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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 126 KB, 1280x720, DN3D Cycloid Emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5425139 No.5425139 [Reply] [Original]

Is it impossible for FPS games to have good "boss fights"? Even games with otherwise great action seem to have boss fights that are reduced to circlestrafing/backpedaling while shooting with your strongest weapon (Build engine games) or a puzzle (Icon of Sin, Shub-Niggurath).

>> No.5425165

Yeah I can’t think of any FPS game with enjoyable bosses. I think it’s just the nature of the genre honestly, take a moment to think of how often you fight 1v1 in any shooter, it’s not often. I think combat tends to excel when your fighting groups of diverse enemies and you have to swerve duck and dive in and out of cover, prioritizing different enemies while juggling which weapon to choose.

>> No.5425172

The only good boss fights I can think of in FPS games are the Metroid ones, and they aren't even /vr/.

>> No.5425180

Agreed. I think Deus Ex was at least more tolerable by making the boss enemies just regular dudes but with premium top end weapons befitting their status and rank. You can still wreck them with landmines or rockets like any other elite trooper but they have exceptional tools and can fuck you up if you let them. But they are by no means HP sponges like in Human Revolution.

>> No.5425182

Shogo had some alright bosses. Some were "bossier" than others while some were like a souped up AI player that cheated fucking hard on the hardest difficulty.

>> No.5425183

just make the bosses fight like regular bots from quake or UT if we're talking about 1v1

>> No.5425185

The giant green claw in Half Life 1? It uses puzzle and stealth elements.

>> No.5425192

Half-life had a moment or two where the "boss fights" were top notch.

The first stops you in a silo and gets you exploring the rest of the level due to its plot armor. It introduces a massive dude that chases you and has you platform about until you can kill it. It gives the big headcrab type dude in the cave sequence, and it finishes with a boss that teleports you around at times.

The second was way better on that front. It has a giant antlion that rewards you with a kickass weapon. It has the helicopter sequence on the airboat and then again on foot with lasor guided rockets.

>> No.5425193
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not about the gun play
>can't be about problem solving
Of course. How would you even be able to make a "good" boss fight that satisfies those conditions anymore?

That is unless you want to go into first person fighting games.

>> No.5425194

The MGS series has some pretty great boss fights and you have to go into first person perspective at times. They're challenging but not necessarily a puzzle either. Does that count?

>> No.5425212

this. instead of hulking bosses with tons of health, how about fight Xan Kreigor 1v1 instead?

>> No.5425217
File: 29 KB, 350x466, hexen 2 death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heretic, Hexen, Hexen 2, and Powerslave (console) have pretty cool bosses.

>> No.5425270

There's definitely no retro FPSes with good ones, the Scarabs from Halo 3 are excellent though, and the nuDoom bosses almost resolved quality boss fights, but it didn't quite go all the way.

>> No.5425291
File: 161 KB, 1440x1440, 5c6e4be99bc11dd9a72c939171f84d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5425309

Never played the Turok games huh?

>> No.5425331

Seconding Heretic's boss fight. Shit was tense, fucking D'Sparil

>> No.5425332
File: 11 KB, 400x277, monty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Person Shooterses

>> No.5425562

What's a good boss fight according to /vr/? Hit glowing eyeball 3 times Zelda shit? Spam magic and potions RPG shit? Come on, I'm not joking. Tell me a boss fight that you consider good.

>> No.5425580


>> No.5425583

Xaero in Q3A was a good boss fight

>> No.5425589

When it comes to RPG bosses, Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X is the one that stands out most to me, specifically because of how it flips the "spam potions" concept on its head.

>> No.5425592

>Even games with otherwise great action seem to have boss fights that are reduced to circlestrafing/backpedaling while shooting with your strongest weapon
...that's literally the core gameplay of classic FPSs.
>or a puzzle (Icon of Sin, Shub-Niggurath).
I'll give you this, though. Those are terrible.

>> No.5425656

>>Even games with otherwise great action seem to have boss fights that are reduced to circlestrafing/backpedaling while shooting with your strongest weapon
>...that's literally the core gameplay of classic FPSs.
Nah, that's not accurate. In good FPS games you actually have to switch weapons and tactics often, due to the diverse enemies presenting different challenges. Otherwise it would get dull. A good boss fight is the same, it needs to have multiple attacks or phases to keep you on your toes. Plus an arena with variation helps. The Cycloid Emperor (from OP pic) has none of that, it's just a big bullet sponge with one attack that you circlestrafe around in a flat arena.

>> No.5425698

I will admit, Cycloid Emperor is the most boring boss in Duke 3D.

>> No.5425862

>Is it impossible for FPS games to have good "boss fights"?

Not at all. Developers just need to think outside the box more in order to make a good boss fight for an FPS.

>> No.5425864

I prefer a arena level instead. Cus a single boss just gets circle strafed to death


>> No.5425901

Well, Xaero on Nightmare level in q3 is solid boss fight, but mostly because AI is a cheating bastard and never miss, and he even has access to railgun. Have fun with that.

The thing is, FPS games are a thing of the past, with all these Call of Duty and other realistic/semi realistic shooters. In older days, there was no proper boss battle design, because people were happy enough with shooting things, nobody cares. Serious Sam did have uber-large fun boss fights, but you always had hordes of enemies spawning in boss battles as well. Nowadays, you have maybe Team Fortress and Overwatch having similar style, but obviously those are multiplayer. Witcher III had really good boss-fight system, so I am curious what they will do with Cyberpunk. It will be probably the closest thing to ,,well designed boss fight in FPS game".

>> No.5426468



>> No.5427768

I admittedly only got 1 boss into Hexen II before quitting it in disgust but are we including a skeleton on a horse that slowly walks in a circle while you shoot it with a hundred million lame little crossbow darts under "pretty cool bosses"? because i would argue against that.

>> No.5427843

he does slowly walk around the arena in a circle but he also teleports and fires homing projectiles, so it keeps you somewhat on your toes. then the bosses after that get progressively more difficult / complex
also, i like the game but hate that assassin class with the crossbow, the other classes are much more fun