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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5401717 No.5401717 [Reply] [Original]

Where's the gameplay in JRPGs?

>> No.5401732

JRPGs are designed for a small portion of the population who have poor spatial awareness due to autism. Gameplay wouldn't be a good fit for this user base.

>> No.5401736
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rpgs are more than games, they are experiences.

>> No.5401739

Why is /vg/ specifically against Japanese RPGs? Why not just RPGs in general?

>> No.5401740

I had the same question before I first played Valkyrie Profile

>> No.5401745

Because there are RPGs out there with actual gameplay, but JRPGs are just time-wasting menu simulators. Also this is /vr/ not /vg/.

>> No.5401746

I know, but it's the /vg/ guys who are obsessed with the "jarpigs"
>there are RPGs out there with actual gameplay
You mean action-RPGs? they are usually japanese. Western RPGs are the menu simulators (often focusing more on narrative than battling)

>> No.5401754

t. zoomer newfag who has only ever played Final Fantasy

>> No.5401757
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It's really just a relatively recent orchestrated effort from a bunch of shitposters on the videogame boards, /v/ is the same, there are multiple daily JRPG shitposting threads, maybe if you guys would hide, sage and report like any self respecting poster things would be different, but no, you have to respond each fucking time as if you're proving anything.

>> No.5402569

The boss battles. Those are fun in some games.

>> No.5402596

Resource management and battle strategy. If you don't grind at all many jrpgs can be fairly challenging, but almost no one actually plays them like that.

>> No.5402649

Ff5 and ff6 have godlike gameplay with ngplus community patches just avoid dragon warrior

>> No.5402659

FF6's gameplay was buggy and broken as shit and not even close to being "godlike"

>> No.5402663

Try to name an RPG with an equivalent experience to reading Tolkien. You can't.

>> No.5402664

Good jrpgs involve strategy and decision making. Some will have more active combat than just menuing.

>> No.5402683
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>> No.5402707

It's all in the menuing

>> No.5402739

Put into words what would you expect.

>> No.5402776


>> No.5402780

>muh popular author
Thats like saying popularity makes a good game

>> No.5402787


>> No.5402796

it's called a puzzle

>> No.5402912
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Ask Yamauchi, he liked a lot JRPGs :^)

>> No.5403252

Why is it that when it comes to JRPGs, it doesn't matter how many secrets, mazes, sidequests, and minigames there are in addition to the main gameplay, it's all "MUH MENUS?"
Why is it that when it comes to action games even though it's literally "walk right and jump over pits" or "walk around a big area shooting guys over and over" it's totally cool and badass? One seems much more binary than the other.

>> No.5403273
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Progress games good
Skill games bad

>> No.5403287

Because menus shit is what you're doing most of the time. And besides secrets, mazes and sidequests aren't any less binary you either find a secret or don't, there's usually 1 path through a maze and sidequests are either completed or not. Very few exceptions out there. Western RPG's are the ones that try to add more outcomes and routes for things like side quests.

>> No.5403302

>secrets, mazes, and sidequests aren't any less binary
JRPGs are crammed full of shit like fishing minigames, card games, character customization, simulation aspects, and have all kinds of battle systems ranging from strictly turn-based, to shit like Tales and Valkyrie Profile, to full on action RPGs, so I'm not sure how this can be equally binary to FPS, in which literally every game in the genre plays exactly the same "b-b-b-but this one has different guns and maps!"

>> No.5403318

>just cram in more shit to compensate for the crappy core gameplay!
Sums up the developer mindset

>> No.5403323

All of that stuff is good. Why else would it be there? It's not like they just slap a shit minigame together in two minutes and call it a day. The credits usually have each separate team for each minigame added.

>> No.5403325

Where's the gameplay in strategy games?

>> No.5403328

No they're not, nobody would play that crap over games dedicated to fishing, real card games or character creators
Only good JRPG mini game is the one in Nocturne

>> No.5403346


>> No.5403348

They would play them. That's why they're there. The fans like them, and for the people who don't like them, they don't have to play them.

>> No.5403351

this. western video games try so hard to be about the narrative instead of, y'know actual game play

>> No.5403360

No they wouldn't, they literally only play them because the core gameplay is so boring they need distractions. And anyway what does it say about a game if it needs mediocre versions of other games in it to be less boring?

>> No.5403373

I don't think it's boring, I think it's fun. I'm sure many people agree with me. I'm sure plenty of people find JRPGs boring, too, though.

>> No.5403383
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>> No.5403392
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I think the coolest mini-game I ever saw in an RPG is Viva! Patrol on Soul Hackers (3DS version, not sure if it's on the Saturn original, but I assume so).
It's an ascii game and you play in the actual text board while on demon negotiation.

>> No.5403404

what if the gameplay was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.5403427

Tolkien is boring

>> No.5403468

>It's really just a relatively recent orchestrated effort from a bunch of shitposters on the videogame boards

Dude it's not. I can see why you think you're being attacked, but I really only want the gameplay of JRPGs to improve and actually live up to their potential because I'm suck of so many excuses being made for their weak gameplay.

I'm convinced that most JRPGs legitimately don't want their games to have gameplay that would actively punish them for not thinking things through and instead like things remaining they way they are because they like solving things by repeating the same actions over and over in various ways so that their avatars get more powerful.

Now, some fan will try to counter this by saying that the games actually reward planning, but what they mean when the say this is stuff like "put your tanks/melee in front of your magic users", "equip armor that's good against the attack types your enemies use", "use fire against enemies weak to fire", "heal if not healing would risk a character dying" and "make use of buffs/abilities that give you extra turns".

>it doesn't matter how many secrets, mazes, sidequests, and minigames there are in addition to the main gameplay

Because the main gameplay is what you spend most of your time doing, and in almost all cases could easily be much better.

>> No.5403476

Blitzball is better than any sports sim.

>> No.5403484

Blitzball sucked ass.

>> No.5403492

I legitimately don't want to understand how someone could think such a thing. What kind of thought process goes through someone's mind to get to such an opinion? I mean, you clearly don't actually play sports games much and just like Blitzball because it abstracts and simplifies everything into numbers and dice rolls that you can increase to make it basically impossible to lose regardless of any lack of skill or tactical creativity. The very first match you play is actually by far the hardest given it forces you to put Wakka on the field instead of the special snowflake MC with the family technique that demolishes everyone.

>> No.5403514

I'm pretty sure there are games like Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean

>> No.5403520

It's just one autist

>> No.5403549

Because threads for WRPG's get made on /vr/ far less often than JRPG's do.

Also, JRPG's are casual shit compared to some WRPG's and roguelikes.

>> No.5403575



enemy dmg 60
enemy hp now 100/160

enemy uses “mega slash”

player dmg 35


player health restored


enemy dmg 100
enemy defeated

fanfare plays

“player obtains 300money and a ring of wind”

now repeat this for 30-60 hours and the game ends.

”””G A M E P L A Y”””

>> No.5403578

Wrong. I've also played Dragon Quest.

>> No.5403589

wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.5403591

They are board games with sprites. Nothing wrong about it.

>> No.5403635


cringed and not based

>> No.5403676

Dude, it doesn't just work like that. This is an embarrassing attempt at damage control.

>> No.5403830

>RPG with an equivalent experience to reading children's fantasy stories

Isn't that all of them?