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5451381 No.5451381 [Reply] [Original]

Due to the higher difficulty, Mega Man 1 was a lot more fun than Mega Man 2. I'm breezing through 2 and it's a lot cooler and more polished, but it's too easy on the difficult setting.

>> No.5451397


>> No.5451420

Without the pause button trick MM1 would be damn near impossible. The later games are easier, but also longer and have password saves, which I hate.

>> No.5451437

not really, the only really hard part was the yellow devil and even as a kid i found a pretty good strat of dodging everything on the first cycle (which was easier because you got more space), hitting him with the electric shot, and then damage boosting through him so you got only get hit once per cycle.
if you dont miss once you will kill him before he kills you by one hit

>> No.5451442

Post videos with out toolkits or save states or gamesharks or codes.

>> No.5451450

Too bad MM2's music is so weak. The first game had one of the best NES soundtracks ever.

>> No.5451571

I always refrain from watching videos on games that I am working on, so I didn't know about the trick until I was watching a speedrun after I finished the game.

Trial and error, and lots of figuring things out was needed. It was super rewarding to finally finish the game. Mega Man 2 is super fun, but the rewarding part isn't there.

>> No.5451582

Why? I don't care if you believe me, I just wanted to have a discussion about the game.

Is it so hard to believe that out if the probably hundreds of thousands of people that have beat the game, one is here talking about it?

>> No.5451598

And once you learn you're supposed to use the Magnet Beam to cross that one section in the Iceman stage and not use the floating platforms which shoot at you and have buggy collision detection so often when you land on top of them, you fall through to your death.

>> No.5451723

Yeah it is.

>> No.5451740
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>> No.5451895
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truly the Dark Souls 1 of platformers.

>> No.5451917

>Without the pause button trick MM1 would be damn near impossible

lol nah-uh fag I beat the game entirely without any exploits. Definitely very hard, one of the hardest games I ever beat but completely doable.

>> No.5451976

Megaman 3 is better because it has twice the bosses

>> No.5452001

Not really.
Elec Man can be beaten without moving, buster-only. Enter the room facing him, time your shots, don't button mash.
Fire Man is fairly easy to no-damage, buster-only. Just run up to him & stay close by. He doesn't fire at all if you chase him around the room and don't shoot. You'll figure out the intended strategy this way and will feel retarded.

>> No.5452010

lol says a lot about the state of /vr/ no wonder you guys think 1ccs are impossible

>> No.5452045

I beat mm1 as well and I still think mm2 I'd my favorite. Might be because I cut my teeth on 2. But I think it's the music, I can hear it now just thinking about the game

>> No.5452051

Not just because of the difficulty. The levels are just more interesting.
It only needed a quick man to be perfect.

But in the end I also enjoyed mm1 and 3 a lot more than 2.

>> No.5452056

I don't think it's better than 3 personally but I will never understand the opinion that 1 is somehow an awful unplayable mess just because his movement is slightly more slippery than 2 and later

like people can't take the 2 minutes to adjust to the different controls

>> No.5452070

You are right, but for a different reason, as Mega Man 1 is still easy.
MM1 is far better balanced than MM2 and all weapons have their use too, except for bombs, I guess. MM2 is Metal Blade fest the whole way with E-Tanks making sure that you will never die.
Not at all, figuring Yellow Devil pattern is fairly easy. Honestly, it's way less annoying than that one "boss" in MM2 which you can only damage with Crash Bombs.

>> No.5452169

You don't need the pause feature for the yellow devil. I've done it with just the buster. It's hard yes but it's just a pattern to memorize.

>> No.5452172


All the NES megaman games are good. Not a fan of how 2 seems to suck up the most attention but it's still good. I do think 5 is a bit boring and doesn't try anything interesting it's still a solid megaman game.

>> No.5452173

Reused bosses

>> No.5452189

Mega Man 1 isn't even hard until Wily's Castle. I think you find MM2 so much easier because you're just more familiar with the controls, gameplay, and level design philosophies of Mega Man in general after playing the first game.

>> No.5452202

5 is the most boring and the least memorable, yes.
I feel like 1, 4 and 6 are the best ones. 2 is more flawed than most people think and 3 is really undercooked, even if additions of Rush and slide were great.
6 and 7 are the best classic Mega Man games overall.
And shitty stages.

>> No.5452669

Hell no

Yellow Devil pattern is always the same, and it's fun as hell to try and get though it, too. People who use the pause glitch are just weak.

>> No.5453182

If you do Elec man with the cutter weapon, it's three hits and he's dead. Super easy.

Yellow Devil is all about learning the pattern. Once I got it down, it only took me maybe 5 tries.

Hardest part of the game is the 2nd boss gauntlet right before the final boss. You need to perform really well on three bosses in a row, then take on the final boss. It's very tough, but not impossible.

>> No.5453184

You're correct
You are correct as well
>Without the pause button trick MM1 would be damn near impossible
If you're braindead maybe. Do you even NES at all

>> No.5453189

Possibly, I really do like MM2, don't get me wrong. The levels are larger and often more interesting.

One thing I don't like though, I've found two areas where you need your numbered abilities to pass it, and if you try once and fail, you end up going back to farm mobs so you can build up the abilities stamina again to try over. It's a tedious manufactured difficulty that I find annoying.

>> No.5453195

I remember Aqualung's playthrough video of MM1 where he said "Fuck it, just use the pause button trick to beat this guy. If you want to be all moral and beat the game fair and square, good luck to you."

>> No.5453360

yellow devil only takes a few tries to get the pattern

not knowing he is weak to elec beam would fuck you though

>> No.5453374

Please don't.

>> No.5453429

you are incorrect

>> No.5453434

you are incorrect

>> No.5453435


>> No.5453717

I was a dunce back in the day. I paused once, and thought that was how it worked.

Still managed to beat it pretty easily, though I admit that the music still sends me into panic mode. Would probably fit better as a final boss theme, though, instead of the standard Wily Boss theme.

>> No.5453981

MM2 has shitty Wily Stages, that's why MM1 beats it

>> No.5455067


>> No.5455198

You're literally playing the babby mode. Play the actual 'hard mode' Mega Man 2 dipshit. The first game isn't hard it's just clunky and poorly designed.

>> No.5455212

>The first game isn't hard it's just clunky and poorly designed.
It also has quite a few bugs. Still love it though, especially the music.

>> No.5455559
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How about you read the post before spouting off like a retard? I'm playing in difficult mode.

>> No.5455713 [SPOILER] 
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