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5441043 No.5441043 [Reply] [Original]

you guys like Silent Hill?

>> No.5441048

It's neither silent nor hilly.

>> No.5441061

Daily reminder that Silent Hill is still a Sony exclusive

>> No.5441076


>> No.5441103

I tought that konami removes PT from the PS4 store?

>> No.5441106

Yep. Konami fucking killed Silent Hill franchise.

>> No.5441208

I love it. It's my favorite of the entire series.

>> No.5441232

1 and 3 are best. 2 is a wonderful standalone title that takes place in Silent Hill.

>> No.5441393

What about 4?

>> No.5441421

these games are janky as hell
the later ones i prefer

>> No.5441431

Yes. Its a very critically acclaimed game, lots of people like it. What was the point of this question? Were you expecting people to say no?

>> No.5441442

I named my daughter Alessa.

>> No.5441450

Have yet to actually play 4 (or anything that came after it). I am a diehard fan of the first three though.

>> No.5441461

Yeah, Alessa Palm.

>> No.5441468
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that was a characteristic of PS1 unfortunately.
the problem I had with the game is some of the inventory stuff and the inability for harry to fight with his body (in Alone In The Dark the main character could punch and kick, and the kick was honestly a good attack).
> those damn dogs need to be kicked
Along the lines of inventory stuff id rather the shotgun was portrayed more realistically. And I wish the gas can was available Somewhere in the game without you having to go on a game replay to get it (either that or get rid of the chainsaw and rock drill and make them only show up in the replay).
Id like it if irrelevant items were removed when you pick up better ones. Like the knife and steel pipe. You cant drop items in this game.
it is a real name, just kinda obscure
I wish silent hill 1 had a remake, im a little on the fence about whether it should be done accurate to the first one or if changes should be allowed. Mainly because I dont like the changes to Resident Evil 2 remake even though it was generally faithful (BOWGUN!)
I think Pyramid Head should be put in it as a recurring random encounter (boss quality monster that appears out among the other monsters). Doesnt need to have any reasoning to it in the story, just a uncontrolled manifestation of alessa's anger. Have him killed the final time in one of the rust world street grating areas... because he's too heavy and falls through into the abyss if you knock him over in the right spot.
> I could see a playthrough mode where you play as Cybil with slightly better combat abilities, trying to piece together whats going on and how to get out

>> No.5441573

4's pretty good too, probably the weakest of the 4 but not an affront to them or anything.

>> No.5441694

Love the series.
1 and 2 are my personal favourites, 3 was okay but something just seemed off about it, still a good game and Heather is a cute.
I still didn't finish 4, I should get back to it some day.

>> No.5442138

No. I like my hills to be alive with the sound of music.
I'm such an unfunny cunt.

>> No.5442172

It's a shame some Silent Hill games (1 and Origins) stayed Sony exclusives instead of being ported to Xbox/Windows like the others. Shattered Memories deserved an HD remaster too imo.

>> No.5442245

Love Silent Hill.

>> No.5442256
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>I think Pyramid Head should be put in it as a recurring random encounter (boss quality monster that appears out among the other monsters). Doesnt need to have any reasoning to it in the story, just a uncontrolled manifestation of alessa's anger.

>> No.5442367
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>I think Pyramid Head should be put in it as a recurring random encounter (boss quality monster that appears out among the other monsters). Doesnt need to have any reasoning to it in the story

>> No.5442373

the whole point of SH is that you play as an everyman, and normal people can't fight for shit.

>> No.5442380

>3 was okay but something just seemed off about it
Enemy design wasn't as good and Heather's personality flipflopped too much which made it harder to really get invested emotionally. I didn't like all the cutscene deaths either.

>> No.5442404

The final boss was pretty lame as well, but then again, the 1st one wasn't anything to brag about either.

>> No.5442890

>I'm such an unfunny cunt.
I keked, you are funny.

>> No.5444286

and they didn't put it on the PlayStation Classic, which is why I didn't even considered buying one.

>> No.5444425

Anyone know what happened to first person SH1 mod anon?

>> No.5445521
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>> No.5447351 [DELETED] 


>> No.5447356

Been seeing people ask for a while with no updates, I think it's dead. There's an over the shoulder camera option in the menu after you beat the game though, if you didn't know.

>> No.5447395

Silent Hill 1 did have a remake.

>> No.5448258

Honestly am Glad that Kojima wasn't allowed to further ruin Silent Hill. It was dead already and should have been left alone.

>> No.5448270
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Come on now. Everybody knows Nintendo can't do shit other than suck dick.

>> No.5448398

Sure! But never managed to finish the cannon ones, only Shattered Memories. Currently playing 1, stuck at first boss

>> No.5449187
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based chadposters

>> No.5449223

i swear ive seen that extra options menu after beating the game but never noticed a camera option

>> No.5449230

To this day I still think he wasn't trolling.

>> No.5449232

Chad was totally normie and didn't give a fuck about PS3. He was making fun of you

>> No.5449382

Sometimes I like to imagine what it could have been like if we got three sequels for SH on PS1 like we did for RE but then I love the PS2 SH games so its all fine.

>> No.5449398

Stop grimacing at me, bitch.

>> No.5449716

Love it, the downward spiral it got caught into is probably the greatest loss to horror games as a whole.
In a genre dominated by the undead and big mean killers out to get you it instead took the psychological route (though it ended up dabbling in those two later in 4), stuff not being right, little things that get under your skin, uneasiness giving way to fear instead of the other way around.

The enemies are also a big selling point for me. On top of the great enemy design, the monsters aren't just monsters. There's something inherently wrong with them, with the way they look, the way they move. And even the simpler ones from SH1, oh there's a dog monster, oh there's a big monster, once you learn why those monsters look the way they do they take on an entire separate level of disturbing beside their appearance. They are fear and psyche given form. In a way, what's wrong with them is simply what's wrong with the person giving them life through the town. Every monster is a fucked-up part of you made bare for all to see, and it wants to kill you. You can fight back, sure, but as long as that thing is there, so will be the monsters. To me that's really amazing.

>> No.5449747

I've played the PS1 probably more than any other system but there's still 2 games that I never really gave a chance.. Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid.. as a kid I preferred the action of Resident Evil and Syphon Filter instead. One of these days I'll have to play both SH and MGS.

>> No.5450000

It's epic.

>> No.5450054

I like Silent Hill as a concept, and it's the only game series that made me legitimately scared until Alien Isolation came along, but I hate puzzles in most forms so that always cuts my experience short.

>> No.5450362

>Konami fucking killed Silent Hill franchise
As the original creators intended, the franchise is dead