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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 255x198, FF1_NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5451856 No.5451856 [Reply] [Original]

All my life I've been avoiding FF like the plague because of its cancerous fanbase, but I want to give at least one of'em games a chance. I'll definitely pick the first one but before I start lemme hear your opinions.

>> No.5451861

How were you exposed to the fanbase if you weren't into the games?

>> No.5451863

You don't HAVE to start with the first one since most FF games aren't directly connected but it's just as fine a place as any to start if you enjoy old JPRGs.
This your first time on this board or any video game related board for that matter?

>> No.5451876

FF only shares its name, for every game is different. It depends on what are you looking for. You should probably start with 6 for the characters, or 5 for the gameplay.

>> No.5451878


I have played Mother on emulator and enjoyed it, so that's a plus so far if they're similar in gameplay.

>> No.5451905

Like others have said you don't actually have to start with 1 and the NES version is outright badly programmed and broken so I advise against it in favor of literally any later version of it if you do so choose to play it.

>>5451876 is on the money unless you want a very classic RPG that's charm is in its simplicity, in which case do play one of the FF1 ports or the FF3 famicom translation patch.

>> No.5451941


OP here, thanks for boiling it down to those aspects. I am looking for the charm in its simplicity indeed. If it's not overly cryptic like "secrets where fairies don't live", the eagerness on FF1 is going up.

>> No.5451945
File: 789 KB, 914x981, rydia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play FF4 instead, you don't need to play through 1, it's an okay game but it's nothing special and there's really no need to play it since it's not even connected to anything these days, FF4 is a much better game and a better entry point into the series.

People telling you to play 5 and 6 are just going to spoil you because they're so different to 4 and if it turned out you liked one of those, going back to 4 would be a disappointment. In a non-/vr/ example, it'd be like playing New Vegas and then playing Fallout 3, it's a downgrade in every way. You're better off starting with an earlier title and then moving onto the rest. 4 is probably the best 2D one to start with if you want to get into this series, then jump to either 5 if you want more interesting gameplay, or 6 if you want a more story/character driven game.

>> No.5451946

>I've been avoiding FF like the plague because of its cancerous fanbase
You're an idiot then. Why is this even a thing? You let random dick heads on the internet dictate what you enjoy?

>> No.5451950


You're the idiot if you haven't got anything constructive or opposing to say about this game/topic. If you've read further, you'd see that after reconsideration I'm asking for opinions on a single one and wager wether or not it's worth playing.

Good on you for branding everybody else here as dickheads, you must be a pleasure to have around.

>> No.5451989

The first is probably one of the most boring games in the series. If you want something old play 2 or 3. But you sound retarded talking about cancer so it doesn't matter, you won't like those either.

>> No.5451995

Not him but when you start off saying you don't want to play something because of it's fans you sound like an idiot so it's hard to take you seriously.

>> No.5452013

>worth it
No. No video game is worth playing at all ever.

>> No.5452035

Are you sure you don't want to just keep avoiding these games because you don't like other people who enjoy them? I mean if you play one then ..... Well fuck I'm not sure at all what your point was to not play one.
Seriously grow the fuck up.

But to be constructive so you don't get your panties in a wad up your delicate booty hole. I agree with the anon who suggested skip the first one. It is indeed very boring and with out much character driven story. I might even suggest skipping straight to the SNES era as those are some of the best examples of the series.

>> No.5452050


>But to be constructive so you don't get your panties in a wad up your delicate booty hole

I appreciate your tactfulness - Anyway, if you fail to see the point maybe you should grow up... to my level.

My point was to avoid rabid fans, not the game: Give the game a chance based on valid pros and cons instead of endless ramblings. The simplicity brought up by the other Anons is a good pro, and all of your recommendations to other FFs a good con.

Hopefully it's not too hard to understand that I wanted to give the game a chance despite its fanbase. Consider this my one and only attempt.

>> No.5452052

>normie can't enjoy games because other normies he doesn't like enjoyed it

come back when you stop being a normie, normie.

>> No.5452058

>Consider this my one and only attempt.

here's a nice tip for you: nobody fucking cares if you don't play it based on whatever a "fanbase" is like. that's a hazy ass term anyway. look at you, you're concerned about mere chatter from others instead of just playing a game. I don't understand.

>> No.5452059

FF Tactics is unironically the only good FF game. PS1 and GB versions are completely different. Play PS1 version if you only want to play one, but GB one is good too.

>> No.5452060

You act like you're doing the world a favor trying out a game because you hate It's fans and think you're special. If you play FF1 you will either think it sucks (most likely) or you will like it and then turn into the kind of troll who spews about how it was great and all the "fans" are cancer for liking other ones. Just save yourself the time and all of us the irritation of you shitting up the board with your hot take opinions. Literally no one anywhere cares if you play it.

>> No.5452063

What are some of your favorite games and their fanbases like? Serious question.

>> No.5452068

Castlevania fans are even more cancerous, but it doesnt stop me from enjoying it. Dumb excuse, OP.

>> No.5452087
File: 770 KB, 499x367, DoesntMakeSense00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean are you afraid that if you played one that the fan base would jump out of the system?
How exactly did the fan base keep you from playing?
I think that's everybody's rub on this. I mean unless it's an online game then the fan base doesn't have shit to do with the actual game.
It just seems foolish to avoid a game based on people who don't have anything to do with the actual playing of the game.
And if you can't understand why people don't understand why you would do that maybe you should either explain why or just leave the thread.

>> No.5452094

I actually can't think of a single series of games that doesn't have annoying fans.

>> No.5452115

Looks like I struck your nerve there, people like you are the reason I avoided the fanbase. You obviously care enough to reply.

Serious answer: Mario games. I refer to the bottom answer too.

You know, you're not wrong. I acknowledge that point.

>I actually can't think of a single series of games that doesn't have annoying fans.

I think I explained enough, and I bet you had your own experience of avoiding something because other people bombard you with their obsessions with it. I wanted to know what all of you think; the thread did not disappoint~

This Anon answers everything in one sentence.

>> No.5452123

Ignore everyone saying to skip FF1 and try a later game in the series. FF1 NES is the shit. Way more replayable than 4, 5 and 6. Enjoy OP. Try putting at least one mage in the party so you don't get bored.

>> No.5452127

I'm not even a fan of Final Fantasy. I mildly like a couple of them but hardly think it's an amazing series. Mostly I just think you're acting like a pretentious idiot and can tell already you won't gave anything worthwhile to say about it.

>> No.5452130

>I think I explained enough, and I bet you had your own experience of avoiding something because other people bombard you with their obsessions with it.

Not really. You still haven't said which games you do like.

>> No.5452132

Nobody is saying skip it. Just don't start with that one or you'll probably drop out from playing the rest

>> No.5452138

4 and 6 are pretty bad but 2, 3 and 5 are all solid and mich better than 1.

>> No.5452147
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, spergs_just right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is hilarious, looks like I tickled enough anuses to make this thread worthwhile. Not bad for a simple question of opinions. Make my day guys, keep the tism coming!

As for the Anons who act like adults and answer accordingly with do's and don'ts - Thank you all! I can definitely give it a try after weighing your opinions on it.

>> No.5452150


>> No.5452152
File: 132 KB, 1040x2508, FF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go for the NES trilogy (2 is plot heavy tho).

>> No.5452154
File: 141 KB, 1040x2508, FF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5452170

ya just spoil the whole game

>> No.5452175

>Good on you for branding everybody else here as dickheads
Reading wasn't your strong subject in school, was it?

>> No.5452179

And looks like I was right, you're just a garden variety troll.

>> No.5452273

>All my life I've been avoiding FF like the plague because of its cancerous fanbase
The real cancer is you

>> No.5452276

You are reddit incarnate

>> No.5452279

Not them but no, I don't know what it's like to not be able to form an opinion on my own and avoid things because somewhere fans of it are dipshits.

>> No.5452371

The screenshot is actually Final Fantasy 2 you fruitcake.

>> No.5452465

You must be part of this cringe fanbase ive been hearing about

>> No.5452479

The game's programming is slop-tier because it was the handiwork of an infamous character in retro game history by the name of Nasir Gebelli.

>> No.5452493

The day I found out Nasir worked as a programmer for Secret of Mana explained so much

>> No.5452494

So I am correct in assuming FF3 was not localized because it would have been too expensive?

>> No.5452502

For some reason Square got the idea that he was some legendary god of 6502 coding and hired him to help work on their games. And Japanese don't hire foreigners very often. Maybe they should have looked into the crap he pulled from his butt on the Apple II and Atari 800.

>> No.5452506

Is the old vancian magic system THAT MUCH BETTER to justify putting up with PS1 load times over the PSP version of FF1?

>> No.5452507

>All my life I've been avoiding FF

Whew sure is young in here!

>> No.5452508

The 3D remake of 4 is more satisfying in both story and gameplay compared to 5 and 6.

>> No.5452510

You can also play the WSC version that the PS1 is based on if you want a cartridge version.

>> No.5452512

Yes. That is correct. It would have needed bigger ROMs for English dialog+the cost of the battery save=too much.

>> No.5452513

Is this ironic baiting or are you actually that stupid?

>> No.5452515

Nah, he's probably an insecure 31 year old like you

>> No.5452521

What am I supposed to be insecure about?

>> No.5452538

Listen. It's alright. You're awesome for playing FF back when it was still relevant and i'm sorry that nobody wants to pat you on the back for it

>> No.5452548

I don't even like FF. You do have to be pretty young to have been avoiding it's fanbase your whole life though lol.

>> No.5452561

You would be better off starting with Final Fantasy III, it's still a NES game.

>> No.5452568


Not really, I am 31, which this Anon >>5452515 surprisingly nailed. Burn this witch.

>> No.5452571

You're both amazingly immature and stupid for a 31 year old then.

>> No.5452572

>load times
They're practically nonexistent. Also there's a lot more that the PSP version fucked up besides just the casting system. The entire point of FF1 is the challenge.

>> No.5452575


We're both old enough to spank your milktooth ass

>> No.5452578

Even if that were true this is still an embarrassing thread by someone who is so triggered by other people he avoided a whole series his entire life and then has to ask 4chan for validation over whether he should play it or not. You can't even tell FF1 from 2.

>> No.5452591

Play Dragon quest 1 instead

>> No.5452598
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1551765377732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny how you perceive triggered as leaning back and enjoy watching dunces like you dump comments like this. Seems like I pushed your button good when I picked the wrong screenshot from a google search, huh dude?

>> No.5452609

At least you admit this has all been trolling.

>> No.5452615

FF1 was epic during era

it was the closest i ever came to dungeons and dragons mythos

probably the only FF game i played that almost feels roguelike

FF IV (didn't like but my brother loved)
FF 3 (VI) (full playthrough during era, enjoyed story)
FF VII (full play through, last RPG i enjoyed)
FF VIII (bought japanese musashi to play demo it and instantly hated weeb art direction)

have been unable to replay RPGs since

>> No.5452674

Nah, only to smartmouths and triggering tryhards. Some other Anons share their opinion of this game, would you like to join?

Good listing there, and I like your reasonings. People often skip FF II for some reason, may I ask why?

>> No.5452685

I'm a huge DQ fan but all three NES FFs are honestly far more interesting than DQ1. The only reason it gets so much attention is because it's the most common NES RPG you can find a loose cart for by a huge margin and every physical hardware tryhard has ended up picking it up at some point

>> No.5452696

>The only reason it gets so much attention is because it's the most common NES RPG you can find a loose cart for by a huge margin and every physical hardware tryhard has ended up picking it up at some point
And it's very fun and easy to play.

>> No.5452704

Most likely he played the games as they came out and is in his 30's and didn't emulate. FFII did not come out until well into the PS1 era.

>> No.5452710

Nintendo gave away DQ1 free with a Nintendo Power subscription and the small ROM size (80k) made the cartridges cheap to manufacture so they cranked them out like sausages.

>> No.5452731

Dude, this is from FF2, not 1.

>> No.5452738 [DELETED] 


I know, it's been pointed out already. searched randomly for FF1 screenshots and picked the wrong one. Since I'm starting out on FF1 I couldn't recognize one from another.

>> No.5452749



I know, it's been pointed out already. Searched randomly for FF1 screenshots and picked the wrong one. Since I'm starting out on FF1 I couldn't tell one from another.

>> No.5452757 [DELETED] 

Faxanadu was so fucking lame.

>oh look they brought DQ1 over to the States so we have to compete with it in as lazy a way possible by taking a four year old game and not even trying to improve/touch it up like they did with DQ1

That game was so outdated by the time it reached the US that it was the butt of jokes.

>> No.5452772

Hydlide was so fucking lame.

>oh look they brought DQ1 over to the States so we have to compete with it in as lazy a way possible by taking a nearly four year old game and not even trying to improve/touch it up like they did with DQ1

That game was so outdated by the time it reached the US that it was the butt of jokes.

>> No.5452775

That game is only remembered because of AVGN.

>> No.5452854

It's been a huge meme in NES circles for like 20 years

>> No.5452865

Hydlide was outdated when it came out on the Famicom originally. Zelda came out a month earlier and DQ1 two months later. It was one of the very last NROM games released.

>> No.5452868

The game actually came out in 1984 on JPCs, the Famicom port was two years later and didn't really change anything. So by the time it got to North America, the thing was half a decade old.

>> No.5452873

They didn't even add scrolling even though the X1 port had it and the Famicom would have been well capable of doing it.

>> No.5452884

Nope, just cheap, lazy SOBs who decided to shoehorn everything into a 40k ROM so it would cost as little as possible to manufacture.

>> No.5452890

The MSX port also scrolls.


>> No.5452894

They didn't bother with scrolling on the Famicom because the game UI would have had to be completely redone and they were too lazy for that. You have to remember with the MSX that the TMS9918 doesn't have actual hardware scrolling, it's just a soft scroll. You can't hardware scroll with the little window playfield in the game.

>> No.5452898

That's just scrolling between the flip screens.

>> No.5452908

Yes that's soft scrolling. You can't do that on a Famicom, to scroll the screen around you'd have to put all the score/status stuff in a box on top or the bottom of the screen and scroll it around via a scanline interrupt. They didn't want to bother redoing all the graphics for that so they just went fuck it and had the game flip screens.

>> No.5452917

>I don't like a thing because of the fanbase
If you search hard enough you'll find that all fanbases are cancer to some degree. Do you not eat steak because your asshole neighbor enjoys it too? What an awful mindset.

>> No.5452928


Your first sentence is agreed with, but your analogy is ridiculous. Good takeoff, terrible landing - maybe you'll set for bronze.

>> No.5452929

Yes, with this patch
I swear I need to favorite this stupid link for all the times this gets asked. It fixes all the broken shit and makes the translation a little clearer

>> No.5452932

But they completely redid the graphics for Hydlide Special.

>> No.5452937

Hydlide Special and the MSX port have more or less the same graphics but the Sharp X1 still has the playfield in a window.

>> No.5452940

OP deserves nothing more than a ridiculous food analogy.

>> No.5452942

>I swear I need to favorite this stupid link for all the times this gets asked. It fixes all the broken shit and makes the translation a little clearer
Most official RPG translations suck anyway, they were done to time pressure/ROM space limitations/NOA censorship.

>> No.5452946

You asked a stupid question with a purposefully wrong screenshot and admit it's to stir up shit, it's pretty classic trolling. My advice is not to bother with FF but we both know that's beside the point. Good job adding to the diminishing quality of the board, you must feel so proud knowing you've made a successful bait thread.

>> No.5452948
File: 7 KB, 259x217, hydlide-msx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are quite different

>> No.5452950
File: 4 KB, 256x224, hydlide-nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5452956


Actually, it's surprising how it became a bait thread by itself, courtesy of this crapalanche. And I didn't pick that screenshot on purpose in case it's beyond your tunnel vision.

Thanks for your advice though, you can go back to sleep.

>> No.5452959

In either case you could not scroll the screen around with how the NES works, so they had to just switch screens.

>> No.5452965

Just just didn't bother because it was a crappy port.

>> No.5452971 [DELETED] 

The MSX Hydlide had a sort of save feature where there was an SRAM in the cartridge that let you save your game, but it wasn't battery backed so it would get erased when you turned the power off. You could however restart the game if you fucked up from your save file.

>> No.5452975

Dragon Quest. Ace Combat. Panzer Dragoon.

>> No.5452978

The MSX Hydlide had a sort of save feature where there was an SRAM in the cartridge that let you save your game, but it wasn't battery backed so it would get erased when you turned the power off. You could however restart the game from your save file if you fucked something up.

>> No.5452982

It's easy to say Hydlide is a bad game and primitive because of ebic AVGN memes, but consider the state of WPRGs in 1984. Wizardry? Ultima III? Sword of Fargoal? Gateway to Apshai? All of those look hopelessly primitive by comparison.

>> No.5452987

Honestly it doesn't do/change much. Mainly just fixes all the goofy grammar bits. It's the bugfixing that makes this patch so damn nice. Half the game's magic, skills and weapons aren't fucked anymore

>> No.5452991

The other versions had disk saving with up to 10 saves.

>> No.5453005

Wizardry 1 was a rather advanced game for 1981 with lots of testing and attention to detail.
The main competition to Hydlide was Dragon Slayer and Hydlide is a lot better.

>> No.5453015

And the Famicom version had...nothing.

>> No.5453017

I think you have your facts mixed up. The MSX version I'm pretty sure used the main RAM for that soft save because it was a computer, not a console.

>> No.5453021

They could have had at least a password save, but no, they were lazy and cheap and insisted on making it an NROM game.

>> No.5453040


>> No.5453042

The game doesn't use any bank switching which limited its size to 40k whereas DQ1 in its original Famicom incarnation was 64k and used a CNROM setup.

>> No.5453057

It had password and RAM saves.

>> No.5453135


I think you've replied to the wrong guy, and as the intended one I find it hilarious. Dance monkeys dance.

>> No.5453342

Nice backpedaling

>> No.5453343

Troll troll troll troll troll lol

>> No.5453397

>avoiding something because of its fan base
are you 12?

>> No.5453406

Only mentally. His body is 31 which he actually admitted.

>> No.5453438
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 1141C0DF-3CAC-42F7-A15D-F3DEA1BE9354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play it, its one of my favorites!
Playing remakes is easier, u can give them a try in case u think playing this nes version tedious

>> No.5453456

I command you to stop this now.

>> No.5453468

For a game like FF1 it really doesn't matter dude. He should definitely play with the right aspect ratio though

>> No.5453469

Recommending 2 for its simplicity seems a bit silly given the keyword system to me.

>> No.5453472
File: 1.80 MB, 2000x2000, Final Fantasy .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely start with FFI, preferably the FF Origins version. It's a basic JRPG, but very finely done, challenging, fast-paced, and with great music.
Then I might recommend FFIV or FFV. FFIV is a great OG-style FF while FFV is THE standard for job-based Final Fantasy games.

The fanbase should just be ignored like all fanbases. Never judge a game on its autistic fans, my friend.

As for FFI, finding an Iron Golem or T-rex is a fun hunt if you're into that. Good luck. Also, Sorcerers!

>> No.5453473

There's no dot crawl. I don't think that's a real NES.

>> No.5453492

Best to just get an Everdrive because you're not getting a real FF1 cartridge cheap.

>> No.5453521

People will shit on it here because it changes how magic works and it's easier than the other two versions of the same game, but Dawn of Souls is a good entry point. It's a GBA remake of FF1 and the biggest difference is that spells use mana instead of a DnD style casts per day system. Pretty much every other FF game uses mana, so it feels more in line with the other games. If you want a good story, FF4 is the best place to start.

>> No.5453525

Seems a little more refined and has a more polished presentation than DQ.

>> No.5453574

If you like old RPGs sure. FF1 is good enough, and real men don't play remakes so the NES is the way to go.

>> No.5453608
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x2449, 1422266512613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cancer doesn't set in until FFIV and doesn't really need chemo until FFVII. The first 3 games were too devoid of uguu kawaii/brooding emo characters for the FF fandom to latch on to, so you can enjoy FFI in all its AD&D ripoff goodness.

>> No.5453609

Pre owned on ebay for $20, versus a couple hundred bucks for an everdrive.

Nigga, learn 2 math.

>> No.5453610

That was the nice thing about 8-bit games. They were still too primitive to make this annoyance possible.

>> No.5453614

Everdrive lets you play bugfixed FF1 with improved translation and also translated 2-3. Check. Mate.

>> No.5453662

Origins looks better though and sounds fantastic. Such a warm and "antique" or "ancient" sound to it.
For example-

That's why I suggested that version of the game. Music is a HUGE part of FF games, so getting the best sound is helpful in diving into the experience.

>> No.5453672

So does emulation, and you don't have to worry about an emulator getting old and dying.

>> No.5453687

Play the GBA remake, for the love of god. It may be easier, but it cuts a quicker pace and none of its mechanics are inoperably broken.

>> No.5453858
File: 247 KB, 1224x1445, 1553133925989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I'll manage. However, it must be embarassing to be your zoomer age and try to fit in with your undropped balls and immature insults. Give my regards to your special needs teachers.

>> No.5453874


Thanks for the input guys. So far I'm going with Emulator (FCE Ultra) and the original ROM version with all of its (apparent) flaws.

GBA remake might be adjusted in difficulty and gameplay, but like other Anons suggested, I would want to experience as much of the original as possible!

>> No.5453875

In Japanese of course.

>> No.5453876

>PS1 load time
It's literally 1.5 seconds for a random battle. I feel like some people just assume every PS1 game has Vagrant Story tier loading.

>> No.5453883

Impatient people are faggots anyway. Jesus Christ you mongs, slow down a bit and enjoy life. You miss half of it.

Even the NES version is great. Get used to setting attackers to the correct enemies(planning attacks) and make sure you set a good speed before the game begins in the appropriate menu, otherwise your casting of FIR2 will take a minute to hit all enemies.

Enjoy "Critical Hit. Terminated."

>> No.5453886


For the love of god use Blargg's NTSC, or run FCEUX via Wii on a CRT, none of this shit >>5453438

>> No.5453908

The PS1 Origins version of FF1 is basically the NES version but with all of the broken stuff fixed. But if you see the stuff that outright doesn't work as part of the original experience that's understandable.

>> No.5453917


Nope, english. I already speak two other languages but japanese is neither of them.


I'll look into Blargg's if necessary, but please none of that techie stuff


Thanks for the advice! Projared also talked about a "broken" spell and the "Penninsula of power". Good to know that the game has exploits to balance out the flaws.

>> No.5453919

Then you are far from the original experience.

>> No.5453942
File: 1.19 MB, 647x5948, 1550937926125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he game's programming is slop-tier because it was the handiwork of an infamous character in retro game history by the name of Nasir Gebelli.

>> No.5453954

Interesting stuff.

>> No.5454170

Techie stuff would be asking you to RGB mod a Fami. Just....do yourself a service and don't play this as nearest neighbor interpolated pixel vomit. Please.

>> No.5454234

Dude, what? NV was hot fucking garbage without at least 15 QoL mods. Ger the fuck outta here

>> No.5454305

>starting another emulation vs real hardware flame war
Please don't.

>> No.5454306

>Techie stuff would be asking you to RGB mod a Fami
Leave that poor Playchoice 10 alone please. It doesn't deserve to have its PPU looted.

>> No.5455190

Are you a time traveler from 2005? There are better ways to do this now.

>> No.5455243

>I would want to experience as much of the original as possible!
Good man. Love it or hate it at least you can say that you've played it for real, which is more than so many remakefags can say.

>> No.5455246

>The PS1 Origins version of FF1 is basically the NES version
Come on m8. The new graphical style and music is nothing alike and it's got cutscenes. It's nothing like the NES version.

>> No.5455425

Origins is better because you can select the D&D style magic system which the game is balanced around.

>> No.5455481

It's the closest one mechanically by a significant margin. There's more to games than graphics and music

>> No.5455490

>it's got cutscenes
You mean the opening cutscene when you boot up the game? I don't remember any other cutscenes actually in the game at all.

>> No.5455507


>> No.5455762

I dunno why every one shits on the dude. He obviously wasn't perfect but it's somewhat apparent he was more adept than just about everyone else at the company at the time.

>> No.5455901

random question: Is having a Red Mage even worth it? Anybody finished the game with him? I think he might kick ass beginning to mid game but towards the end he can't learn all the spells so he'd only be a supplement fighter and Black/White Mage would be a better choice. I just wanna know if he's useful enough if I pick Warrior, Monk, Black Mage and Red Mage as a party.

>> No.5455904

A RW with a Knight holding Excalibur and the RW holding Masamune is formidable against Chaos.
Aside for that, the RW is quite powerful as I believe he can learn all three lvl-3 elemental attack spells. Those are pretty potent, especially FIR3 because it easily wipes out groups of 9 undead.

>> No.5455905

Of course.
He offers a nice mix between combat, healing spells and offensive spells.

>> No.5455907

>Those are pretty potent, especially FIR3 because it easily wipes out groups of 9 undead.

that's good. because I noticed that he can't learn Dia when I was checking out Dawn of Souls.

>> No.5455920

Nope. No HARM/Dia spells.
RM/RW is a great character if you want a challenge in the game without it being too hard. He's a "medium difficulty" guy.

>> No.5455935
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The real cancer is the fanbase we picked up along the way

>> No.5456021


This man gets it.

>> No.5456045

Honestly, past VII, the series is shit anyway. Every fucking one of them tries to reinvent the wheel, but makes massive, game ruining mistakes in the process.

Like how FFXII is arguably a great game, but you can't easily control your party members in combat. But in return, battles are "real time" (still use ATB meters though) and you can move around. Which, incidentally, is a useless feature that adds literally nothing to combat.
Oh, but it's OK, because now there's an overly complicated system to program your guys so they do what you want while you watch! You know, AFTER you buy all the commands you need to do all that.

Or.... they could have just made player characters immobile during combat and given players full control of the whole party like any other JRPG...

And to that end, make it like CT, where you come into contact with an enemy, and combat just starts right tbere on the spot. Make it so that every enemy within a certain range also gets involved. And also add a button for the player to just initiate combat with all enemies (touching them or not) within that range at any time, and bam, Game's fixed.

The FF fanbase is cancer for sure, but so are half the games. So you can't blame them, exactly. Bad games attract crazy people.

>> No.5456052


FFVII was the last good entry, but attracted animefags to the fandom. Every game since then has been trash, and each attracted their own flavor of weirdo and autist into our midst.

>> No.5456061

Do you seriously believe western weebs had any impact whatsoever on the series

>> No.5456131

I have to agree with the others. "I don't like something because somewhere, someone else who I hate might like it" is the most petty and retarded reasoning ever given and immediately hurts your credibility / our opinion of you.

Play what you want to play and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks / who else enjoys it.

>> No.5456145 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 512x448, ff1marathon-2015-02-28-19h30m10s215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /vr/ feel about patching old NES/SNES/GB era games? I'm not talking about crazy overhaul hacks or shit that turns it into a completely different game, I mean bug fixes and slight improvements that make the game generally more enjoyable.

I spent some time trawling around RHDN and patching my NES, SNES, and GB/C library and have been very satisfied with the end products and like to think of most of them as definitive versions now. This includes bug fixes wherever necessary, uncensoring of NOA localization shenanigans, little things like L/R item switching in Link to the Past.

I'm trying to get a feel for how many hard-line purists versus "developer's true vision" types are on this board. Pic related, a game that needed a lot of bug fix patching love.

>> No.5456189

>white mage, black mage, warrior, monk in that image

or am I wrong? nice western visual rendition on these characters btw.

>> No.5456396


You know Anon, even if you agree with the others you at least explained yourself in a civilized manner. Perhaps it is dumb to avoid a series because of it, props for your gentle approach.

>> No.5456404

>muh characters
>FFV even close to being good
Please kill yourself, weeb faggot. FF1 (NES) is better in every way.

>> No.5456406

Sure buddy, whatever you say, pal. FF1 (NES) is GFFOAT.

>> No.5456410

This guy knows his games. +1 for this based post. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

>> No.5456427
File: 407 KB, 976x1312, FF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You speak the truth.

>> No.5456428

For sure something's off about OP. Maybe he doesn't play rpgs or retro, maybe he's a teenager or something. His second post here about being "constructive" and trying too hard to be clever makes it even more apparent.

Regardless, I'd recommend starting on 5. It's a nice easy starting point that gets you into the series quickly. 1 is great, but you might find it archaic to start out with and after quitting you won't know whether you would like other ones or not while if you don't like 5 (or at least consider it good but flawed) you probably won't like any of them.

>> No.5456435

I like FF up to 7 and I absolutely hate FFV. Normally story comes second to gameplay IMO, but in the case of this game, even Mystic Quest had a better one.

>> No.5456461


wasn't as interested in rpgs during emulation discovery, was more interested in playing every game i never got to as a youth

had already played the greats

>> No.5456463


So I'm a teenager because I don't reply with the same insults? That's a good one. Stay with your assumption about me not having played rpgs and leave analyzing others to more intelligent people.

Regardless, if FF1 fails to impress then 5 might be a good choice after that one as a saving grace. Will keep it in mind.


You sound like you know your stuff! I've started 1 now and made it to Garland so far. Not being a D&D player makes some things difficult but it works. Good on you, Anon!

>> No.5456483



>> No.5456653

How are you gonna find the time to play the game if you keep coming back to call out everyone who ribbed on you

>> No.5457134
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>> No.5457612

M8, there's a silly little cutscene of the bridge being built as soon as you're done with the first dungeon.
>You mean the opening cutscene when you boot up the game?
No, FMVs aren't even cutscenes. It's not part of the game. That would be just fine if the game that followed it was the original in its 8-bit glory.

>There's more to games than graphics and music
But they're an important part of the whole, and very much responsible for a game's charm and, dare I risk sounding like a memester, soul.

>> No.5458178

Play the PS1 version, name the characters after your mates. It's a good time.

>> No.5458269

These threads should be banned when you could answer your own question by playing it for ten minutes and seeing if you like it.

>> No.5458705
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On the other hand, there is no reason to discuss old games besides giving recommendations.

>> No.5459345

Man I loved that guide, all the art they did for it and story details they put before each chapter.

>> No.5459446

Do you even roleplay, anon?