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5452882 No.5452882 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on Yu-No? Is it really the best visual novel?

>> No.5452910

I played through Radical Dreamers, now playing through Snatcher, and was planning on playing Yu-No next. Any other retro VNs?

>> No.5453362

It's enjoyable because it's not just a novel (back in the day we didn't call it a "novel," it was an "adventure game"). The A.D.M.S. timeline travel system and inventory item puzzles kept me feeling involved rather than just feeling like I was passively reading a story.

>> No.5453365

Bubblegum Crash on PC Engine hucard. has a translation and the graphics look nice for a hucard too

>> No.5453391

Famicom Detective Club Part 2

>> No.5453409
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Doukyuusei 2 is based VN.

>> No.5453530

Only played it in English, but yes, it's absolutely fantastic. The dialogue is natural every conversation is really enjoyable to read, there are plenty of fucked up moments, and if you continue to replay it after getting 100% completion there's a handful of cool easter eggs you can find. It's a game made with a level of love and care that most stuff just doesn't have anymore.

>> No.5453539

>the best
absolutely not
shits the bed in the last 20% of the game

>> No.5453553

Tons of much better ones. Unfortunately most of them aren't retro.

>> No.5453595

>non-retro VNs

>> No.5453597

Steins;gate and 999 were good

>> No.5453602

Yes. The best ones were all released between 2004 and 2011.

>> No.5453604

such as?

>> No.5453616

Sci Adv
Zero Escape
Muv Luv

All non-retro and solid entries in the genre. Feel free to dislike them but they're some of the highest rated. Definitely more than Radical Dreamers and Bubblegum Crash listed above.

>> No.5453630

Soukou Akki Muramasa
Baldr Sky
Cross Channel
Saihate no Ima
Subarashiki Hibi
Sakura no Uta (the only great VN released since 2011)
Swan Song
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
Bengarachou Hakubutsushi
(Translations need not apply.)

There are plenty more you could add to that list depending on individual tastes, but those should all be fairly uncontroversial as far as being better written than Yu-no. Yu-no is pretty good, and definitely one of the best '90s ADVs, but the late '00s are known as the golden age of VNs for a reason.

>> No.5454090

Best I don't know, I liked it a lot.

>> No.5454814


>> No.5456323

Eve Burst Error

>> No.5456402

Just started playing this the other day, can be frustrating at points but would recommend

>> No.5456430


>> No.5456728
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None of those have soul

>> No.5456745

visual novels are a mild narcotic

>> No.5456757
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>> No.5458661
File: 8 KB, 375x312, yuno puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.5459087

You kidding? I love picross.

>> No.5459097

Is this actually picross? If so, do people have trouble with it? It looks like the number of lines in the "hint" squares corresponds with the number. Having a 12x12 board would throw me off a bit though.

>> No.5459098

Not only it is, it's even easier than the average 12x12.

>> No.5459107

The main problem is that it comes out of nowhere.

>> No.5459109
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Thank you for posting this, I otherwise wouldn't have known there were *translated* Detective Conan video games. I'm watching the series and am going through the early 90s seasons.

>> No.5460820

I do hope you're not implying Possessioner has soul. It is pretty garbage, have you actually played it?

>> No.5461437

I prefer non-retro stuff.

Like Monobeno or Maitetsu

>> No.5461549

Seek help, you sick fuck.

I love Sumi and wish to marry her.

>> No.5461681

respectable taste, though I'm more of a Tsuushinbo kind of guy.

>> No.5462217

Season of the Sakura and Three Sisters Story are classics.

>> No.5462363
File: 51 KB, 680x543, yuno god hand edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never played Picross before
>Had no idea what I was doing here
>Still wanted to solve it without a guide
>Assume the symbols were numbers, but never saw them before
>Perhaps the number of stokes in the symbols represents the number
>Start writing on my desk in pencil
>Go with this reasoning for 30 minutes and come up with nothing
>Eventually get tired of the puzzle and save and close the game
>Come back to it tomorrow, and still have no idea what the fuck it means
>Close the game and do something else
>Come back to it hours later, and I was mainly looking at the symbols again that I don't skip the opening
>The clock
>The fucking clock
>Spend the next 30 or so minutes finishing the puzzle

It was actually a lot of fun to solve despite not knowing what I was doing for a few days. Hard to think the opening was a clue.

>> No.5462893

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO. The gameplay is extremely challenging, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot points will go over a typical player's head. There's also YU-NO's Oedipus complex, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her lust for her father draws heavily from Sigmund Freud literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these sexual themes, to realise that they're not just otaku pandering - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike YU-NO truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the melodic and tonal construction of Ryu Umemoto's music, which itself is a cryptic reference to Zen Buddhism. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hiroyuki Kanno's genius wit unfolds itself on their PC screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Kun-Kun tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only - and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

>> No.5464364


>> No.5464372

>you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO
>incorrectly refers to an electra complex an oedipus complex

>> No.5464380

first ep of the anime adaptation airs in a week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU7idrn59LE

>> No.5464504

You know, come to think of it

I had a BLAST with the translated version of DESIRE.
I liked translated version of EVE significantly less.
I dropped both the main portion and the epilogue to YU-NO, not having completed even 1/3 of each out of pure boredom.
I was entirely unimpressed with the translated portion of Xenon's script, and thought it no match for the magnificent artistry of this VN.

Why, thought I, might that have been the case?

I think, I found the answer.


Who was the sole translator on DESIRE, according to the credits, _collaborated_ on EVE, and, well, didn't have any relation to either YU-NO or partial translation of Xenon, both of which were fan-translated relatively close to the original.

In other words, I highly suspect, the only portions of writing I happened to sincerely like about DESIRE and, to much lesser extent, EVE, were the product of the translator taking frivolities with the original material.

I am actually interested in knowing, whether the original, PC-98, version of DESIRE contained the most killer joke in the translated version, the one with the sign, showing directions at a certain point you can turn it upside down, after which your ingame map starts working incorrectly, teleporting you not at all where you intended to go.

>> No.5464524 [DELETED] 

EOPs are subhuman.

>> No.5464528

He's a subhuman EOP. Then again, so are you.

>> No.5466373

I'm only about halfway out of EOP-hood, I'll admit. I checked the dictionary pretty often when I played it. I endured it until the second battle/sex scene. It was pretty underwhelming overall. They wasted all of the graphics and sound on a mediocre hentai game.

>> No.5466548

Why is Yu-No getting an anime this season? Are they going to release a remake of the games?


>> No.5466551

The remake is already out.

>> No.5466553

>an easy game like Possessioner
>checked dictionary pretty often
>halfway out of EOP-hood

Something doesn't check out.

>> No.5466575

You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?

>> No.5466590

You want me to post my N1 score or what?

>> No.5466596

I'm just wondering what's your overall proficiency level.

>> No.5466605

It's been few years since I started studying Japanese. Now I live in Japan.

>> No.5466805

>click power station
>"I can't go there now! I have to find what's-her-name!"
>what a player assume this means: look around for her in another place
>what you have to do: click on it again straight away (not even a second time overall, but once after another).
Fuck that.

>> No.5467159

The game does come with a guide just for moments like that.

I remember in one of the routes, you have to talk to some background characters at the school twice to advance the plot. Really confused me as I don't know why anyone would assume they were relevant to moving the story forward when beforehand they were just there for a joke response.

>> No.5468131

I'm a VNlet, give me more recommendations senpai

>> No.5468232

it's great but subahibi is the peak of the form. it's rare for a VN to just be downright great and not merely peeking above the trash mountain

>> No.5468265

I woudln't hate vns so much if they didn't take 60 hours to finish.

>> No.5468279

The vast majority don't. 15-25 hours is standard for full-price VNs at typical native-level reading speed. A few outliers stretch into the 50+ hour range, but those are rare.

>> No.5468758
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So are they going to tell me whatever the fuck actually happened to my father this time?

Are they going to have a phone ring several times obnoxiously throughout the course of the series and your retarded protagonist is just going to claim it's "unimportant" and never answer it?

I'm pretty sure there was more bullshit that I am just forgetting.

>> No.5468993
File: 20 KB, 208x288, toyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*