank you for introducing Chun-Li and Cammy.

>> No.5453106
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i agree dood

>> No.5453110

I like the place between Cammy's legs.

>> No.5453119


Nothin' butt Cammy

>> No.5453130
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>> No.5453295

literally who?

>> No.5453335

Most fun versions of Street Fighter II

PS2 Anniversary Edition (basically like Mortal Kombat Trilogy)

New Challengers snes (turbo mode and other modes)

Special Champion Edition (genesis)

>> No.5453354
File: 956 KB, 304x127, 2141 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best is highly debatable, but SF2 in it's various iterations is undoubtedly the most influential.

>> No.5453357

Why the fuck the SNES version and not Super Turbo

>> No.5453359

KOF is literally pure weebshit. the designs are appalling

you could've posted Samurai Shodown 2 or Garou MOTW at least

>> No.5453395

>Kof is pure weebshit
>Street shitter isn't
yeah sure

>> No.5453404

I can play HF and ST for hours still. SF2 is pretty much perfect in terms of "easy to learn, hard to master"

It's one of the few games that I feel I can effectively play 90% of the cast in casual play, but the skill ceiling is still so high that it really shows if you take the time to master a character.

>> No.5453408

I love playing Chun-li, 90second perfects, pissing people off with guillotine kick

>> No.5453414
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Yie Ar Kung-Fu and Karate Champ are the more influential fighting games, IMHO.

>> No.5453416
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Fun game, though aspects like random damage and O. Sagat stop me from pursuing it compitively. It is fun to mess around with on fightcade though.

>> No.5453439
File: 121 KB, 600x900, EX-IORI-XIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blown the fuck out

>> No.5453494

>snes and genesis downports

>> No.5453501

Cammy is cute

>> No.5453503

>Garou MOTW
Why didn't they make a sequel? This game was amazing

>> No.5454007

MotW is a baby game

>> No.5454571

He was blocking. Nothing he could do.

>> No.5455109
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>the best

Maybe it would be in the top 5 if you deleted boxer chun vega dhalsim and dj from the game. There are too many characters for retards with a double digit iq.

Meme spouting fags don't know how to play fighting games. I'll blow anyone in this thread in 98 or ST right the fuck out on fightcade. See me (you won't).

>> No.5455113

>complaining about "low iq" characters and not mentioning claw
>complaining about deejay and chun
how much st do you play

>> No.5455117

I said Vega

>> No.5455120
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KoF designs are stylish and cool. SF designs are just generic cultural stereotypes and boring as fuck.

>> No.5455121

You're a fag dude

>> No.5455135
File: 83 KB, 628x987, samus piano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see that. You threw me off by saying Boxer in that post.

Now tell me what's wrong with Thicc Lee in ST.

>> No.5455138
File: 56 KB, 110x234, Robert98_stance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like stylish character designs over boring ones?

>> No.5455139

See the problem is retards like you that talk about "muh sprites!" "muh scanlines" and don't actually know anything about fighting games or never discuss how the actual game itself plays but rather tertiary factors.


Dude, who cares.

What's wrong with Chun?

>j.lk best jump in in the game probably
>st.mp +10 on block
>a throw that randomly 50% of the time does the damage of an SPD
>a 2 frame reversal
>stored super
>lightning legs
>flipkick oki

Just a stupid gorilla bitch like DJ or Vega where everything is safe and leads into everything else. At least boxer taxes some degree of execution and charge management and his normals aren't as good as chun's. With chun just walk forward, do jump lk, and try to throw people. Most of the toptiers in ST are fucking braindead.

>> No.5455161

Because you care about style over substance. You probably don't even play KOF worth shit.

>> No.5455174
File: 179 KB, 180x224, Snk-geese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was that guy who brought up the style thing, not me. I just said it was debatable that SF2 was the best despite how influential it is. I don't dislike SF at all, I just don't like ut as much as KoF and if we're talking style I don't think there's any contest. Take a game like MotW though which doesn't have some of what I think makes King of Fighters shine and I don't t think it compares well to Street Fighter 2 for example. Designs are cool but they don't reallt matter.

I like King of Fighter's large rosters and team battle set ups which make extended play sessions much more interesting and makes for much less predictable match ups. Dodges and rolls add another layer making projectile spam a much less viable option and close range characters don't all have to be balanced specifically to deal with it. Also specials in KoF are often more complex and require more effort and practice. Pulling off a pretzel or even simple orochinagi motion under pressure raises the bar in my opinion and is one of the reasons I have a lower opinion of Mark of the Wolves.

>> No.5455237

>complains about the designs
>gets btfo
>"y-you only care about the style, not the game hurr durr"

>> No.5455552 [DELETED] 

No, you clearly said
>and dj

>> No.5455828

SFII saved a dying genre, in the same way SFV and Tekken 7 are saving the genre again. At the time most people thought fighters were done for, SFII brought back the genre and made it possible for people to get back into fighting games. I remember kids lining up, literally in a line, to play Street Fighter at my local arcade. Those were the best days, impromptu tournaments, grudge matches, people getting into real fights over the game. It was a good ass time man.

>> No.5455832

I liked to fight Johnny Cage with Reptile

>> No.5455856

I too remember Virtua Fighter.

>> No.5455858
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>> No.5456064
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>> No.5456174
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Happy murica day, biotch.

>> No.5456178

How can it save something if it was practically the beginning?

>> No.5456226

Everything about this is wrong. SF2 basically created the genre and made it super popular in the first place. And 5 and Tekken7 aren't saving it either because the genre is still massively popular. If any SF could be said to have "saved" fighting games it would be 4, but really that's just because it finally brought good netcode abd online play to the masses.

>> No.5456235


SFV is a complete disaster. It did more damage to the franchise than anything else before. It remains to be seen if the series will ever recover.

>> No.5456703

Hyper Fighting is the best version.

>> No.5456704
File: 18 KB, 189x267, tekken3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the most influential, but it has seen been surpassed.

>> No.5456753

lol, no tekken game, let alone fucking tekken 3 is better than ST, sorry

>> No.5456770

What's your basis for this claim? It's sold over 2 million copies and has a very active community. Where is the disaster?

>> No.5456775
File: 431 KB, 500x567, most-people-rejected-his-message-shut-up-they-hated-jesus-18714815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5457815

You're showing how young you are if you think SFII started the genre.

>> No.5458132

It wasn't really a genre when the games were just Karate Champ, Kung Fu, Budokan etc. That's what they mean. Saying SF2 saved the genre is nonsense.

>> No.5459184

It's not even really a fighting game, it's a juggling simulator.

>> No.5459196

Are you stupid
The Sega Saturn Street Fighter collection are the best version of 2 AND alpha 2

>> No.5459198

There's nothing to discuss about.

>> No.5459337

Never said it did, but it came not too long after it was started.

>> No.5459346

the first statement is plainly wrong and the second one is plainly right
worthless thread

>> No.5459468

They predate it, but it's not the same.
Developers before SF2: "Maybe a fighting game would be nice? I dunno. Platformers are what's hot right now. We need to be like Mario"
After SF2: "We HAVE to make a fighting game! Look how well it went for Capcom! We just need to imitate them!"

>> No.5459470

You realize that Iori is one of the most weebshit designs ever?

>> No.5459759

Not to go too off topic bu at release SFV was a shitshow but as it is now it's fine. It's not amazing, sure, but it really isn't as bad as people hype it up to be.

>> No.5459796

Isn't that every itteration of Street Fighter? They always release kinda shitty it then make new versions till it's decent before starting all over again. SF5 finally being good just means 6 must be right around the corner.

>> No.5459916

>ever good

>> No.5459947


>> No.5461465

sfv was fucking trash kill yourself

>> No.5461543

>good net code
You didnt play 4.

>> No.5461558

>New Challengers snes (turbo mode
So you've never played it.
SNK fighters may be intricately designed but they always blended together for me and never seemed as dynamic as any CPS2 arcade game.

>> No.5461783

Describe in detail how.

>> No.5461919

Sfv is totally fucked up. From the grsphics to the neutral game, to the shifted balance between offense and defense. Not even mentioning the retarded dlc model, or the fucked up clipping.

>> No.5461964

Exactly, it was a dying genre, most developers thought it was a dead end, Capcom made something that revived the genre, making it what it is today.

>> No.5462112

Obnoxious fags like you who use fighting games solely as a means to inflate their egos are CANCER. Fuck back off to srk.com

>> No.5462174

not the other poster, but I found the neutral game super lacking, especially after playing Tekken recently.

>> No.5462176

Anyone else played SF 30th Collection? Any lag or anything? I Wanna play 3rd Strike again.

>> No.5464995
File: 454 KB, 675x1200, tmp_30724-15328064064953327263968096114718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would definitely mating press.

>> No.5465632
File: 1.65 MB, 2016x1512, Found_the_Thousand_Arms_mail-in_poster_too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my game of choice, but in those days I was getting lonelier on the machine as my competition was pulled away by the Mortal Kombat games. I still harbor a hate for the Mortal Kombat games to this day, as they were shit, and I was able to recognize that back then. They all came back to SSF2T too. So many great arcade experiences with the game. Felt good with everyone watching.

I forgot about that poster! Kept it all these years,

>> No.5465726

It's solid for what it is but if you're looking for online just use fightcade. 30th anniversary is great if you want a home version of ST/Alpha 2 and 3/Third Strike but the online is dead.

>> No.5466567

best theme https://youtu.be/tMNPDiytN_I